61 research outputs found

    Assassination of the Duke Louis of Orleans on Vieille du Temple Street on 23 November 1407

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    The problem of the outbreak of civil war in the French Kingdom in the early 15th century is studied. The author mentions the struggle for power in the government between two relatives of king Charles VI, Duke Louis of Orleans and Duke Jean the Fearless, as one of prerequisites. Their confrontation ended with the assassination of the Duke of Orleans on 23 November 1407. The article examines in depth the course of the investigation, which was conducted by the Provost of Paris, with the result that just in two days the circle of persons involved in the commission of the crime was defined, and the Duke of Burgundy was called the main suspect in its organization. On the basis of a wide range of sources the author has demonstrated the methodology of investigation in the Middle Ages. It is noted that it was quite effective for its time. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the reasons that pushed the Duke of Burgundy for the murder. The novelty of the research is seen in the fact that the author considers the opinion of modern researches about the exclusively political motives of the crime insufficiently reasoned. The article also shows the fates of the participants in the crime, including the Duke of Burgundy, who was murdered in Montero in 1419

    Jeanne d’Arc: Was There a Prophet? Reflections on the Book of O. Togoyeva “The Heretic, who Became Holy”

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    This article is devoted to the analysis of the concept of O. I. Togoeva, proposed by her as a research method in the monograph «The heretic, who became holy». In it, the author attempted to prove that the national heroine of France, Jeanne d’Arc, was a visionary, a prophet who had predicted individual events of the Hundred Years War. Since contemporaries were not sure who its prophecies come from - from God or from the Devil, we had to perform several procedures using the «discretio spirituum» method, that is, the « discerning of spirits». The first two, held in Chinon and in Poitiers in the spring of 1429, ended with the acquittal of Joan of Arc, the third, completed in Rouen in 1431, with an accusation, and finally, the last - in 1450-1456, - restoration of a good name. One may agree that some contemporaries considered Joan of Arc as a prophet or presented her as a prophet, but the fact that the Maid of Orleans really was a prophet remained unproved. The article shows that other interpretations of the mission of Joan of Arc and her actions are possible, including an explanation of her actions not as a prophet, but as one of the captains of the royal army

    “We'll Take your King's Daughter and Everything we Asked for her...”: King Henry V's Struggle for the Throne of the French Kingdom

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    This article is devoted to the study of the legal conditions that allowed the King of England Henry V to make a claim to the throne of France. The author points out that by the beginning of the 15th century. in France, there was a fairly stable tradition of the transfer of royal power, which included such principles as primogeniture, agnat law, the «blood right», the exclusion of foreigners, as well as women and their offspring from inheritance. Under the influence of the Hundred Years War, these rules received additional arguments, making the implementation of the claims of the English monarchs almost impossible. However, the political crisis of the beginning of the 15th century. in France, including the death of two dauphins and the royal «schism», created a legal loophole. It consisted in the adoption procedure, according to which King Charles VI of France recognized Henry V as his son and heir. This idea was formed on the basis of the experience of diplomatic relations with the Kingdom of Neapolitan in 1419. According to the author, the Treaty of Troyes established new principles for the transfer of the throne and became a compromise between the dynasties of Valois and Lancaster

    Life and life of occupant on the Eastern front in 1942

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    The article examines some aspects of the daily life of German soldiers on the Eastern Front in the spring - autumn of 1942. The author notes that in addition to the fighting, great attention was paid to public health, the establishment of everyday life, the provision of food and various kinds of entertainment: contests, holidays, leisure activities in the rear. These measures contributed to the preservation of psychological comfort among the soldiers and officers among the monotony of frontline life.В статье исследуются некоторые аспекты повседневной жизни немецких солдат на Восточном фронте весной - осенью 1942 года. Автор отмечает, что помимо боевых действий большое внимание уделялось здравоохранению, налаживанию быта, обеспечению продовольствием и разного рода развлечением: конкурсам, праздникам, организации досуга в тылу. Эти меры способствовали сохранению психологического комфорта среди солдат и офицеров среди монотонности фронтовой жизни

    How Can Money Conquer France? On the Question about the Monetary Policy of King Henry V in 1415–1422

