414 research outputs found

    Dynamic trust negotiation for decentralised e-health collaborations

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    In the Internet-age, the geographical boundaries that have previously impinged upon inter-organisational collaborations have become decreasingly important. Of more importance for such collaborations is the notion and subsequent nature of security and trust - this is especially so in open collaborative environments like the Grid where resources can be both made available, subsequently accessed and used by remote users from a multitude of institutions with a variety of different privileges spanning across the collaboration. In this context, the ability to dynamically negotiate and subsequently enforce security policies driven by various levels of inter-organisational trust is essential. Numerous access control solutions exist today to address aspects of inter-organisational security. These include the use of centralised access control lists where all collaborating partners negotiate and agree on privileges required to access shared resources. Other solutions involve delegating aspects of access right management to trusted remote individuals in assigning privileges to their (remote) users. These solutions typically entail negotiations and delegations which are constrained by organisations, people and the static rules they impose. Such constraints often result in a lack of flexibility in what has been agreed; difficulties in reaching agreement, or once established, in subsequently maintaining these agreements. Furthermore, these solutions often reduce the autonomous capacity of collaborating organisations because of the need to satisfy collaborating partners demands. This can result in increased security risks or reducing the granularity of security policies. Underpinning this is the issue of trust. Specifically trust realisation between organisations, between individuals, and/or between entities or systems that are present in multi-domain authorities. Trust negotiation is one approach that allows and supports trust realisation. The thesis introduces a novel model called dynamic trust negotiation (DTN) that supports n-tier negotiation hops for trust realisation in multi-domain collaborative environments with specific focus on e-Health environments. DTN describes how trust pathways can be discovered and subsequently how remote security credentials can be mapped to local security credentials through trust contracts, thereby bridging the gap that makes decentralised security policies difficult to define and enforce. Furthermore, DTN shows how n-tier negotiation hops can limit the disclosure of access control policies and how semantic issues that exist with security attributes in decentralised environments can be reduced. The thesis presents the results from the application of DTN to various clinical trials and the implementation of DTN to Virtual Organisation for Trials of Epidemiological Studies (VOTES). The thesis concludes that DTN can address the issue of realising and establishing trust between systems or agents within the e-Health domain, such as the clinical trials domain

    A Study on Factors Affecting Perseverance and Commitment in Christian Marriages

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    The concept of marriage is as old as the world itself and in Christianity, the bond is promised to sustain a lifetime. Current research has presented little insight into the concept of marriage in Christianity and the reasons leading to divorce among Christian couples in developed nations as opposed to underdeveloped nations. The purpose of this study was to understand the role of perseverance, culture, and extended family involvement on Christian practice, marriage, and divorce in developed and underdeveloped nations. The philosophy that guided the study was positivism. A total of 100 participants who regularly attend church were selected to participate in this research. Participants were adults between the ages of 18 and 60 years old. An evidence-based Divorce Propensity scale and attitudes towards divorce scale were distributed among the participants to assess their attitudes and propensity towards divorce under religious norms. Statistical analysis was applied, and technique used for analysis included descriptive statistics, two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), bivariate analysis, and multivariate analysis. Participants’ religious identities were factored into the data analysis. This was to determine what effect culture, extended family, community, and civilization had on the perseverance and commitment of the participants in their marriages regarding issues that could lead to divorce. For the purposes of this research, the standard of scriptural teaching on the topic of marriage was the same for all participants. The results of multivariate analyses and Pearson’s test indicated that culture has a strongly significant impact on the Divorce Propensity of Christians in both developed and underdeveloped nations. However, the study revealed that the population of Nigeria was more likely to avoid divorce due to cultural interference and social pressure than those in USA


