4,972 research outputs found

    Hallazgo de anémonas anillo (Anthozoa, Actiniaria) en la región de Azores

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    Diabetes e Gravidez. Experiência da Consulta de Medicina Materno-Fetal do Serviço de Obstetricia e Ginecologia do Hospital de Dona Estefânia

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    Os autores realizaram um estudo retrospectivo das 87 grávidas vigiadas na Consulta de Diabetes do Hospital de Dona Estefânia com diabetes pré-gestacional tipo 1 e 2 e diabetes gestacional, durante um período de 2 anos. Analisararn a idade das grávidas, raça, paridade, tipo de diabetes, patologia associ ada, antecedentes familiares de diabetes, idade gestacional em que foi feito o diagnóstico de diabetes, insulinoterapia, evolução da gravidez, idade gestacional na altura do parto, características do parto e dos recém-nascidos e controlo no pós parto. A maioria das grávidas inscritas na consulta tinha idade superior a 30 anos (76%). A diabetes gestacional foi o tipo de diabetes mais frequente na consulta, tendo ocorrido sobretudo no 3° trirnestre. A hipertensão arterial crónica foi a patologia associada dominante, complicando-se em cinco casos de pré-eclâmpsia.Para além da pré-eclâmpsia, outra das complicacções mais frequentes foi a infecçãoo urinária. A cesariana foi o tipo de parto mais frequente. As suas principais indicações foram a cesariana electiva, a pré-eclâmpsia agravada e a distoócia. A macrossomia fetal só ocorreu em 5 dos 60 partos, refletindo um bom controlo metabólico

    The portal protein plays essential roles at different steps of the SPP1 DNA packaging process

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    AbstractA large number of viruses use a specialized portal for entry of DNA to the viral capsid and for its polarized exit at the beginning of infection. These families of viruses assemble an icosahedral procapsid containing a portal protein oligomer in one of its 12 vertices. The viral ATPase (terminase) interacts with the portal vertex to form a powerful molecular motor that translocates DNA to the procapsid interior against a steep concentration gradient. The portal protein is an essential component of this DNA packaging machine. Characterization of single amino acid substitutions in the portal protein gp6 of bacteriophage SPP1 that block DNA packaging identified sequential steps in the packaging mechanism that require its action. Gp6 is essential at early steps of DNA packaging and for DNA translocation to the capsid interior, it affects the efficiency of DNA packaging, it is a central component of the headful sensor that determines the size of the packaged DNA molecule, and is essential for closure of the portal pore by the head completion proteins to prevent exit of the DNA encapsidated. Functional regions of gp6 necessary at each step are identified within its primary structure. The similarity between the architecture of portal oligomers and between the DNA packaging strategies of viruses using portals strongly suggests that the portal protein plays the same roles in a large number of viruses

    Analysis of human activities and identification of uncertain situations in context-aware systems

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    One of the main obstacles faced by context-aware systems developed for human activities recognition is related to dealing with incomplete data for decision making. Problems from several sources contribute to this phenomenon. Imprecise acquisition of data from sensors and the system’s design issues are among them. This paper presents an approach to tackle this trouble by dividing it into three parts. The first one refers to the validation of context data through an Attribute Grammar. The formalism and expressiveness provided a grammar, enriched with attribute evaluation rules and contextual constraints, ensures that the system will use only valid data for reasoning. Anomalous data will be detected, and the situation will be signalized. Also, the analysis of Quality of Context is provided, considering a set of characteristics, vouching that only useful information will be considered. At last, the identification of the sources of uncertain situations followed by a sequence of actions aiming to minimize the negative impacts of it helps the system to work with more complete sets of data. The formalization of the approach is provided together with an algorithm to validate it.FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/202

    An ontology based approach to teach computational thinking

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    This paper is focused on the teaching/learning process of Computational Thinking at primary and secondary schools. It is generally accepted that Programming is a complex task that requires a long learning process. Theoretical knowledge about fundamentals on algorithms and data structures, as well as, on programming languages are required but are not enough; practicing a lot is also necessary. However, teaching Computer Programming is a hard job, most of the times unsuccessful. To overcome all the difficulties, felt by teachers and students, an increasingly bigger community of researchers in Computer Science is defending the importance of teaching Computational Thinking to young students to train them, since very earlier, in logic and abstract reasoning for problem solving. Our starting point to approach this topic relies on the use of an Ontology (OntoCnE) that describes in detail the concepts 'Computational Thinking' and 'Programming', and maps those concepts to different education levels, starting with the first year. We believe that a person just acquires a new way of thinking, or a new way of behaving, if he is trained with the appropriate learning resources. So a main investment to educate people in Computational Thinking is on the choice/creation of those convenient resources. In particular we intended to investigate the impact of Augmented Reality in the usefulness of the referred resources. In that direction we will also discuss the development of a Web Platform to help on collecting and classifying (according to the referred ontology) learning resources to be used by teachers in computing classes. On the other hand, the platform will help on the retrieval, from that repository, of the most adequate resources to teach a specific subject to a specific level.This work has been supported by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: “UID/CEC/00319/2019”. The authors want to thank our M. Sc. student Ana Azevedo for the development of Micas

    Aplikasi Pembayaran Iuran Sekolah Katolik Yayasan Sagrado Coração de Jesus Berbasis Web

