371 research outputs found

    Фотодинамическая терапия рецидива базальноклеточного рака кожи теменной области после лучевой терапии

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    The results of the clinical observation of patient with recurrent basal cell skin carcinoma of the parietal region occurred in 4 years after radiation therapy are represented. The patient underwent photodynamic therapy (PDT) using photosensitizer fotoditazin at a dose of 1.0 mg/kg; the laser power density was 0.45 W/cm2 , the laser energy density – 300 J/cm2 . Tolerability of the treatment was satisfactory. One year after treatment there was a cosmetically satisfying soft normotrophic scar with no attachment to underlying tissues in the site of the treatment of basal cell carcinoma. According to cytological study tumor cells were not detected. For five-year follow-up there was no recurrence.Приведены результаты клинического наблюдения за пациенткой с рецидивом базальноклеточного рака кожи теменной области, возникшим через 4 года после курса лучевой терапии. Больной была проведена фотодинамическая терапия с фотосенсибилизатором фотодитазин в дозе 1,0 мг/кг; плотность мощности лазерного излучения составила 0,45 Вт/см2, плотность энергии лазерного излучения – 300 Дж/см2 . Переносимость лечения была удовлетворительной. Через один год на месте лечения базальноклеточного рака остался удовлетворительный в косметическом отношении мягкий нормотрофический рубец, не спаянный с окружающими тканями. При цитологическом исследовании опухолевые клетки не обнаружены. При пятилетнем наблюдении – без рецидива

    Guarantee of quality of electronic testirvaniya in the system of the additional vocational education

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    Today becomes urgent the creation of the information texnologies, based on the systems approach to the estimation of test tasks. For this it is expedient to develop test programs for the checking of the standard of knowledge of listeners. Undoubtedly, the automated evaluation of knowledge occupies here fundamental importance. We developed innovation approach to the form of the idea of the results of electronic testing. The special importance takes the form of the idea of the result of testing, which gives advantage during the guarantee of quality of educational services. It is shown that the test technologies increase the quality of instruction in the system of additional vocational educationСегодня становится актуальным создание информационных технологий, основанных на системном подходе к оценке тестовых заданий. Для этого целесообразно разработать тест-программы для контроля уровня знаний слушателей. Несомненно, автоматизированная оценка знаний занимает здесь первостепенное значение. Мы разработали инновационный подход к форме представления результатов электронного тестирования. Особое значение имеет вид представления результата тестирования, которое дает преимущество при обеспечении качества образовательных услуг. Показано, что тестовые технологии повышают качество обучения в системе дополнительного профессионального образовани

    Changes in the hydrophobic-hydrophilic properties of the organic matter of the chernozems of the Kamennaya Steppe

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    Soil samples and physical size-density fractions isolated from them (silt particle size less than 1 µm, light fraction (LF) with a density of less than 2 g/cm3 and a fraction of the residue) of ordinary chernozem were studied in three contrasting variants of the experimental fields of the Kamennaya Steppe agrolandscape of the Voronezh region: mowed steppe, long-term permanent bare fallow and permanent corn – the main differences of which are in tillage (cultivated and not cultivated lands) and in the supply/absence of plant residues and root secretions. The LF content changes in the series: “mowed steppe” > “permanent corn” > “permanent bare fallow”, which corresponds to the direction of changes in the total carbon content of the soil and a decrease in the value of the contact angle of wetting (CA) of the surface of the solid phase of the studied chernozems. The determination of the total C and N content revealed the change in the qualitative and quantitative composition of the size-density fractions for different land use cases. Chromatographic fractionation of alkaline extractions of humus substances (HS) of chernozem samples and size-density fractions revealed an increase in the degree of hydrophilicity of HS while simultaneously increasing the hydrophobicity of the solid phase surface and the carbon content in the soil. HS of LF of the “mowed steppe” turned out to be by 63% more hydrophilic than HS of LF of “permanent bare fallow” and by 47% more hydrophilic than HS of LF of “permanent corn”. While the hydrophilicity of the HS silt differed by 16 and 27%, respectively. The hydrophilicity of the HS of the original soil in the plot of the “mowed steppe” was by 41% higher than the hydrophilicity of the HS in the soil in the plot of “permanent bare fallow” and by 24% higher than in the soil of the plot of “permanent corn”. In addition, changes in the hydrophilicity of HS of size-density fractions are more intense than the HS of the soil, so the change in the degree of hydrophilicity of HS of size-density fractions is an indicator of soil degradation under different agrogenic pressue

    Changes in hydrophobic-hydrophilic properties of chernozems under the influence of mineral fertilizers and their aftereffect

