122 research outputs found

    Physical Culture and Its Role in Training the Students of Non-sports Higher Educational Institutions

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    The aim of the investigation is to show long-felt need of formation of proof motivation to physical culture and skills of a healthy way of life among university students, whose specialties are not connected with the sports. Methods. The methods involve survey and questionnaire as a part of sociological research (such methods were used to find out what place occupies health in the system of modern students’ values, and what are be the basic motives of a healthy way of life of student’s youth). The standard computer statistical analysis was applied to processing of research results. Scientific novelty and results. Modern interpretation of the term «physical training» is given. Authors of the present study maintain and prove the fact that not only simply applied aspect of the formation, helping to achieve quality health of the person and to get the competence of professional sports, but also a science concerning the ways and technologies of achievement of harmony of the personal development, provide successful preparation for work on the chosen specialty. Data of sociological research shows stereotypic representations of students on physical training as a way of improvement of muscles work and increase its weight. The research show total imperception of the fact that muscles activity is reflected in emotionally-shaped thinking; successful mastering of modern scientific knowledge, active ability to live, successful implementation of personal and professional plans are impossible without such activities. Low valeological competence of parents, school teachers, tutors and teachers of higher schools is revealed as the main reason of an absence of students’ organisation skills of a healthy way of life, and upkeeping the state of health. Practical significance. Research materials justify that the system of mass physical training requires conceptual reforming; it is required to include reconsideration of a place and role of the so-named discipline in the higher school Цель статьи – показать назревшую необходимость формирования у студентов вузов, чьи специальности не связаны со спортом, стойкой мотивации занятиями физкультурой и навыков здорового образа жизни. Методы. Для выяснения, какое место занимает здоровье в системе ценностей современных студентов и каковы могут быть основные мотивы здорового образа жизни студенческой молодежи, авторами было проведено социологическое исследование, в ходе которого использовались опрос и анкетирование. Для обработки результатов исследования применялся стандартный компьютерный статистический анализ. Научная новизна и результаты. Дано современное толкование термина «физическая культура». Авторы настаивают и доказывают, что это не просто прикладной аспект образования, помогающий добиться высокого качества здоровья человека и приобрести компетенции в профессиональном спорте, но и наука о способах и технологиях достижения гармонии личностного развития, обеспечивающих успешную подготовку к работе по выбранной специальности. Данные социологического исследования демонстрируют стереотипные представления студентов о физической культуре как способе улучшения работы мышц и увеличении их массы и полное отсутствие понимания, что деятельность мышц отражается на эмоционально-образном мышлении, без которого невозможно успешное усвоение современных научных знаний, активная жизнедеятельность, успешное претворение в жизнь личных и профессиональных планов. Выявлена главная причина недостатка умений и навыков у студентов в организации здорового образа жизни, поддержании в порядке своего самочувствия – низкая валеологическая грамотность родителей, школьных педагогов, воспитателей и преподавателей вузов. Практическая значимость. Материалы исследования в очередной раз подтверждают, что система массовой физической культуры нуждается в концептуальном реформировании, требуется в том числе и пересмотр места и роли одноименной дисциплины в высшей школе

    Development and Research of Technology Manufacturing of Semi-Finished Products from Solder Alloys Based on Silver

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    Proposed new compositions of solder alloys based on silver. Developed technological schemes of production of wire diameter 1,2 mm. Developed scheme of production of wire diameter 1,2 mm from alloy SAg-40I with operation combined casting, rolling and extruding. Modeling of temperature-rate parameters of the process of combined casting, rolling and extruding has been made. Designed and constructed the installation CCRE-80. The analysis of the structure and properties of semi-finished solder alloys based on silver has been done.Предложены новые составы припойных сплавов на основе серебра. Разработаны технологические схемы производства проволоки диаметром 1,2 мм. Разработана схема производства проволоки диаметром 1,2 мм из сплава ПСр-40И с применением операции совмещенного литья, прокатки и прессования. Проведено моделирование температурно- скоростных параметров процесса совмещенного литья, прокатки и прессования. Спроектирована и изготовлена установка СЛИПП-80. Проведен анализ структуры и свойств полуфабрикатов из припойных сплавов на основе серебра

    The principles of selecting and structuring the syllabus of foreign language teaching aimed at developing the students research competence

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    © 2015, Review of European Studies. All right reserved. The essence of the development of the students research competence in the process of learning a foreign language is to acquire knowledge, skills and work methods allowing students to take the position of a researcher capable both to carry out and present the results of the research in the international language that contributes to unlocking their full intellectual potential in the future professional activity. The methodological basis for solving this problem has become the modular competence-forming, research and integrative approaches. According to these approaches the article discusses the nature and the content of the principles of selection and structuring the syllabus of foreign language teaching aimed at creating the students research competence: the principle of integration, the principle of poly-logic cognition, a problematic principle, the principle of concentrism and the principle of mediation activities by means of learning a foreign language. The article submissions present both theoretical and practical value for the teachers of “Foreign Language course” as well as for the future teachers


