757 research outputs found

    Use of soil thaw/freeze depth data to verify hydrological modelling at poor gauged basins in permafrost regions = Verwendung von Tau- und Gefrierdaten des Bodens zur Überprüfung eines hydrologischen Modells in schlecht beobachteten Permafrostgebieten

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    The distributed process-based runoff formation model Hydrograph was applied and tested against soil thaw/freeze depth and runoff data in different permafrost landscapes of the Kolyma Water-Balance station (KWBS). The parameterization describing different permafrost conditions was elaborated. Soil thaw/freeze depths were simulated for three sites comprising rocky talus, mountainous tundra and larch forest landscapes. The runoff model was applied and calibrated for the Kontaktovy Creek watershed (21.2 km2), which is covered by these respective land cover types. Runoff simulations were carried out for three poorly-gauged river basins (areas ranging from 1820 to 9560 km2) using the same soil and vegetation parameters of the calibrated model. The results have shown that the Hydrograph model can be reliably applied in the conditions of data limitation considering permafrost-related hydrological processes

    Fused silica capillary interferometer with a layer-by-layer functional coating for the analysis of chemicals content in aqueous solutions

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    A simple fused silica capillary interferometric (FSCI) sensor has been proposed and investigated for the detection and analysis of multiple chemical compounds content in aqueous solutions. The sensor was fabricated by splicing a commercially available fused silica capillary (FSC) with two single mode fibers to create a 0.7 cm long air cavity. The fiber surface was functionalized with two different polymers: poly (allylamine hydrochloride) (PAH) and sol-gel silica in sequence using a layer-by-layer deposition method. The operating principle of the sensor relies on light interference in the fused silica capillary cavity due to adhesion of the different chemical compounds on the functional coating surface. Studies of the sensors response to the presence of five different compounds in water solutions at different concentrations have been carried out and the results have been analyzed using the principal component analysis (PCA). This work is a preliminary investigation towards the development of a novel method for assessment of content and quality of alcoholic beverages in real time using functionalized FSCIs

    Morphofunctinal state students

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    The article presents data on the morphofunctional state students of the first and final years of three faculties of the Nizhny Tagil State Social and Pedagogical Institute. Revealed morphological changes in students may indicate serious changes in their health status. First of all, this is reflected in the functional disorders of the cardiovascular and respiratory systemsПредставлены данные о морфофункциональном состоянии студентов первых и выпускных курсов трех факультетов Нижнетагильского государственного социально-педагогического института. Выявленные морфофункциональные изменения могут свидетельствовать о серьезных отклонениях в состоянии здоровья студентов – в первую очередь, в сердечно-сосудистой и дыхательной системах организм

    Comparison of level of morphofunctional state of students first and last training courses

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    The article presents data on the morphofunctional state students of the first and final years of three faculties of the Nizhny Tagil State Social and Pedagogical Institute. Revealed morphological changes in students may indicate serious changes in their health status. First of all , this is reflected in the functional disorders of the cardiovascular and respiratory systemsВ статье представлены данные о морфофункциональном состоянии студентов первых и выпускных курсов трех факультетов Нижнетагильского государственного социально-педагогического института. Выявленные морфофункциональные изменения у студентов могут свидетельствовать о серьезных изменениях в состоянии их здоровья. В первую очередь, это находит отражение в функциональных отклонениях сердечно-сосудистой и дыхательной систем организм


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    Activity of purified pyruvate dehydrogenase and 2 - oksoglutarate dehydrogenase multienzyme complexes was studied and a quantity of free SH-groups in them being influenced by chlorides of cadmium, copper and lead was determined. The conducted research proved a considerable activity impairment of dehydrogenases of oxoacids and of the free SH – groups level

    Equation of fluctuations frequency of gas in the devices such as capacity-tube

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    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. In this paper highlights gas oscillations in the devices consisting of a combustion chamber and a narrow tube for the outflow of combustion products. Considering the sound velocity gradient in the tube. The resulting equation of fluctuations frequency of gas in the test device with any geometrical parameters