709 research outputs found

    Steady geomagnetic micropulsations and solar corpuscular streams

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    Steady geomagnetic micropulsations and solar corpuscular stream


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    The article presents the results of studying the formation, the current state and prospects for the development of public-private partnership (PPP) in the fuel and energy sector in Russia. The authors consider the existing mechanisms of interaction between the public and private parties in the projects of the fuel and energy complex, including so-called quasi-PPP projects, i.e. relevant PPP on economic content. Such projects include production sharing agreements, special investment contracts, etc. Within the framework of the article, the authors highlight the main problems of the functioning of public-private partnership instruments and consider trends in the use of PPPs for the development of the fuel and energy complex in Russi


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    The article presents the assessment and results of researching of prospects of development of the Russian oilfield services market and Russian oilfield services companies. The analysis of the needs of the oil and gas sector in oilfield services is made. The authors consider the structure and volume of Russian market of services in oil and gas industry. Within the scope of this article the authors highlight the main problems of the oil service industry in Russia


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    The article presents the assessment and results of researching of prospects of development of the Russian oilfield services market and Russian oilfield services companies. The analysis of the needs of the oil and gas sector in oilfield services is made. The authors consider the structure and volume of Russian market of services in oil and gas industry. Within the scope of this article the authors highlight the main problems of the oil service industry in Russia

    Illya Ilyich Mechnikov's contribution to the fight against tuberculosis: results of the 1911 Astrakhan expedition

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    Our compatriot, well-known scientist, Nobel Prize winner in medicine and physiology Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov left a bright mark not only in domestic but also in world science. Ilya Ilyich's multifaceted scientific activity was devoted to various areas of research in biology and medicine. The scientist's success in studying important problems of zoology, embryology, comparative pathology, gerontology, immunology, virology and bacteriology is renowned around the world. One of the areas of his research activity aimed at studying tuberculosis. In May 1911, the Pasteur Institute organized the Astrakhan expedition led by I.I. Mechnikov. Leading scientists were among the participants of the expedition – specialists in microbiology and epidemiology from Russia, France, Italy and Japan. The expedition was to address important issues related to the spread of plague and tuberculosis in the Kalmyk steppes. Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov set the task to use diagnostic tests (Pirke test and ophthalmological test) to determine the level of tuberculosis infection in the steppe population and to investigate the relationship between the incidence of tuberculosis and increased contact of Kalmyks with non-steppe population. The work of the Astrakhan expedition led by I.I. Mechnikov became the starting point for successful studies of tuberculosis infection. When beginning studying tuberculosis, I.I. Mechnikov planned to completely defeat this disease. Although he did not achieve this goal, scientific conclusions made by Mechnikov while studying biological properties of the pathogen and mechanisms of immunity to tuberculosis were further developed, and joint efforts of domestic and foreign scientists made it possible to elaborate tailor-made measures for particular regions to prevent tuberculosis and justify the use of antimicrobials in the treatment of this infection.DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.388524

    The influence of state policy on the dynamics of youth value orientations

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    Рассматривается влияние государственной молодежной политики на изменение ценностный ориентаций современной молодежи.Discusses the impact of the State youth policy on changing the value orientations of modern youth


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    Against the background of the decline structure of hydrocarbon reserves in Russia, the maintenance of a stable level of production and enhanced oil recovery at mature fields is associated with the introduction of technologies of the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0). The real and possible impact of digitalization on the oil recovery factor and impact of the technological solutions on the development hard-to-recover reserves have been сonsidered in the article. Special attention has been paid to the transition to intellectual methods of management, within the framework of digitalization, which ensure the effective management for all company’s processes, provide objective and transparent information for making accurate and operational management decisions. To ensure a significant effect from the digital transformation of the industry, it is necessary to create favorable investment conditions, including government regulation and stimulation