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    The authors study interdependent factors of personality-based approaches to subordinates, qualities that are necessary for a manager to contribute to the process of staff training in his “own image and likeness”. The authors also consider the issue of corporate training and its part in development of professional skills.Взаимозависимые факторы  личностно-индивидуального подхода  к подчиненным. Качества, которые  нужны руководителю, чтобы помочь  формированию персонала по своему  образу и подобию. Какую нагрузку  в профессиональной подготовке  может брать на себя корпоративная  система

    Perspectives of using sodium alginate with different molecular weight in the complex cancer therapy

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    The article presents the results of screening research of influence of sodium alginate with different molecular weight on the development of transplantable tumor in mice and the effectiveness of cytostatic treatment. It was determined that sodium alginates with both high (М = 403 kDa) and low (M = 1-10 kDa and M = 1 kDa) molecular weight suppress growth of Ehrlich ascites carcinoma; using sodium alginate (M = 20-30 kDa) in the scheme of chemotherapy increases effectiveness of treatment. Alginates with low molecular weight arrest development of dissemination of Lewis lung carcinoma and sodium alginates (M = 403 kDa and M = 20-30 kDa) in combination with cyclophosphan increase its antimetastatic effect

    Enhancement of nematic order and global phase diagram of a lattice model for coupled nematic systems

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    We use an infinite-range Maier-Saupe model, with two sets of local quadrupolar variables and restricted orientations, to investigate the global phase diagram of a coupled system of two nematic subsystems. The free energy and the equations of state are exactly calculated by standard techniques of statistical mechanics. The nematic-isotropic transition temperature of system A increases with both the interaction energy among mesogens of system B, and the two-subsystem coupling JJ. This enhancement of the nematic phase is manifested in a global phase diagram in terms of the interaction parameters and the temperature TT. We make some comments on the connections of these results with experimental findings for a system of diluted ferroelectric nanoparticles embedded in a nematic liquid-crystalline environment.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Volume 42 of the Brazilian Journal of Physic

    Role of foreign language teacher shaping students’ research skills

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    © 2015 Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved. Nowadays many foreign language teachers are not enough aware about the significance of the research component within their profile discipline, arguing that students even in their native language do not have enough use of fundamentals in their scientific professional activities. Therefore, this article is aimed to study the role of foreign language teacher when mastering students’ research skills in the process of learning English as a foreign language. The study results have confirmed that process of mastering students’ research skills when learning foreign language is directly connected with their teacher’s own research skill level. These article materials have practical value both for foreign language teachers and for students enrolled for foreign languages programs of education sciences faculties at high schools

    The technology of forming the students’ research competence in the process of learning a foreign language

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    © Canadian Center of Science and Education. The research issue appears important as today's system of professional education requires an optimal structure of the academic disciplines intended for the students’ research and creative abilities development. In this regard, the purpose of the article is to develop a technique for forming the students’ research competence in the process of learning a foreign language. The flagship approaches to the development of this technology have become the research and modular competence-based approaches. The article describes the technology of the students’ research competence formation in the process of learning a foreign language, the proposed stages of which are universal and can be also used in the formation of the students’ communicative competence, while the submitted steps are particularly aimed at the formation of the students’ research competence in the process of learning a foreign language. The materials of this article may be of value to the foreign language teachers while selecting and structuring the foreign language learning curriculum aimed at the formation of the research competence among the students of higher professional schools

    Аберрантный ангиогенез в ткани головного мозга при экспериментальной болезни Альцгеймера

