89 research outputs found

    On the nature of the solar-wind-Mars interaction

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    Plasma measurements near Mars on the U.S.S.R. Mars-2, -3, and -5 spacecraft are considered. The data are compared with simultaneous magnetic measurements. Strong evidence is obtained in favor of a direct interaction and mass exchange between the solar wind plasma and the gaseous envelope of Mars

    Auto anti oxLDL, IgM and IgG: comparison between sedentary and athletes

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    Introduction: The practice of regular physical activity contributes to reduce the prevalence of coronary hearth disease (CHD) and aerobic exercises are associated with beneficial changes in the profile of circulating lipids and lipoproteins. However in the past years the oxidative hypothesis assumed great importance in the pathogenesis of CHD. During exhaustive exercises there is a greater possibility of oxidation of LDL, forming oxidized LDL (oxLDL) that has a key role in atherogenesis. However the incidence of coronary events in athletes is lower than in sedentary persons. It is described in the literature that we can found in serum auto autoantibodies anti-oxLDL, of the isotypes IgG and IgM. The former involved with atherogenesis and the latter with an atheroprotective function. The aim of this study was to verify if there are differences in the prevalence of the different autoantibodies between athletes and sedentary persons. Methods: Twenty male recreational runners and twenty male sedentary individuals living in the city of São Paulo were recruited for the study. Both the study protocol and consent form had been approved by the UNIFESP-EPM Ethics Committee. None of the participants were using lipid-lowering medications, no smokers, addicted to alcohol consumption, obese or had systemic arterial hypertension, neither liver, renal, metabolic, inflammatory or neoplastic diseases. Blood sample were collected at rest. Blood draws for all the individuals were performed after 12 hours of fasting. IgM and IgG anti ox LDL specific reactivity in serum, were measured by ELISA using previously stored serum. Student’s t-test was used to analyze differences in age and body mass index (BMI). The Mann-Whitney test was used to determine if the differences between the results for sedentary individuals and those for runners at rest were significant. Results: We found that at rest the group of athletes studied showed a statistically higher concentration of IgM autoantibodies against ox-LDL than controls (figure 1 a). At the same time, IgG autoantibodies anti ox-LDL presented the same concentration in controls and athletes (Figure 1 b). Conclusion: This finding is of extreme importance when we consider the prevalence of CHD in those different populations and the opposite actions of these two isotypes of antibodies

    The Structure of Martian Magnetosphere at the Dayside Terminator Region as Observed on MAVEN Spacecraft

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    We analyzed 44 passes of the MAVEN spacecraft through the magnetosphere, arranged by the angle between electric field vector and the projection of spacecraft position radius vector in the YZ plane in MSE coordinate system (θ{\theta} E ). All passes were divided into 3 angular sectors near 0{\deg}, 90{\deg} and 180{\deg} θ{\theta} E angles in order to estimate the role of IMF direction in plasma and magnetic properties of dayside Martian magnetosphere. The time interval chosen was from January 17 through February 4, 2016 when MAVEN was crossing the dayside magnetosphere at SZA ~ 70{\deg}. Magnetosphere as the region with prevailing energetic planetary ions is always found between the magnetosheath and the ionosphere. 3 angular sectors of dayside interaction region in MSE coordinate system with different orientation of the solar wind electric field vector E = -1/c V x B showed that for each sector one can find specific profiles of the magnetosheath, the magnetic barrier and the magnetosphere. Plume ions originate in the northern MSE sector where motion electric field is directed from the planet. This electric field ejects magnetospheric ions leading to dilution of magnetospheric heavy ions population, and this effect is seen in some magnetospheric profiles. Magnetic barrier forms in front of the magnetosphere, and relative magnetic field magnitudes in these two domains vary. The average height of the boundary with ionosphere is ~530 km and the average height of the magnetopause is ~730 km. We discuss the implications of the observed magnetosphere structure to the planetary ions loss mechanism.Comment: 24 pages, 13 figure

    Ion distribution dynamics near the Earth's bow shock: first measurements with the 2D ion energy spectrometer CORALL on the INTERBALL/Tail-probe satellite

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    International audienceThe dynamics of the ion distribution function near the Earth's bow shock is studied on the basis of quasi-3D measurements of ion energy spectra in the range of 30?24200 eV/q with the Russian-Cuban CORALL instrument on the INTERBALL/Tail-probe satellite. The instrument was designed for observations of magnetospheric plasma and measures ions, in an angular range of 36°?144° from the Earth-Sun direction. Ion populations generated by the Earth bow shock are often observed upstream from the bow shock. In the solar-wind stream compressed and heated by the passing of very dense magnetic cloud (CME), two types of these ion populations were measured upstream and before the bow shock crossing on 25 August 1995 at 07:37 UT. Both populations were observed in the energy range above 2 keV. At ~06:20 UT, when the angle between the direction of the interplanetary magnetic field and normal to the bow shock VBn was ? 43° the instrument observed a narrow, fast (~800 km/s) field-aligned beam moving from the Earth. At ~07:30, when Bn ? 28°, the wide ion pitch-angle distribution was observed. A similar suprathermal ion population is observed in the magnetosheath simultaneously with the solar-wind ion population being heated and deflected from the Sun-Earth direction. The similarity of observations during the mentioned time-interval and under usual solar-wind conditions allows us to conclude that types of suprathermal ion populations upstream and downstream from the bow shock do not depend on the solar-wind disturbance generated by magnetic cloud

    Initial observations of fine plasma structures at the flank magnetopause with the complex plasma analyzer SCA-1 onboard the Interball Tail Probe

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    International audienceThe fast plasma analyzer EU-1 of the SCA-1 complex plasma spectrometer is installed onboard the Interball Tail Probe (Interball-1). It provides fast three-dimensional measurements of the ion distribution function on the low-spin-rate Prognoz satellite (about 2min). The EU-1 ion spectrometer with virtual aperture consists of two detectors with 16 E/Q narrow-angle analyzers and electrostatic scanners. This configuration allows one to measure the ion distribution function in three dimensions (over 15 energy steps in 50 eV/Q?5.0 keV/Q energy range in 64 directions) in 7.5 s, which makes it independent of the slow rotation speed of the satellite. A description of the instrument and its capabilities is given. We present here the preliminary results of measurements of ions for two cases of the dawn low- and mid-latitude magnetopause crossings. The properties of observed ion structures and their tentative explanation are presented. The 12 September 1995 pass at low latitude at about 90° solar-zenith angle on the dawn side of the magnetosphere is considered in more detail. Dispersive ions are seen at the edge of the magnetopause and at the edges of subsequently observed plasma structures. Changes in ion velocity distribution in plasma structures observed after the first magnetopause crossing suggest that what resembles multiple magnetopause crossings may be plasma blobs penetrating the magnetosphere. Observed variations of plasma parameters near magnetopause structures suggest nonstationary reconnection as the most probable mechanism for observed structures

    Venera-D Mission Concept to Study Atmosphere, Surface and Plasma Environment: Phase II Report of the Venera-D Joint Science Definition Team

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    Venus and Earth were formed approximately the same distance from the Sun, and have almost the same masses and volumes: they should be the most similar pair of planets in the Solar System. A vital, outstanding question is how and when these planets diverged in their atmospheric evolutions. Significantly, recent investigations present evidence for microbial life in Venus' cloud deck. Venus presents us with fundamental questions about the origin and evolution of planetary bodies and life in our Solar System.Venera-D (D stands for the Russian word for "long-lived:" dolgozhivushaya) is a potential mission that would combine simultaneous observations of Venus' atmosphere, plasma environment, and surface to try to answer these essential questions
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