1,328 research outputs found

    Cell death and degeneration in the symbiotic dinoflagellates of the coral Stylophora pistillata during bleaching

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    Rising sea temperatures are increasing the incidences of mass coral bleaching (the dissociation of the coral–algal symbiosis) and coral mortality. In this study, the effects of bleaching (induced by elevated light and temperature) on the condition of symbiotic dinoflagellates (Symbiodinium sp.) within the tissue of the hard coral Stylophora pistillata (Esper) were assessed using a suite of techniques. Bleaching of S. pistillata was accompanied by declines in the maximum potential quantum yield of photosynthesis (Fv/Fm, measured using pulse amplitude modulated [PAM] fluorometry), an increase in the number of Sytox-green-stained algae (indicating compromised algal membrane integrity and cell death), an increase in 2’,7’-dichlorodihydrofluroscein diacetate (H2DCFDA)- stained algae (indicating increased oxidative stress), as well as ultrastructural changes (vacuolisation, losses of chlorophyll, and an increase in accumulation bodies). Algae expelled from S. pistillata exhibited a complete disorganisation of cellular contents; expelled cells contained only amorphous material. In situ samples taken during a natural mass coral bleaching event on the Great Barrier Reef in February 2002 also revealed a high number of Sytox-labelled algae cells in symbio. Dinoflagellate\ud degeneration during bleaching seems to be similar to the changes resulting from senescence-phase cell death in cultured algae. These data support a role for oxidative stress in the mechanism of coral bleaching and highlight the importance of algal degeneration during the bleaching of a reef coral

    Cross-chapter box on coral reefs

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    The True Colours of Carbon

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    Carbon offset projects in developing countries are one of the principal mechanisms designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote sustainable development yet have critical limitations in both areas. Here we present a framework for categorizing carbon offset projects according to four general approaches to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions: (1) efficiency ('Brown'); innovation ('Red'), terrestrial sequestration ('Green') or sequestration in aquatic environments ('Blue'). Analysis of the 6109 CDM projects currently in the CDM "pipeline" reveals that 99% are Brown or Red, and only 1% are Green or Blue, yet Green and Blue projects typically offer a far greater range of benefits for ecosystems and society. The analysis concludes that the designers of emissions trading schemes should endorse Green and Blue offset projects as preferred forms of emissions offsetting, and that firms using offsets for compliance purposes be required to declare in public reports the colours of their offset acquisitions. Such reform will help redirect demand in carbon markets toward blue and green offset projects, increasing the sustainability outcomes of carbon offset developments

    Effect of Ammonium Enrichment on Animal and Algal Biomass of the Coral Pocillopora damicornis

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    Algal and animal biomass parameters of colonies of the Pacific coral Pocillopora damicornis (Linnaeus) were measured as a function of time of exposure to elevated concentrations of seawater ammonium (20 and 50 uM [(NH4)2S04]) ranging from 2 to 8 weeks. Areal concentrations of zooxanthellae, chlorophyll, and protein increased with 20 uM ammonium addition. During the 8-week period of exposure to 20 uM ammonium, the population density of zooxanthellae increased from 3.5 to 7.5 x 105 cells cm-2, chlorophyll a content of zooxanthellae increased from 5.7 to 8.6 pg, and animal protein concentration doubled (from 0.74 to 1.38 mg cm-2). These data indicate that both the coral animal and the zooxanthellae respond to the addition of exogenous dissolved inorganic nitrogen provided as 20 uM ammonium. Growth of the symbiotic association in response to the addition of 20 uM ammonium adds further evidence to support the argument that growth of tropical symbioses is limited by the availability of nitrogen. However, the coral response is likely to depend on the concentration of ammonium provided, because the biomass parameters of corals held at 50 uM ammonium did not change significantly with time of exposure to the added nutrient

    Chapter 17: Vulnerability of coral reefs of the Great Barrier Reef to climate change

