14 research outputs found


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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the fatty acids profile in Pelibuey sheep barbacoa complemented with protected conjugated linoleic acid. Samples of the Longissimus dorsi muscle were used, from 24 Pelibuey sheep which were housed in groups of six animals. Each group was assigned randomly to apply the treatments: 1) base diet with 0, 2) 25, 3) 50, and 4) 75 g of protected conjugated linoleic acid (ALCp) animal-1 d-1. A completely random design was used, using the PROC GLM and Tukey test for means comparison. Additionally, polynomials and orthogonal contrasts were used. The Tukey testdidn’t show significant differences between treatments, but the orthogonal contrasts evidenced that adding protected conjugated linoleic acid to the sheep’s diet increases the cis-9, trans-11 isomer content, but that the saturated fatty acids tend to increase and the mono-unsaturated to decrease.El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el perfil de ácidos grasos en barbacoa de borregos Pelibuey complementados con ácido linoleico conjugado protegido. Se utilizaron muestras del músculo Longissimus dorsi de 24 borregos Pelibuey, los cuales se alojaron en cuatro grupos de seis animales. Cada grupo fue asignado al azar para aplicar los tratamientos: 1) dieta base con 0, 2) 25, 3) 50, y 4) 75 g de ácido linoleico conjugado protegido (ALCp) animal-1 d-1. Se utilizó un diseño completamente al azar, utilizando el PROC GLM y prueba de Tukey para comparación de medias. Adicionalmente se utilizaron polinomios y contrastes ortogonales. La prueba de Tukey no mostró diferencias significativas entre tratamientos, pero los contrastes ortogonales evidenciaron que adicionar ácido linoleico conjugado protegido a la dieta de corderos, aumenta el contenido del isómero cis-9, trans-11, pero los ácidos grasos saturados tienden a aumentar y los monoinsaturados a disminuir

    Influence of Giving a Choice of Grazing or Maize Silage Offered in the Field Simultaneously on Diet Selection of Lactating Dairy Cows

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    Changing the times of access to grazing and to maize silage (MS) offered indoors affects the relative intake of each feed, but has little effect on dairy cow performance (Hernandez-Mendo & Leaver, 2000). Offering the MS in the grazing paddock as an instantaneous alternative to grazing should give an insight into the factors influencing feed intake, and may provide a means of alleviating the high rate of decline in milk yield of grazing dairy cows. The objective of this study was to examine the response in diet preferences and performance of lactating dairy cows when grazing a perennial ryegrass sward and having access to maize silage ad libitum simultaneously in spring, at two concentrate levels (CL) and two sward heights (SH)

    Influencia del nivel de competición en las acciones técnicas de punto realizadas en Shiai Kumite femenino de karate. Análisis de coordenadas polares

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    El objetivo es identificar las acciones técnicas de las karatekas queconsiguen puntuar en competición y explorar si el comportamiento técnicopuede discriminar entre diferentes niveles competitivos. Se ha registrado elcomportamiento técnico de 35 karatekas, modalidad de kumite femenino, enun total de 40 combates (18 de nivel regional/nacional y 22 de nivel internacional).Se ha utilizado un diseño observacional situado en el cuarto de cuadrantede carácter nomotético y de seguimiento multidimensional. El registrose ha realizado con el programa Lince y una herramienta de observación“ad hoc” formada por un sistema mixto de formatos de campo y un sistema decategorías denominado FCSCSHIAIKUMITE. Se ha utilizado la prueba deChi-cuadrado (p≤ 0,05) y se ha realizado un análisis de coordenadas polares,escogiendo como conductas focales aquellas relativas a la puntuación y comoconductas condicionadas todas aquellas relativas a los demás criterios. Losresultados muestran que solo el criterio puntuación discrimina entre ambosniveles de rendimiento, sumando 152 puntos en nivel internacional frente a78 en nivel nacional (p= 0,002). El Yuko es la forma de obtener punto másfrecuentada en ambos niveles (76,4% vs 86,8%), no obstante, el Ippon eseficiente y frecuentado a nivel internacional (21,7%), y solo representa un4,4% en combates de nivel nacional. En conclusión, hay dos aspectos quepodrían ser de especial atención, el perfeccionamiento de las acciones técnicasde punto más habituales y de las acciones defensivas a esas técnicas, así comola eficacia para obtener más puntuación al utilizarlas

