217 research outputs found

    Modeling of the Labour Force Redistribution in Investment Projects with Account of their Delay

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    The mathematical model of the labour force redistribution in investment projects is presented in the article. The redistribution mode of funds, labour force in particular, according to the equal risk approach applied to the loss of some assets due to delay in all the investment projects is provided in the model. The sample of the developed model for three investment projects with the specified labour force volumes and their defined unit costs at the particular moment is given

    The use of morphobiological characteristics in the selection of Phacelia Tanacetifolia Benth

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    The aim of the work is to create new adapted varieties resistant to the complex of biotic and abiotic factors on the basis of the use of Phacelia tanacetifolia Benth. morphological and biological characteristic


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    Nursing staff play a key role in the organization of palliative care for people living with HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis. Palliative care is a holistic approach, consisting of a medical, social, psychological and spiritual component. A nurse is the key person in the environment of the patient who provides proper medical care, qualifi ed assessment and psychological support to palliative patients.Сестринський персонал відіграє ключову роль в організації паліативної допомоги хворим на ВІЛ/СНІД. Паліативна допомога є цілісним підходом, що складається з медичного, соціального, психологічного та духовного компонентів. Медсестра – ключова особа в оточенні пацієнта, яка забезпечує належну медичну допомогу, кваліфікований догляд та психологічну підтримку паліативним пацієнтам

    Microstructure of Complex Silicon-containing Modifier

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    Various research methods show that the microstructure of the complex siliconcontaining modifier ”Insteel 7” consists of six phases: TiFeSi2, Ca1

    Biological resources of the Fabaceae family in the Cretaceous south of Russia as a source of starting material for drought-resistance selection

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    The aim of this work is the study of biological resources of the genera Medicago and Trifolium species in Cretaceous South of the Central Russian Upland as the most valuable in genetic and economic term


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    Nursing staff play a key role in the organization of palliative care for people living with HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis. Palliative care is a holistic approach, consisting of a medical, social, psychological and spiritual component. A nurse is the key person in the environment of the patient who provides proper medical care, qualified assessment and psychological support to palliative patients.Сестринський персонал відіграє ключову роль в організації паліативної допомоги хворим на ВІЛ/СНІД та туберкульоз. Паліативна допомога є цілісним підходом, що складається з медичного, соціального, психологічного та духовного компонентів. Медсестра – ключова особа в оточенні пацієнта, яка забезпечує належну медичну допомогу, кваліфікований догляд та психологічну підтримку паліативним пацієнтам

    Support of Research Activities of Future Teachers through Organization of Tutoring

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    The attitude of future teachers to research activities during their studies at the university is analyzed on the example of Ishim Pedagogical Institute named after P. P. Ershov. Features of support of students at the choice of research trajectories are considered. Students’ attitude to scientific research is characterized. Necessary conditions for effective work of students on scientific projects are revealed. The necessity of introduction of scientific tutorship since the first year of training, and also attraction of students of senior courses who achieved certain scientific results as tutors is shown. The article deals with the tutor’s activity as a consultant, mentor and organizer of the student’s independent activity in the organization of scientific research. The article describes the experience of the organization of tutoring on the example of a pedagogical university, where not only teachers work as mentors, but also so-called “academic consultants” do - senior students who have their own positive experience in conducting research. The studies were conducted with the participation of 200 respondents from the number of full-time students from 1 to 5 course. In the course of research the main directions of activization of research activity of students are found out

    Forming of Students Valeological Culture in Studying of Natural-Science Disciplines (by Example of Physics Course)

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    The article is devoted to the problem of valeological culture education in the process of studying of natural-science disciplines at school. The importance of developing skills aimed at the development of a healthy lifestyle in the process of realization of intersubject links on the example of studying of a school course of physics is noted. It is shown that in explaining to students the physical laws of nature, phenomena and processes the most appropriate is the use of specific examples, including the area of valeology, which not only broaden pupils’ outlook, but also affect the development of their culture of health. The article focuses on pedagogical techniques, allowing the teacher to develop individual abilities of students and create an atmosphere of success for each student both in the classroom and in extracurricular time in self-preparation for classes. Different forms of work are described that students can fulfill implementing interdisciplinary links between valeology and physics: self-dependent development of physics tasks using valeology material, writing essays, making presentations, preparing reports, making visual teaching aids, etc. It is concluded that this work allows the learner not only to accumulate knowledge about health care, but also to apply them in practice

    Influence of dupilumab on the economic burden of severe asthma and atopic dermatitis

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    The prevalence of comorbidity — asthma and atopic dermatitis — is not understood well yet. More severe processes decreasing quality of life and increasing a social-economic burden of disease are occurred in such kind comorbidity.Aim: an evaluation of economic burden of non-control severe asthma in combination with severe atopic dermatitis in the local conditions.Materials and methods. Analysis has been performed for adult patients; the bottom-up approach of costs evaluation was used. Direct medical and non-medical as well as indirect costs were calculated for two models: Model 1 — current practice of the treatment, Model 2 — treatment with Dupilumab. Results. Model 1 — Weighted average expenditures for one patient were 3,1 mln RUR, indirect costs were dominated (76 % from the total), severe atopic dermatitis had 15 % of total. Model 2 (with Dupilumab) — Dupilumab has decreased the total weighted average cost on 903 905 RUR. The total economic burden of comorbidity was 17,6 bln RUR in the current treatment option, and 12,4 bln RUR in Dupilumab hand (different is 5,2 bln RUR, or burden decrease is expected on 29,2 %).Conclusion. The wider introduction of Dupilumab into clinical practice, which allows achieving control in the treatment of severe asthma and severe atopic dermatitis, should reduce treatment costs and reduce the socio-economic burden of these diseases as a result

    Social-economic burden of severe atopic dermatitis in the Russian Federation

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    Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic systemic disease with skin lesion, inflammation caused by mediators plays important role in its pathogenesis. Severe AD characterizes by permanent exacerbations that leads to sufferings and, influences on physical and emotional conditions and losses of patient’s productivity. Modern drugs including biologicals have a good clinical efficacy, but the same time AD burden (cost of illness) in the Russian conditions are not evaluated yet. Direct medical and nonmedical costs, non-direct costs in severe AD in adults based on prevalence data, statistics of finances covering of out-patients and in-patients treatment options, experts’ opinions, reports about temporary disability, losses of GDP etc. have been calculated. Burden of severe AD in local practice can be evaluated as 564 242 RUR/patient/year in working age and 263 230,5 RUR/patient/ year in aged population. Social-economic burden of severe AD in the Russian Federation can reach 13,074 Bln RUR annually (12,031 Bln RUR for working patients and 1,043 Bln RUR for aged population of patients). Direct non-medical and non-direct costs have at least 50 % of all expenditures that highlighting of social importance of severe AD