185 research outputs found
Баріатрична операція як шлях покращення якості життя в лікуванні хворих із післяопераційною вентральною грижею та супутнім морбідним ожирінням
This study presents the results of surgical treatment of 73 patients with postoperative ventral hernia (POVH) and related morbid obesity (MO). In 31 patients the treatment was divided into two stages: first bariatric surgery (BS), the second – delayed hernioplasty; to 9 patients hernioplasty was performed simultaneous with BS; 33 patients underwent only hernioplasty. The study found high effectiveness of treatment for a two-stage approach, as evidenced by reduced frequency of postoperative complications from 36.4 % to 9.7 % and a significant improvement in quality of life (2.1 times) in remote postoperative period compared with preoperative.У роботі представлено результати хірургічного лікування 73 хворих із післяопераційною вентральною грижею (ПОВГ) та супутнім морбідним ожирінням (МО). У 31 пацієнта лікування було поділено на два етапи: перший баріатрична операція (БО), другий – відстрочена герніопластика; у 9 хворих герніопластику було виконано симультанно з БО; 33 пацієнтам було виконано лише герніопластику. За результатами дослідження встановлено високу ефективність лікування хворих при двохетапному підході, про що свідчили зменшення частоти післяопераційних ускладнень з 36,4 до 9,7 % та значне покращення рівня якості життя (в 2,1 раза) у віддаленому післяопераційному періоді порівняно з доопераційним
Upper Bounds on Spontaneous Wave-Function Collapse Models Using Millikelvin-Cooled Nanocantilevers
6siCollapse models predict a tiny violation of energy conservation, as a consequence of the spontaneous collapse of the wave function. This property allows us to set experimental bounds on their parameters. We consider an ultrasoft magnetically tipped nanocantilever cooled to millikelvin temperature. The thermal noise of the cantilever fundamental mode has been accurately estimated in the range 0.03 – 1 K, and any other excess noise is found to be negligible within the experimental uncertainty. From the measured data and the cantilever geometry, we estimate the upper bound on the continuous spontaneous localization collapse rate in a wide range of the correlation length rC. Our upper bound improves significantly previous constraints for r_C > 10^−6 m, and partially excludes the enhanced collapse rate suggested by Adler. We discuss future improvements.openopenVinante, A.; Bahrami, M.; Bassi, A.; Usenko, O.; Wijts, G.; Oosterkamp, T.H.Vinante, A.; Bahrami, Mohammad; Bassi, Angelo; Usenko, O.; Wijts, G.; Oosterkamp, T. H
Influence of vitamins on the prooxidant-antioxidant homeostasis in boars under the conditions of heat stress
The intensity of reproduction of the live-stock of pigs largely depends on environmental factors, in particular fluctuations in indoor temperature, which is often seasonal. It was found out the fact that in the summer with a long rise in temperature it is worsened the quality of sperm in boars, which is accompanied by a decrease in the fertility of sperm, and in multiplicity and large foetus fertility of sows. The aim of the study was to determine the influence of antioxidant vitamins on the prooxidant-antioxidant homeostasis in blood of boars under the conditions of heat stress. In the study it was used the adult boars of the Large White breed. The duration of the experiment was 120 days, including: preparatory one is 30 days, basic one is 60 days (feeding vitamin A, vitamin E, ascorbic acid) and final one is 30 days. In the main period of the experiment, the diet of animals in the control group remained unchanged, and it was for two experimental ones with the addition of vitamin A, vitamin E and ascorbic acid. The level of biologically active components in the diet of the experimental groups was higher by 10 % and 20 % compared with the control group. In the received blood samples it has been determined the state of prooxidant-antioxidant state. It has been determined that housing boars in conditions of increased temperature is accompanied by the acceleration of peroxidation processes and the depletion of the antioxidant defense system in blood. The introduction of a vitamin supplement in the feed mixture to boars significantly changes the state of prooxidant-antioxidant homeostasis in this tissue depending on the amount of additionally fed vitamins with antioxidant action. The addition of these biologically active substances by 10 % above the norm after 60 days of feeding increases the content of vitamin A (P < 0.05), vitamin E (P < 0.05), reduced glutathione and slows down the processes of peroxidation – reducing the concentration of diene conjugates (P < 0.01) and TBA-active complexes. Feeding vitamins with antioxidant action in the feed mixture is 20 % more than the norm for boars, compared with the control group, after a month of the use, inhibits peroxidation processes. Two months of using these compounds probably reduced the number of diene conjugates (P < 0.01) and TBA-active complexes. It is accompanied by an increase in the content of low molecular weight antioxidants – vitamin A (P < 0.01), vitamin E (P < 0.05) and ascorbic acid, the level of which is maintained for at least a month after their use
Ability of fullerene to accumulate hydrogen
In the present paper, using a modification of the LJ-potential and the continuum approach, we define С60-H2 (He) potentials, as well as interaction energy of two fullerene particles. The proposed approach allows to calculate interactions between carbon structures of any character (wavy graphenes, nanotubes, etc.). The obtained results allowed to localize global sorption zones both inside the particle and on the outer surface of the fullerene
Comparative analysis of different methods of retraction of the left lobe of the liver during laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy
The global obesity epidemic has led to the increasing popularity of bariatric surgeries. Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy is currently the most popular bariatric procedure for obesity. Retracting of the left liver lobe during laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy is important for achieving an optimal surgical field.
