1,706 research outputs found

    Internal conversion coefficients for superheavy elements

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    The internal conversion coefficients (ICC) were calculated for all atomic subshells of the elements with 104<=Z<=126, the E1...E4, M1...M4 multipolarities and the transition energies between 10 and 1000 keV. The atomic screening was treated in the relativistic Hartree-Fock-Slater model. The Tables comprising almost 90000 subshell and total ICC were recently deposited at LANL preprint server.Comment: 6 pages including 3 figures, needs files myown.sty and epsfig.sty (both included

    Non-waisted fuselage design for supersonic aircraft

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    A method for designing a non-waisted fuselage for supersonic wing/fuselage configurations that increases the fuselage volume and improves the supersonic aerodynamic performance compared to a conventional waisted-fuselage configuration. The method entails removing the waisted region of an existing waisted-fuselage configuration by linearly reconstructing cross-sections between the endpoints representing the waisted cross-sectional area portion to create a modified fuselage configuration without waisting. This configuration will have increased fuselage volume and improved supersonic aerodynamic performance. The fuselage camber can then be optimized using non-linear aerodynamic methods to further increase the supersonic aerodynamic performance

    Local forcing mechanisms challenge parameterizations of ocean thermal forcing for Greenland tidewater glaciers

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    Frontal ablation has caused 32 %–66 % of Greenland Ice Sheet mass loss since 1972, and despite its importance in driving terminus change, ocean thermal forcing remains crudely incorporated into large-scale ice sheet models. In Greenland, local fjord-scale processes modify the magnitude of thermal forcing at the ice–ocean boundary but are too small scale to be resolved in current global climate models. For example, simulations used in the Ice Sheet Intercomparison Project for CMIP6 (ISMIP6) to predict future ice sheet change rely on the extrapolation of regional ocean water properties into fjords to drive terminus ablation. However, the accuracy of this approach has not previously been tested due to the scarcity of observations in Greenland fjords, as well as the inability of fjord-scale models to realistically incorporate icebergs. By employing the recently developed IceBerg package within the Massachusetts Institute of Technology general circulation model (MITgcm), we here evaluate the ability of ocean thermal forcing parameterizations to predict thermal forcing at tidewater glacier termini. This is accomplished through sensitivity experiments using a set of idealized Greenland fjords, each forced with equivalent ocean boundary conditions but with varying tidal amplitudes, subglacial discharge, iceberg coverage, and bathymetry. Our results indicate that the bathymetric obstruction of external water is the primary control on near-glacier thermal forcing, followed by iceberg submarine melting. Despite identical ocean boundary conditions, we find that the simulated fjord processes can modify grounding line thermal forcing by as much as 3 °C, the magnitude of which is largely controlled by the relative depth of bathymetric sills to the Polar Water–Atlantic Water thermocline. However, using a common adjustment for fjord bathymetry we can still predict grounding line thermal forcing within 0.2 °C in our simulations. Finally, we introduce new parameterizations that additionally account for iceberg-driven cooling that can accurately predict interior fjord thermal forcing profiles both in iceberg-laden simulations and in observations from Kangiata Sullua (Ilulissat Icefjord)

    Metastable anions of dinitrobenzene: resonances for electron attachment and kinetic energy release

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    Attachment of free, low-energy electrons to dinitrobenzene (DNB) in the gas phase leads to DNB as well as several fragment anions. DNB, (DNB-H), (DNB-NO), (DNB-2NO), and (DNB-NO(2)) are found to undergo metastable (unimolecular) dissociation. A rich pattern of resonances in the yield of these metastable reactions versus electron energy is observed; some resonances are highly isomer-specific. Most metastable reactions are accompanied by large average kinetic energy releases (KER) that range from 0.5 to 1.32 eV, typical of complex rearrangement reactions, but (1,3-DNB-H)(-) features a resonance with a KER of only 0.06 eV for loss of NO. (1,3-DNB-NO)(-) offers a rare example of a sequential metastable reaction, namely, loss of NO followed by loss of CO to yield C(5)H(4)O(-) with a large KER of 1.32 eV. The G4(MP2) method is applied to compute adiabatic electron affinities and reaction energies for several of the observed metastable channels. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3514931

    A review of High Performance Computing foundations for scientists

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    The increase of existing computational capabilities has made simulation emerge as a third discipline of Science, lying midway between experimental and purely theoretical branches [1, 2]. Simulation enables the evaluation of quantities which otherwise would not be accessible, helps to improve experiments and provides new insights on systems which are analysed [3-6]. Knowing the fundamentals of computation can be very useful for scientists, for it can help them to improve the performance of their theoretical models and simulations. This review includes some technical essentials that can be useful to this end, and it is devised as a complement for researchers whose education is focused on scientific issues and not on technological respects. In this document we attempt to discuss the fundamentals of High Performance Computing (HPC) [7] in a way which is easy to understand without much previous background. We sketch the way standard computers and supercomputers work, as well as discuss distributed computing and discuss essential aspects to take into account when running scientific calculations in computers.Comment: 33 page

    Neurotransmitter alterations in embryonic succinate semialdehyde dehydrogenase (SSADH) deficiency suggest a heightened excitatory state during development

