592 research outputs found

    The Role of Digital Education in Reducing the Risk of Cyberbullying Among Female Secondary School Students From their point of view in Riyadh - Saudi Arabia

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    The research aims to identify the role of digital education in improving female secondary school students ability to confront cyberbullying dangers, recognize its different patterns, and explore ways to reduce its effects and repercussions. To achieve the research objectives, the study relied on a quantitative descriptive method to process the primary data collected through a 46-item questionnaire divided into four main dimensions. The questionnaire was distributed to a research sample of 390 female secondary school students, who were chosen randomly and systematically. The research yielded significant results at the level of the first dimension, which addressed the current reality of digital education for secondary school students. The mean values ranged between 2.75 and 2.83. As for the second dimension, which focused on forms of electronic bullying, the mean values ranged between 4.03 and 4.24. The third dimension dealt with the effects of cyberbullying, with mean values ranging between 3.99 and 4.34. The last dimension examined expressions reflecting the means and mechanisms for activating the role of digital education in addressing cyberbullying issues. The mean values ranged between 4.29 and 4.49. The high mean values across all dimensions indicate a strong degree of agreement among the research sample members regarding the questionnaires dimensions. Based on the study results, the researchers recommended increasing female students awareness of cyberbullying and adopting modern strategies to confront electronic bullying. They also suggested activating the role of the media in raising both female students and the communitys awareness of this phenomenon and its various repercussions. Additionally, the study emphasized the importance of increased coordination and cooperation between families and schools in monitoring and addressing cyberbullying


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    Selat Bali secara geografis terletak diantara Pulau Jawa dan Pulau Bali. Luas perairan Selat Bali diperkirakan mencapai 900 mil persegi. Perairan ini memiliki potensi perikanan yaitu menghasilkan ikan rata-rata 100 ton/tahun. Potensi perikanan di Selat Bali sangat beragam terutama ikan lemuru (bali sardinella). Dari beberapa penelitian, menunjukkan bahwa Selat Bali merupakan perairan yang sangat subur, ditandai dengan melimpahnya nutrien di Selat Bali, nutrien yang berlebih memicu terjadinya blooming algae atau meledaknya populasi fitoplankton. PT. 1368 adalah salah satu industri yang membuang limbah cair hasil pengolahan dan pembekuan udang ke Selat Bali. Parameter kualitas air limbah cair udang meliputi BOD, DO, Nitrat, Fosfat, COD dan TSS. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada musim barat yaitu bulan Januari 2019, dan kemudian melakukan pemodelan dengan MIKE 21 EcoLab, untuk mengetahui besaran dan pola sebaran pencemaran di Selat Bali. Hasil dari pemodelan menunjukkan bahwa parameter yang mempengaruhi kualitas air di Selat Bali adalah DO, Nitrat dan Fosfat. Nilai DO mengalami penurunan dibawah baku mutu, baik pada saat pasang, menuju pasang, surut dan menuju surut sebesar 1.850 – 2.227 mg/L, nilai nitrat di atas baku mutu sebesar 0.720 – 0.730 mg/L dan nilai fosfat di atas baku mutu sebesar 0.710 – 0.713 mg/L. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan terjadinya perebutan oksigen bagi biota dan perairan Selat Bali dalam kategori sangat subur dan dapat memicu blooming algae, dengan ditandai menurunnya hasil tangkap ikan lemuru. Penanganan pencemaran di Selat Bali ini melibatkan stake holder terkait pusat sampai ke daerah, pemantauan dan pengawasan secara rutin, hingga pemutusan perizinan pihak indistri yang melakukan pencemaran, penyempurnaan penggunaan IPAL untuk mengurangi kadar nitrat dan fosfat dan penerepan selanjutnya menggunakan ocean outfall

    Pengembangan Aplikasi Bimbingan Tugas Akhir Mahasiswa Berbasis Website pada Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Fkip Universitas Riau