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    The Sagrado Coração de Jesus Foundation is a formal educational institution that manages 58 Catholic schools in the Maliana Diocese of Timor Leste. In dealing with the payment of fees, Catholic schools under the Sagrado Coração de Jesus Foundation still use books to record payment transactions. These transactions must be carried out at the foundation, and it takes a long time to record transactions in the book so that it becomes a problem faced by the foundation, schools, and parents of students. A web-based school tuition payment application is needed by the Sagrado Coração de Jesus Foundation to handle the school's tuition payment activities on behalf. The use of website media makes it easier for parents to show proof of payment without having to come to the foundation. Applications that are built can also speed up the process of recording the payment of contributions by foundation employees. Based on the research results, the Web-based application for payment of tuition fees for Catholic schools at the Sagrado Coração de Jesus Foundation makes it easier for parents and foundations to make payment transactions more efficiently and quickly.Yayasan Sagrado Coração de Jesus adalah sebuah lembaga pendidikan formal yang mengelola 58 sekolah Katolik di wilayah Keuskupan Maliana Timor Leste. Dalam menangani kegiatan pembayaran iuran, sekolah-sekolah Katolik yang bernaung di bawah Yayasan Sagrado Coração de Jesus masih menggunakan buku untuk mencatat transaksi pembayaran. Transaksi tersebut wajib dilakukan di Yayasan serta dibutuhkan waktu yang lama untuk mencatat transaksi di buku sehingga menjadi masalah yang dihadapi oleh pihak yayasan, sekolah, maupun orang tua siswa. Sebuah aplikasi pembayaran iuran sekolah berbasis web dibutuhkan oleh Yayasan Sagrado Coração de Jesus untuk menangani kegiatan pembayaran iuran sekolah-sekolah milik yayasan. Penggunaan media website memudahkan orang tua untuk menunjukkan bukti pembayaran tanpa harus datang ke yayasan. Aplikasi yang dibangun juga dapat mempercepat proses pencatatan pembayaran iuran oleh pegawai yayasan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, aplikasi pembayaran iuran sekolah-sekolah Katolik di Yayasan Sagrado Coração de Jesus Berbasis Web memudahkan orang tua serta yayasan dalam melakukan transaksi pembayaran yang lebih efisien dan cepat

    Conformity and controversies in the diagnosis, staging and follow-up evaluation of canine nodal lymphoma: a systematic review of the last 15 years of published literature

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    Diagnostic methods used in the initial and post-treatment evaluation of canine lymphoma are heterogeneous and can vary within countries and institutions. Accurate reporting of clinical stage and response assessment is crucial in determining the treatment efficacy and predicting prognosis. This study comprises a systematic review of all available canine multicentric lymphoma studies published over 15 years. Data concerning diagnosis, clinical stage evaluation and response assessment procedures were extracted and compared. Sixty-three studies met the eligibility criteria. Fifty-five (87.3%) studies were non-randomized prospective or retrospective studies. The survey results also expose variations in diagnostic criteria and treatment response assessment in canine multicentric lymphoma. Variations in staging procedures performed and recorded led to an unquantifiable heterogeneity among patients in and between studies, making it difficult to compare treatment efficacies. Awareness of this inconsistency of procedure and reporting may help in the design of future clinical trials

    Long-term Tracking in the Wild: A Benchmark

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    We introduce the OxUvA dataset and benchmark for evaluating single-object tracking algorithms. Benchmarks have enabled great strides in the field of object tracking by defining standardized evaluations on large sets of diverse videos. However, these works have focused exclusively on sequences that are just tens of seconds in length and in which the target is always visible. Consequently, most researchers have designed methods tailored to this "short-term" scenario, which is poorly representative of practitioners' needs. Aiming to address this disparity, we compile a long-term, large-scale tracking dataset of sequences with average length greater than two minutes and with frequent target object disappearance. The OxUvA dataset is much larger than the object tracking datasets of recent years: it comprises 366 sequences spanning 14 hours of video. We assess the performance of several algorithms, considering both the ability to locate the target and to determine whether it is present or absent. Our goal is to offer the community a large and diverse benchmark to enable the design and evaluation of tracking methods ready to be used "in the wild". The project website is http://oxuva.netComment: To appear at ECCV 201


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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a situa??o real da Associa??o dos Produtores Rurais e Agricultores Familiares de Picu?-Para?ba, bem como verificar seu potencial, para assim promover a capacita??o de m?o de obra qualificada para aqueles criadores. Toda metodologia foi baseada em pesquisa de campo com aplica??es de question?rios, seguindo todas as normas de preven??o ao Covid-19. O trabalho foi desenvolvido com 30 associados situados na Zona Rural de Picu?-PB. Os Agricultores vivem da atividade do campo, onde retiram o sustento de suas fam?lias sem precisar deixar a zona rural. A for?a de vontade do homem do campo ? grande, em meio as circunst?ncias que os rodeiam, diante dos anos incertos de chuvas na nossa regi?o. A organiza??o coletiva nesta experi?ncia proporciona uma forma diferente de viver e se relacionar entre o quadro de s?cios, buscando cada vez mais o objetivo em comum de todos. Se observou um fator preocupante, a falta de apoio t?cnico aos rebanhos no per?odo de estiagem, falta suporte forrageiro, tendo os criadores que se desfazer dos animais. A falta de ?gua ? insuficiente para atender a demanda dos seus plantios e rebanhos em todos seus aspectos, ? um dos principais problemas que dificultam o desenvolvimento. Sabemos da dificuldade de se conviver em uma regi?o semi?rida, onde n?o se planeja para enfrentar o per?odo de estiagem, tudo come?a com pequenos passos, que aos poucos se tornar?o solu??es de conviv?ncia com a seca