14 research outputs found

    Microbial Population Dynamics and Composition in Crude Oil Contaminated Soils Treated with Microorganisms and Guinea Grass (Panicum maximum)

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    Crude oil pollution can cause alterations in the soil physico- chemical properties and microbial activities, with deleterious effects on soil productivity indices. Studies were conducted on a sandy loam soil contaminated with levels of crude oil, bioremediated with bacteria, fungi and guinea grass. The experiment was a 3 x 4 factorial in completely randomized design (CRD) in the screen house in the University of Port Harcourt. Results showed that all the treatments had significant (p<0.05) effects on microbial population, diversity and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPHs). Bacteria significantly (p<0.05) reduced TPH within 6 to 8 days. Bacillus Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Aermonnas and Pseaudomanas spp. were the dominant bacteria found in the soil whereas, Aspergillus, Fusarium, Rhizopus, Blastomycetes and Saccharomyteces species were the dominant fungi isolates. Guinea grass was not effective in bioremediation when the crude oil was above 5% w/w level of contamination. Keywords: Crude oil, bioremediation, bacteria, fungi, soil fertility, petroleum hydrocarbon. DOI: 10.7176/JBAH/9-16-01 Publication date: August 31st 201

    Calidad de la prote铆na y toxicidad de la semilla sin desgrasar de "azadirachta indica a. juss"

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    El tratamiento (30 min) en autoclave de semilla de neem, no extra铆da (AFK), baj贸 la prote铆na y el nivel de amino谩cidos, y elev贸 los contenidos de grasa. La ganancia de peso en pollos alimentados con la dieta de referencia ofrecida como harina durante 35 d铆as fue mayor que en los que com铆an dietas con 75, 150 o 225 gAFK/kg, o 75g/kg de la semilla en bruto (RFK), a causa del menor (salvo en la dieta RFK) consumo. El incremento de peso de los pollos fue m谩s bajo con 225 g AFK. La ingesti贸n de agua sigui贸 la misma tendencia del consumo de alimento. La retenci贸n de sustancias nutritivas de la dieta de referencia, excepto carbohidratos, fue mejor. La metabolizaci贸n de nutrientes declin贸 al aumentar los niveles de AFK. En las concentraciones de 150 y 225 g AFK, el rendimiento de la canal aument贸 comparado con otras dietas; s贸lo la dieta con 225 g AFK induc铆a aumento de tama帽o de los pulmones y ri帽ones. El tama帽o de h铆gado, sin embargo, aument贸 bastante con AFK en todos los niveles de concentraci贸n diet茅tica. La histolog铆a revel贸 hiperplasia de c茅lulas Kupffer e hipertrofia de hepatocitos de los pollos alimentados con las dietas AFK. Las c茅lulas renales tubulares de los pollos comiendo dietas de 150 o 225 g AFK/kg incrementaron de modo similar el tama帽o y actividad secretora. Al contrario, se observ贸 congesti贸n vascular y hemorragias suaves en el h铆gado y ri帽ones as铆 como enteritis catarral con la dieta RFK. RFK indujo anemia, leucocitosis, aumento de la actividad de aspartato amino-transferasa y disminuci贸n del colesterol y trigl铆-ceridos del plasma. Sin embargo, no fueron encontradas diferencias de mortalidad de los pollos entre los grupos diet茅ticos

    Calidad de la prote铆na y toxicidad de la semilla sin desgrasar de "azadirachta indica a. juss"

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    El tratamiento (30 min) en autoclave de semilla de neem, no extra铆da (AFK), baj贸 la prote铆na y el nivel de amino谩cidos, y elev贸 los contenidos de grasa. La ganancia de peso en pollos alimentados con la dieta de referencia ofrecida como harina durante 35 d铆as fue mayor que en los que com铆an dietas con 75, 150 o 225 gAFK/kg, o 75g/kg de la semilla en bruto (RFK), a causa del menor (salvo en la dieta RFK) consumo. El incremento de peso de los pollos fue m谩s bajo con 225 g AFK. La ingesti贸n de agua sigui贸 la misma tendencia del consumo de alimento. La retenci贸n de sustancias nutritivas de la dieta de referencia, excepto carbohidratos, fue mejor. La metabolizaci贸n de nutrientes declin贸 al aumentar los niveles de AFK. En las concentraciones de 150 y 225 g AFK, el rendimiento de la canal aument贸 comparado con otras dietas; s贸lo la dieta con 225 g AFK induc铆a aumento de tama帽o de los pulmones y ri帽ones. El tama帽o de h铆gado, sin embargo, aument贸 bastante con AFK en todos los niveles de concentraci贸n diet茅tica. La histolog铆a revel贸 hiperplasia de c茅lulas Kupffer e hipertrofia de hepatocitos de los pollos alimentados con las dietas AFK. Las c茅lulas renales tubulares de los pollos comiendo dietas de 150 o 225 g AFK/kg incrementaron de modo similar el tama帽o y actividad secretora. Al contrario, se observ贸 congesti贸n vascular y hemorragias suaves en el h铆gado y ri帽ones as铆 como enteritis catarral con la dieta RFK. RFK indujo anemia, leucocitosis, aumento de la actividad de aspartato amino-transferasa y disminuci贸n del colesterol y trigl铆-ceridos del plasma. Sin embargo, no fueron encontradas diferencias de mortalidad de los pollos entre los grupos diet茅ticos