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    This research is research of application development of final project of student based on website at Prodi PGSD FKIPUniversitas Riau by using waterfall model. The formulation of the problem in this research are: (1) how the design ofdeveloping the final project application of student based on the website of Prodi PGSD FKIP Universitas Riau? and (2)whether the program designed to assist the final project guidance on Prodi PGSD FKIP University of Riau ?. The purpose ofthis research is (1) to design a system that can assist the process of guidance of final assignment of students to Prodi PGSDFKIP Universitas Riau and (2) to know the response about the use of application of final student task based on the website ofProdi PGSD FKIP Universitas Riau. This research is a development research with waterfall model. Development stage isdone in four stages, namely: (1) stage study of literature; (2) needs analysis phase; (3) application design; and (4)application testing phase and conclusion. The result of the research stated that the application of the final assignment of thestudents based on the website of PGSD Study Program of FKIP Universitas Riau is valid with four references, namely: (1)correctness aspect (truth); (2) reliability (reliability) aspect; (3) integrity; and (4) USAbility (USAge). Based on the results ofeffectiveness test on the students obtained data that the application of the final project-based student guidance websiteincluded in the category of very effective average percentage is 84.89% with very effective category. It is marked by theacquisition: 1) the correctness (truth) of 84.93% with very effective category; 2) reliability (reliability) of 86.37% with veryeffective category; 3) integrity (integration) equal to 86,08% with very effective category; and 4) USAbility (USAge) of 82.17%with very effective category. The average percentage is 84.89% with very effective category. So it can be concluded that theapplication development of final student task based on the website Prodi PGSD FKIP University of Riau has been declaredeffective and has been widely used

    Kemampuan Mahasiswa Pgsd Fkip Universitas Riau dalam Menulis Surat Resmi

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    The research is descriptive quantitative research conducted to look at the ability of students in the class of 2014 to write a formal letter, a technique in data collection in the form of observation results by student writing an official letter PGSD FKIP Riau University class of 2014 instrument validity of his research has been validated through expert judgment. The sample in this study as masy as 46 students of primary school teaching force in 2014 the Faculty of Education, University of Riau. The ability of students PGSD FKIP Riau University after analyzed using categories, from 12 aspects outlined in the instrument observation sheets, getting the results that the completeness aspect predicate section of the letter simply by percentage (65, 76%), while the writing aspect letterhead good predicate with percentage (79,89%), while the aspect of writing an official letter dated sufficient predicate with percentage (54, 35%), while the aspect of writing about the letter predicate less by percentage (35, 87%), while the writing aspect of the destination address with sufficient predicate persentage (59, 78%), while the aspect of writing greeting predicate simply by percentage (54,35%), while the contents of the letter writing aspect predicate simply by percentage (63,04%), while the writing aspect regards predicate cover less by percentage (42, 93%), while in writing the name of the sender predicate very well with percentage (98, 91%), while the use of indonesioan predicate either by percentage (71, 74%), while in the aspect of the preparation of sufficient premises sentence predicate percentage (58,15%) and on aspects of the form or neatness letter predicate simply by percentage (58, 15%). From the results, the average overall percentage of 61, 91% is obtained with neough categories, this suggests that the ability of students PGSD class of 2014 FKIP University of Riau still low in writing a formal letter

    Stress and its associated factors among medical students in a public medical faculty, Malaysia

