48 research outputs found

    Modern forms of career guidance with senior pupils

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    The urgency of the study lie in the fact that, despite political and social changes, the economic crisis and instability in society in general, the choice of profession is one of the important processes of human life. The purpose of the study is to identify features and determine the role of modern methods of career guidance in the professional orientation of senior pupils. Methods of observation, questionnaires, interviews with senior pupils for detailed consultation on the choice of profession on the basis of the results of career guidance with students were used. The person rarely has inclination only to one of the spheres of professional activity, as the profession can not belong to only one group of professions. Therefore, it is necessary to draw conclusions not only on the basis of one of the career guidance types. It is important to consider all aspects of the choice and make the fi nal conclusions purposefully and deliberately. So, we suggest such an approach to be taken to the classifi cation of professions: it must be understood that a profession can be characterized simultaneously by signs of different types, but equally. The article outlines the ways of further studying the research problem. Key words: choice, profession, professional orient

    Technique classes with students who have special medical team diagnosed with myopia

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    Зрение – самый мощный источник информации о внешнем мире. Зрительное восприятие тесно связанно с деятельностью мышечного аппарата глаз. В статье рассмотрены методики по профилактике заболевания органов зренияVision – the most powerful source of information about the outside world. Visual perception is closely connected with the activity of the muscle of the eye. This article describes an approach for the prevention of disorders of organs of visio

    Transition from Fireball to Poynting-flux-dominated Outflow in Three-Episode GRB 160625B

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    The ejecta composition is an open question in gamma-ray bursts (GRB) physics. Some GRBs possess a quasi-thermal spectral component in the time-resolved spectral analysis, suggesting a hot fireball origin. Others show a featureless non-thermal spectrum known as the "Band" function, consistent with a synchrotron radiation origin and suggesting that the jet is Poynting-flux-dominated at the central engine and likely in the emission region as well. There are also bursts showing a sub-dominant thermal component and a dominant synchrotron component suggesting a likely hybrid jet composition. Here we report an extraordinarily bright GRB 160625B, simultaneously observed in gamma-rays and optical wavelengths, whose prompt emission consists of three isolated episodes separated by long quiescent intervals, with the durations of each "sub-burst" being \sim 0.8 s, 35 s, and 212 s, respectively. Its high brightness (with isotropic peak luminosity Lp,iso4×1053_{\rm p, iso}\sim 4\times 10^{53} erg/s) allows us to conduct detailed time-resolved spectral analysis in each episode, from precursor to main burst and to extended emission. The spectral properties of the first two sub-bursts are distinctly different, allowing us to observe the transition from thermal to non-thermal radiation between well-separated emission episodes within a single GRB. Such a transition is a clear indication of the change of jet composition from a fireball to a Poynting-flux-dominated jet.Comment: Revised version reflecting the referees' comments. 27 pages, 11 figures, 5 tables. The final edited version will appear in Nature Astronom

    Науково-практичний коментар до глав 22, 23 розділу ІІІ нового Кримінального процесуального кодексу України

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    Науково-практичний коментар до глав 22, 23 розділу ІІІ нового Кримінального процесуального кодексу України / Гусаров С.М., Бандурка О.М., Юхно О.О. та ін. // Актуальні питання діяльності слідчих підрозділів органів внутрішніх справ України : зб. наук. пр. ф-ту підгот. слідчих за 2012 рік / за заг. ред. С.М. Гусарова, О.М. Бандурки. – Харків: Диса плюс, 2013. – С. 712-719.Авторський колектив надає Науково-практичний коментар до глав 22, 23 розділу ІІІ Кримінального процесуального кодексу України 2012 р. А саме розкрито зміст гл. 22 «Повідомлення про підозру»; наведено випадки повідомлення про підозру, розглянуто зміст письмового повідомлення про підозру, аспекти вручення та зміни письмового повідомлення про підозру. У гл. 23 «Зупинення досудового розслідування» наведено підстави та порядок зупинення досудового розслідування, аспекти здійснення розшуку підозрюваного, рішення про відновлення досудового розслідування.The authors team provides a Scientific and Practical Commentary to 22 and 23 Chapters of the III Section of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine 2012. Namely, the content of theChapter 22 "Suspicion Report"; cases of a suspicion report are given, the content of a suspicion written notification, the aspects of service and changes in written notification of suspicion are considered. In the Chapter 23 "Suspension of the preliminary investigation" are provided grounds and procedure for the suspension of preliminary investigation, aspects of the suspects’investigation, decision to resume pre-trial investigation.Авторский коллектив дает Научно-практический комментарий к главам 22, 23 раздел III Уголовного процессуального кодекса Украины 2012 г. А именно раскрыто содержание гл. 22 «Сообщение о подозрении». Приведены случаи сообщения о подозрении, рассмотрено содержание письменного уведомления о подозрении, аспекты вручения и изменения письменного уведомления о подозрении. В гл. 23 «Приостановление досудебного расследования» приведены основания и порядок приостановления предварительного расследования, аспекты осуществления розыска подозреваемого, решение о возобновлении досудебного расследования