    Cuajilote (Parmentiera aculeata (Kunth) Seem.): A Potential Fruit for Ruminant Feed

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    Objective: carry out a bibliographic review on the investigations carried out with cuajilote fruits (Parmentiera aculeata) for sheep feeding. Design/methodology/approach: a search was carried out in all the permitted information sources (popular articles, conference proceedings, books, etc.) Results: Parmentiera aculeata (chote), usually used to obtain shade, living fences, wood or firewood. However, they can also serve as fodder. Both the foliage and the fruits can have very good nutritional characteristics, it is also a fruit available in the dry season, these fruits are eagerly consumed by cattle that graze freely. However, it is unknown what is the nutritional value and ruminal availability of the dry matter of this fruit in different stages of maturity, to which medicinal properties are also attributed. Limitations on study/implications: the studies that were found were of tests carried out in vitro using this fruit as a defaunant of protozoa in bovine ruminal liquid, therefore, there is little in vivo research on the use of chote in an integral diet for animal feeding and its inclusion maximum tolerant by ruminants. Findings/conclusions: the chote fruit shows great potential for use in animal feed, due to the nutritional and medicinal benefits attributed to it. In addition to the availability of the fruits throughout the year, more specifically, in the dry season, which is when production costs are increased by feeding.Objective: to review previous researches about the use of the fruits of the cuajilote tree (Parmentiera aculeata) as ovine feed. Design/Methodology/Approach: this research was conducted, using all the available sources: science articles, conference reports, and books. Results: P. aculeata (cuajilote) is generally used to provide shade, and as live fence, wood or firewood. However, it can also be used as forage. Both the foliage and the fruit have excellent nutritional qualities; additionally, the fruits are available during the dry season and free grazing cattle avidly eat them. Nevertheless, the nutritional value and the ruminal availability of this fruit’s dry matter—during various ripeness stages— are unknown; it is also said to have medicinal properties. Study Limitations and Implications: the cuajilote fruit was used in in vitro tests to remove protozoa from the ruminal fluid of bovines (defanuation); therefore, there are few in vitro researches about the use of cuajilote in a wholemeal diet as animal feed and about its maximum inclusion tolerance in ruminants. Findings/Conclusions: as a result of its nutritional and medicinal benefits, the cuajilote fruit shows great potential as livestock feed. Additionally, it is available all year round, particularly during the dry season, when production expenses increase as a result of the lack of other food sources

    Productive response of lambs fed with fresh or dehydrated spineless cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica L.)

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    Abstract The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica L.) supplementation on lamb animal performance, during a 11-week period. For this purpose, 27 male lambs of commercial crossbreeds were used, with initial live weight mean of 21.4±3.8 kg. They were distributed homogeneously into three groups of nine each, and then randomly assigned to each of the following treatments: (T1) control diet, (2) diet with 17% (dry matter basis) of dehydrated cactus, and (3) diet with 17% (dry matter basis) of fresh cactus. Digestibility in situ of the diet, dry matter intake (DMI), daily gain weight (DGW), feeding conversion (FC) and efficiency (FE), back fat, hot and cold carcass yield, biological hot and cold carcass yield, and carcass pH at slaughtering and 24h post mortem, were evaluated. A completely random design using Proc GLM was used, and when statistical differences were observed, a mean comparison was done using the Tukey test. There were significant differences (P≤0.001) on DM digestibility, with higher value (42.0%) on the control diet during the first 6 hours of incubation, but after 48 hours, the highest digestibility (88.6%) was on the fresh cactus diet. There were not significant differences (P>0.05) between treatments on animal performance, except on back fat, being higher (P<0.001) on dehydrated (4.1 mm) and fresh (3.3 mm) diets, compared to the control one (7.8 mm). The means for hot and cold carcass yield, biological hot and cold carcass yield, and carcass pH at slaughtering and 24h post mortem were 50.6%, 47.0%, 55.4%, 49.5%, 6.6% and 5.8%, respectively. Diet including cactus had similar effect on productive parameters than that of the commercial one, which makes it a viable feeding strategy, and from the economical point of view, could be attractive to the farmer, since the cactus is a plant that grows over the year. However, there is a need of doing more research to confirm these results, not only on fattening lambs, but also on the different animal life stages, considering different levels of cactus, and working on different animal breed and species