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    Background: Stress is common among university students. Levels of stress vary between the students of different courses in the university and many factors are associated with it. As compared to other professional courses, medical students are more prone to get depressed because medical education is known to be stressful and very demanding. Materials and Methods: This is a cross-sectional study using a pretested, self-administered questionnaire involving all medical students in academic session 2013/2014. The questionnaire consists of 3 parts; socio-demographic information, family factors and personal factors; Depression, Anxiety and Stress Score 21 questionnaire (DASS 21) and Duke University Religion Index (DUREL). DUREL measures religiosity in 3 scales namely; organized religious activity (ORA), non-organized religious activity (NORA) and intrinsic religiosity (IR). The questionnaire was distributed to all medical students available in FMHS during the data collection period. Data collected were analyzed using IBM SPSS version 21. Result: Of 409 medical students, 329 (80.4%) responded. Most (50.5%) were aged 22 years and above, majority (62.3%) were female students. Respondents were mainly Malay (54.4%) and Muslims (56.8%). Stress prevalence in medical students were 19.8%. Stress prevalence was higher among students aged ≤ 21 years (22.1%), male (20.2%), Indian (24.0%) and Hindus (31.6%),among students with father of primary education level (21.4%), mother of tertiary education level (25%) and low income family (21.4%). Prevalence of stress among students in pre-clinical year (21.4%) and clinical year students (17.9%), p>0.05. Stress among students who did not undergo matriculation course and those who attended were 21.7% and 18.8%, respectively. Proportion of stress students who entered medical school not on their own choice and on their own choice were 24.3% and 18.5%, respectively, p>0.05. Medical students with poor ORA and NORA showed higher proportion of stress (20.2%, 20.6% respectively) however, students with good IR had higher proportion of stress compared to those with poor IR (20.0%, 19.5%, p>0.05). Conclusion: Stress is prevalent among almost one-fifth of medical students, especially those in their pre-clinical years of studies. Students’ involvement in religious activities could be beneficial to prevent stress. Further research is needed to assess the effect of medical training on stress and the effect of religiosity on stress coping

    Aplikasi E-voting Berbasis Mobile Menggunakan Optical Character Recognation

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    Aplikasi e-voting digunakan untuk pemilihan Badan Ekskutif Mahasiswa (BEM), dimana untuk proses verfikasi pemilih digunakan pengenalan citra karakter angka yang terdapat pada Kartu Tanda Mahasiswa (KTM). Pengenalan karakter ini menggunakan teknik Optical Character Recognition (OCR). Pada proses voting untuk login ke dalam aplikasi dilakukan pengenalan nomor induk mahasiswa yang tertera pada KTM menggunakan OCR. Nomor induk tersebut akan dicocokan dengan database mahasiswa untuk menentukan apakah memiliki hak pilih untuk selanjutnya memberikan hak pilihnya. Aplikasi e-voting ini dibangun berbasis mobile dan dilengkapi dengan informasi quick qount. Adanya aplikasi ini dapat memudahkan pemilih dalam memberikan suara tanpa harus mendatangi tempat pemungutan suara dan membantu panitia untuk mendapatkan data hasil pemilihan secara cepat dan akurat. Kata kunci : optical character recognation, e-voting, quick count, bem

    Analisis Aktivitas Perawatan Mesin Hds Di Stasiun Gilingan Menggunakan Maintenance Value Stream Map (Mvsm) (Studi Kasus Pg. Kebon Agung Malang)

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    Mesin Heavy Duty Hammer Shredder (HDS) merupakan salah satu mesin di Stasiun Gilingan PG. Kebon Agung Malang dengan kontribusi downtime 36% selama periode giling 1 Juni hingga 31 Agustus 2014. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memetakan aktivitas perawatan pada mesin HDS, menganalisis aktivitas value added dan non value added pada proses perawatan yang dilakukan, membuat perbaikan proses perawatan dengan future state map, dan menentukan usulan prosedur perawatan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi perawatan.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Maintenance Value Stream Map (MVSM), diagram sebab akibat dan prinsip 5S. Hal pertama yang dilakukan adalah melakukan pengamatan terhadap aktivitas perawatan komponen penyusun mesin HDS yakni Hammer Tip dan Hammer HDS. Selanjutnya dilakukan penggambaran aktivitas perawatan komponen mesin tersebut dalam bentuk current state map identifikasi penyebab perawatan kurang efektif dilakukan dengan diagram sebab akibat. Selanjutnya dilakukan penggambaran future state map tanpa ada delay pada future state map tersebut. Aktivitas value added adalah aktivitas untuk memperbaiki komponen mesin yang mengalami kerusakan, Mean Time To Repair (MTTR). Sedangkan aktivitas non value added adalah aktivitas yang diperlukan untuk memulai aktivitas perawatan setelah diketahui adanya kerusakan atau aktivitas untuk melakukan pengorganisasian sumberdaya, Mean Time To Organize (MTTO) dan pemeriksaan apakah mesin telah berfungsi sebagaimana mestinya, Mean Time To Yield (MTTY). Penyebab kurang efektifnya sistem perawatan terdiri dari beberapa faktor seperti manusia, mesin, material, metode dan lingkungan. Efisiensi perawatan mengalami peningkatan berkisar antara 5% hingga 12%. Peningkatan ini terjadi ketika delay yang ada dalam proses perawatan dapat dihilangkan dengan menerapkan rekomendasi perbaikan yang diberikan berupa penerapan 5S dan SOP perbaikan mesin HDS