    Остеопетроз («мраморная» болезнь)

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    We report the data of the history of describing osteopetrosis (marble bone disease), its clinical features, diagnosis, and possible therapy approaches. Our own clinical case is presented.Изложены данные об истории описания остеопетроза («мраморной» болезни), его клинических особенностях, диагностике и возможных подходах к терапии. Представлено собственное клиническое наблюдение

    Использование результатов радиационного мониторинга окружающей среды для контроля источника выбросов йода-131 предприятием

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    The analysis was performed, whether the following characteristics correspond with each other: data on the annual release of the radionuclide by the enterprise, the calculation model used for establishing the annual permissible release levels of radionuclides, and the annual average volume activity of the radionuclide, determined using the data of routine radiation monitoring of the surface air. Such analysis was carried out for the release of 131I from the L.Ya. Karpov Scientific Research Institute of Physics and Chemistry (Obninsk) in 2013–2022. It is shown that for the enterprise release in 2013–2022, the results of environmental radiation monitoring confirm both the data of radiation control of the 131I release source and the correctness of the radionuclide air transfer calculation model. The average annual meteorological dilution factor of the 131I for the enterprise release in the surface layer of the atmosphere, estimated from monitoring data, does not exceed the model calculated value. Strong correlation was revealed between the average annual volume activity of 131I in the surface air, obtained using measurement results, and data on annual air releases of the enterprise. No correlation was found for the variability of the dilution factor estimated by the transfer model and monitoring data. It may be caused by the heterogeneity of the 131I releases by the enterprise during the year.Выполнен анализ взаимного соответствия данных о годовом выбросе радионуклида предприятием, расчетной модели переноса примеси, использующейся при установлении нормативов предельно допустимых выбросов, и среднегодовой объемной активности радионуклида, определенной с использованием данных радиационного мониторинга приземного слоя воздуха, на примере выброса 131I акционерным обществом «Научно-исследовательский физико-химический институт им. Л.Я. Карпова» (г. Обнинск). Показано, что для выброса предприятия в 2013–2022 гг. результаты радиационного мониторинга окружающей среды подтверждают как данные радиационного контроля источника выброса 131I, так и адекватность расчетной модели переноса примеси. Среднегодовой метеорологический фактор разбавления выброса 131I предприятием в приземном слое атмосферы, оцененный с использованием данных мониторинга, не превышает значение, полученное с помощью модели расчета переноса примеси. Выявлена сильная корреляция среднегодовой объемной активности 131I в приземном воздухе, полученной с использованием результатов измерений, и данных радиационного контроля годовых выбросов предприятия. Отсутствует корреляция изменчивости фактора разбавления по расчетным оценкам и данным мониторинга, что может быть связано с неоднородностью выброса 131I предприятием в течение года

    Clinical picture features of community-acquired pneumonia depending on the preventive vaccination against influenza and pneumococcal infection

