388 research outputs found

    AGN and their host galaxies in the local Universe: two mass independent Eddington ratio distribution functions characterize black hole growth

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    We use a phenomenological model to show that black hole growth in the local Universe (z < 0.1) can be described by two separate, mass independent Eddington ratio distribution functions (ERDFs). We assume that black holes can be divided into two independent groups: those with radiatively efficient accretion, primarily hosted by optically blue and green galaxies, and those with radiatively inefficient accretion, which are mainly found in red galaxies. With observed galaxy stellar mass functions as input, we show that the observed AGN luminosity functions can be reproduced by using mass independent, broken power law shaped ERDFs. We use the observed hard X-ray and 1.4 GHz radio luminosity functions to constrain the ERDF for radiatively efficient and inefficient AGN, respectively. We also test alternative ERDF shapes and mass dependent models. Our results are consistent with a mass independent AGN fraction and AGN hosts being randomly drawn from the galaxy population. We argue that the ERDF is not shaped by galaxy-scale effects, but by how efficiently material can be transported from the inner few parsecs to the accretion disc. Our results are incompatible with the simplest form of mass quenching where massive galaxies host higher accretion rate AGN. Furthermore, if reaching a certain Eddington ratio is a sufficient condition for maintenance mode, it can occur in all red galaxies, not just the most massive ones.Comment: 33 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ, Fig. 6 shows the main resul


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    This paper investigated the relationship between students’ entrepreneurship attitude and their perception of sustainable environment among Imo State University students Owerri, Imo State. Two instruments developed by the researchers and validated by experts in measurement and evaluation in Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education, Owerri were used to collect relevant data for the study. The total population was 1,500 students and a total of 400 randomly selected 200 level students from the faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine took part in the study. The data collected were subjected to descriptive statistics of correlational type and multiple regression analysis at P&lt;0.05. The result of the analysis showed that students’ entrepreneurship attitude relates positively and significantly with their perceived sustainable environment. Students’ entrepreneurship attitude contributed 3.72% to the variance observed in students’ perception of sustainable environment. Therefore, it was recommended that lecturers should consider students’ attitude when planning and giving lectures on entrepreneurship education. Thus, it was concluded among other things that, there is need to help undergraduate students to develop attitude required for effective sustainability after graduation.  Article visualizations

    The Research Aimed to Overview Economic Aspect of Sustainability Small Scale Fisheries in Tegal District, Central Java. This Research Used Rapfish Method and Financial Perfonnance Analysis to Known Economic Aspect Status of Sustalnability Small Scale Fisheries in Tegal District. the Aim of Research Were (1) to Describe Fisheries Sustalnability on Small Scale Fisheriesat Tegal District, Central Java Provlncy, (2) to Recommend a Policy of Fisheries Management on Small Scale Fisheries at Tegal District, Central Java Provincy. the Result Showed "Bundes· and ·Jaring Rampus· Was a Suitable Gear to Catch Fish Sustalnabllity, But ·Payang Gemplo· Was Not. the Research Recommend Was IT is Important to Decrease Subsidy for Small Scale Fisheries Who Have Undepth Fishing Ground.

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    The research aimed to overview economic aspect of sustainability small scale fisheries in Tegal district, Central Java. This research used Rapfish method and financial perfonnance analysis To known economic aspect status of sustalnability small scale fisheries In Tegal District. The aim of Research were (1) To describe fisheries sustalnability on small scale fisheriesat Tegal District, Central Java Provlncy, (2) To recommend a policy of fisheries management on small scale fisheries At Tegal District, Central Java Provincy. The result showed "bundes· and ·jaring rampus· was a Suitable gear to catch fish sustalnabllity, but ·payang gemplo· was not. The research recommend Was it is important to decrease subsidy for small scale fisheries who have undepth fishing ground

    Steady-State Analysis of Load Balancing with Coxian-22 Distributed Service Times

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    This paper studies load balancing for many-server (NN servers) systems. Each server has a buffer of size b1,b-1, and can have at most one job in service and b1b-1 jobs in the buffer. The service time of a job follows the Coxian-2 distribution. We focus on steady-state performance of load balancing policies in the heavy traffic regime such that the normalized load of system is λ=1Nα\lambda = 1 - N^{-\alpha} for 0<α<0.5.0<\alpha<0.5. We identify a set of policies that achieve asymptotic zero waiting. The set of policies include several classical policies such as join-the-shortest-queue (JSQ), join-the-idle-queue (JIQ), idle-one-first (I1F) and power-of-dd-choices (Podd) with d=O(NαlogN)d=O(N^\alpha\log N). The proof of the main result is based on Stein's method and state space collapse. A key technical contribution of this paper is the iterative state space collapse approach that leads to a simple generator approximation when applying Stein's method

    Analisis Kualitas Pelayanan Angkutan Umum (Transmusi) melalui Kinerja terhadap Kepuasan Masyarakat di Kota Palembang

