290 research outputs found

    The multiplier accelerator theory in the study of municipal-level investment

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    In our research we specially adapted the multiplier accelerator approach for analysis of investment processes on the municipal level. We analyzed the databases of municipalities of the Bashkortostan Republic and found a one-year lag and ratchet effects in the development of investment processes, which manifested themselves through steady rates of growth in the volumes of shipped goods and services in these areas while the amount of investment was declining. Excessively high values of the investment accelerator in certain municipalities were explained, on the one hand, by the insignificant changes in the economic performance of these municipalities and, on the other hand, by the inflow of capital, which was not related to the incentive function of return from the previous investment. The main causes of the disincentive function include the low investment attractiveness of the territories; the poorly developed environment for investment stimulation; the inefficiency of the investment itself; and its short-term character. Our approach combines the multiplier accelerator theory with the concept of efficient management of investment in socio-economic systems of various levels and thus it has enabled us to develop a matrix for diagnostics of investment processes by calculating investment efficiency (with the help of the investment multiplier) and the focus of the investment process (with the help of the investment accelerator). Upon these results we have mapped municipalities according to their levels of investment development and proposed a differentiated approach to managerial decision-making. These findings can be used to study investment attractiveness on the municipal level and to develop guidelines for assessment of investment attractiveness and for managerial decision-making to enhance investment efficiency

    Cytokine profile features in women with reproductive disorders exposed to excessive environmental contamination with hydroxybenzene

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    Excessive activity of cytokines, as well as their deficiency, promote a regulatory imbalance of immune system, which may cause persistent inflammation and, as a consequence, loss of pregnancy. The purpose of our work was to study the role of cytokine expression in the development of endometriosis in women exposed to excessive environmental contamination with hydroxybenzene. The study involved 106 women of reproductive age, divided into 4 groups according to two criteria: the presence or absence of reproductive disorders (endometriosis), as well as levels of blood contamination with hydroxybenzene compared to the reference ranges. The groups of women were comparable in age, ethnicity, and social status. The level of phenol in blood was measured by gas chromatography, and the cytokine levels were determined by enzyme immunoassay. The use of parametric and nonparametric statistical criteria as well as adjustments for multiple Bonferoni comparisons, allowed us to establish significant differences between the groups, according to the levels of IL-1β, IL-8, IL-10. The expression of interleukin 8 (IL-8) in women with endometriosis was found to be significantly higher than in healthy ones. At the same time, the observed features of IL-8, interleukin 1β (IL-1β) expression correlate with the overproduction of interleukin 10 (IL-10) associated with excessive contamination of bio-environments with hydroxybenzene. The results of using non-parametric correlation analysis of the Spearman data revealed a positive correlation between IL-10 production and hydroxybenzene levels in the blood, as well as inverse relationship between IL-10 and IL-8 expression. Thus, evidence has been obtained of the involvement of exogenous estrogen hydroxybenzene in development of reproductive disorders, probably, formed under active participation of increased anti-inflammatory IL-10 cytokine, which, by antagonism to proinflammatory mediators (e.g., IL-8), seems to promote apparent transition from acute phase of endometriosis to chronic disorder, thus reducing the reproductive potential of women. It is known that IL-8 expression significantly correlates with development of endometriosis, but excessive phenol exposure may increase the anti-inflammatory IL-10 expression, thereby suppressing the activity of IL-8. Suppressed activity of proinflammatory cytokines by phenol may lead to chronic inflammation and impaired reproductive functions

    Professional Foreign Language Course for International Students: Approaches to Content Selection

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    The research is devoted to a pedagogical problem that is topical for modern Russian higher education - the problem of content choice of professional foreign language training for foreign students. The purpose of the paper is to justify the approach to content selection of the discipline "Professional Foreign (Russian) Language" for foreign students who specialize in different areas of studies. The research is based on the application of general pedagogical theoretical and practical methods: analysis of pedagogical theory; experience of Russian and foreign pedagogy in professional language teaching; implementation of select­ed approaches and methodologies in practice; analysis of approbation/Статья посвящена выбору содержания профессиональной иноязычной подготовки иностранных студентов в вузе

