80 research outputs found

    Factors associated with sexual dysfunction among female patients in a Nigerian ambulatory primary care setting

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    Background: Sexual dysfunction is a common but under-reported problem of public health importance among female adults in  Nigeria. Empirical evidence on sexual dysfunction among female Nigerians is scarce.Objectives: To determine the prevalence and risk factors associated with sexual dysfunction among female patients presenting at the General Outpatient Clinic (GOPC), University College Hospital (UCH), Ibadan, Nigeria.Methods: This was a cross-sectional study of 480 married female patients who presented consecutively at the GOPC, UCH, Ibadan, Nigeria. The 28-item Sexual Function Questionnaire (SFQ-28) was used to determine sexual dysfunction. Information on their sociodemographic characteristics, obstetric and gynecological history were obtained. Bivariate and multivariate analyses were carried out and alpha was set at 0.05.Results: Point prevalence of sexual dysfunction was 80.0%. The most common sexual dysfunction was problems with sexual desire (99.4%), while the least common was problems with arousal cognition (5.8%). There was a significant association between the prevalence of sexual dysfunction and age, years of relationship, number of children alive, parity, level of education, age at coitarche and family dysfunction. Age (OR=0.893; 95% CI=0.821–0.972, p=0.008), parity (OR=3.093; 95% CI=1.174– 8.151, p=0.022), having family dysfunction (OR=2.096; 95% CI= 1.129–3.891, p=0.019) and having>10 years of formal education (OR=4.808; 95% CI= 2.604–8.928, p<0.0001) were found to be the predictors of sexual dysfunction.Conclusion: Sexual dysfunction among female married adults in our setting was high. We propose that modifiable factors such as socio-demographic and gynaecological variables should be evaluated during the consultation of female patients at first contact Keywords: Female, Sexual dysfunction, Primary care, Nigeri

    Awareness of Cervical Cancer and Screening in a Nigerian Female Market Population

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    Background: Cervical cancer, although largely preventable, remains a leading cause of cancer death among females in the developing world. The study was aimed at providing useful information on awareness of market women, who are from diverse social backgrounds, about cervical cancer and evaluate the extent of utilisation of Papanicolaou's smear by them. It was also aimed at determining the prevalence of risk factors for development of cervical cancer among the population. Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive survey was carried out among market women at Aleshinloye market in November 2003, among 483 randomly selected respondents. A questionnaire probing into their sexual history, awareness about cervical cancer and the extent of utilisation of Pap smear was the survey instrument. Results: The majority (79.5%) of the women were sexually active. One hundred and eighty-six (38.5%) had early sexual debut and 163 (33.7%) had multiple sexual partners. Only 197 respondents (40.8%) were aware of cervical cancer. Of these, 95 (19.7%) were aware of Pap smear as a screening test. The common media of awareness were radio and television (46.6%), public lecture (27.8%) and friends/ relatives (19.9%). However, only 25 respondents (5.2%) have had previous Pap smear done. Conclusion: Though the market women are at considerable risk of developing cancer of the cervix, they are poorly informed about the disease and its prevention. Therefore, there is need for continuous awareness campaign and well-organized screening programmes among this unique category of women.Contexte: Le cancer du col, bien qu'\ue9vitable, demeure la principale cause de d\ue9c\ue8s par cancer chez la femme dans les pays en d\ue9veloppement. Le but de cette \ue9tude \ue9tait de donner des informations utiles sur la connaissance du cancer du col et l'\ue9valuation de l'utilisation du test de Papanicolaou, par des vendeuses au march\ue9, de couches sociales diverses. Il s'agissait \ue9galement de d\ue9terminer la pr\ue9valence des facteurs de risque de d\ue9velopper le cancer de la prostate dans cette population. M\ue9thodes : Cette \ue9tude descriptive sur un \ue9chantillon repr\ue9sentatif a \ue9t\ue9 r\ue9alis\ue9e au sein de femmes au march\ue9 Aleshinloye en Novembre 2003, aupr\ue8s de 483 femmes s\ue9lectionn\ue9es au hasard. L'enqu\ueate reposait sur un questionnaire s'int\ue9ressant \ue0 la sexualit\ue9, la connaissance du cancer du col et l'utilisation du test de Papanicolaou. R\ue9sultats : La majorit\ue9 des femmes (79,5) \ue9taient sexuellement actives. Cent quatre six (38,5%) avaient pr\ue9cocement d\ue9marr\ue9 leur activit\ue9 sexuelle et 163 (33,7%) avaient des partenaires sexuels multiples. Seuls 197 (40,8%) avaient connaissance du cancer du col. Parmi elle, 95 (19,7%) connaissaient le d\ue9pistage par le test de Papanicolaou. Les moyens habituels d'information \ue9taient constitu\ue9s par la radio et le t\ue9l\ue9vision (46,6%), les conf\ue9rences publiques (27,8%) et les amis/parents (19,9%). Cependant, seuls 25 femmes (5,2%) avaient d\ue9j\ue0 b\ue9n\ue9fici\ue9s de test de Papanicolaou. Conclusion: Quoique, \ue0 risque consid\ue9rable de d\ue9velopper le cancer du col, ces femmes sont peu inform\ue9es \ue0 propos de cette maladie et sa pr\ue9vention. A cet effet, il est n\ue9cessaire de continuer les campagnes d'information et de mener des campagnes de d\ue9pistage bien organis\ue9es au sein de cette cat\ue9gorie de femmes