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    Submitted: 15.02.2020. Accepted: 28.09.2020.Поступила в редакцию: 15.02.2020. Принята к печати: 28.09.2020.Статья посвящена изучению особенностей монетарной политики английского короля Генриха V на захваченных им территориях Французского королевства в период с 1415 по 1422 г. Цель исследования заключается в установлении ее влияния на состояние финансов Франции и, в первую очередь, на последовавшее за поражением резкое обесценивание серебряных денег. В рамках английской политики можно четко проследить два этапа: первый охватывал время с 1415 по 1420 г., когда монетарная политика носила косвенный характер, воздействуя на французскую экономику фактом завоевания и становясь дополнительным фактором обострения внутриполитической борьбы, и с 1420 по 1422 г., что связано с намерением Генриха V как регента Французского королевства привести финансовую систему в относительный порядок. Для написания статьи использовались французские и английские хроники, «Дневник парижского горожанина», а также ордонансы королей Франции, в которых отражались особенности денежной политики, в частности изменения курса и веса серебряных монет и попытки проведения реформ. В ходе исследования удалось выяснить, что обесценивание французской серебряной монеты было связано с началом завоевания англичанами Нормандии и перехода в их руки расположенных там монетных дворов. Резкое падение курса денег произошло после перехода Парижа в руки бургундцев и формирования осенью 1418 г. самостоятельной финансовой администрации на юге Франции под контролем дофина. Напротив, некоторая стабилизация наметилась после заключения договора в Труа и принятого Генеральными штатами в декабре 1420 г. курса на проведение реформ. Автор установил этапы проведения этой реформы, а также определил, какими причинами было обусловлено ее затягивание. К числу таковых можно отнести: отсутствие контроля за всеми монетными дворами королевства, нехватку монетного металла и необходимого количества квалифицированных кадров. Наконец, преждевременная смерть Генриха V летом 1422 г. не позволила завершить монетную реформу.This article studies the peculiarities of the monetary policy of English king Henry V in the territories of the Kingdom of France occupied by him between 1415 and 1422. The purpose of the study is to establish its influence on the state of finance in France and, first of all, on the sharp depreciation of silver money following the defeat. Within the framework of English politics, two stages can be clearly traced: the first one lasted from 1415 to 1420, when monetary policy was indirect in nature, influencing the French economy by the fact of conquest and becoming an additional factor in the aggravation of the domestic political struggle, and the other one lasted from 1420 to 1422 and was connected with the intention of Henry V as regent of the Kingdom of France, to bring the financial system into relative order. The author refers to French and English chronicles, The Diary of a Parisian Citizen, as well as the ordinances of the kings of France, which reflected the peculiarities of the monetary policy, more particularly, changes in the exchange rate and weight of silver coins and attempts to carry out reforms. The study carried out makes it possible to find out that the depreciation of the French silver coin was associated with the beginning of the British conquest of Normandy and the transfer of mints located there. A sharp drop in the money rate occurred after the transfer of Paris into the hands of the Burgundians and the formation in the fall of 1418 of an independent financial administration in the south of France under the control of the dauphin. On the contrary, some stabilisation followed the conclusion of the Treaty of Troyes, and the General States adopted a course towards reforms in December 1420. The author determines the stages of the reform and the reasons for its delay. These include: the lack of control over all the mints of the kingdom, the lack of coin metal and the required number of qualified personnel. Finally, the premature death of Henry V in the summer of 1422 did not allow the completion of the monetary reform