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    The application of public-private partnership to stimulate the socio-economic development of the Arctic zone are considered. The importance of this task is determined by the fact that the reserves of natural resources located in the Arctic should provide the basis for the energy and economic security of the country. The comparative analysis of ways of realization of infrastructure projects on the basis of the state order and public - private partnership is carried out. The aspects of the influence of public-private partnership on the development of the region and increase its investment potential are discussed

    Інтимно-особистісна сфера в системі життєвих цінностей аномальної особистості – правопорушника

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    The study of the peculiarities of the structural and dynamic characteristics of the value and content sphere of the anomalous personality remains within the scope of actual psychological problems. The purpose of this study is to analyze the peculiarities of value orientations that represent the intimate and personal sphere, in the ideal representation, within conscious and unconscious aspects, as well as to analyze the place of the intimate and personal sphere in the structure of the assessment of reality in persons with specific personality disorders, who committed illegal actions. The authors have studied 100 individuals with personality abnormalities and unlawful behavior. The control group consisted of 50 individuals without personality abnormalities who did not commit offenses and would refer to the main group according to socio-demographic indicators. To obtain results that reflect the system of attitudes of studied individuals to leading values in their own assessment factors, reflecting the leading bases of classification of the validity of these individuals, the authors used J. Kelly’s Test Repertoire of Role Constructs. Subjects’ perceptions of the ideal hierarchy of terminal values were researched using the rank grid as a variant of J. Kelly’s Test Repertoire. To evaluate the systems of conscious values, the authors used E. B. Fantalova’s technique of “Correlation of “value” and “accessibility” in different spheres of life”. Unconscious aspects of attitudes towards these values were studied using the Color Test of the Attitudes of A. M. Etkind. Rank structures were obtained which allowed to distinguish the comparative features of the ideal, conscious and unconscious aspects of the attitude towards values of intimate and personal relations of anomalous persons in comparison with the control group. The data obtained demonstrated that the system of attitude towards the values of the intimate and personal sphere in the control group, was more harmonious and formed than in the main group, with an overall high assessment of the values of the intimate and personal orientation. It is demonstrated that defined structural and dynamic characteristics of the value sphere of anomalous individuals indirectly determine personal disharmony. These differences are at the root of the motivational and contentious conflict associated with the intimate and personal relationships of the anomalous individuals. This internal conflict of psychopathic personality causes the failure of its self-realization in this sphere of vital activity. It is emphasized that psycho-corrective work with anomalous personalities should be directed to harmonization, increase of structure and awareness of their own system of value orientations, in particular values, which represent the intimate and personal sphere.Приведены результаты анализа особенностей ценностных ориентаций, представляющих интимно-личностную сферу, в идеальном представлении, в осознаваемом и неосознаваемом аспектах, а также места интимно-личностной сферы в структуре оценивания действительности у лиц со специфическими личностными расстройствами, которые совершали противоправные действия. Показано, что выявленные структурно-динамические характеристики ценностной сферы аномальных личностей опосредованно детерминируют личностную дисгармонию. Определение этих закономерностей позволит приблизиться к выявлению ресурсов и инструментов социализации людей со специфическими расстройствами личности, развитию их адаптивных возможностей и потенций саморегуляции, что является психологической базой предупреждения противоправного поведения.Подано результати аналізу особливостей ціннісних орієнтацій, які презентують інтимно-особистісну сферу, в ідеальному уявленні, в усвідомлюваному та неусвідомлюваному аспектах, а також місця інтимно-особистісної сфери у структурі оцінювання дійсності в осіб зі специфічними розладами особистості, які вчинили протиправні дії. Показано, що визначені структурно-динамічні характеристики ціннісної сфери аномальних особистостей опосередковано детермінують особистісну дисгармонію. Визначення цих закономірностей дозволить наблизитись до виявлення ресурсів та інструментів соціалізації людей зі специфічними особистісними розладами, розвитку їх адаптивних можливостей і потенцій саморегуляції, що є психологічною базою запобігання протиправній поведінці