50 research outputs found
Размещение Служилых людей городовой службы в Белгородском разряде в 1697 г
Service people made up a significant part of the population of the Belgorod rank. It was created in 1658. The servicemen included in the Belgorod regiment participated in military campaigns and carried out regimental service. In contrast to them, servicemen of the city service performed military duties within their counties. The change in the nature of service to regimental or city occurred during the inspections of service people. The article used the materials of Belgorod regiment inspection of 1697. The number and placement within the land districts for musketeers, city cossacks, cannoniers and other categories of service people are considered. The facts of attracting relatives for the material support of service people are revealed. The conclusion is made about the increase in the number of servants of the Belgorod regiment. The author comes to the conclusion that the number of servicemen of the regimental service of the Belgorod regiment was determined by the possibilities of state maintenance. The government resorted to various methods to ensure the combat effectiveness of the regiment. In addition to general taxation, special customs and tavern revenues were used. To strengthen the personal households of the servants, their relatives officially signed up for them “on arable land”. A new social category of people called “fed people” arose. The city service was less expensive for the service people. In general, by the end of the 17th century, the number of servants in the regimental and city services of the Belgorod regiment had grown. The reserve for replenishing the Belgorod regiment and the garrisons of the cities was the relatives of the service people
Experience of modeling skill of memorizing short stories as a part of the development of neuro-linguistic programming techniques
The urgency of the problem under investigation is due to the interest of researchers to study the intellectual structures, namely the simulation of human mental activity, in particular, to the peculiarities of storing various content information. The purpose of the article is the realization of models, technologies memorization of short stories (“jokes”), based on a play on words, meaning unexpected resolutions, modern associations, etc. The leading approach to the study of this problem is the modeling procedure developed as a part of neuro-linguistic programming, which allows to identify and systematically describe the technology of storing short stories, and a method to the study of this problem was the experiment on memorization and reproduction of short stories based on simulated mental skills to identify the psychological characteristics this skill. The article presents the stages of development and testing of models, as well as the very model of storing short stories. Materials of the article may be useful for researchers who study memory processes, for teachers interested in learning more efficient memory technologies, as well as for a wide range of readers who want to learn the skill of memorization of short stories. © 2016 Dudina, Khamatnurov and Trubetskaya
Anti-crisis fiscal and monetary policy of the Russian Federation: performance and targets
The article research the problems of fiscal policy and monetary policy against the background of structural problems.The problems are the result of several negative factors: economic sanctions, oil prices and foreign exchange rates. The authors estimate the efficiency of monetary policy instruments of the Central Bank and fiscal policy of the Ministry of Finance in solving the problems. due to volatility of exchange rates, high inflation risk, GDP fell, the budget deficit. The authors discuss and propose possible ways out of the crisis.В статье рассматриваются проблемы бюджетной политики и денежно-кредитной политики на фоне структурных проблем, сложившихся в результате нескольких отрицательных факторов: экономические санкции, цены на нефть и курсы иностранных валют. Дается оценка эффективности инструментов денежно-кредитной политики Центрального банка и бюджетной политики Минфина в решении возникших проблем, связанных с волатильностью курсов валют, высокими инфляционными рисками, падением ВВП, бюджетного дефицита. Рассматриваются и предлагаются возможные направления выхода из кризисного положения
Goal of study: to consider and analyze the state of disability of children in Ukraine from the position of the necessity of children’s disability prevention and providing their rehabilitation the frames of the system of Public health.Materials and methods. The data of branch statistical reports for the period of the years 2011–2015 were used as material for study. Statistical and bibliosemantic methods of study were used in the course of research. Results. To 31.12.2015 there were 153547 disabled children registered in Ukraine. Reduction in the prevalence of disability among the children under 18 years of age was registered in 2015 to 201.6 comparing to 207.6 in 2011. The primary disability for the period decreased from 23.4 to 21.6 per 10 thousands of pediatric population. Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities, mental and behavioral disorders and the diseases of nervous system are the most disabling diseases among children. Indices of the disabilities of children have significant differences by regions.Conclusions. The system of public health which is currently formed in Ukraine has to make a significant contribution to the matter of prevention of disability and rehabilitation of disabled children.