    The formation of flavoring characteristics of meat products by changing the chemical composition of food compositions

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    The article presents the results of the study of changes in flavour characteristics when using corrective additives. Monosodium glutamate, ribotide, yeast extract and hydrolysate of vegetable soy protein were used as flavoring additives (FA). To assess the effect of composition of meat product recipe, as well as the method of FA‑introduction on taste intensity, the recipes of model meat systems with partial replacement of meat raw materials were used. Pork fat, soy protein and potato starch were used as meat substitutes. The effect of recipe composition on the content of non-volatile substances of aroma was accessed. It is shown that replacement of pork by pork fat in the recipe by 20–40% led to a sharp decrease in the concentration of aromatic substances and a decrease in intensity of taste of the finished product several times. The ways for taste correction using FA was studied. For this, a chopped semi-finished product — minced meat was prepared from chilled whole-muscle pork and 0.05% of each FA was added. It is shown that the dynamics of changes in the content of free amino acids is the most pronounced when using monosodium glutamate not as a mono-additive, but in compositions: monosodium glutamate with yeast extract and monosodium glutamate with ribotide. A pool of chemical compounds involved in the formation of taste and aroma of products was detected. The main components were derivatives of C6–C24 fatty acids, as well as a significant number of other biochemical compounds, mainly substituted amines, amides, alcohols and ketones, with a content ranging from 0.001 to 0.2 mg/kg. The results of organoleptic analysis showed that the most delicious and attractive samples were those containing monosodium glutamate with yeast extract and monosodium glutamate with ribotide


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    A new spectrophotometric technique has been developed for the determination of boron in the waters using berillon III and 8 % glycerol in slightly acidic reaction conditions, reaction time is 20 min. The total amount of time spent on the definition of boron, is 90 minutes. The determination range is 0.008 – 0.8 μgL-1.Keywords: boron, boric acid, spektrophotometry, berillon III, glycerol(Russian)DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2013.17.2.016T.A. Kazakova1, O.A. Tutunnik2, Yu.M. Dedkov11 Moscow Regional State University, Moscow region, Mytischi, Russian Federation2V.I. Vernadsky Institute of geochemistry and analytical chemistry of the Russian Academy Science,  Moscow, Russian FederationРазработана новая спектрофотометрическая методика определения бора в водах с помощью бериллона III в 8 %-ной по глицерину слабокислой среде. Время протекания реакции составляет 20 мин, общее время анализа - 90 мин. Диапазон определяемых содержаний бора составляет от 0.008 до 0.8 мкг/мл.Ключевые слова: бор, борная кислота, спектрофотометрия, бериллон III, глицерин DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2013.17.2.01

    Multifunctional semiconductor micro-Hall devices for magnetic, electric, and photo-detection

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    We report the real-space voltage response of InSb/AlInSb micro-Hall devices to local photo-excitation, electric, and magnetic fields at room temperature using scanning probe microscopy. We show that the ultrafast generation of localised photocarriers results in conductance perturbations analogous to those produced by local electric fields. Experimental results are in good agreement with tight-binding transport calculations in the diffusive regime. The magnetic, photo, and charge sensitivity of a 2 μm wide probe are evaluated at a 10 μA bias current in the Johnson noise limit (valid at measurement frequencies > 10 kHz) to be, respectively, 500 nT/√Hz; 20 pW/√Hz (λ = 635 nm) comparable to commercial photoconductive detectors; and 0.05 e/√Hz comparable to that of single electron transistors. These results demonstrate the remarkably versatile sensing attributes of simple semiconductor micro-Hall devices that can be applied to a host of imaging and sensing applications