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    Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) is a mycotoxin known to frequently contaminate poorly stored foods/feeds. This         study was carried out to investigate the performance of parameters of catfish fed 3 different doses of         aflatoxins earlier determined from fish feeds. Simulated toxicity test using AFB , (1000 µg/ml, 500µg/                                                                                        1         ml, 250µg/ml) in feeding juvenile cat fish was conducted for 56 days. Catfishes were divided into 4          treatments according to aflatoxin dose (A=control, B=250µg/ml, C=500µg/ml, D=1000µg/ml). At the          end   of   the   experiment,   body   weight   and   biochemical   parameters  were   evaluated. Results   revealed         that growth of aflatoxicosed fish was significantly different from control using analysis of variance and         Duncan Multiple Range Test at p< 0.05. Protein, cholesterol, bilirubin, electrolytes and liver enzymes         such as Aspartate transaminase (AST), Alanine transaminase (ALT) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP)         were   also   significantly   different from   the   control.   Histopathological   examination   of   liver   sections  re-         vealed severe liver damage. There was gross oedema of the hepatocytes with increased inflammatory         cells. This is the first report of simulated aflatoxin toxicity obtained from fish feeds sold in Nigeria. It is         clear from the results that legislation for the control of aflatoxins in animal feed is now over due be-         cause of its attendant economic loss and potential health hazard. Routine surveillance is needed

    Datasheet showing the impact of work environment on productivity in higher education institutions

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    Abstract: This research paper provides datasheet on the summary of the investigation conducted to determine the effect of both internal and external environment on staff and students’ productivity in some selected Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Nigeria. It is generally acknowledged that the productivity of Nigerian HEIs is rather low, this survey examines the effect of the external environment on staff and student productivity in Nigerian HEIs, evaluates the effect of the internal environment on staff and student productivity in Nigerian HEIs, and determines the effect of psychosocial environment on staff and student productivity in Nigerian HEIs. Data were gathered based on conclusive research design. Stratified and convenience sampling techniques were adopted. The research instrument was confirmed to have all the necessary psychometric values considered appropriate for the research. Some descriptive statistical analyses were carried out to further clarify the data and provide the necessary platform for further analyses

    Integration of magnetic residuals,derivates and located euler deconvolution for structural and geologic mapping of parts of the precambrian gneisses of Ago-Iwoye, Southwestern Nigeria

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    Ground based magnetic survey conducted between longitude 06O 55I 51IIN –06O 55I 54IIN and latitude 03O 52I 06IIE –03O 52I 4.8IIE (Olabisi Onabanjo University) remarkably revealed a consistent subsurface NW -SE structural azimuth of localized discontinuities within the shallowly buried heterogeneous basement rocks, which at exposed locations are composed of strongly foliated granite gneiss and migmatite-gneiss with veins and veinlets principally orientated in NNW –SSE direction.Magnetic survey of the area was preceded by site inspection to avoid metallic objects interferences. Field procedure in the area involved Cartesian gridding, base station establishment, data acquisition at gridded points, and repeated bihourly diurnal checksat the base station. At the processing stage, diurnal variation effect was aptly removed before subjection to Kriging (gridding). The gridded data was then prepared as input for Forward Fourier Filter Transform (FFT), which upon definition and implementation enabled Butterworth filtering of isolated ringing effects, reduction to the equator (RTE) for geomagnetic correction, and the use of Gaussian and Upward Continuation filtering for regional magnetic intensity trend determination. Removal of the regional magnetic intensity (RMI) from the total magnetic intensity (TMI) resulted in the derivation of the residual anomaly. Enhancement filters adopted for better resolution of the residual magnetic gradient include analytical signal (AS), tilt-angle derivative (TDR), vertical derivative deconvolution (VDD), and the first vertical derivatives (FVD).TMI and RMI values range between 32925nT –33050nT and 32935nT –333050nT respectively, while the residual gradient ranges between 15nT/m and10nT/m; AS ranges between 0.28nT/m and4.1nT/m; and TDR ranges from-1.4nT/m to 1.4nT/m. Source depth calculation estimated from power spectrum analysis and Euler deconvolution ranges between 1m and15m. Composite overlay of magnetic maps revealed jointed and faulted zones within the area; exhibiting a NW-SE principal azimuth of Liberian orogenic impress, which are in consistence with the foliation direction of the jagged foliated bedrock with an estimated maximum overburden of about 15m.The structural significance of this area as a prospective hydro-geological centre, and as an undesirable spot for high-rise building has been accurately evaluated from research findings. Application of integrated geophysical approach, complemented by detailed geological studies may furnish greater information about the subsurface structural architecture.Keywords:Gneisses; Ground Magnetic Surveying;RTE;Structural discontinuities;TDR.1INTRODUCTIONStructuralmapping is an integral part of geologic surveys. It involves measurements, analyses, interpretation and recognition of geometrical features (structures) generated by rock deformations [1]. These structures often serve as fountains of environmental challenges or unparalleled opportunities depending on their modesof occurrences, which in most cases are imminently controlled by the dynamic interplay of differential stress distributions within the earth interior. In line with the principle of uniformitarianism, a broad understanding about Earth’s paleo processes and internal workingsare deductible from the various deformation types for diverse applications. Deductible inferences from brittle deformationsinclude the kinematics of crustal blocks, orientation of principal axes of regional and local stresses, and geometry. Deeper insights indeep seated stresses, regional movements and block motions are obtainable from ductile deformations