    Domestic Water Utilization and Its Determinants in the Rural Areas of Oyo State, Nigeria Using Multivariate Analysis

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    Investigation into water utilization and its determinants in the rural areas is salient to a result-oriented management of this resource. Thus, a research was conducted to assess the pattern of domestic water uses and its determinant in the rural areas of Oyo State, Nigeria. A multistage sampling technique was applied to select 124 villages from 25 out of the 33 LGAs in Oyo State, Nigeria with 5 villages from each. Ten structured questionnaire were administered in each of the selected villages, giving a total of 1240 across the study area to generate data. The study revealed that water consumtion per head in the study area ranges between 15 litres/day in Shaki East and 31.7 litres/day in Oyo East LGA and that the dominant water consumption is absolutely domestic indicating that the study area is non-industrialized. Also, multivariate analysis conducted showed that 11 factors were determinants of domestic water consumption in the study area. These are water storage, cost of water, household size, water use for bathing, availability of alternative sources, location, reliability and accessibility of the source, distance, age of the respondent and gender composition. Multiple regression analysis of R2=35.0 for Oyo State indicated that each LGA should be treated individually when seeking solutions to water-related problems in the State. The study recommended detail survey on what determines water use in each LGA for a result-oriented water management. Effort is required of relevant agencies to embark on infrastructural and agricultural development in the area to boost water use

    Assessment of heavy metal levels of Agodi Reservoir in Ibadan, Nigeria

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    The quality of water discharged into Agodi Reservoir was determined by the levels of Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn. Water samples were collected from the inlet, centre and outlet locations of the reservoir and their heavy metal contents were determined by standard methods using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) over a period of twelve (12) months covering both rainy and dry seasons. Test location differences and seasonal variations were examined using ANOVA at P<0.05 to establish any gradient effect associated with pollution dynamics. Results showed no seasonal variations in all the heavy metals except for Co. Also, there is no significant variation in heavy metal concentration between the test locations. The heavy metal profile in Agodi Reservoir, measured in mg/L, was as follows: Mn (64.81) > Fe (43.75) > Zn (23.13) > Cu (12.44) > Co (0.19) > Ni (0.17) > Cd (0.12). Concentrations of Cr and Pb were below detectable level. Compared to WHO recommended limits, Co fell below while others were higher than thresholds. It is concluded that Agodi Reservoir water has a potential environmental hazard unless treated before use.Keywords: Agodi Reservoir, heavy metals, pollution, seasonal variatio

    Sustainability and resilience of Aiba Dam in Iwo, Nigeria

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    Aiba dam was created to supply pipe-borne water to the Iwo community and environ. This paper highlighted challenges to the dam survival and recommended opportunities for improvement in the light of deterring sociological and cultural barriers to its sustainability. The challenges facing the dam include natural viz:- climate change, sedimentation, senesce (ageing trees) and anthropogenic challenges which include management-related problems, urban sprawl, farming practices in the dam area and refuse dump. The paper suggested that relevant government agencies needs to be proactive on ensuring the sustainability of the dam especially in the areas of public enlightenment, reforestation, dredging of the dam, institution and implementation of relevant legal instruments; also, putting in place appropriate measures towards mitigating climate change impact to ensure the survival of the dam and to ascertain that it performs the purpose for which it was created. Further investigation to determine the status of the dam through the use of satellite imageries and geographic information system are suggested.Keywords: Aiba Reservoir; Dam management and resilience; Sustainability; Iwo; Environmental challeng

    Performance assessment of Makurdi burnt Bricks.

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    This work involved onsite observation of the production process; determination of physical properties and chemical composition of the soil sample used for production of Makurdi burnt bricks (MBB). A total of 22 brick specimens, of the MBB was examined in the laboratory for compressive strength, water absorption and abrasion resistance. The results reveal the soil sample as a true laterite having a Silica-Sesquioxide ratio of 1.01, Silica content of 42.95 and clay content of 27.38 and total clay + silt content of 30.78. The Atterberg’s limit test gave the liquid limit as 36.79; plastic limit, 26.11and plastic index, 10.68. Compressive strength was 3.46 N/mm2 and 11.75 N/mm2 for Samples A and B respectively; Average water absorption for Sample B (16.49%) was double that of Sample A (8.58%) while the Abrasion resistance ability of Sample B (33.67%) was four times better than Sample A (9.32%)

    Analysis And Prediction Of Cost And Time Overrun Of Millennium Development Goals (MDGS) Construction Projects In Nigeria.

