357 research outputs found

    Layer-by-layer fabrication of highly transparent polymer based piezoelectric transducers

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    The fabrication of highly transparent piezoelectric transducers is of increasing interest in the scientific and technological community. In this work, polymer based piezoelectric transducers were fabricated by the direct deposition of each layer forming the transducer on the desired substrate, avoiding the use of coupling layers. Transparent conductive oxide (TCO) electrodes were deposited by magnetron sputtering and piezoelectric films based on the copolymer poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-trifluoroethylene) (P(VDF-TrFE)) were deposited by spin-coating. All layers were processed and characterized to obtain a highly transparent piezoelectric P(VDF-TrFE) transducer with a strong adhesion between layers and preserving the piezoelectric response of the copolymer film. Indium tin oxide (ITO), gallium-doped zinc oxide (GZO) and aluminium-doped zinc oxide (AZO) were evaluated, and the best performance was obtained with AZO. The optimized transducer features an optical transmittance higher than 75% in the visible spectral range and a piezoelectric coefficient vertical bar d(33)vertical bar of 34 pC.N-1.The authors thank the FCT-Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia-for financial support under framework of the Strategic Funding UID/FIS/04650/2013, project PTDC/EEI-SII/5582/2014 and project UID/EEA/04436/2013 by FEDER funds through the COMPETE 2020-Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalizacao (POCI) with the reference project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006941. Funds provided by FCT in the framework of EuroNanoMed 2016 call, Project LungChek ENMed/0049/2016 are also gratefully acknowledged. VFC also thanks the FCT for the grant SFRH/BPD/98109/2013. Finally, the authors acknowledge funding by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) through the project MAT2016-76039-C4-3-R (AEI/FEDER, UE) and from the Basque Government Industry Department under the ELKARTEK and HAZITEK programs.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Seasonal and interannual variations in nitrogen availability and particle export in the northwestern North Pacific subtropical gyre

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    Time series of particulate nitrogen isotope delta (PN-δ 15N) and flux of trapped particles at 200 m were determined in the northwestern North Pacific subtropical gyre between 2010 and 2014 in order to examine temporal variations in mixed layer nitrate availability and downward particle export. Lower PN-δ 15N (50%), implying that new nitrogen supply stimulated predominantly coccolithophore growth and downward transport of coccoliths. Even in the stratified summer of 2011, a δ 15N drop associated with a spike in particulate flux was found and was attributed to the uplift of nitrate-rich deep waters due to a mesoscale cyclonic eddy passing the mooring station. Total nitrate input sustains 86–93% of annual new production in this region while nitrogen fixation accounts for the rest. Trapped particles also showed that the winter δ 15N decrease appeared earlier in the 2011–2012 blooms than those in 2013–2014, coinciding with 8% higher CaCO 3 concentrations and a 40% lower particulate organic carbon to inorganic carbon export ratio, R(POC:PIC). This reflected stronger convective mixing and hence larger nutrient supply in 2011–2012, caused by larger ocean heat loss related to winter monsoon intensity. Such interannual change of winter R(POC:PIC) can affect CO 2 uptake rate in the northwestern North Pacific subtropical gyre where anthropogenic CO 2 accumulates in subtropical mode waters

    The Aqua-Planet Experiment (APE): CONTROL SST Simulation

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    Climate simulations by 16 atmospheric general circulation models (AGCMs) are compared on an aqua-planet, a water-covered Earth with prescribed sea surface temperature varying only in latitude. The idealised configuration is designed to expose differences in the circulation simulated by different models. Basic features of the aqua-planet climate are characterised by comparison with Earth. The models display a wide range of behaviour. The balanced component of the tropospheric mean flow, and mid-latitude eddy covariances subject to budget constraints, vary relatively little among the models. In contrast, differences in damping in the dynamical core strongly influence transient eddy amplitudes. Historical uncertainty in modelled lower stratospheric temperatures persists in APE.Aspects of the circulation generated more directly by interactions between the resolved fluid dynamics and parameterized moist processes vary greatly. The tropical Hadley circulation forms either a single or double inter-tropical convergence zone (ITCZ) at the equator, with large variations in mean precipitation. The equatorial wave spectrum shows a wide range of precipitation intensity and propagation characteristics. Kelvin mode-like eastward propagation with remarkably constant phase speed dominates in most models. Westward propagation, less dispersive than the equatorial Rossby modes, dominates in a few models or occurs within an eastward propagating envelope in others. The mean structure of the ITCZ is related to precipitation variability, consistent with previous studies.The aqua-planet global energy balance is unknown but the models produce a surprisingly large range of top of atmosphere global net flux, dominated by differences in shortwave reflection by clouds. A number of newly developed models, not optimised for Earth climate, contribute to this. Possible reasons for differences in the optimised models are discussed.The aqua-planet configuration is intended as one component of an experimental hierarchy used to evaluate AGCMs. This comparison does suggest that the range of model behaviour could be better understood and reduced in conjunction with Earth climate simulations. Controlled experimentation is required to explore individual model behavior and investigate convergence of the aqua-planet climate with increasing resolution

    Dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase I enhances tumour growth and angiogenesis

