1,165 research outputs found
Push Tests on Innovative Shear Connector for Composite Beam with Cold-formed Steel Section
In this study, experimental tests were conducted to investigate the ductility and strength capacity of new shear connector. Push test specimens were prepared and tested according to EN1994-1-1 standard. The push test specimen consists of two cold-formed steel lipped channel sections oriented back-to-back to form an I-section beam, transverse metal deck and normal concrete slabs grade C25/30. Angle brackets were obtained from the same section of the beam and fastened to the web of steel beam to provide the shear connection. Two shear connectors were tested namely; “SC1” and “SC2” shear connectors. Both shear connectors showed a ductile behavior and had satisfied the ductility requirements of EN1994-1-1 standard. It was concluded that the ductile behavior of shear connectors could enhance the design of composite beam
Anatomical locations of uterine fibroids in Sudanese women
Uterine fibroids are the commonest uterine neoplasms, they are benign tumors of smooth muscle origin. The study was done to look for the anatomical locations of uterine fibroids and their incidence in Sudanese women at Omdurman Maternity Hospital between 1st July 2014 to 5th October 2015. Their sociodemographic and ultrasound data were collected using a prepared questionnaire. The study included 138 confirmed cases of uterine fibroids out of 2968 investigated cases representing incidence rate of 4.6%. The highest incidence was found in the age group 36-40 years. Most dominant anatomical locations of uterine fibroids were intramural as a single mass (34.78%), followed by the intramural-subserosal in multiple masses (20.29%). The anatomical positions of uterine fibroids, posterior position was seen in (27.5%) which was the most dominant in single uterine fibroid mass, followed by the anterior-posterior position in multiple uterine one (18.1%). Intramural anatomical locations in single mass are the commonest uterine fibroids types which affect the Sudanese women.
Key words: Anatomical locations; Uterine fibroid and leiomyoma
Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Program Sistem Pencatatan dan Pelaporan Terpadu Puskesmas di Puskesmas Abeli Kota Kendari Tahun 2015
Sistem Pencatatan dan Pelaporan Terpadu Puskesmas (SP2TP) dapat berperan banyak dalam menunjang proses manaj emen Puskesmas. Melal ui SP2TP, puskesmas di wajibkan mengumpulkan data transaksi pelayanan baik pelayananUKP maupun UKM secara ruti n. Tuj uan peneli tian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan program SP2TP dari aspek input (sumber daya manusia, fasili tas dan dana), aspek procces (pencatatan dan pelaporan) dan aspek output (ketepatanwaktu dalam pelaporan, pencatatan dan penyetoran laporan bulanan) di Puskesmas Abeli Kota Kendari . Metode peneli tian i ni adalah peneli tian kuali tatif dengan pendekatan fenomenol ogis melalui wawancara mendalam dengani nforman. Informan dalam peneli tian i ni terdiri dari 3 orang i nforman kunci dan 5 orang informan biasa yang terli bat langsung pada pelaksanaan program SP2TP. Juml ah puskesmas se-Kota Kendari Tahun 2015 yai tu 15 Puskesmas, 5Puskesmas berstatus rawat i nap dan 10 Puskesmas berstatus non rawat i nap.Hasil peneli tian menunjukan bahwa pelaksanaan Sistem Pencatatan dan Pelaporan Terpadu Puskesmas di Pus kesmas Abeli sudah terlaksanameskipun belumopti mal , selain i tu terdapat beberapa masalah yai tu, bel um adanya koordi nasi yang baik antarakoordinator SP2TP dengan petugas SP2TP, ti dak adanya teknologi yang menunjang pelaksanaan program SP2TP, bel um adanya dukungansumber daya manusiakhusus pelaksanaan SP2TP baik secara kuali tas dan kuanti tas, dan untuk pengiri man laporan umumnya petugas yang bertugas mengantarkan laporan SP2TP ke Di nkes Kota masi h menggunakan fasili tas dan sarananmili k pri badi , tanpa diberi biaya dana operasi onal dan masih adanya petugas yang merekap data laporan secara manual dan ti dak tepat waktu sesuai dengan waktu yang telah di tetapkan ol eh Koordi nator SP2TP. Perl u adanya koordinasiantara petugas dengan koordi nator SP2TP yang bai k dan terbuka agar pel aksanaan program ini berjalan lancar, adanyabantuan dana dari pemeri ntah serta adanya sarana dan prasarana yang memadai untuk mendukung pelaksanaan SP2TP di puskesmas