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    Soil samples and granulodensimetric fractions isolated from them ((silt particle size less than 1 µm, light fraction (LF) with a density of less than 2 g/cm3 and a fraction of the residues) of ordinary chernozem from experimental fields of the Kamennaya Steppe agricultural landscape of the Voronezh region were studied. The main differences between the variants of the experiment are introducing or stopping mineral fertilizers, and in the aftereffect of irrigation (13 years). There is an increase in the content of LF when using mineral fertilizers, as well as a change in the composition of sizedensity fractionations, expressed in different content of C and N and hydrophobic-hydrophilic components of humus substances (HS) of soils, silt and LF. The irrigation had practically no effect on the hydrophobichydrophilic composition of the initial soils, while the relative content of the hydrophilic components of the silt fraction of the soil increased, and the hydrophilic composition of HS LF decreased. The use of mineral fertilizers led to a significant variation in the degree of hydrophilicity of HS in silt and LF with a smaller change of this indicator for the HS of the soil as a whole. The abolition of fertilizers application, on the contrary, affected the hydrophobichydrophilic composition of the soil as a whole, and the composition of the soil silt and LF. The increase in the proportion of hydrophilic components in the composition of soil HS, as well as in the composition of HS silt and LF occurred simultaneously with an increase in the hydrophobicity of the surface of the solid phase of soil and with an increase in the carbon content in the soil, which indicates the stability of the system as a whole. Since the physical fractions of soils reacted more intensively to changes in the agrogenic load, compared with native soil samples, and changes in their qualitative composition were traced in two versions of the experiment, monitoring of hydrophobic-hydrophilic components of soil and soil granulodensimetric fractions is advisable to monitor and diagnose soil changes during agricultural use

    Callus formation ability in cultivated peanuts (<i>Arachis hypogaea</i> L.)

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    Background: Russia is one of the largest peanut importing countries. At the same time, in the south of the country, several zones meet the requirements for peanut cultivation. It is possible to increase the yield of the existing peanut varieties by using modern biotechnology methods, in particular agrobacterial transformation. It is known from the literature data that different peanut genotypes and explants from various sources react differently to in vitro regeneration. Successful regeneration depends on the correct protocol, including both the type of regeneration and the composition of media promoting growth and in vitro induction.Objectives: a technique for obtaining peanut regenerants in in vitro culture.Materials and methods: Eight peanut accessions from the VIR collection of different origin were used in the work. Embryonic explants were grown on Murashige-Skoog medium supplemented with the hormone 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D).Results and conclusions: As a result of assessing the regenerative ability of peanuts grown on Murashige-Skoog medium with the hormone 2,4-D at a concentration of 2 g/L, differences in the callus formation ability were revealed in different accessions. Those with catalog numbers k-793, k-2054 and k-2055 did not form organogenic calli, while accessions k-698 and k-1987 showed the highest percentage of callus formation from embryonic explants

    Effect of Intraoperative Propofol-Induced Sedation on the Neurotransmitter Levels (Pilot Study)

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    The aim of the study was to determine the changes in the levels of various neurotransmitters depending on the depth of propofol-induced sedation.Material and methods. Twenty-four patients were included in a prospective, simple blinded study. All patients underwent elective orthopedic intervention with subarachnoid anesthesia and moderate (group 1, n=12) or deep (group 2, n=12) propofol-induced sedation. Peripheral blood sampling for measurement of neurotransmitter levels was performed before regional blockade (Stage 1), 35–40 min after the start of sedation (Stage 2), and 10–15 min after sedation was terminated and consciousness was recovered (Stage 3).Results. Deep propofol-induced sedation resulted in a decrease in norepinephrine level at stages 2 and 3. Under moderate sedation, its level decreased at Stage 2 and returned to baseline after restoration of consciousness. The initial concentration of norepinephrine (Stage 1) was higher in Group 2.Conclusion. Propofol-induced sedation resulted in reduced level of the main stress hormone, which suggests its stabilizing effect on autonomic nervous system

    Аналог теоремы даффина-шеффера для одного класса рядов дирихле с конечнозначными коэффициэнтами