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    Angiogenesis is a prerequisite for tumour progression and is highly regulated by growth factors and cytokines a number of which also stimulate the production of nitric oxide. Asymmetric dimethylarginine is an endogenous inhibitor of nitric oxide synthesis. Asymmetric dimethylarginine is metabolised by dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase. To study the effect of dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase on tumour growth and vascular development, the rat C6 glioma cell line was manipulated to overexpress the rat gene for dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase I. Enhanced expression of dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase I increased nitric oxide synthesis (as indicated by a two-fold increase in the production of cGMP), expression and secretion of vascular endothelial cell growth factor, and induced angiogenesis in vitro. Tumours derived from these cells grew more rapidly in vivo than cells with normal dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase I expression. Immunohistochemical and magnetic resonance imaging measurements were consistent with increased tumour vascular development. Furthermore, dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase activity was detected in a series of human tumours. This data demonstrates that dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase plays a pivotal role in tumour growth and the development of the tumour vasculature by regulating the concentration of nitric oxide and altering vascular endothelial cell growth factor production

    A Candidate Subspecies Discrimination System Involving a Vomeronasal Receptor Gene with Different Alleles Fixed in M. m. domesticus and M. m. musculus

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    Assortative mating, a potentially efficient prezygotic reproductive barrier, may prevent loss of genetic potential by avoiding the production of unfit hybrids (i.e., because of hybrid infertility or hybrid breakdown) that occur at regions of secondary contact between incipient species. In the case of the mouse hybrid zone, where two subspecies of Mus musculus (M. m. domesticus and M. m. musculus) meet and exchange genes to a limited extent, assortative mating requires a means of subspecies recognition. We based the work reported here on the hypothesis that, if there is a pheromone sufficiently diverged between M. m. domesticus and M. m. musculus to mediate subspecies recognition, then that process must also require a specific receptor(s), also sufficiently diverged between the subspecies, to receive the signal and elicit an assortative mating response. We studied the mouse V1R genes, which encode a large family of receptors in the vomeronasal organ (VNO), by screening Perlegen SNP data and identified one, Vmn1r67, with 24 fixed SNP differences most of which (15/24) are nonsynonymous nucleotide substitutions between M. m. domesticus and M. m. musculus. We observed substantial linkage disequilibrium (LD) between Vmn1r67 and Abpa27, a mouse salivary androgen-binding protein gene that encodes a proteinaceous pheromone (ABP) capable of mediating assortative mating, perhaps in conjunction with its bound small lipophilic ligand. The LD we observed is likely a case of association rather than residual physical linkage from a very recent selective sweep, because an intervening gene, Vmn1r71, shows significant intra(sub)specific polymorphism but no inter(sub)specific divergence in its nucleotide sequence. We discuss alternative explanations of these observations, for example that Abpa27 and Vmn1r67 are coevolving as signal and receptor to reinforce subspecies hybridization barriers or that the unusually divergent Vmn1r67 allele was not a product of fast positive selection, but was derived from an introgressed allele, possibly from Mus spretus

    Classification of Inhibitors of Hepatic Organic Anion Transporting Polypeptides (OATPs): Influence of Protein Expression on Drug–Drug Interactions

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    ABSTRACT: The hepatic organic anion transporting poly-peptides (OATPs) influence the pharmacokinetics of several drug classes and are involved in many clinical drug−drug interactions. Predicting potential interactions with OATPs is, therefore, of value. Here, we developed in vitro and in silico models for identification and prediction of specific and general inhibitors of OATP1B1, OATP1B3, and OATP2B1. The maximal transport activity (MTA) of each OATP in human liver was predicted from transport kinetics and protein quantification. We then used MTA to predict the effects of a subset of inhibitors on atorvastatin uptake in vivo. Using a data set of 225 drug-like compounds, 91 OATP inhibitors were identified. In silico models indicated that lipophilicity and polar surface area are key molecular features of OATP inhibition. MTA predictions identified OATP1B1 and OATP1B3 as major determinants of atorvastatin uptake in vivo. The relative contributions to overall hepatic uptake varied with isoform specificities of the inhibitors

    A review of source tracking techniques for fine sediment within a catchment

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    Excessive transport of fine sediment, and its associated pollutants, can cause detrimental impacts in aquatic environments. It is therefore important to perform accurate sediment source apportionment to identify hot spots of soil erosion. Various tracers have been adopted, often in combination, to identify sediment source type and its spatial origin; these include fallout radionuclides, geochemical tracers, mineral magnetic properties and bulk and compound-specific stable isotopes. In this review, the applicability of these techniques to particular settings and their advantages and limitations are reviewed. By synthesizing existing approaches, that make use of multiple tracers in combination with measured changes of channel geomorphological attributes, an integrated analysis of tracer profiles in deposited sediments in lakes and reservoirs can be made. Through a multi-scale approach for fine sediment tracking, temporal changes in soil erosion and sediment load can be reconstructed and the consequences of changing catchment practices evaluated. We recommend that long-term, as well as short-term, monitoring of riverine fine sediment and corresponding surface and subsurface sources at nested sites within a catchment are essential. Such monitoring will inform the development and validation of models for predicting dynamics of fine sediment transport as a function of hydro-climatic and geomorphological controls. We highlight that the need for monitoring is particularly important for hilly catchments with complex and changing land use. We recommend that research should be prioritized for sloping farmland-dominated catchments