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    The Great Barrier Reef (GBR) contains the most extensive coral reef ecosystem on earth. It consists of 2900 coral reefs and 900 coral cays that cover approximately 20,000 km2 of the total 345,000 km2 area of the GBR Marine Park. As a consequence of unusually high summer sea surface temperatures, between 42 to 60 percent of the reefs of the GBR experienced mass coral bleaching in 19988. Bleaching was also reported from 31 other nations around the world during 1997–1998. For example, about 50 percent of reefs in the Indian Ocean and south Asia lost much of their coral cover, and an estimated 16 percent of the world’s area of coral reefs was severely damaged. The event coincided with the strongest recorded El Niño-Southern Oscillation event (ENSO) and one of the warmest years on record.This is Chapter 17 of Climate change and the Great Barrier Reef: a vulnerability assessment. The entire book can be found at http://hdl.handle.net/11017/13

    Improved predictions of coral bleaching using seasonal baselines and higher spatial resolution

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    Coral bleaching spread across the southern Great Barrier Reef in January 2006, after sea temperatures reached climatological summer maxima 2 months before normal. Current satellite-derived warning systems were unable to detect severe bleaching conditions in the region because of their use of a constant thermal threshold (summer maximum monthly mean) and low spatial resolution (50 km). Here it is shown that such problems can be ameliorated if the thermal threshold is adjusted for seasonal variation and a 4-km spatial resolution is used. We develop a seasonally and spatially improved thermal threshold for coral bleaching on the basis of a weekly climatology of sea surface temperatures extending from austral spring to late summer, and apply the method to two case-study sites. At both sites, and in particular at the nearshore site that was undetected by the 50-km satellite product, the seasonally adjusted thermal threshold produced a greatly improved consistency between accumulated heating and bleaching severity. The application of thermal stress algorithms that reflect the long-term mean pattern in seasonal variation allows coral bleaching to be forecast with higher precision

    The effect of thermal history on the susceptibility of reef-building corals to thermal stress

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    The mutualistic relationship between corals and their unicellular dinoflagellate symbionts (Symbiodinium sp.) is a fundamental component within the ecology of coral reefs. Thermal stress causes the breakdown of the relationship between corals and their symbionts (bleaching). As with other organisms, this symbiosis may acclimate to changes in the environment, thereby potentially modifying the environmental threshold at which they bleach. While a few studies have examined the acclimation capacity of reef-building corals, our understanding of the underlying mechanism is still in its infancy. The present study focused on the role of recent thermal history in influencing the response of both corals and symbionts to thermal stress, using the reef-building coral Acropora aspera. The symbionts of corals that were exposed to 31 degrees C for 48 h (pre-stress treatment) 1 or 2 weeks prior to a 6-day simulated bleaching event (when corals were exposed to 34 degrees C) were found to have more effective photoprotective mechanisms. These mechanisms included changes in non-photochemical quenching and xanthophyll cycling. These differences in photoprotection were correlated with decreased loss of symbionts, with those corals that were not prestressed performing significantly worse, losing over 40% of their symbionts and having a greater reduction in photosynthetic efficiency. These results are important in that they show that thermal history, in addition to light history, can influence the response of reef-building corals to thermal stress and therefore have implications for the modeling of bleaching events. However, whether acclimation is capable of modifying the thermal threshold of corals sufficiently to cope as sea temperatures increase in response to global warming has not been fully explored. Clearly increases in sea temperatures that extend beyond 1-2 degrees C will exhaust the extent to which acclimation can modify the thermal threshold of corals

    Coral bleaching reduces reproduction of scleractinian corals and increases susceptibility to future stress