Aim. The aim of our study was to evaluate the results of using different methods of retraction of the left liver lobe during laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy in patients with morbid obesity.
Materials and methods. The 86 patients who underwent laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy were divided into three groups based on the liver retraction method used: group 1 (ENDO RETRACT™ II), group 2 (Nathanson) and group 3 (Clickline Surgical Sponge Holder). All groups were evaluated in terms of demographic characteristics; liver function tests just before surgery and on the 1st and 2nd postoperative day (POD); developing complications and length of hospital stay.
Results. The groups did not differ significantly in terms of demographic characteristics (p > 0.05). The Nathanson liver retractor (group 2) caused a significant rise in ALT and AST at POD 1 and POD 2 compared with group 1 and 3 (p < 0.05). The ENDO RETRACT™ II liver retractor (group 1) caused a higher incidence of liver injury than other groups. It led to statistical significance prolonged total operation time (p = 0.003), increased blood loss (p = 0.002) and prolonged postoperative hospital stay (p = 0.001) compared with other groups.
Conclusions. The technique of left lobe retraction during laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy using Clickline Sur- gical Sponge Holder is safe and effective. The use of this technique causes significantly less measurable liver damage and does not lead to an increase in the level of liver enzymes
Hormonal regulation of prooxidant-antioxidant homeostasis in gilts
The results of research on the features of cyclic lability of homeostasis in gilts are highlighted. In the experiments it has been used gilts of the Red White belted breed of meat pigs at different phases of the reproductive cycle: luteal phase, estrus, on the 15th, 20th, 30th, 60th, 90th, 104th, 113th day of pregnancy and in 12 hours after farrowing. The dynamics of the content of thyroid and steroid hormones, as well as the peculiarities of the formation of prooxidant-antioxidant homeostasis were determined in blood serum. It was found out that the amount of steroid hormones in blood of gilts is labile and is determined by the physiological state, namely the onset of estrus, relative to the luteal phase, it is increased the level of thyroxine (30.0 %), triiodothyronine (26.3 %), estradiol-17 β (by 22.8 %, P < 0.01) testosterone (15.2 %), as well as a decrease in progesterone (by 37.2 %). Such changes are accompanied by the acceleration of peroxidation processes, xanthine oxidase activity increases, it is increased the content of diene conjugates (P < 0.05) and TBA-active compounds. This is accompanied by a probable increase in the level of antioxidant protection – the activity of superoxide dismutase (P < 0.05), vitamin A (P < 0.05) and vitamin E (P < 0.05). During two months of pregnancy, the concentration of thyroxine (P < 0.05), triiodothyronine, progesterone (P < 0.01), testosterone (P < 0.05) and estradiol-17β increases. Such metabolic shifts cause changes in the state of prooxidant-antioxidant homeostasis in the direction of reducing the intensity of peroxidation processes. In gilts before farrow there is a decrease in thyrocoxin, triiodothyronine and progesterone. The intensification of peroxidation was found: the increase in SOD activity (P < 0.05), the dehydroascorbic acid content (P < 0.05), diene conjugates and TBA-active complexes, as well as the decrease in the concentration of reduced glutathione and vitamin A (P < 0.05) and vitamin E (P < 0.05). In blood of sows after farrowing, the concentration of thyroxine increases on 1.3 times, triiodothyronine – on 2.7 times, and progesterone and estradiol-17β decreases on 1.8 and 8.7 times, respectively. It was revealed that the intensity of lipid peroxidation processes decreased: DC content by 16.3 % and TBA-active complexes by 13.3%. It was determined that the concentration of ascorbic acid decreased by 32.8 % and vitamin E – 18.9 %
Вплив монополярного та біполярного методів резекції на відновні процеси в підшлунковій залозі
Мета. Порівняти особливості зміни тканин підшлункової залози після експериментальних хірургічних втручань, виконаних з використанням стандартної хірургічної техніки та біполярного і монополярного зварювання.
Матеріали і методи. В умовах експерименту виконували резекцію підшлункової залози у білих лабораторних щурів з використанням стандартної хірургічної техніки, високоенергетичного електрохірургічного інструмента в біполярному режимі, високоенергетичного електрохірургічного інструмента в монополярному режимі. Гістологічні дослідження залози проводили безпосередньо після виконання операції та через 3, 7, 21 добу із застосуванням світлооптичного мікроскопа Leica DМ500.
Результати. Після застосування стандартної хірургічної техніки в ранні терміни виникало більш виражене запалення та швидше наростав об’єм новоутвореної сполучної тканини, ніж після використання електрохірургічних методів у біполярному та монополярному режимах. Після обох видів електрорезекції в новоутвореній тканині на 7-му добу формувались протоки, чого не спостерігали після використання стандартної техніки. Після резекції, виконаної за допомогою монополярного зварювання, утворювався менш щільний коагуляційний прошарок, ніж після застосування біполярного методу. Через 21 добу в зоні резекції формувався більш значний об’єм сполучної тканини та зберігалися більш виражені ознаки запалення, ніж після використання біполярного методу.
Висновки. У разі використання біполярної та монополярної техніки резекції скорочується тривалість виконання оперативного втручання, зменшується ризик виникнення кровотечі, утворюється більш герметичне з’єднання на резектованій поверхні, не ускладнюються процеси відновлення
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