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>SSADH (aldehyde dehydrogenase 5a1 (Aldh5a1); γ-hydroxybutyric (GHB) aciduria) deficiency is a defect of GABA degradation in which the neuromodulators GABA and GHB accumulate. The human phenotype is that of nonprogressive encephalopathy with prominent bilateral discoloration of the globi pallidi and variable seizures, the latter displayed prominently in Aldh5a1<sup>-/- </sup>mice with lethal convulsions. Metabolic studies in murine neural tissue have revealed elevated GABA [and its derivatives succinate semialdehyde (SSA), homocarnosine (HC), 4,5-dihydroxyhexanoic acid (DHHA) and guanidinobutyrate (GB)] and GHB [and its analogue D-2-hydroxyglutarate (D-2-HG)] at birth. Because of early onset seizures and the neurostructural anomalies observed in patients, we examined metabolite features during Aldh5a1<sup>-/- </sup>embryo development.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Embryos were obtained from pregnant dams sacrificed at E (embryo day of life) 10–13, 14–15, 16–17, 18–19 and newborn mice. Intact embryos were extracted and metabolites quantified by isotope dilution mass spectrometry (n = 5–15 subjects, Aldh5a1<sup>+/+ </sup>and Aldh5a1<sup>-/-</sup>) for each gestational age group. Data was evaluated using the <it>t </it>test and one-way ANOVA with Tukey post hoc analysis. Significance was set at the 95<sup>th </sup>centile.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>GABA and DHHA were significantly elevated at all gestational ages in Aldh5a1<sup>-/- </sup>mice, while GB was increased only late in gestation; SSA was not elevated at any time point. GHB and D-2-HG increased in an approximately linear fashion with gestational age. Correlative studies in human amniotic fluid from SSADH-deficient pregnancies (n = 5) also revealed significantly increased GABA.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our findings indicate early GABAergic alterations in Aldh5a1<sup>-/- </sup>mice, possibly exacerbated by other metabolites, which likely induce a heightened excitatory state that may predispose neural networks to epilepsy in these animals.</p

    Variants in the 3'UTR of the ovine Acetyl-Coenzyme A Acyltransferase 2 gene are associated with dairy traits and exhibit differential allelic expression

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    The acetyl-CoA acyltransferase 2 (ACAA2) gene encodes an enzyme of the thiolase family that is involved in mitochondrial fatty acid elongation and degradation by catalyzing the last step of the respective β-oxidation pathway. The increased energy needs for gluconeogenesis and triglyceride synthesis during lactation are met primarily by increased fatty acid oxidation. Therefore, the ACAA2 enzyme plays an important role in the supply of energy and carbon substrates for lactation and may thus affect milk production traits. This study investigated the association of the ACAA2 gene with important sheep traits and the putative functional involvement of this gene in dairy traits. A single nucleotide substitution, a T to C transition located in the 3′ untranslated region of the ACAA2 gene, was used in mixed model association analysis with milk yield, milk protein yield and percentage, milk fat yield and percentage, and litter size at birth. The single nucleotide polymorphism was significantly associated with total lactation production and milk protein percentage, with respective additive effects of 6.81 ± 2.95 kg and −0.05 ± 0.02%. Additionally, a significant dominance effect of 0.46 ± 0.21 kg was detected for milk fat yield. Homozygous TT and heterozygous CT animals exhibited higher milk yield compared with homozygous CC animals, whereas the latter exhibited increased milk protein percentage. Expression analysis from age-, lactation-, and parity-matched female sheep showed that mRNA expression of the ACAA2 gene from TT animals was 2.8- and 11.8-fold higher in liver and mammary gland, respectively. In addition, by developing an allelic expression imbalance assay, it was estimated that the T allele was expressed at an average of 18% more compared with the C allele in the udder of randomly selected ewes. We demonstrated for the first time that the variants in the 3′ untranslated region of the ovine ACAA2 gene are differentially expressed in homozygous ewes of each allele and exhibit allelic expression imbalance within heterozygotes in a tissue-specific manner, supporting the existence of cis-regulatory DNA variation in the ovine ACAA2 gene. This is the first study reporting differential allelic imbalance expression of a candidate gene associated with milk production traits in dairy sheep

    Constant-time solution to the Global Optimization Problem using Bruschweiler's ensemble search algorithm

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    A constant-time solution of the continuous Global Optimization Problem (GOP) is obtained by using an ensemble algorithm. We show that under certain assumptions, the solution can be guaranteed by mapping the GOP onto a discrete unsorted search problem, whereupon Bruschweiler's ensemble search algorithm is applied. For adequate sensitivities of the measurement technique, the query complexity of the ensemble search algorithm depends linearly on the size of the function's domain. Advantages and limitations of an eventual NMR implementation are discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 0 figure

    Phase Coherence and Control of Stored Photonic Information

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    We report the demonstration of phase coherence and control for the recently developed "light storage" technique. Specifically, we use a pulsed magnetic field to vary the phase of atomic spin excitations which result from the deceleration and storing of a light pulse in warm Rb vapor. We then convert the spin excitations back into light and detect the resultant phase shift in an optical interferometric measurement. The coherent storage of photon states in matter is essential for the practical realization of many basic concepts in quantum information processing.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let