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    The aim of the study was to study the clinical features of community-acquired pneumonia, depending on the preventive vaccination against pneumococcal infection and influenza using a computer program for interactive interviewing patients ‘Electronic Polyclinic'. 34 patients with community-acquired pneumonia aged 16-35 years were examined, 19 of whom were vaccinated against pneumococcal infection and influenza, and the second subgroup (15 people) did not receive preventive vaccination. In both subgroups, along with the examination within the verification of the diagnosis, all patients underwent an interactive questionnaire using the respiratory module of the automated system ‘Electronic Polyclinic'. Results. A special feature of community-acquired pneumonia in the group of vaccinated persons (group 1) was mild clinical symptomatology, a smaller amount of pulmonary tissue damage. The main clinical manifestations were presented with mild cough and / or fever. There was a lower incidence of dyspnoea compared with the group of patients ^without preventive vaccination' (group 2). The physical signs of the pulmonary densification syndrome were revealed only in 58% of cases in patients of the 1st group, in the second subgroup - in 95% of cases. In the first group, assessment of the X-ray data allowed us to state a segmental lesion of the lung parenchyma in 95% of cases, and only in 1 case - lobar pneumonia. In the second subgroup, on the contrary, in 14 out of 15 patients, lobar pneumonia was observed, and in 1 case a bilateral polysegmental lesion occurred. Statistically significant differences were obtained (p <0.05): in the first group of patients the median of pneumonia severity index (10%., 90%o) was 19 (18,20) points, in the second group - 26 (24.30). The conclusion. A conclusion was made about less severe symptoms and a decrease in the severity index of pneumonia in group 1, probably influenced by influenza vaccination and pneumococcal infection.Целью исследования явилось изучение особенностей клинической картины внебольничной пневмонии в зависимости от профилактической вакцинации против пневмококковой инфекции и гриппа с использованием компьютерной программы для интерактивного опроса больных «Электронная поликлиника». Обследованы 34 больных внебольничной пневмонией в возрасте 16-35 лет, 19 из которых были привиты от пневмококковой инфекции и гриппа, а вторая подгруппа (15 человек) - не проходили предупредительной вакцинации. В обеих подгруппах наряду с обследованием в рамках верификации диагноза все пациенты прошли интерактивное анкетирование с помощью респираторного модуля автоматизированной системы «Электронная поликлиника». Результаты. Особенностью течения внебольничной пневмонии в группе привитых лиц (группа 1) являлись маловыраженная клиническая симптоматика, меньший объем поражения легочной ткани. Основные клинические проявления были представлены слабовыраженным кашлем и/или лихорадкой. Отмечалась меньшая частота выявления одышки по сравнению с группой больных «без предупредительной вакцинопрофилактики» (группа 2). Физикальные признаки синдрома уплотнения легочной ткани были выявлены лишь в 58% случаев у больных 1-й группы, во второй подгруппе - в 95% случаев. В 1-й группе оценка данных рентгенологической картины позволила констатировать сегментарное поражение паренхимы легких в 95% случаев, и только в 1 случае - долевое поражение. Во второй подгруппе, наоборот, у 14 из 15 пациентов наблюдалась долевая пневмония, и в 1 случае имело место двустороннее полисегментарное поражение. Получены статистически значимые различия (р<0,05): в 1-й группе пациентов медиана (Me) индекса тяжести пневмонии (10%о; 90%о) составила 19 (18; 20) баллов, во второй - 26 (24; 30). Заключение. Сделан вывод о менее выраженных симптомах и снижении индекса тяжести течения пневмонии в 1 группе наблюдения, вероятно, под влиянием вакцинопрофилактики гриппа и пневмококковой инфекции

    Transition from fireball to Poynting-flux-dominated outflow in the three-episode GRB 160625B

