501 research outputs found

    Free totally (anti)symmetric massless fermionic fields in d-dimensional anti-de Sitter space

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    Free massless fermionic fields of arbitrary spins s>0s>0 corresponding to totally (anti)symmetric tensor-spinor representations of the SO(d1)SO(d-1) compact subgroup and in dd-dimensional anti-de Sitter space are investigated. We propose the free equations of motion, subsidiary conditions and corresponding gauge transformations for such fields. The equations obtained are used to derive the lowest energy values for the above-mentioned representations. A new representation for equations of motion and gauge transformations in terms of generators of anti-de Sitter group SO(d1,2)SO(d-1,2) is found. It is demonstrated that in contrast to the symmetric case the gauge parameter of the antisymmetric massless field is also a massless field.Comment: 9 pages, LaTe


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    Previous geochronological and Sm-Nd isotopegeochemical studies have identified the main stages of the Precambrian continental crust formation in the central and eastern parts of the Aldan Shield [Kotov et al., 2006], while its western part (Chara-Olekma Geoblock) has not been adequately investigated yet in this respect.Previous geochronological and Sm-Nd isotopegeochemical studies have identified the main stages of the Precambrian continental crust formation in the central and eastern parts of the Aldan Shield [Kotov et al., 2006], while its western part (Chara-Olekma Geoblock) has not been adequately investigated yet in this respect

    Methodological approaches to assessing the quality of reception of patients at consulting and diagnostic polyclinics

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    The results of developing a methodology for assessing the quality of the reception of patients at a consulting and diagnostic polyclinic are presented. It is established that a subsystem of four medical-statistical factors existing in the medical and preventive treatment institution monitoring system is necessary and sufficient. It is shown that the introduction of this approach has increased the efficiency of quality management of the reception of patients at Ekaterinburg Children’s Hospital No. 9.В статье приведены результаты разработки методики оценки качества работы врачебных приемов в консультативно­диагностический поликлинике. Установлено, что необходимой и достаточной для этого является подсистема из 4 медико­статистических показателей, существующих в системе мониторинга лечебно-профилактических учреждений. Показано, что внедрение методики позволило повысить эффективность управления качеством работы врачебных приемов в детской больнице №9 г. Екатеринбурга

    Evolution of the genus Eucricetodon (Rodentia, Mammalia) from the Valley of Lakes (Mongolia): a taxonomical description and update on the stratigraphical distribution

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    The Oligocene fossil deposits from Valley of Lakes in Central Mongolia have provided a wealth of rodent fossils. Among these, cricetids are a very important part. To date, only the Miocene genera have been described in detail. Here, we focus on the Oligocene genus Eucricetodon from this region. Eucricetodontinae are the most abundant fossils in the Oligocene Valley of Lakes faunas. The present study consists of the description of five species of cricetid rodents from 43 localities ranging in age from the early Oligocene to the early-late Oligocene. In addition to Eucricetodon asiaticus described in Mongolia in 1923, we have found Eucricetodon bagus and Eucricetodon jilantaiensis that were described from Nei Mongol and Eucricetodon occidentalis discovered in Kazakhstan. This taxonomical study provides new information regarding the evolution of the Cricetidae in Central and Eastern Asia during the Oligocene and, more particularly, regarding their phylogenetic relationships and the evolutionary trends

    Parent formulation at the Lagrangian level

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    The recently proposed first-order parent formalism at the level of equations of motion is specialized to the case of Lagrangian systems. It is shown that for diffeomorphism-invariant theories the parent formulation takes the form of an AKSZ-type sigma model. The proposed formulation can be also seen as a Lagrangian version of the BV-BRST extension of the Vasiliev unfolded approach. We also discuss its possible interpretation as a multidimensional generalization of the Hamiltonian BFV--BRST formalism. The general construction is illustrated by examples of (parametrized) mechanics, relativistic particle, Yang--Mills theory, and gravity.Comment: 26 pages, discussion of the truncation extended, typos corrected, references adde

    Cricetidae (Rodentia, Mammalia) from the oligocene of the valley of Lakes (Mongolia): the genera Aralocricetodon, Eocricetodon, Bagacricetodon, Witenia and Paracricetodon