    Correlation between manufacturing sectors and foreign direct investment

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    Abstract : The manufacturing sectors of nation’s economies have without doubt been noted as the chief driver of economic growth the world over. The connection between the Nigerian manufacturing sector and foreign direct investment (FDI) was assessed in this work. The study, in order to empirically examine how the variables are related in the long term and short term, utilised time series data spanning 36 years, while the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) and co- integration technique were used. From the result, it is seen that the dependent variables explained R2 of 97% of the variations in manufacturing sector indicators (MFI), while Foreign direct investment, (FDI), Inflation rate (INF), government expenditure (GOE), and money supply (MSP) represent the independent variables. One of the recommendations of the study is that the federal government should consciously increase amount of foreign direct investments (FDI) made available to this all-important sector-manufacturing sector to boost its efficiency especially with respect to percentage impact on GDP and employment generation in Nigeria

    Evaluation of 100 most cited research articles on African medicinal plants

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    The mission for drug discovery and progress has prompt researchers to scientifically validate the therapeutic uses of medicinal plants available worldwide, of which, African medicinal plants serve as a great reservoir. Despite the extensive work in the field of medicinal plants of African origin, however, bibliometric report on the work conducted on African medicinal plants is scarce, and hence, the present study aimed at evaluating the top 100 most cited articles on medicinal plant wealth of Africa. The literature data used for the bibliometric analysis was explored from Web of Science (WoS) while RStudio and VOSviewer software were used for data analysis and collaboration network visualization, respectively. The most prolific authors were Van Staden J, Jager AK, Teklehaymanot T whereas, the top 3 journals were Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, and South African Journal of Botany. Most cited journals were Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Phytochemistry, Phytotherapy Research. The topmost institutions in terms of the number of articles were the University of KwaZulu-Natal, University of Addis Ababa and Pretoria. South Africa was the most cited country followed by Nigeria. Single country publications dominated the field and therefore, multiple country collaboration should be a focus of social networks among the researchers in the field

    Macroeconomic as Basis of Economic Growth : An ARDL Approach

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    Abstract : We examined the effect of some selected macroeconomic factors reflecting on Nigeria economic growth between the periods of the year 1981 to the year 2015 using Auto Regressive Distributed Lag denoted as ARDL method. Findings revealed that foreign direct investment, and trade openness were the major factors that determine real gross domestic product, especially in the short run. On this basis, this paper, therefore, concluded that increase in the net flow from foreign investors from the rest of the world has a significant effect on the Nigeria economy as it increases the capital inflow and improves economic growth

    A Secure Big Data Framework Based on Access Restriction And Preserved Level of Privacy

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    Big data frequently contains huge amounts of personal identifiable information and therefore the protection of user2019;s privacy becomes a challenge. Lots of researches had been administered on securing big data, but still limited in efficient privacy management and data sensitivity. This study designed a big data framework named Big Data-ARpM that is secured and enforces privacy and access restriction level. The internal components of Big Data-ARpM consists of six modules. Data Pre-processor which contains a data cleaning component that checks each entity of the data for conformity
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