    Performance and carcass characteristics of broilers fed raw and heat-treated neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) seed kernals

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    No Abstract. Animal Production Research Avancees Vol. 3 (2) 2007: pp. 91-9


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    The study was undertaken in two forest ecosystems in southern Nigeria to evaluate variability in soil sealing, water retention and structural properties of soils derived from Shale and Coastal plain sand (CPS) under Gmelina and rubber land use. Soil samples were collected at 0-20 and 20-40 cm depths for measurements of particle-size distribution (PSD), pore-size distribution through water desorption procedure, and related hydro-physical properties. Results showed that silt + clay-size fraction was significantly (P=0.05) higher in Shale (>75%) than CPS (<35%). There was a low risk of soil sealing (6.1-6.4%) at 0-20 cm topsoil, and a high risk of sealing (1.4%) at 20-40 cm depth. There was no significant change in sealing index created by the wide contrast between the PSD of Shale and CPS.  Water retention at high potentials (-10 to -1500 kPa) were low in CPS, reflecting the influence of a wide inter-particle pore spaces of CPS.  Available water (AW), useful available water (UAW) and readily available water (RAW) were significantly higher in Shale than CPS at both 0-20 and 20-40 cm depths (P=0.05). About 24.42% and 53.7% of soil water were released in Shale and CPS, respectively, between saturation (0 kPa) and field capacity (-10 kPa). Aggregate ratio (AR) showed dominance of stable aggregates > 0.25 mm in Shale. There were positive correlation coefficient between mean weight diameter (MWD) and AW (r = 0.486, P=0.05), UAW (r = 0.524, P=0.05) and EAW (r = 0.0635, P=.01). Thus, organic litter from Gmelina and rubber trees can reduce the risk of soil sealing, while micro-porosity dominant in Shale tend to control water retention measurements

    Land use Change Detection of Khana Local Government Area of Rivers State Using Remote Sensing and GIS

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    This research involved the integration of remote sensing techniques with a Geographic Information System (GIS) framework to get information on the area under study using PC-based image processing and analysis.  Landsat satellite imageries of Khana area was used and a Supervised Classification System (SCS) was adopted using ArcGIS 10.1 software.  Selected bands (7,5 and 3) were processed, training sites were selected to represent land-use classes and image classification was carried out.  A time change mapping and analysis was undertaken for the years 1987, 2000, and 2018.  The area in square kilometers of each land-use type in each year was calculated and thereafter, the change was determined by subtracting the area of the same land-use type in 1987 from 2018.  It was revealed that there was a high percentage of spatial expansion and reduction of some land-use types in the study area between these periods.  There was a steady decline of about 77% in the forested areas from 1987 all through 2000 to 2018 (-228km2).  Cultivated land reduced by 38.46% due to man鈥檚 anthropogenic activities (-80km2) and this greatly affected food security in the study area. Water bodies also decreased all through that period in the study area (-2km2).  The study area has been greatly affected by the extent of man鈥檚 activities, which have violently shoved away and altered the hydrological pattern as well as creating micro reliefs and changing the traditional land use pattern of forestry and farmland

    Predictive Analysis of Homosexualism as the Prime Cause of HIV/AIDS Outbreak

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    In this work, HIV/AIDS data from homosexuals, heterosexuals and lesbians were obtained from the internet. Computational tablenbsp ofnbsp ratiosnbsp ofnbsp homosexualsnbsp to heterosexuals,nbsp lesbiansnbsp tonbsp homosexualsnbsp fornbsp bothnbsp HIVnbsp andnbsp AIDSnbsp patientsnbsp asnbsp a functionnbsp ofnbsp timenbsp werenbsp madenbsp andnbsp plottednbsp usingnbsp shapenbsp preservingnbsp interpolantnbsp in MATLAB 7.9 toolbox. Observations were made of those ratios, as a function of time, that are above and below y-axis = 1. It was seen that homosexual to heterosexual HIV shoots off in 1998 and continues to rise. Homosexuals to heterosexual AIDS ratio are to cross y=1 line and continue to rise in the future (fig.2). Also in fig. 4, Hho/Nho rises geometrically, showing HIV as the cause of the rise. In fig 5, plots of HIV to normal people and AIDS to normal people show another geometric rise indicating that HIV and AIDS are responsible for the rise.nbsp From the foregoing observations, it is therefore imperative to assert that homosexualism has a big and major role to play in the advent of HIV/ AIDS. This result can be used by World Health Organisation (WHO), Centre for Disease Control (CDC) for the control of the spread of HIV/AIDS, and also by hospitals for those treating HIV/AIDS, especially those practicing homosexualism