337,341 research outputs found

    Instabilities and the roton spectrum of a quasi-1D Bose-Einstein condensed gas with dipole-dipole interactions

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    We point out the possibility of having a roton-type excitation spectrum in a quasi-1D Bose-Einstein condensate with dipole-dipole interactions. Normally such a system is quite unstable due to the attractive portion of the dipolar interaction. However, by reversing the sign of the dipolar interaction using either a rotating magnetic field or a laser with circular polarization, a stable cigar-shaped configuration can be achieved whose spectrum contains a `roton' minimum analogous to that found in helium II. Dipolar gases also offer the exciting prospect to tune the depth of this `roton' minimum by directly controlling the interparticle interaction strength. When the minimum touches the zero-energy axis the system is once again unstable, possibly to the formation of a density wave.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures. Special Issue: "Ultracold Polar Molecules: Formation and Collisions


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    On behalf of the Vertebrate Pest Council, it is my pleasure to welcome all of you to Sacramento and to the 11th Vertebrate Pest Conference. The first Vertebrate Pest Conference was held 22 years ago here in Sacramento in 1962. The conference is now over two years into its third decade of existence. In all this time, the basic goals of the Conference have not changed; that is, to provide a basis for dissemination of information on vertebrate pests and their control. Some things have changed in these 22 years, most of which have been for the good. The first obvious and noticeable change is attendance at the conference—-from 268 at the first conference to quite likely over 500 at this meeting. The length of the conference is now three days instead of two. Participation and attendance of representatives from outside the United States and from all over the United States has continued to be outstanding. At the last conference, the council initiated a work-shop format as part of the program. This was very successful and we are continuing with an expanded workshop session which will occupy all of tomorrow\u27s program. This year we are having displays and exhibits by some of the major manufacturers and suppliers of vertebrate pest control materials. These exhibits will be open throughout most of the conference

    Collecting Dell O\u27Dell

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    Valutazione delle competenze e lifelong learning: la creazione partecipata di rubriche per l\u2019autovalutazione della figura dell\u2019operatore di rete.

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    Il tema della valutazione delle competenze, legato a quello del lifelong learning, \ue8 in forte espansione, soprattutto grazie alla spinta dell\u2019Unione Europea. L\u2019esigenza di fare valutazione anche nei servizi alla persona si \ue8 fatta pi\uf9 premente con l\u2019arrivo della crisi, la contrazione di risorse e la crescita della complessit\ue0 e dell\u2019incertezza sociale. La ricerca qui presentata descrive e documenta un processo partecipato di mappatura delle competenze della figura dell\u2019operatore di rete in un servizio socio-sanitario, finalizzata alla creazione del profilo professionale di tale figura e d i u n o s t r ume n t o ( r u b r i c a ) p e r l\u2019autovalutazione delle competenze da adottare nei percorsi di riflessione e di crescita professionale

    Tommaso e l\u2019Oriente: la questione dei cristianesimi cinesi

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    Questo saggio analizza la missione dell\u2019apostolo Tommaso nel generico Oriente. La selezione di fonti utilizzate (pochissime le testimonianze patristiche), e redatte in arabo, siriaco, portoghese et al., dimostrano come non ci sia accordo sulla presenza di questo apostolo in terre cos\uec lontane. D\u2019altra parte, la Cina delle nostre fonti potrebbe essere una qualche regione del T\ufcrkest\u101n o una regione iranica, non certo la Cina propriamente detta. Altra questione da non sottovalutare \ue8 l\u2019effettiva identit\ue0 del Tommaso la cui presenza \ue8 attestata in Oriente: si tratta dell\u2019apostolo o piuttosto dell\u2019omonimo missionario manicheo, come parrebbe estremamente pi\uf9 probabile? Nulla di definitivo sembra emergere da questo studio, qualche informazione supplementare potrebbe venire forse dall\u2019identificazione della catena di informazione del nestoriano Ibn al-Tayyib (\u2020435/1043), un filosofo cristiano nativo di Antiochia, nonch\ue9 medico e teologo di Ba\u121d\u101d\u2026 che doveva essere \uabalmeno\ubb bene informato

    Boston University Baroque Chamber Music, April 2, 2006

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    This is the concert program of the Boston University Baroque Chamber Music performance on Sunday, April 2, 2006 at 7:30 p.m., at the Concert Hall, 855 Commonwealth Avenue. Works performed were Cantata, "Diane et Acteon" by Joseph Bodin Boismortier, Madrigal, "O come sei gentile" (Book VII) by Claudio Monteverdi, Cantata, "Ihr Völker, hört" by Georg Philipp Telemann, Partita No. 2 in G major, from "Kleine Kammermusik" by G. P. Telemann, Cantata, "Nel dolce dell' oblio" by George Frideric Handel, and Trio Sonata i C major by Johann Sebastian Bach. Digitization for Boston University Concert Programs was supported by the Boston University Center for the Humanities Library Endowed Fund
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