30 research outputs found

    "Patriots" and "afrancesados" during the war for independence of Spain 1808-1814. To the origins of the Spanish nationalism

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    The article explores background and consequences of the split of the Spanish elite during the War for independence of 1808-1814. The author analyzes projects of "patriots" and "afrancesados", their common and special features trying to step aside from the typical for Spanish historiography negative assessment of supporters of King Joseph Bonaparte.Статья посвящена анализу предпосылок и последствий раскола испанских элит в годы войны за независимость 1808-1814 гг. Автор анализирует общее и особенное в проектах "патриотов" и "офранцуженных", стремясь уйти от привычной в испанской историографии негативной оценки сторонников короля Жозефа

    Reagent precipitation of hardness ions by carbonate-containing builders

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    Phase composition of carbonate containing builders obtained by neutralization of proton containing reagents with sodium carbonate is investigated. Itis shown that the builders are a mixture consisting mainly of Na[2]CO[3] · NaHCO[3] · 2H[2]O, Na[2]CO[3] · H[2]O and salts of the corresponding acids. The mixture is able to reduce total water hardness with 3.9 to 1.6–1.7 mmol-eq·l{ -1}. It is found that the builders containing Na[2]CO[3] · NaHCO[3] · 2H[2]O, Na[2]CO[3] · H[2]O and CH[3]COONa · 3H[2]O remove hardness as well as Na[2]CO[3], Na[3]PO[4] ·12H[2]O and STPP at the same flow rate

    Lexical interaction of the modern Greek language with Germanic and Romance languages (with reference to the vocabulary of English, French and modern Greek languages)

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    The article deals with the issues of lexical interaction of the modern Greek language with Germanic and Romance languages (represented by English and French). There were singled out two areas in which this lexical interaction is rather significant: the vocabulary related to food and drinks and the vocabulary used to designate objects and concepts of clothing, shoes, haberdashery and perfumer

    The Early Period of the Napoleonic Wars through the Eyes of Artist and Military Man Louis-François Lejeune

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    Поступила в редакцию 05.02.2019. Принята к печати 18.04.2019.Submitted on 05 February, 2019. Accepted on 18 April, 2019.Данная статья посвящена анализу живописи художника и наполеоновского генерала Луи-Франсуа Лежена (1775–1848) как исторического источника для периода 1796–1800 гг. В 2012 г. в Версале прошла персональная выставка живописца, на которой были представлены работы, хранящиеся в этом музее и в частном собрании потомков художника. По итогам выставки был издан подробный каталог. Однако на русском языке о творчестве Лежена до сих пор не было опубликовано специальных работ. Между тем, творчество и личность Л.-Ф. Лежена интересны тем, что он был не только художником, но и боевым генералом, свидетелем и участником практически всех военных кампаний наполеоновской эпохи. Первой картиной, в которой проявился талант Л.-Ф. Лежена как художника и историографа, стала «Битва при Маренго», выставленная в Салоне 1801 г. За «Битвой при Маренго» последовал целый ряд интереснейших произведений: «Битва при Лоди», «Битва у Фаворской горы», «Битва при Абукире», «Битва при Пирамидах». Все названные полотна сегодня хранятся в Версальском дворце-музее. Разбору этих картин посвящена данная статья. На основе мемуаров художника, а также синхронных документов и свидетельств авторы объясняют содержание полотен, их соответствие реалиям и духу времени. Отличительной особенностью живописи Л.-Ф. Лежена стало совмещение на батальных произведениях разновременных сцен сражения, сближающих его живопись со средневековой миниатюрой. В то же время эта черта никоим образом не отразилась на достоверности картин, являющихся ценнейшим документом по истории наполеоновских войн.This article analyses paintings by artist and Napoleonic general L.-F. Lejeune (1775–1848) as a historical source reflecting the period between 1796 and 1800. In 2012, there was a personal exhibition of the painter in Versailles, which presented the works stored in the museum and in a private collection of the artist’s descendants. A detailed catalogue was published following the exhibition. There are no special works published in Russia devoted to the artist. Meanwhile, the works of Lejeune are of great interest because he was not only an artist, but also a general, an eyewitness and a participant of all the military campaigns of the Napoleonic era. The first painting where his talent of an artist and historiographer manifested itself was The Battle of Marengo exhibited in the Salon of 1801. It was followed by a number of his works, i.e. The Battle of Lodi, The Battle of Mount Tabor, The Battle of Abukir, and The Battle of the Pyramids. All these paintings are stored in the Palace of Versailles. This article analyses these paintings reflecting the early period of the Napoleonic Wars. The authors interpret the paintings and explore their correspondence to the realities and the spirit of the time, based on the memoirs of the artist and documents of the time. A distinctive feature of Lejeune’s painting was the combination of different battle scenes in a single canvas, which resembles mediaeval miniatures. Nevertheless, this fact did not affect the reliability of his canvases, which are valuable documents on the history of the Napoleonic Wars

    Reagent precipitation of hardness ions by carbonate-containing builders

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    Phase composition of carbonate containing builders obtained by neutralization of proton containing reagents with sodium carbonate is investigated. Itis shown that the builders are a mixture consisting mainly of Na[2]CO[3] · NaHCO[3] · 2H[2]O, Na[2]CO[3] · H[2]O and salts of the corresponding acids. The mixture is able to reduce total water hardness with 3.9 to 1.6–1.7 mmol-eq·l{ -1}. It is found that the builders containing Na[2]CO[3] · NaHCO[3] · 2H[2]O, Na[2]CO[3] · H[2]O and CH[3]COONa · 3H[2]O remove hardness as well as Na[2]CO[3], Na[3]PO[4] ·12H[2]O and STPP at the same flow rate

    Magnetism and superconductivity in cuprate heterostructures studied by low energy μSR

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    eterostructures consisting of magnetic and superconducting layers juxtaposed to each other are ideal systems to investigate the interplay of the two order parameters and possible interlayer coupling. We used the low energy muon spin rotation technique to study magnetic field distributions at different implantation depths in tri-layered films composed of 75 nm thick YBa2Cu3O7-δ layers enclosing a 50 nm thick barrier layer of PrBa2Cu3O7-var epsilon. The PrBa2Cu3O7-var epsilon layer shows the known antiferromagnetic ordering of the Cu and Pr moments, whereas our measurements indicate the formation of a regular vortex lattice in the YBa2Cu3O7-δ layers if an external field is applied perpendicular to the film