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    We describe the remains of Aralocricetodon Bendukidze, 1993; Bagacricetodon Gomes Rodrigues et al., 2012; Eocricetodon Wang, 2007; Witenia de Bruijn et al., 2003 and Paracricetodon Schaub, 1925 (Cricetidae, Rodentia, Mammalia) from the Taatsiin Gol and Taatsiin Tsagaan Nuur areas (Mongolia). The studied material (comprising 128 teeth) stems from 9 localities and 23 fossil layers spanning a time interval from ∼33 to ∼24 Ma (early to late Oligocene) and covering the biozones from A to C1. The general dental pattern between the species from the early and late Oligocene differed. The occlusal pattern of the molars was more complicated and the crowns were lower during the early versus late Oligocene. This indicates a change in diet towards more abrasive plants. Several of the studied species were common in both Europe and Asia Minor during the early Oligocene. The species collected from the late Oligocene have also been recorded in Kazakhstan and China. This indicates an interesting biogeographical pattern that merits future study

    Measurement of polarisation observables in Ks0Σ+K^0_s\Sigma^+ photoproduction off the proton

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    The reaction γpKS0Σ+\gamma \, p \rightarrow K^0_S\,\Sigma^+ is studied in the photon energy range from threshold. Linearly polarised photon beams from coherent bremsstrahlung enabled the first measurement of photon beam asymmetries in this reaction up to Eγ=2250E_\gamma = 2250 MeV. In addition, the recoil hyperon polarisation was determined through the asymmetry in the weak decay Σ+pπ0\Sigma^+ \rightarrow p \pi^0 up to Eγ=1650E_\gamma = 1650 MeV. The data are compared to partial wave analyses, and the possible impact on the interpretation of a recently observed cusp-like structure near the KK^* thresholds is discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures. References [8,9,10,11] which were not on the original submission are now include

    Practical efficacy and safety of Konsilar D24 in patients with hypertension: data from the KONSONANS program

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    Aim. In practice, to evaluate the efficacy, safety and long-term adherence to therapy with a fixed-dose combination of ramipril/indapamide (Konsilar-D24) in patients with grade 1-2 hypertension (HTN) who have not achieved blood pressure (BP) control with prior therapy or have not taken antihypertensive therapy.Material and methods. This multicenter open-label observational program included 524 patients with grade 1-2 HTN who did not take antihypertensive therapy or did not reach the target BP level with mono or dual antihypertensive therapy, as well as patients shifted to Konsilar-D24 therapy no later than two weeks before the start of the program. All patients signed a written informed consent to participate in the program. The safety analysis set includes all patients who have taken at least one dose of a fixed-dose combination of ramipril/indapamide and have visited physician at least once during the program. The effectiveness analysis set included all patients in the safety population who completed the study in accordance with protocol (n=511). Clinical systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic BP (DBP) and heart rate were assessed at baseline, as well as at 0,5, 1, 3 and 6 months of treatment. A post hoc subgroup analysis of changes in BP and heart rate was performed depending on age, sex and baseline body mass index.Results. The fixed-dose combination of ramipril with indapamide significantly reduced SBP and DBP after 2-week treatment (-20,9±10,1 mm Hg; pConclusion. Despite the limitations inherent in observational studies, the KONSONANS program has demonstrated high efficacy and safety of fixed-dose combination of ramipril/indapamide taken once a day in hypertensive patients. Ramipril/indapamide fixed-dose combination therapy significantly improved BP control and achieved even lower individual target BP levels in the majority of hypertensive patients

    Graphite and Hexagonal Boron-Nitride Possess the Same Interlayer Distance. Why?

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    Graphite and hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) are two prominent members of the family of layered materials possessing a hexagonal lattice. While graphite has non-polar homo-nuclear C-C intra-layer bonds, h-BN presents highly polar B-N bonds resulting in different optimal stacking modes of the two materials in bulk form. Furthermore, the static polarizabilities of the constituent atoms considerably differ from each other suggesting large differences in the dispersive component of the interlayer bonding. Despite these major differences both materials present practically identical interlayer distances. To understand this finding, a comparative study of the nature of the interlayer bonding in both materials is presented. A full lattice sum of the interactions between the partially charged atomic centers in h-BN results in vanishingly small monopolar electrostatic contributions to the interlayer binding energy. Higher order electrostatic multipoles, exchange, and short-range correlation contributions are found to be very similar in both materials and to almost completely cancel out by the Pauli repulsions at physically relevant interlayer distances resulting in a marginal effective contribution to the interlayer binding. Further analysis of the dispersive energy term reveals that despite the large differences in the individual atomic polarizabilities the hetero-atomic B-N C6 coefficient is very similar to the homo-atomic C-C coefficient in the hexagonal bulk form resulting in very similar dispersive contribution to the interlayer binding. The overall binding energy curves of both materials are thus very similar predicting practically the same interlayer distance and very similar binding energies.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, 2 table