    The markers of autoimmune inflammation in applied cardiovascular surgery

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    The negative influence of the autoimmune inflammation on vascular pathomorphology hasn t studied enough. There isn’t algorithm using markers of significant autoimmune inflammation of vascular wall in cardiovascular surgery. The study comprises 94 consecutive patients who were operated on for coronary revascularization. We divided the study into 2 groups (basic and control). Including criteria for basic group was hs-CRP (C-reactive protein) level in serum higher than 6 mg/l. as marker of vascular autoimmune inflammation. Control group included patients without vascular inflammation and with hs-CRP ievel in serum below 6 mg/l. Groups were compared on 28 clinical, laboratory and instrumental criteria. We found significant (p<0,005) clinical markers of intravascular inflammation in 26 (55%) patients from basic group, this fact made us to appoint immunotherapy in this patient before coronary revascularization. The use of immunotherapy in patient with intravascular inflammation before operation reduced the number of postoperative tromboembolic complications on 33% and mortality — on 23,8% (p<0,005). We suggest that our markers of autoimmune vascular inflammation are effective in clinical practice. Preoperative immunotherapy can prevent postoperative tromboembolic complications in patients undergoing coronary revascularization.Отрицательное влияние аутоиммунного воспалительного компонента на течение сосудистого патоморфоза в настоящее время мало изучено. До настоящего времени не разработан алгоритм с использованием маркеров аутоиммунного клинически значимого воспаления сосудистой стенки в сердечно-сосудистой хирургии. Проведено углубленное обследование 94 больных с ишемической болезнью сердца, направленных на хирургическую реваскуляризацию миокарда. Из всех пациентов было сформировано 2 равные группы (основная и контрольная). Критерием включения в основную группу был уровень С-реактивного белка (СРВ) в плазме крови выше 6 мг/л, как маркера сосудистого аутоиммунного воспаления. Контрольная группа включала пациентов без признаков воспаления сосудистого русла, с уровнем СРБ<6 мг/л. Сравнение полученных групп производилось по 28 клинико-лабораторным и инструментальным критериям. Во время исследования у пациентов из основной группы были выявлены статистически значимые (р<0,05) клинические маркеры внутрисосудистого воспаления, что потребовало проведение предоперационной иммуннокоррегирующей терапии у 26 (55%) пациентов основной группы. Проведенная иммунокоррекция позволила снизить процент послеоперационных тромботических осложнений на 33%, а смертность на 23,8% (р<0,05). Полученные результаты свидетельствуют об эффективности использованных нами маркеров внутрисосудистого воспаления в клинической практике, а проведение иммуннокоррекции позволило избежать послеоперационных тромботических осложнений

    Fine-Scale Mapping of Natural Variation in Fly Fecundity Identifies Neuronal Domain of Expression and Function of an Aquaporin

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    To gain insight into the molecular genetic basis of standing variation in fitness related traits, we identify a novel factor that regulates the molecular and physiological basis of natural variation in female Drosophila melanogaster fecundity. Genetic variation in female fecundity in flies derived from a wild orchard population is heritable and largely independent of other measured life history traits. We map a portion of this variation to a single QTL and then use deficiency mapping to further refine this QTL to 5 candidate genes. Ubiquitous expression of RNAi against only one of these genes, an aquaporin encoded by Drip, reduces fecundity. Within our mapping population Drip mRNA level in the head, but not other tissues, is positively correlated with fecundity. We localize Drip expression to a small population of corazonin producing neurons located in the dorsolateral posterior compartments of the protocerebrum. Expression of Drip–RNAi using both the pan-neuronal ELAV-Gal4 and the Crz-Gal4 drivers reduces fecundity. Low-fecundity RILs have decreased Crz expression and increased expression of pale, the enzyme encoding the rate-limiting step in the production of dopamine, a modulator of insect life histories. Taken together these data suggest that natural variation in Drip expression in the corazonin producing neurons contributes to standing variation in fitness by altering the concentration of two neurohormones

    Contrasting Patterns of Sequence Evolution at the Functionally Redundant bric à brac Paralogs in Drosophila melanogaster

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    Genes with overlapping expression and function may gradually diverge despite retaining some common functions. To test whether such genes show distinct patterns of molecular evolution within species, we examined sequence variation at the bric à brac (bab) locus of Drosophila melanogaster. This locus is composed of two anciently duplicated paralogs, bab1 and bab2, which are involved in patterning the adult abdomen, legs, and ovaries. We have sequenced the 148 kb genomic region spanning the bab1 and bab2 genes from 94 inbred lines of D. melanogaster sampled from a single location. Two non-coding regions, one in each paralog, appear to be under selection. The strongest evidence of directional selection is found in a region of bab2 that has no known functional role. The other region is located in the bab1 paralog and is known to contain a cis-regulatory element that controls sex-specific abdominal pigmentation. The coding region of bab1 appears to be under stronger functional constraint than the bab2 coding sequences. Thus, the two paralogs are evolving under different selective regimes in the same natural population, illuminating the different evolutionary trajectories of partially redundant duplicate genes

    A Selection Index for Gene Expression Evolution and Its Application to the Divergence between Humans and Chimpanzees

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    The importance of gene regulation in animal evolution is a matter of long-standing interest, but measuring the impact of selection on gene expression has proven a challenge. Here, we propose a selection index of gene expression as a straightforward method for assessing the mode and strength of selection operating on gene expression levels. The index is based on the widely used McDonald-Kreitman test and requires the estimation of four quantities: the within-species and between-species expression variances as well as the sequence heterozygosity and divergence of neutrally evolving sequences. We apply the method to data from human and chimpanzee lymphoblastoid cell lines and show that gene expression is in general under strong stabilizing selection. We also demonstrate how the same framework can be used to estimate the proportion of adaptive gene expression evolution