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    ABSTRACT Extensive bleaching of corals occurred at Heron Island Reef during the 1998 mass bleaching event on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Two hundred coral colonies were labelled and sampled on the reef flat at Heron Island in March 1998 (when approximately 80% of corals growing in the intertidal reef flat were bleached). These included both bleached and unbleached colonies of many species. Bleached colonies of all sampled species had lower densities of symbiotic dinoflagellates and lower chlorophyll a concentrations per surface area of coral tissue than unbleached colonies. Samples of the colonies were decalcified and polyps dissected to determine fecundity. There were significantly fewer eggs present in the bleached than unbleached colonies in all sampled species. In many species, no eggs were present in the bleached colonies. Eggs that were present were also significantly smaller in the bleached than the unbleached colonies of the majority of species sampled. There were also significantly fewer polyps containing eggs and testes in the bleached than the unbleached colonies. The percentage of tissue made up by lipids in the bleached colonies was significantly lower than that of the unbleached colonies in some species. By July 1998, 23% of the sampled colonies had died and many of the previously bleached colonies had regained their colour, suggesting visually that they had recovered. However, previously bleached colonies in November 1998 still had fewer eggs and reproductive polyps than colonies that had been previously unbleached. In July of the following year, in the middle of the Australian winter, many of the corals that had bleached the year before bleached again and more colonies had died. In contrast, none of the previously unbleached colonies bleached at this time. In November 1999, just prior to the spawning period, there were large areas of coral on the reef slope that were noticeably pale. These pale colonies were sampled along with adjacent normally pigmented corals and the pale colonies were almost entirely devoid of eggs. During the 1998 bleaching event approximately 80% of the reef slope colonies were bleached, so it is likely that these pale colonies were previously bleached colonies. These data suggest that bleaching has adverse and long-lasting effects on coral reproduction and that previously bleached colonies may be more susceptible to future stress

    A comparative study of methods for surface area and three-dimensional shape measurement of coral skeletons

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    The three-dimensional morphology and surface area of organisms such as reef-building corals is central to their biology. Consequently, being able to detect and measure this aspect of corals is critical to understanding their interactions with the surrounding environment. This study explores six different methods of three-dimensional shape and surface area measurements using the range of morphology associated with the Scleractinian corals: Goniopora tenuidens, Acropora intermedia, and Porites cylindrica. Wax dipping; foil wrapping; multi-station convergent photogrammetry that used the naturally occurring optical texture for conjugate point matching; stereo photogrammetry that used projected light to provide optical texture; a handheld laser scanner that employed two cameras and a structured light source; and X-ray computer tomography (CT) scanning were applied to each coral skeleton to determine the spatial resolution of surface detection as well as the accuracy of surface area estimate of each method. Compared with X-ray CT wax dipping provided the best estimate of the surface area of coral skeletons that had external corallites, regardless of morphological complexity. Foil wrapping consistently showed a large degree of error on all coral morphologies. The photogrammetry and laser-scanning solutions were effective only on corals with simple morphologies. The two techniques that used projected lighting were both subject to skeletal light scattering, caused by both gross morphology and meso-coral architecture and which degraded signal triangulation, but otherwise provided solutions with good spatial resolution. X-ray CT scanning provided the highest resolution surface area estimates, detecting surface features smaller than 1000 mu m(2)

    Tolerance of endolithic algae to elevated temperature and light in the coral Montipora monasteriata from the southern Great Barrier Reef

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    Photosynthetic endolithic algae and cyanobacteria live within the skeletons of many scleractinians. Under normal conditions, less than 5% of the photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) reaches the green endolithic algae because of the absorbance of light by the endosymbiotic dinoflagellates and the carbonate skeleton. When corals bleach (loose dinoflagellate symbionts), however, the tissue of the corals become highly transparent and photosynthetic microendoliths may be exposed to high levels of both thermal and solar stress. This study explores the consequence of these combined stresses on the phototrophic endoliths inhabiting the skeleton of Montipora monasteriata, growing at Heron Island, on the southern Great Barrier Reef. Endoliths that were exposed to sun after tissue removal were by far more susceptible to thermal photoinhibition and photo-damage than endoliths under coral tissue that contained high concentrations of brown dinoflagellate symbionts. While temperature or light alone did not result in decreased photosynthetic efficiency of the endoliths, combined thermal and solar stress caused a major decrease and delayed recovery. Endoliths protected under intact tissue recovered rapidly and photoacclimated soon after exposure to elevated sea temperatures. Endoliths under naturally occurring bleached tissue of M. monasteriata colonies (bleaching event in March 2004 at Heron Island) acclimated to increased irradiance as the brown symbionts disappeared. We suggest that two major factors determine the outcome of thermal bleaching to the endolith community. The first is the microhabitat and light levels under which a coral grows, and the second is the susceptibility of the coral-dinoflagellates symbiosis to thermal stress. More resistant corals may take longer to bleach allowing endoliths time to acclimate to a new light environment. This in turn may have implications for coral survival