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    The well-known theorem, proved by Doffin and Scheffer, states that the boundedness of a power series with finite-valued coefficients in a certain sector of the unit circle is equivalent to the periodicity of its coefficients, starting from a certain number. The paper indicates the class of Dirichlet series with finite-valued coefficients bounded in any strip of the right half-plane of the complex complex plane by a constant depending only on the height of the strip, for which an analogue of Dauffin – Scheffer theorem is proved. Earlier, an analogue of the Dauffin – Scheffer theorem was obtained by the authors for Dirichlet series with multiplicative coefficients. The method of proving this result allowed, in particular, to solve the well-known problem of generalized characters posed in 1950 by Yu.V. Linnik and N.G. Eccentric In this paper, this technique is used to prove an analogue of the Duffin – Scheffer theorem for the indicated class of Dirichlet series with multiplicative coefficients.Известная теорема, доказанная Доффиным и Шеффером, утверждает, что ограниченность степенного ряда с конечнозначными коэффициентами в некотором секторе единичного круга равносильна периодичности его коэффициентов, начиная с некоторого номера. В работе указывается класс рядов Дирихле с конечнозначными коэффициентами, ограниченными в любой полосе правой полуплоскости комплексной плоскости константой, зависящей только от высоты полосы, для которых доказан аналог теоремы ДаффинаШеффера. Ранее аналог теоремы Даффина-Шеффера был получен авторами для рядов Дирихле с мультипликативными коэффициентами. Методика доказательства этого результата позволила, в частности, решить известную проблему обобщенных характеров, поставленную в 1950 году Ю.В. Линником и Н.Г. Чудаковым. В данной работе эта методика использована при доказательстве аналога ДаффинаШеффера для указанного класса рядов Дирихле с мультипликативными коэффициентами

    Representation of Megapolises' Stress Factors in the Presentation of Youth

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    Статья посвящена исследованию особенностей восприятия и субъективной значимости негативных факторов среды современных российских мегаполисов в их реальном и цифровом измерении представителями молодежи. Поскольку городская среда - это изменчивое социально-культурное и физическое пространство, открытие нового измерения - цифрового - вносит существенные изменения как в формирование образов самой среды, оценку ее позитивных / негативных аспектов, так и в поведение жителей, в том числе молодежи в ее условиях. Вследствие этого целью настоящего исследования стало выявление актуальных в условиях цифровизации городского пространства субъективно значимых для представителей молодежи стресс-факторов городской среды российских мегаполисов.The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of perception and the subjective significance of negative environmental factors of modern Russian megacities in their real and digital dimensions by representatives of youth. Since the urban environment is a changeable social and cultural and physical space, the opening of a new dimension - digital - introduces significant changes both in the formation of images of the environment itself, the assessment of its positive / negative aspects, and in the behavior of residents, including youth in its conditions. As a result, the purpose of this study was to identify the stress factors of the urban environment of Russian megacities that are relevant in the context of digitalization of urban space, subjectively significant for youth

    The contact angle of wetting as an integral indicator of physical-chemical properties of Сhernozems of Kamennaya Steppe

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    The sessile drop method was used to measure the contact angle of wetting (CA) of ordinary Chernozem from the fields of the Kamennaya Steppe agrolandscape used in various ways. The treatments differ in the intensity of tillage operations (protected mowed steppe, arable land after moldboard plowing), the use of mineral fertilizers and their aftereffect, as well as changes in soil properties under the influence of irrigation. At the same time, the total organic carbon content, C/N ratio, specific surface area, and rheological parameters were determined for the physical and chemical characteristics of soils. The results of the study showed that the hydrophilic-hydrophobic properties of the surface of the solid phase of soils, which largely determine the main structure-forming properties of soils, can be characterized by the value of the wetting edge angle. The CA of the studied soil samples varies from 32 degrees (highest wettability) to 45 degrees (lowest wettability). The lowest wettability is due to the increased content of hydrophobic compounds in the organic matter of soils and is characterized by the highest CA and is typical for native, untreated soil of the mowed steppe, which differs from other studied variants of the experiment in all explored physical and chemical parameters. Moldboard plowing as well as fallowing lead to changes in the physical and chemical properties of the soil and the qualitative composition of organic matter in the direction of their deterioration and a decrease in the CA. The use of mineral fertilizers contributes to the increase in the studied indicator mainly due to changes in plant productivity, in particular, the differences in CA are due to the impact of root secretions and plant residues on the soil properties. For the studied soils, the CA changes in the following series: mowed steppe &gt; arable land with the mineral fertilizers application &gt; arable land undergone the aftereffect of fertilizers. Correlation analysis revealed the relationship of CA with organic carbon content, specific surface area, and rheological characteristics of Chernozems. Thus, CA can serve as an integral indicator of changes in the physical and chemical properties of soils, their degradation changes under the conditions of different agricultural load. The method used in this research for determining CA requires a smaller amount of sample compared to rheological methods and is generally more informative than determining the content of organic matter