Мета: вивчити та проаналізувати стан інвалідності дітей в Україні з позиції необхідності профілактики інвалідності дітей та забезпечення їх реабілітації в умовах системи громадського здоров’я.Матеріали і методи. Матеріалами дослідження стали дані галузевої статистичної звітності за період 2011–2015 рр. У ході дослідження використано статистичний та бібліосемантичний методи.Результати. Станом на 31.12.2015 р. в Україні налічувалося 153547 дітей-інвалідів. Зареєстровано зменшення поширеності інвалідності з 207,6 на 10 тис. дітей віком до 18 років у 2011 р. до 201,6 у 2015 році. Первинна інвалідність за цей період зменшилася з 23,4 до 21,6 на 10 тис. дитячого населення. Найбільш інвалідизуючими хворобами є природжені вади розвитку, деформації та хромосомні аномалії, розлади психіки та поведінки і хвороби нервової системи. Показники інвалідності дітей мають суттєві відмінності за регіонами.Висновки. У вирішення питань профілактики інвалідності дітей та реабілітації дітей-інвалідів має значний внесок зробити система громадського здоров’я, яка сьогодні формується в України
Molecular and cellular mechanisms of acute cytotoxic liver damage as potential biological targets for magnesium-containing cell-protective drug
Many anti-tumor drugs have a high potential for toxic damage to liver cells, which makes it necessary to identify molecular mechanisms of the development of the negative impact of drugs on the liver and to develop effective methods for preventing and correcting this adverse effec
Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis in comorbidpatient: is the immunological diagnostics always unambiguous
Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA), previously called Churg—Strauss syndrome, represents a rare form of ANCA-associated necrotising vasculitis which affects small vessels. This disease is characterized by typical combination of immunological disturbances, hypereosinophilia, severe bronchial asthma, transient pulmonary infiltrates, and kidney injury which is less frequent than in other forms of necrotising vasculitis.Verification of the diagnosis is often hampered by comorbidities, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in the patients with long-term smoking history and occupational hazards.In this article, we report a clinical case of EGPA in elderly patient with preceding COPD which caused diagnostic difficulties for this eosinophilic syndrome. Clinical pattern at the beginning of disease was presented by moderate inspiratory dyspnea and cough with small amounts of mucus sputum, which appeared after longterm exposure to chlorine-containing substances. COPD diagnosis in this patient was based on clinical pattern, long smoking experience, and occupational hazards. However, persistence of the symptoms during the ongoing therapy, as well as multidirectional dynamics of transient pulmonary infiltrates found on repeated CT-scans, prompted us to intensify diagnostic search for a systemic disease. Clinical, laboratory and instrumental signs of bronchial asthma were revealed, as well as hypereosinophilia and sensory polyneuropathy, which, if combined with CT-scan data, allowed us to prove the EGPA diagnosis.This case shows that, despite great value of immune diagnostics, with negative blood tests for ANCA, it is necessary to detect mutually complicating comorbid pathology. EGPA was considered the basic diagnosis, and COPD as accompanying disorder, taking into account such reasons as an unfavorable prognosis for EGPA and the need for long-term chemotherapy with systemic corticosteroids and monoclonal antibodies. ANCA-negative testing in the patient, absence of severe kidney and skin lesions allows to suggest better clinical prognosis in this patient
Long-Term Monitoring of Liver Fibrosis and Steatosis in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C after Achieving a Sustained Virologic Response to Antiviral Therapy
Aim: to analyze the dynamics of fibrosis and steatosis of the liver according to fibroelastometry in patients with chronic hep-atitis C (CHC) after ≥ 6 months from transient elastometry (TE) achieving a sustained virologic response (SVR) to antiviral therapy.Materials and methods. At baseline, a prospective observational study included 628 CHC patients with known stage of liver fibrosis (F) before AVT, some of whom were phased out due to non-compliance with the inclusion criteria. The final analysis included 297 patients who had transient elastometry (TE) data with CAP™ technology on the severity of liver fibrosis (± steatosis) before treatment and after ≥ 6 months after reaching SVR (67 % – interferonfree regimens of therapy). Median follow-up from the moment SVR was confirmed was 3 years [2; 6].Results. At the end of the study, the average age of patients was 49 ± 12 years, of which 53 % were men. In the long-term period after reaching SVR, regression of liver fibrosis was diagnosed in 80 % of cases (including in patients with cirrhosis), and the progression of fibrosis was in 3 % of patient. At the same time, regression of liver steatosis was detected only in 31 % of the patient, worsening of the results was in 23 % (26 % of them had the appearance of steatosis (S) of the liver of 1–3 degrees in persons with no fatty liver before the start of AVT). In the group of patients with liver steatosis, the proportion of men was significantly higher (p = 0.004). Clinically significant stages of fibrosis F3–F4 were significantly more often recorded in patients with hepatic steatosis, both before treatment (46 % S1–S3 and 22 % S0, p < 0.001) and after ≥ 6 months after reaching SVR (19 % S1–S3 and 9 % S0, p = 0.023).Conclusion. In patients with chronic hepatitis C with SVR achieved in the long term, despite a significant regression of liver fibrosis, a high prevalence of hepatic steatosis remains. The data obtained indicate the feasibility of routine diagnosis of both fibrosis and steatosis of the liver in the management of patients with chronic HCV infection before and after successful antiviral therapy