    Septoriablotch epidemic process on spring wheat varieties

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    The Septoriablotch of spring wheat leaves and ears is one of the most economically significant infections in the Siberian region. In the control systems of Septoriablotch the main ecologically safe element is resistant  varieties, which are designed to slow down the pathogens reproduction rate and slow down or stop the development of the epiphytotic process. The purpose of the work was to clarify the species composition of Septoriablotch  pathogens for West Siberian regions and spring wheat varieties, to study the epiphytotic process of Septoriadifferentially on the leaves and ears of varieties, and to evaluate the activity of seed transmission of Parastagonospora  nodorum. Studies were carried out in 2016–2018 according to generally accepted methods. Septorialeaf and ear  blotch of spring wheat is widespread in West Siberia and the Trans-Urals, causing a decrease in yield by up to 50 %  or more with the deterioration in grain quality. The causative agents of the disease are P. nodorum, Septoria tritici,  and P. avenaef. sp. triticae, and the species ratio varied across the regions and varieties, and within plant organs.  In Novosibirsk Region, P. nodorumcompletely dominated; S. triticiwas 13.8 times less common; and P. avenae f. sp. triticaewas a singleton. In Tyumen Region, the dominance of P. nodorumwas disrupted in some geographic  locations by S. triticiand P. avenaef. sp. triticae. In Altai Krai, P. nodorumpredominated at all points studied; S. tritici and P. avenaef. sp. triticaewere found everywhere, but 5.6 and 8.6 times less often, respectively. The study of spring  wheat varieties of different origins has not revealed any samples immune to Septoriablotch. A differen tiated manifestation of resistance to Septorialeaf and ear disease has been established. Some varieties show complex resistance, combining reduced susceptibility to Septorialeaf and ear disease. Seed infection with P. nodorumin the  regions of Siberia reached 7 thresholds and was largely (52.5 %) determined by the August weather conditions.  The study of the collection of spring wheat varieties from three Siberian regions has revealed the following trend.  Transmission of P. nodorumwith the seeds of varieties was the most active (7.6 %) in Novosibirsk Region and somewhat weaker in Omsk Region (5.7 %). The most favorable phytosanitary situation was in Kurgan Region, where  varieties transmitted P. nodorumto a low degree (2.1 %), below the threshold

    Postmortem tissue changes and dynamics of their impedance parameters: a preclinical experimental study

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    Background. Establishing regularities in postmortem intervals comprises one of the main tasks of the forensic science of death and cadaveric phenomena. The knowledge of these regularities is directly related to reconstructing the postmortem conditions and, consequently, to determining the postmortem interval. Objective. To analyze postmortem changes in cadaver tissues and dynamics of their impedance parameters under the conditions of natural biocenosis. Methods. The study involved the cadavers of model biological objects – eight pigs, aged one to two months, weighing up to 10 kg. Experimental studies of cadaver decomposition were carried out under natural biocenosis conditions, daily for 28 days with two replications. Changes in cadaver tissues during decomposition were recorded and analyzed. The subject of biophysical studies was the tissue impedance parameters of three diagnostic zones of the biological object: the musculocutaneous flap, the cartilaginous part of the third rib and the calcaneal tendon. Impedance measurements for each postmortem interval were performed at five studied current frequencies: 100 and 120 Hz, 1, 10 and 100 kHz. A total of 2,400 readings were taken. Statistical analysis of the study results was carried out by means of Statistica 8.0 (StatSoft Inc., USA). Results. Postmortem biological changes in cadaver tissues correlate with the nature of their impedance dynamics. The study of impedance under conditions of natural biocenosis established its identical dependence on the postmortem interval for all current frequencies of the study of all diagnostic zones of model biological objects: in the initial interval of 0–4 days, the impedance gives a “surge” followed by a smoother decrease. Cadaver tissues were recorded to indicate the presence of impedance dispersion in general in the studied frequency range and the absence of dispersion directly for high frequencies. Conclusion. Understanding the causes and essence of postmortem processes contributes to assessing and substantiating changes in any characteristics of tissues measured quantitatively, including impedance indicators, as well as to predicting the prospects of their use for specific practical purposes, in particular, for determining the postmortem interval