    Modifiable risk factors associated with prediabetes in men and women: A cross-sectional analysis of the cohort study in primary health care on the evolution of patients with prediabetes

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    Background: Prediabetes is a high-risk state for diabetes development, but little is known about the factors associated with this state. The aim of the study was to identify modifiable risk factors associated with the presence of prediabetes in men and women. Methods: Cohort Study in Primary Health Care on the Evolution of Patients with Prediabetes (PREDAPS-Study) is a prospective study on a cohort of 1184 subjects with prediabetes and another cohort of 838 subjects without glucose metabolism disorders. It is being conducted by 125 general practitioners in Spain. Data for this analysis were collected during the baseline stage in 2012. The modifiable risk factors included were: smoking habit, alcohol consumption, low physical activity, inadequate diet, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and obesity. To assess independent association between each factor and prediabetes, odds ratios (ORs) were estimated using logistic regression models. Results: Abdominal obesity, low plasma levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-cholesterol), and hypertension were independently associated with the presence of prediabetes in both men and women. After adjusting for all factors, the respective ORs (95% Confidence Intervals) were 1.98 (1.41-2.79), 1.88 (1.23-2.88) and 1.86 (1.39-2.51) for men, and 1.89 (1.36-2.62), 1.58 (1.12-2.23) and 1.44 (1.07-1.92) for women. Also, general obesity was a risk factor in both sexes but did not reach statistical significance among men, after adjusting for all factors. Risky alcohol consumption was a risk factor for prediabetes in men, OR 1.49 (1.00-2.24). Conclusions: Obesity, low HDL-cholesterol levels, and hypertension were modifiable risk factors independently related to the presence of prediabetes in both sexes. The magnitudes of the associations were stronger for men than women. Abdominal obesity in both men and women displayed the strongest association with prediabetes. The findings suggest that there are some differences between men and women, which should be taken into account when implementing specific recommendations to prevent or delay the onset of diabetes in adult population

    Effects of crossbreeding on carcass and meat quality of Mexican lambs Efeito do cruzamento sobre o rendimento de carcaça e a qualidade da carne de cordeiros mexicanos