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    The ejecta composition is an open question in gamma-ray burst (GRB) physics . Some GRBs possess a quasi-thermal spectral component in the time-resolved spectral analysis , suggesting a hot fireball origin. Others show a featureless non-thermal spectrum known as the Band function , consistent with a synchrotron radiation origin and suggesting that the jet is Poynting-flux dominated at the central engine and probably in the emission region as well . There are also bursts showing a sub-dominant thermal component and a dominant synchrotron component , suggesting a probable hybrid jet composition . Here, we report an extraordinarily bright GRB 160625B, simultaneously observed in gamma-ray and optical wavelengths, whose prompt emission consists of three isolated episodes separated by long quiescent intervals, with the durations of each sub-burst being approximately 0.8 s, 35 s and 212 s, respectively. Its high brightness (with isotropic peak luminosity L ≈ 4 × 10 erg s) allows us to conduct detailed time-resolved spectral analysis in each episode, from precursor to main burst and to extended emission. The spectral properties of the first two sub-bursts are distinctly different, allowing us to observe the transition from thermal to non-thermal radiation between well-separated emission episodes within a single GRB. Such a transition is a clear indication of the change of jet composition from a fireball to a Poynting-flux-dominated jet.B.-B.Z. thanks Y.-Z. Fan, Y.-Z. Wang, H. Wang, K. D. Alexander and D. Lazzati for helpful discussions. We are grateful to K. Hurley, I. Mitrofanov, A. Sanin, M. Litvak and W. Boynton for the use of Mars Odyssey data in the triangulation. We acknowledge the use of the public data from the Swift and Fermi data archives. B.-B. Z. and A.J. C.-T. acknowledge support from the Spanish Ministry Projects AYA2012-39727-C03-01 and AYA2015-71718-R. Part of this work made use of B.-B.Z.'s personal Interactive Data Language (IDL) code library ZBBIDL and personal Python library ZBBPY. The computation resources used in this work are owned by Scientist Support LLC. B.Z. acknowledges NASA NNX14AF85G and NNX15AK85G for support. Z. G. D. acknowledges the National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC) (grant 11573014). Y.-D. H. acknowledges support by China Scholarships Council (grant 201406660015). Mini-MegaTORTORA belongs to Kazan Federal University, and the work is performed according to the Russian Government Program of Competitive Growth of Kazan Federal University. A. P., E.M., P. M. and A.V. are grateful to the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant 17-02-01388) for partial support. A. P. and S.B.P. acknowledge joint BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) grant RFBR 17-52-80139 and 388-ProFChEAP for partial support. R. I. is grateful to grant RUSTAVELI FR/379/6300/ 14 for partial support. Observations on Mini-MegaTORTORA are supported by the Russian Science Foundation (grant 14-50-00043). A.V.F. and A. M. thank the Russian Science Foundation (grant 14-50-00043). L.M. and A.F.Z. acknowledge support from INTA-CEDEA ESAt personnel hosting the Pi of the Sky facility at the BOOTES-1 station. H. G. and X.-Y.W. acknowledge NSFC (grants 11603003 and 11625312, respectively). Z. G. D., X.-F. W., B.Z., X.-Y. W.,L.S. and F.-W.Z. are also supported by the 973 program (grant 2014CB845800). F.-W.Z. is also supported in part by the NSFC (grants U1331101 and 11163003), the Guangxi Natural Science Foundation (grant 2013GXNSFAA019002) and the project of outstanding young teachers' training in higher education institutions of Guangxi. L.S. acknowledges support by the NSFC (grant 11103083) and the Joint NSFC-ISF Research Program (grant 11361140349). S.O. acknowledges the support of the Leverhulme Trust. S.J. acknowledges support from Korea Basic Science Research Program through NRF-2014R1A6A3A03057484 and NRF-2015R1D1A4A01020961, and I. H. P. through NRF-2015R1A2A1A01006870 and NRF-2015R1A2A1A15055344. R. A., D. F. and D. S. acknowledge support from RSF (grant 17-12-01378). A. K. acknowledges the Science and Education Ministry of Kazakhstan (grant 0075/GF4).Peer reviewe

    Transition from fireball to Poynting-flux-dominated outflow in three-episode GRB 160625B [submitted version]

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    The ejecta composition of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) is an open question in GRB physics. Some GRBs possess a quasi-thermal spectral component in the time-resolved spectral analysis, suggesting a hot fireball origin. Some others show an essentially feature-less non-thermal spectrum known as the "Band" function, which can be interpreted as synchrotron radiation in an optically thin region, suggesting a Poynting-flux-dominated jet composition. Here we report an extraordinarily bright GRB 160625B, simultaneously observed in gamma-rays and optical wavelengths, whose prompt emission consists of three dramatically different isolated episodes separated by long quiescent intervals, with the durations of each "sub-burst" being ∼ 0.8 s, 35 s, and 212 s, respectively. The high brightness (with isotropic peak luminosity Lp,iso∼4×1053 erg/s) of this GRB allows us to conduct detailed time-resolved spectral analysis in each episode, from precursor to the main burst and extended emission. Interestingly, the spectral properties of the first two sub-bursts are distinctly different, which allow us for the first time to observe the transition from thermal to non-thermal radiation in a single GRB. Such a transition is a clear indication of the change of jet composition from a fireball to a Poynting-flux-dominated jet