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    The paper focuses on the analysis and forecast of cost and time overrun of MDGs construction projects in Nigeria. Twenty five MDGs construction projects from (2006-2009) were critically investigated and time and cost overrun of the project were studied. The Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) 19.0 version was used to analyse the variables using Paired t-test and simple regression at 95% confidence limits. The analysis was based on the adaptation of requisition method. The validity test on the efficiency of the model was highlighted using the confidence interval to enhance the application of the models. Mathematical models were developed. The findings shows that there is a significant different between the total contract sum, cost overrun, total contract duration, and time overrun for the MDGS projects. The study suggests acute need for government to engage in proactive strategic planning and approaches to keep construction project cost and time within reasonable limit for the actualization of MDGs policy of development and environmental sustainability.   Keywords: Analysis and Prediction, Cost Overrun, Time Overrun, Millennium Development Goals and Construction Projects

    Climate change awareness and its determinants in a growing city in the southwestern Nigeria using Multivariate Analysis

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    Awareness of climate change scenario is essential to the success of its global remediation efforts. Thus, a study was conducted to assess the awareness of climate change in a growing town of Iwo, Osun State, Nigeria. Data for the investigation was generated through the administration of 150 questionnaires across randomly selected adult inhabitants. Of the entire questionnaire, 123 were returned while the rest were either mutilated or returned uncompleted. Descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were conducted. Descriptive analysis showed that 74% of the respondents had no knowledge of climate change while 21.1% claimed knowledge of it. All respondents that claimed knowledge got the information on television and 76.9% got it on radio. Also, 95.9% of those who had knowledge believed that the solution to climate change associated risks should be borne by international bodies because the menace is global while 86.1% believed it is the responsibility of the Federal Government. Factor analysis results showed that four factors predict awareness of climate change bordering on availability and dissemination of climate change-associated issues and perception about who tackles the control of and the impact of climate change. It is therefore recommended that information on climate change should be made available and be widely disseminated, especially its impacts and that international communities in conjunction with the national government should take charge of the control and of the associated risks. Further investigation is required to assess the coping and adaptation strategies to climate change effects in the study area

    Rainfall trend and its Implications for Sustainable Crop Production and Water Resources Management: A Case Study of Iwo, Nigeria

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    Studies have revealed that the pattern of rainfall will change in view of climate change scenario being experienced globally. Thus, a thirty-year (1989-2018) rainfall data analysis was conducted for Iwo in Osun State, southwestern Nigeria to determine the trend pattern of rainfall. One parameter Mann-Kendall statistic was used in the analysis of the data. The results showed that while five months (February, April, July, August and December) showed negative trend (Negative y-values) indicating declining rainfall over the period, seven months (January, March, May, June, September, October and November) revealed a positive trend (positive y-values) implying increasing rainfall over the period for those months. However, the general analysis of the 30-year data showed that there was negative trend in rainfall in the study area which means that there is general fall in the rainfall incidence over the period in Iwo. The results of monthly trend indicated that rainfall is no longer dependable for a viable agricultural practice, and so water conservation methodologies need to be embarked upon in order to salvage crops from the shortfall in the rain caused by climate change. It is therefore, recommended that shifting in the planting dates, irrigation, planting cover crops and planting heat tolerant crops and early matured crop varieties among others should be considered by farmers, especially the small scale farmers. Stakeholders in water resources management holds the responsibility on averting water scarcity and the challenge of water pollution in view of the erratic rainfall to ensure human survival

    Plasma C-Reactive Protein and Selected Nutritional Indices in Elective Caesarean Section

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    Context: Caesarean Section (CS) is a major surgical procedure, often performed when a vaginal delivery is considered unsafe.Objective: This study was carried out to understand the interaction between acute phase proteins and nutritional factors consequent to caesarean section. The knowledge of this interaction is important for successful management of these patients.Methods: Plasma samples from fifty (50) pregnant women booked for elective caesarean section in Ibadan, Nigeria were collected on the day preceding surgery, one day and four days post-surgery to determine the levels of CRP, vitamin C, PCV, Total protein, albumin and globulin (Glb) levels. Results: The mean age of the patients studied was 32.29 + 3.66 years, range; 24 39 years. Significant elevations were observed in the levels of TP, Glb and CRP one day post-surgery (1DPS) compared with baseline (BS) (7.36 + 1.46) vs 6.56±1.30, (4.68 + 1.33) vs 2.70±1.51, (111.43 + 68.89) vs 6.00 ± 13.27 respectively, while albumin reduced significantly (2.68 + 1.08) vs 3.87±0 .63. Similar changes were observed on day 4. There was no significant change in the levels of Vitamin C.Conclusion: One of the positive predictive indicators of good outcome after caesarean delivery is adequate nutrition.Key Words: Elective caesarian section, acute phase proteins, nutritional factor
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