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    Twenty hair (Pelibuey x Katadin x BlackBelly) and 20 wool (Rambouillet x Criollo) lambs were fattened in an intensive feeding system to reach 40kg body weight at ten months of age. The yield of lamb sides and back fat (51.9%, 2.5mm vs. 47.0%, 2.3mm) were greater in wool lambs. Meat pH was not different between phenotypes but meat temperature was higher during the first hours postmortem in wool lamb sides (27, 23, and 20, vs. 24, 20, and 17ºC). Protein content in meat from the neck (braquicephalic and esternocephalic muscles) and loin (Longissimus lumborum muscle) were higher in hair lambs (21.1 and 20.4 vs. 19.7 and 19.3 %), while moisture of the same muscles was higher in wool lambs (75.6 and 75.9 vs. 73.6 and 74.3%). Ash content was similar in both phenotypes, but palmitoleic acid was greater in hair lambs (2.9 and 2.7 vs. 2.7 and 2.5%). In fresh meat, pH, meat toughness, and water activity (Wa) of loin did not differ; but water holding capacity (WHC) was higher in hair lambs, and the same response was observed for cooked meat toughness from the neck, and in raw and cooked meat from loin. There were differences in the colour of meat from the neck, having values for L*, b* and tonalities greater in wool lambs, and a* greater for hair lambs. Sensorial parameters were similar in both phenotypes.Vinte cordeiros deslanados (Pelibuey x Katadin x BlackBelly) e 20 cordeiros lanados (Rambouillet x Criollo) foram mantidos em um sistema intensivo de alimentação até atingirem 40kg, aos 10 meses de idade. O rendimento de carcaça e a espessura da gordura foram maiores nos cordeiros lanados (51,9%, 2,5mm vs. 47,0%, 2,3mm). Não houve diferenças entre os dois grupos de cordeiros para pH, mas a temperatura da carne foi mais alta durante as primeiras horas pós-morte, nas meias-carcaças dos cordeiros lanados (27, 23, 20 vs. 24, 20, 17°C). O conteúdo proteico da carne do pescoço (músculos braquicefálico e esternocefálico) e do lombo (músculo Longissimus lumborum) foi maior nos cordeiros deslanados (21,1 e 20,4 vs. 19,7 e 19,3%) enquanto o teor de umidade foi maior nas lanados (75,6 e 75,9 vs 73,6 e 74,3%). O conteúdo de cinzas não diferiu entre os dois grupos de cordeiros, mas o ácido palmitoleico foi maior nos cordeiros deslanados (2,9 e 2,7 vs 2,7 e 2,5%). Na carne fresca, o pH, a maciez da carne e a atividade da água (Wa) do lombo não diferiram entre os grupos, mas a capacidade de retenção de água (WHc) foi maior nos cordeiros deslanados, e a mesma resposta foi observada para a maciez da carne cozida do pescoço e do lombo fresco e cozido. Houve diferenças para cor da carne do pescoço com valores de L*, b* e maior tonalidade entre os cordeiros lanados, e maior a* para os deslanados. Os parâmetros sensoriais foram semelhantes nos dois grupos

    Estudio in vitro de la capacidad depredadora de Duddingtonia flagrans contra larvas de nematodos gastrointestinales de ovinos de pelo

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    The nematode control using fungi is one alternative to prevent anthelmintic resistance. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the in vitro predacious ability of Duddingtonia flagrans against Haemonchus and Cooperia infective larvae, by both visualizing and measuring the larvae trapping activity (LTA) and by the nematode populations reduction in different culture media. These experiments were carried out at the Autonomous University of Chapingo in Teapa, Tabasco, Mexico. One D. flagrans Mexican strain was used in the two trials. In the first trial, LTA was visualized and measured under the microscope and observations were described. In the second trial, a reduction of the nematode population by the fungal activity was evaluated using three different culture media: water agar (WA), corn meal agar (CMA), and dextrose potato agar (DPA) at 3 different recovery times (24, 48, and 96 h). In the first trial, both rings and adhesive loops were observed, as well as larvae trapped in such structures. The LTA was higher at 48 h (68.4 ± 16.0 %) as compared to that found at 24 h (41.1 ± 19.9 %, PEl control biológico de nematodos con hongos es una alternativa para evitar la resistencia antihelmíntica. El objetivo de la presente investigación fue conocer la capacidad depredadora de Duddingtonia flagrans contra cultivos de Haemonchus y Cooperia, al estimar el porcentaje de reducción de poblaciones de nematodos en diferentes medios de cultivo. El experimento se llevó a cabo en la Universidad Autónoma Chapingo en Teapa, Tabasco, México. Se utilizó una cepa mexicana de D. flagrans que se sometió a dos pruebas, en la primera se contaron directamente larvas atrapadas, libres, enroscadas y muertas. En la segunda se desafió el hongo con nematodos en tres diferentes medios: agua-agar (AA), harina de maíz-agar (HMA) y papa-dextrosa-agar (PDA) a tres tiempos de recuperación (24, 48 y 96 h). En la primera prueba se observaron anillos y redes, así como larvas atrapadas en esas estructuras. El porcentaje de larvas atrapadas fue mayor a las 48 h (68.4 ± 16.0) respecto a las 24 h (41.1 ± 19.9,