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    The aim was to study the molecular mechanisms of the violation of the structural and functional integrity ofthe blood-brain barrier in chronic neurodegeneration of the Alzheimer’s type associated with the development of cerebral angiopathy.Materials and methods. The transgenic model of Alzheimer’s disease is the B6SLJ-Tg line mice (APPSwFlLon,PSEN1 * M146L * L286V) 6799Vas group which includes 9 months aged males. The control group included C57BL / 6 x SJL mice, males aged 9 months.Results. The total length of the vessels in the area of the dentate gyrus is 2.5 times greater in transgenic animal models of Alzheimer’s disease than in animals of the control group (p < 0.01). The average diameter of blood vessels in all areas of the hippocampus is smaller compared with the control (p < 0.05). Transgenic modeling of neurodegeneration in the CA2 zone of the hippocampus increases the relative area of tissue with increased permeability of blood-brain barrier (BBB) (17.80 [9.15; 36.75]) compared to control (1.38 [0.04; 7.60]) at p < 0.05. A similar difference (p < 0.05) is also observed in the hippocampal area CA1. A tendency (p > 0.05) to decrease the number of CD31+ endothelial cells in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus (21.52 [17.56; 24.50]) in animals of the experimental group compared with the control group (23.08[21.18; 29.84]) was detected. A similar situation is observed in the CA2 and CA3 areas of the hippocampus.Conclusion. Neurodegenerative changes in the hippocampus of animals with a transgenic AD model are associated with impaired microcirculation in the brain tissue as a result of a reduction in the diameter and branching of blood vessels, and damage and increased permeability of BBB.Цель – изучение молекулярных механизмов нарушения структурно-функциональной целостности гематоэнцефалического барьера (ГЭБ) при хронической нейродегенерации  альцгеймеровского типа, ассоциированной с развитием церебральной ангипопатии. Материалы и методы. Опытная группа – генетическая модель болезни Альцгеймера (БА) – мыши линии B6SLJ -Tg(APPSwFlLon,PSEN1*M146L*L286V)6799Vas, самцы в возрасте 9 мес. Контрольная группа – мыши линии C57BL/6 x SJL, самцы в возрасте 9 мес.Результаты. У животных с генетической моделью БА в зубчатой извилине гиппокампа  общая длина сосудов в 2,5 раза больше, чем у контрольной группы (p < 0,01), при этом  средний диаметр сосудов во всех областях гиппокампа меньше по сравнению с контролем (p < 0,05). Выявлено, что при генетическом моделировании  нейродегенерации в СА2 зоне гиппокампа наблюдается увеличение относительной  площади ткани с повышенной проницаемостью ГЭБ (17,80 [9,15;36,75]) по сравнению с контролем (1,38 [0,04;7,60]) при p < 0,05. Подобное различие (p < 0,05) наблюдается и в зоне СА1 гиппокампа. У животных опытной группы выявлена тенденция (p > 0,05) к снижению количества CD31+ эндотелиальных клеток в зубчатой извилине гиппокампа (21,52 [17,56; 24,50]) по сравнению с контролем (23,08 [21,18; 29,84]). Аналогичная ситуация наблюдается в зонах СА2 и СА3 гиппокампа.Заключение. Нейродегенеративные изменения в гиппокампе животных с генетической  моделью БА ассоциированы с нарушением микроциркуляции в ткани головного мозга в  результате сокращения диаметра и разветвленности сосудов, повреждения и повышения проницаемости ГЭБ

    Роль окситоцина в защитной функции сердечно-сосудистой системы

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    Oxytocin is synthesized in endothelial cells of the cardiovascular system and exerts its effects by oxytocin receptors. The effect of oxytocin on vascular tone, blood pressure, vascular growth and remodeling, as well as participation in cardiovascular regulation has been proven. The positive effect of oxytocin on infarct size and recovery of contractile function in reperfusion is well studied. It should be noted that the mechanisms of this cardioprotective effect have not yet been studied. Research evidence suggests that oxytocin therapy significantly improves cardiac function, reduces inflammation and apoptosis, and improves scar vascularization. Oxytocin stimulates the transformation of stem cells into clones of cardiomyocytes. Oxytocin promotes angiogenesis by stimulating the formation of endothelial and smooth muscle cells. Increased consumption of glucose by cardiomyocytes, inhibition of cardiomyocyte hypertrophy, and a decrease in oxidative stress are the reasons for the positive effects of oxytocin. Oxytocin reduces inflammation, improves cardiovascular and metabolic function. This is the manifestation of the cardioprotective effect of oxytocin. Potential treatment of cardiovascular diseases with oxytocin is possible due to the pleiotropic nature of oxytocin effects. This review indicates the likely mechanisms of oxytocin action at the cellular level that are involved in cardioprotection.рецепторами. Доказано воздействие окситоцина на тонус сосудистой стенки, артериальное давление, рост и ремоделирование сосудов, а также участие в сердечно-сосудистой регуляции. Хорошо изучено благоприятное влияние окситоцина на размер инфаркта и сократительную функцию сердца при реперфузии. Механизмы этой кардиопротекции окончательно не определены. Опубликованные данные показывают, что лечение окситоцином улучшает работу сердца, уменьшает апоптоз и воспаление и увеличивает васкуляризацию рубцов. Окситоцин стимулирует дифференцировку стволовых клеток в клоны кардиомиоцитов, а также образование эндотелиальных и гладкомышечных клеток, что в свою очередь способствует ангиогенезу. Благоприятное действие окситоцина может включать увеличение поглощения глюкозы кардиомиоцитами, снижение гипертрофии кардиомиоцитов и окислительного стресса. Окситоцин обладает кардиозащитным действием, которое проявляется в уменьшении воспалительной реакции и улучшении сердечно-сосудистой и метаболической функций. Из-за плейотропной природы эффектов окситоцина последний демонстрирует потенциал в лечении заболеваний сердечно-сосудистой системы. В данном обзоре описаны возможные внутриклеточные механизмы действия окситоцина, участвующие в кардиопротекции