Nanoparticle enhanced eutectic reaction during diffusion brazing of aluminium to magnesium
YesDiffusion brazing has gained much popularity as a technique capable of joining dissimilar
lightweight metal alloys and has the potential for a wide range of applications in aerospace and
transportation industries, where microstructural changes that will determine the mechanical and
chemical properties of the final joint must be controlled. This study explores the effect of Al2O3
nanoparticles on the mechanical and microstructural properties of diffusion brazed magnesium
(AZ31) and aluminium (Al-1100) joints. The results showed that the addition of Al2O3 nanoparticle
to the electrodeposited Cu coating increased the volume of eutectic liquid formed at the interface
which caused a change to the bonding mechanism and accelerated the bonding process. When the
Cu/Al2O3 nanocomposite coatings were used as the interlayer, a maximum bond strength of 46 MPa
was achieved after 2 min bonding time while samples bonded using pure-Cu interlayers achieved
maximum strength after 10 min bonding time. Chemical analysis of the bond region confirmed that
when short bonding times are used, the intermetallic compounds formed at the interface are limited
to the compounds consumed in the eutectic reaction
Thermal and flame retardancy behavior of oil palm based epoxy nanocomposites
The aim of present study was to investigate the thermal properties and flame retardancy behavior of flame retardant (FR) epoxy nanocomposites from chemically treated (bromine water and tin chloride) oil palm empty fruit bunch (OPEFB) nano filler at different filler loading (1, 3, 5%). Thermal properties were evaluated through thermogravimetry analyzer, derivative thermogravimetry and differential scanning calorimetry. FR properties of nanocomposites are evaluated through UL-94 vertical burning test and limiting oxygen index (LOI). The functional group analysis of all composites was made by FTIR spectroscopy. Thermal analysis shows that degradation temperature of epoxy composites shifts from 370 to 410 °C and char yield also increases for 3% loading. Furthermore LOI value of 29% and UL-94 rating of V-0 with no flame dripping and cotton ignition, revealed that 3% oil palm nano filler filled epoxy nanocomposites display satisfactory flame retardancy. The superior flame retardancy of epoxy nanocomposites are attributed to the chemical reactions occurred in the gaseous phases and the profound synergistic flame retardation effect of tin with bromine in the treated nano OPEFB filler. All the epoxy nanocomposites displayed almost similar FTIR spectra with the characteristics metal-halogen bond supporting the synergism. Homogeneous dispersion of 3% oil palm nano filler act as highly effective combustion chain terminating agent compared with 1 and 5% nano OPEFB/epoxy nanocomposites
Unified decoupling scheme for exchange and anisotropy contributions and temperature-dependent spectral properties of anisotropic spin systems
We compute the temperature-dependent spin-wave spectrum and the magnetization
for a spin system using the unified decoupling procedure for the high-order
Green's functions for the exchange coupling and anisotropy, both in the
classical and quantum case. Our approach allows us to establish a clear
crossover between quantum-mechanical and classical methods by developing the
classical analog of the quantum Green's function technique. The results are
compared with the classical spectral density method and numerical modeling
based on the stochastic Landau-Lifshitz equation and the Monte Carlo technique.
As far as the critical temperature is concerned, there is a full agreement
between the classical Green's functions technique and the classical spectral
density method. However, the former method turns out to be more straightforward
and more convenient than the latter because it avoids any \emph{a priori}
assumptions about the system's spectral density. The temperature-dependent
exchange stiffness as a function of magnetization is investigated within
different approaches
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