Особенности ведения пациентов с хронической обструктивной болезнью легких на фоне отказа от табакокурения: фокус – на оптимизацию поддерживающей терапии
The aim of this study was to investigate effects of stepping down the dose of inhaled steroid (ICS) or ICS withdrawal in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) treated with an adequate bronchodilating therapy and quitting smoking. Methods. The study was performed in real clinical settings. Patients with COPD (n = 41) involved in educational smoking cessation program were followed for 9 months in outpatient settings. Smoking cessation program included varenicline, adequate physical activity, nutritional counseling and bronchodilating therapy; one of the aims of the treatment was ICS dose reduction or complete withdrawal of ICS. Results. Long-acting beta-2-agonist (LABA) indacaterol and dual bronchodilators (indacaterol/glycopyrronium or indacaterol/tiotropium) were effective in patients with COPD quitting tobacco smoking. ICS dose was reduced more quickly in patients treated with indacaterol or dual bronchodilators compared to those treated with formoterol. Quitting smoking was associated with improvement in CAT score and reduction in COPD exacerbation rate. Conclusion. Treatment with indacaterol or indacaterol/glycopyrronium combination was associated with more rapid and safe stepping down the dose of ICS or ICS withdrawal in COPD patients quitting tobacco smoking compared to those treated with formoterol.Табакокурение (ТК) является основным модифицируемым фактором риска развития хронической обструктивной болезни легких (ХОБЛ). При отказе от ТК в 1-ю неделю происходит усиление бронхообструктивного синдрома, что может являться одной из причин возобновления курения. Материалы и методы. На базе кабинета по отказу от ТК Санкт-Петербургского государственного бюджетного учреждения здравоохранения «Городская поликлиника № 54» в условиях реальной амбулаторной практики проходили обучение пациенты с ХОБЛ (n = 41). Наблюдение осуществлялось в амбулаторных условиях через 3 и 9 мес. от начала исследования. Отказ от ТК осуществлялся при использовании варениклина на фоне адекватной физической активности, рационального питания и подбора бронхолитической терапии ХОБЛ; при этом одной из задач являлось снижение дозы и отмена терапии ингаляционными глюкокортикостероидами (иГКС). Результаты. По данным исследования продемонстрированы эффективность адекватной базисной терапии бронходилататорами длительного действия на фоне отказа от ТК у пациентов с ХОБЛ и возможность снижения дозы или полной отмены иГКС. При этом отмечена стабилизация респираторного статуса и гемодинамических показателей. Подтверждена эффективность применения длительно действующего β2-агониста (ДДБА) индакатерола, а также двойной комбинации индакатерола и длительно действующих антихолинергических препаратов (гликопирроний или тиотропий) как основы базисной терапии у пациентов с ХОБЛ в период отказа от ТК. Заключение. Продемонстрирована возможность более быстрого достоверного снижения дозы или полной отмены терапии иГКС у пациентов, получавших индакатерол в период отказа от ТК, по сравнению с лицами, принимавшими другой ДДБА – формотерол. Показано преимущество применения индакатерола, особенно в сочетании с гликопирронием
Особенности течения остеопороза у пациентов с хронической обструктивной болезнью легких
The aim of this study was to analyze the course of osteoporosis in elderly females with pulmonary diseases. Methods. The study involved females with postmenopausal osteoporosis who did not receive regular treatment with oral steroids. All patients underwent spirometry before and after inhalation of a bronchodilator, bone densitometry with assessment of bone mineral density (BMD) and T-score at the proximal thigh, the lumbal spine and the one third distal forearm. FRAX risk assessment score was also used. Results. We examined 79 patients (mean age, 66.9 ± 1.7 years). Female patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) had significantly more frequent forearm fractures, significantly lower FEV1, BMD at the forearm, and T-score at the forearm compared to patients with asthma and patients without obstructive pulmonary diseases. Conclusions.COPD contributes to more severe course of postmenopausal osteoporosis.Актуальность проблемы обусловлена высокой частотой развития остеопороза (ОП) у больных хронической обструктивной болезнью легких (ХОБЛ) на фоне неуклонного роста заболеваемости. Материалы и методы. С целью выявления особенностей течения ОП при ХОБЛ в женской популяции обследованы пациентки (n = 79; средний возраст 66,9 ± 1,7 года) с диагностированным постменопаузальным ОП, не принимавшие стероидные гормоны. Результаты и обсуждение. У пациенток с ХОБЛ выявлены достоверно более низкие значения показателей объема форсированного выдоха за 1-ю секунду, минеральной плотности костной ткани предплечья (лучевой кости), Т-критерия предплечья на фоне достоверно более частых переломов предплечья по сравнению с больными бронхиальной астмой и пациентками без бронхообструктивной патологии. Заключение. Наличие ХОБЛ способствует утяжелению течения постменопаузального ОП