379 research outputs found

    In-Plane Spectral Weight Shift of Charge Carriers in YBa2Cu3O6.9YBa_2Cu_3O_{6.9}

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    The temperature dependent redistribution of the spectral weight of the CuO2CuO_2 plane derived conduction band of the YBa2Cu3O6.9YBa_2Cu_3O_{6.9} high temperature superconductor (T_c = 92.7 K) was studied with wide-band (from 0.01 to 5.6 eV) spectroscopic ellipsometry. A superconductivity - induced transfer of the spectral weight involving a high energy scale in excess of 1 eV was observed. Correspondingly, the charge carrier spectral weight was shown to decrease in the superconducting state. The ellipsometric data also provide detailed information about the evolution of the optical self-energy in the normal and superconducting states

    Oxidative dehydrogenation of 2,3,5-trimethyl-1,4-hydroquinone in the presence of titanium dioxide hydrogel

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    Liquid-phase oxidative dehydrogenation of 2,3,5-trimethyl-1,4-hydroquinone in the presence of titanium dioxide hydrogel was studied by a kinetic method. Associative interactions between the substrate, oxidant, and gel were detected by voltammetry and ESR and IR spectroscopy.Russian Foundation for Basic Researc


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    The indicators, necessary for the improvement of the system of assessment of the financial condition of the banks of Russia, have been analyzed. The reasons of inefficient assessment of the bank’s activity results and the resulting negative consequences have been considered. The hypothesis about the necessity of application of methods of forecasting at acceptance of strategically important administrative decisions and expert estimation of a current situation for avoidance of the critical situations, leading to bankruptcy and insolvency in the sphere of bank activity has been put forward. The main causes of crisis situations occurrence, taking into account the dynamics of external and internal indicators, have been considered. A list of indicators, consisting of two groups that should be taken into account when assessing the financial condition of Russian banks, has been presented. Despite the apparent transparency of the indicators under study, a practical problem of forming a single methodology arises, that would lead to a significant increase in the adequacy of assessment of the performance of Russian banks

    Peculiarities of the communicative-speech competences of the infants with deviations in language development

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    Only in the process of communication it is possible to find means which are necessary for interaction. Primary nonverbal means of establishing communicative interaction are improving in continuous practice of communication. Non-verbal means of communication are developing and are improving through communicative gestures and as the add-in under already formed means of communication, the words appear - the first means of verbal communication. Thus, communication with close adults provides the formation of the communicative – speech competences of children. This understanding of the ontogeny of the formation of the communicative-speech competences allows us to draw a conclusion about the gradual displacement of non-verbal means of verbal communication. Moreover, these non-verbal means of communication do not disappear, but they are transferred from fixed assets in the subsidiary. In the context of the studied theme: the communicatively-speech competences of children of early ages are non-verbal and verbal means of interaction with close adults and the methods of their usage with the purpose of reaching the appearing of household, gaming, cognitive and creative needs. To achieve the aim of exploring we used the methods of diagnostics of psycho-speech development of the child of early ages (E. V. Sheremetyeva, 2013), which allowed us to make a communicative-speech profile of the child.In the exploring were involved 40 children of the third year of life. On the basis of the obtained data, we can conclude that young children with deviations in language development in contrast to children with normal speech development have not sufficiently formed communicative-speech competences, which negatively affects the productivity of communication. The information of our experimental exploring is the basis for development of complex methods and methods of psychological and pedagogical support of the formation of communicative and speech competences of children with deviations in language development

    Future image spatio-temporal component features in students with different locus of control

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    Approaches to the locus of control problem, future image in terms of life plans aggregate formation, their realization ways and methods determination studying are analysing in the article. The spatio-temporal component includes future development in space, that can be considered in terms of space range for life plans realization; organization, that is, life plans provision with means for their realization; extension of the future in tim

    The use of plasma-based deposition with ion implantation technology to produce superhard molybdenum-based coatings in a mixed (C₂H₂+N₂) atmosphere

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    The influence of the pressure of a mixed gaseous atmosphere (80%C₂H₂+20%N₂) and the supply of a high-voltage negative potential in a pulsed form on the elemental and phase composition, structure and physico-mechanical characteristics of the vacuum-arc molybdenum-based coating

    The budgeting mechanism in development companies

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    Relevance of the researched problem is caused by the fact that today there is a requirement for a unique, generalized, theoretically and methodically elaborated budgeting mechanism disaggregating the aims of strategic level to the level of structural units of the company. The aim of article is to develop methodical provisions and practical recommendations to harmonize a budgeting mechanism of development companies on the basis of direct interrelation of current budgeting and strategic objectives of company development. The leading approach to a research of this problem is the classical approach allowing revealing sources and directions of financial resources application of commercial organizations and also ensuring their balance. The main results of a research are the expansion of a budgeting concept as a type of financial planning, the author’s technique of budgeting is suggested that is based on the indicators of assets turnover ratio, sales profitability and return on assets as the main characteristics of activity efficiency of a development company. Materials of the article can be useful in financial management enhancement and forming an effective budgeting mechanism in development companies. © 2016 Kovaleva et al

    Structural engineering of NbN/Cu multilayer coatings by changing the thickness of the layers and the magnitude of the bias potential during deposition

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    To determine the patterns of structural engineering of vacuum-arc coatings based on niobium nitride in the NbN/Cu multilayer composition, the effect of layer thickness and bias potential on the structural-phase state and physico-mechanical characteristics of vacuum-arc coatings was studie


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    The article discusses the relevance of developing methodological approaches to the beer and soft drinks accelerated aging method in the market. The controlled indicators selection principles, mainly affecting the quality of the finished product, and the basic equation describing the dependence of changes in indicators on the main temperature factor are given. Studies of the influence of various physical factors (temperatures in the range of 50–60 °C, UV-radiation), both individually and jointly, on the physicochemical and organoleptic characteristics of packaged water for various experimental versions did not show statistically significant changes in the normalized parameters of the basic salt and microelement composition investigated water during storage. The optimal mode of accelerated «aging» of packaged water at an elevated temperature (up to 60 °C) and UV-radiation was established. In the case of soft drinks, thermostating was used when changing the temperature regimes (heat 50 ± 2 °C / cold 6 ± 2 °C) at an exposure time of 30 days, which made it possible to observe a decrease in taste and aroma compared with the control, as well as a decrease in sweetness and the appearance of a slight plastic taste for non-carbonated drink. The influence a temperature regime change on brewing products, which cannot be estimated using the existing method due to the high turbidity, is shown.The article discusses the relevance of developing methodological approaches to the beer and soft drinks accelerated aging method in the market. The controlled indicators selection principles, mainly affecting the quality of the finished product, and the basic equation describing the dependence of changes in indicators on the main temperature factor are given. Studies of the influence of various physical factors (temperatures in the range of 50–60 °C, UV-radiation), both individually and jointly, on the physicochemical and organoleptic characteristics of packaged water for various experimental versions did not show statistically significant changes in the normalized parameters of the basic salt and microelement composition investigated water during storage. The optimal mode of accelerated «aging» of packaged water at an elevated temperature (up to 60 °C) and UV-radiation was established. In the case of soft drinks, thermostating was used when changing the temperature regimes (heat 50 ± 2 °C / cold 6 ± 2 °C) at an exposure time of 30 days, which made it possible to observe a decrease in taste and aroma compared with the control, as well as a decrease in sweetness and the appearance of a slight plastic taste for non-carbonated drink. The influence a temperature regime change on brewing products, which cannot be estimated using the existing method due to the high turbidity, is shown