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    Tujuan penelitian – Kualitas pelayanan sarana transportasi angkutan umum di kota Palembang saat ini belum memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat, sehingga dibutuhkan penataan sistem transportasi dan pelayanan angkutan umum secara terpadu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji kualitas pelayanan angkutan umum (transmusi) yang disediakan melalui kinerja terhadap kepuasan masyarakat.Desain/Metodologi/Pendekatan – Teknik analisis jalur digunakan untuk menganalisis hubungan sebab akibat yang terjadi pada regresi berganda. Jika variabel-variabel bebasnya mempengaruhi variabel terikat secara langsung akan tetapi juga berpengaruh secara tidak langsung dalam penelitian ini menggunakan variabel intervening.Temuan – Hasil pengujian untuk variabel kualitas pelayanan memiliki pengaruh langsung terhadap kinerja, untuk variabel kinerja berpengaruh langsung terhadap kepuasan masyarakat, untuk variabel kualitas pelayanan berpengaruh langsung yang terhadap variabel kepuasan masyarakat, sedangkan untuk variabel kualitas pelayanan melalui kinerja terhadap kepuasan masyarakat memiliki pengaruh tidak langsung, hasil pengujian persamaan substruktur menunjukan maka pengaruh langsung ditambah pengaruh tidak langsung adalah pengaruh total, sehingga diperoleh hasil dapat disimpulkan bahwa kinerja merupakan variabel (intervening atau itermediary).Keterbatasan penelitian – Fokus penelitian ini adalah pengguna angkutan umum Transmusi di kota Palembang. Perbedaan preferensi pada setiap daerah mungkin saja terjadi, sehingga penelitian lanjutan dapat dilakukan pada beberapa bagian daerah atau kabupaten lain yang juga menerapkan angkutan umum terpadu, seperti: Kabupaten Kayu Agung, Ogan Ilir, Prabumulih, serta Sekayu.Originality/value – Penelitian ini mencoba memberikan gambaran yang utuh tentang dimensi kualitas layanan serta pengaruhnya pada kepuasan masyarakat terkait layanan transportasi umum terpadu

    A logical layer to interpret user interactions

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    Some computing user interfaces include a large number of user-selectable options which can make it difficult for a user to locate the right option. Another frequent user interface problem is inadvertent or unintended invocation of actions, e.g., by selection of an incorrect icon from two icons placed close to each other. In some user interfaces, simple actions sometimes require a disproportionately tedious sequence of interactions. This disclosure introduces a layer between the user and the application such that user commands or interactions are interpreted in light of past interactions, and corrected, filtered or automated as appropriate. Past interactions are utilized, and interpretation or corrective action is performed only upon permission from the user. For ease of interaction, such permission is obtained, e.g., at initial setup, and is modifiable

    ClaimChain: Improving the Security and Privacy of In-band Key Distribution for Messaging

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    The social demand for email end-to-end encryption is barely supported by mainstream service providers. Autocrypt is a new community-driven open specification for e-mail encryption that attempts to respond to this demand. In Autocrypt the encryption keys are attached directly to messages, and thus the encryption can be implemented by email clients without any collaboration of the providers. The decentralized nature of this in-band key distribution, however, makes it prone to man-in-the-middle attacks and can leak the social graph of users. To address this problem we introduce ClaimChain, a cryptographic construction for privacy-preserving authentication of public keys. Users store claims about their identities and keys, as well as their beliefs about others, in ClaimChains. These chains form authenticated decentralized repositories that enable users to prove the authenticity of both their keys and the keys of their contacts. ClaimChains are encrypted, and therefore protect the stored information, such as keys and contact identities, from prying eyes. At the same time, ClaimChain implements mechanisms to provide strong non-equivocation properties, discouraging malicious actors from distributing conflicting or inauthentic claims. We implemented ClaimChain and we show that it offers reasonable performance, low overhead, and authenticity guarantees.Comment: Appears in 2018 Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society (WPES'18

    Cross-species pathogen spillover across ecosystem boundaries: mechanisms and theory

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    Pathogen spillover between different host species is the trigger for many infectious disease outbreaks and emergence events, and ecosystem boundary areas have been suggested as spatial hotspots of spillover. This hypothesis is largely based on suspected higher rates of zoonotic disease spillover and emergence in fragmented landscapes and other areas where humans live in close vicinity to wildlife. For example, Ebola virus outbreaks have been linked to contacts between humans and infected wildlife at the rural-forest border, and spillover of yellow fever via mosquito vectors happens at the interface between forest and human settlements. Because spillover involves complex interactions between multiple species and is difficult to observe directly, empirical studies are scarce, particularly those that quantify underlying mechanisms. In this review, we identify and explore potential ecological mechanisms affecting spillover of pathogens (and parasites in general) at ecosystem boundaries. We borrow the concept of ‘permeability’ from animal movement ecology as a measure of the likelihood that hosts and parasites are present in an ecosystem boundary region. We then discuss how different mechanisms operating at the levels of organisms and ecosystems might affect permeability and spillover. This review is a step towards developing a general theory of cross-species parasite spillover across ecosystem boundaries with the eventual aim of improving predictions of spillover risk in heterogeneous landscapes