    Perception and attitude of physicians toward local generic medicines in Saudi Arabia: A questionnaire-based study

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    AbstractObjectives: The current study aimed to explore the knowledge, perception, and attitude of physicians toward generic medicines in Saudi Arabia.Background: The local market of generic medicine share in Saudi Arabia is low compared to global and regional statistics. The reason for this low market share and the role of physicians has not previously been investigated. The purpose of this study was to assess health practitioner level of perceived knowledge, opinions and attitudes about local generic medication, and identify factors that influence infrequency of generic prescriptions.Methods: A random sample of 231 physicians was recruited from two hospitals in Riyadh (one government one private) and 178 (77%) responded. Information on the physicians’ perceived knowledge, opinions and attitude toward local generic medication was extracted, analyzed and interpreted. Factors that influence infrequent prescription of local generic drugs were identified.Results: Among the 178 participants in the physicians’ survey, 76% and 47% reported that they are knowledgeable about the terms “generic” and “bioequivalence” respectively, while 44% reported that they are able to explain bioequivalence to their patients. Approximately 52% of physicians reported that local generics should be substituted for brands if suitable for the case, and 21.9% reported that they believe SFDA approved local generics are therapeutically equivalent to their brands. Clinical effectiveness was reported by 71.9% of physicians as the most influential factor effecting prescription of brand over local generic medication. The three independent significant predictors for infrequent prescription of local generics among physicians: Government sector employment (OR=3.74, [95%CI 1.50–9.43]), consultant level (OR=3.94, [95%CI 1.50–10.31]) and low level of knowledge about local generics (OR=4.11, [95%CI 1.56–10.84]).Conclusion: The low market share of local generics medicines attributed to low prescription rates is significantly more among senior-level physicians working in governmental hospitals. Low level of knowledge about generic drugs among physicians was the strongest predictive factor for low prescription. Future bigger studies are needed to confirm these results

    Kajian Efektivitas dan Efisiensi Rantai Distribusi Hasil Tangkapan Menggunakan Alat Tangkap Purse Seine di Tpi Paiton dan Tpi Mayangan Probolinggo

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    Rantai distribusi merupakan salah satu kunci dalam keberhasilan suatu kegiatan penyaluran hasil tangkapan untuk mencapai konsumen. Jumlah rantai yang ada didalam suatu kegiatan distribusi juga mempengaruhi dari harga dan kualitas barang yang di distribusikan. Ikan yang merupakan barang mudah rusak, memerlukan perhatian khusus untuk mengetahui tingkat efektivitas dan efisiensinya dalam proses distribusinya. Khususnya distribusi ikan berasal dari Tempat Pelelangan Ikan Paiton dan Tempat Pelelangan Ikan Mayangan yang ada di Probolinggo. Ikan tongkol (Auxis thazard), ikan layang (Decapterus ruselli), dan ikan tembang (Sardinella fimbriata) yang merupakan beberapa hasil tangkapan yang didaratkan di TPI Paiton dan TPI Mayangan serta merupakan ikan yang digemari oleh semua kalangan masyarakat harus bisa diketahui tingkat kualitas maupun harga yang ada dipasaran. Melalui penelusuran tingkat efektivitas dan efisien yang ada di rantai distribusi tiga ikan tersebut, diharapkan akan dapat mendeskripsikan, menentukan harga, serta dapat mengetahui tingkat efektivitas dan efisien rantai distribusi yang ada pada TPI Paiton dan TPI Mayangan Probolinggo. Penelitian menggunakan indaktor efektivitas dan efisien yang dimodifikasi efektivitas dan efisien organisasi dan kemudian disesuaikan untuk kegiatan distribusi ikan