108 research outputs found

    Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Tomat (Lycopersicum Esculentum Mill) Pada Berbagai Media Tumbuh Dengan Interval Penyiraman Air Kelapa Yang Berbeda

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    This research was carried out at the Green House Experimental Farm Science Park, Sigi Biromaru Sidondo sub-district, Sigi Regency, since April - July 2016. This research aims to determine the effect of different types of media is growing and the interval giving coconut water towards growth and yield of tomato plants with uses a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) two factors, where the first factor is the growing medium consisting of four levels treatments, M1 (medium soil and chicken manure), M2 (ground husk charcoal and media), M3 (medium soil and sawdust), M4 (medium soil and cow manure), and the second factor is the interval watering coconut water is P1 (4 days), P2 (8 days), and P3 (12 days). Each combination treatment was repeated three times so that there are 36 experimental units. The data were analyzed using analysis of variance, and the real effect then tested further using Honestly Significant Difference at 5% level. The results showed that the treatment M2P2 give very good influence on the growth phase of height with an average 121,67 cm at age 45 days after planting, the average number of leaves 268,67 strands, and the total dry weight of the average plant 204,67 g, whereas treatment M1P1 give very good influence on the amount of fruit on average of 7,67 with a total weight of ripe fruit average 243, 67 g and the average root volume 19,67 ml

    Single point modeling of rotating turbulent flows

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    A model for the effects of rotation on turbulence is proposed and tested. These effects which influence mainly the rate of turbulence decay are modeled in a modified turbulent energy dissipation rate equation that has explicit dependence on the mean rotation rate. An appropriate definition of the rotation rate derived from critical point theory and based on the invariants of the deformation tensor is proposed. The modeled dissipation rate equation is numerically well behaved and can be used in conjunction with any level of turbulence closure. The model is applied to the two-equation kappa-epsilon turbulence model and is used to compute separated flows in a backward-facing step and an axisymmetric swirling coaxial jets into a sudden expansion. In general, the rotation modified dissipation rate model shows some improvements over the standard kappa-epsilon model


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    The present study was carried out during 2015 and 2016 seasons on Kitt mongo  trees to evaluate the effect of three irrigation water management (4000  m3 of irrigation water were applied to the four physiological stages of mango tree growth as 15 & 20 & 40 & 25 % ,  30 & 15 & 35& 20 % and  35 & 20 & 30& 15 % m3 / tree/ year,  respectively) as well as  four concentrations  of potassium silicate on avoiding cold injury and  improvement yield of kitt mango .                 Irrigation Mango tree by  the second program water management (30, 15, 35 , 20) recorded The highest values of vegetative growth in terms of number of shoot /tree  and lower values of leaves percentage   affected with cold injury, Also, an evident increase in the content leaves of N  & K elements , C/N ratio  and final fruit set % total yield by divided  irrigation water at the four physiological stages of mango  trees  (30, 15, 35, 20) was recorded compared with  the other two water managements. No significant differences between the second and third irrigation water management programs (30%,  15%, 35%, 20% and  35%,  20%,  30%, 15%) on values of  leaf area, P% and  total carbohydrates as well as on TSS,  acidity and L-ascorbic acid content  of fruits .                 Spraying trees with potassium silicate in three times during the period from October to January at the rate of 1000 ppm  give the highest values of quality characteristics at mango trees and their fruits. While sprayed with potassium silicate at 2000 ppm achieve moderate values of the mentioned characteristics                 It could be recommended from the obtained data that irrigation water management at the four physiological stages (30, 15, 35, 20) of Kitt mango  trees and spraying 1000 ppm potassium silicate in dormancy period is considered  a good treatment to avoid cold damage on leaves and fruits as well as in giving the highest yield and quality of kitt fruit

    Multidisciplinary Approach to Aerospike Nozzle Design

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    A model of a linear aerospike rocket nozzle that consists of coupled aerodynamic and structural analyses has been developed. A nonlinear computational fluid dynamics code is used to calculate the aerodynamic thrust, and a three-dimensional finite-element model is used to determine the structural response and weight. The model will be used to demonstrate multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) capabilities for relevant engine concepts, assess performance of various MDO approaches, and provide a guide for future application development. In this study, the MDO problem is formulated using the multidisciplinary feasible (MDF) strategy. The results for the MDF formulation are presented with comparisons against separate aerodynamic and structural optimized designs. Significant improvements are demonstrated by using a multidisciplinary approach in comparison with the single-discipline design strategy

    Saturn’s near-equatorial ionospheric conductivities from in situ measurements

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    Cassini’s Grand Finale orbits provided for the first time in-situ measurements of Saturn’s topside ionosphere. We present the Pedersen and Hall conductivities of the top near-equatorial dayside ionosphere, derived from the in-situ measurements by the Cassini Radio and Wave Plasma Science Langmuir Probe, the Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer and the fluxgate magnetometer. The Pedersen and Hall conductivities are constrained to at least 10⁻⁵–10⁻⁴ S/m at (or close to) the ionospheric peak, a factor 10–100 higher than estimated previously. We show that this is due to the presence of dusty plasma in the near-equatorial ionosphere. We also show the conductive ionospheric region to be extensive, with thickness of 300–800 km. Furthermore, our results suggest a temporal variation (decrease) of the plasma densities, mean ion masses and consequently the conductivities from orbit 288 to 292

    First observations and performance of the RPW instrument onboard the Solar Orbiter mission

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    The Radio and Plasma Waves (RPW) instrument on the ESA Solar Orbiter mission is designed to measure in situ magnetic and electric fields and waves from the continuum up to several hundred kHz. The RPW also observes solar and heliospheric radio emissions up to 16 MHz. It was switched on and its antennae were successfully deployed two days after the launch of Solar Orbiter on February 10, 2020. Since then, the instrument has acquired enough data to make it possible to assess its performance and the electromagnetic disturbances it experiences. In this article, we assess its scientific performance and present the first RPW observations. In particular, we focus on a statistical analysis of the first observations of interplanetary dust by the instrument’s Thermal Noise Receiver. We also review the electro-magnetic disturbances that RPW suffers, especially those which potential users of the instrument data should be aware of before starting their research work

    The Effect of Prolonged Physical Activity Performed during Extreme Caloric Deprivation on Cardiac Function

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    Background: Endurance exercise may induce transient cardiac dysfunction. Data regarding the effect of caloric restriction on cardiac function is limited. We studied the effect of physical activity performed during extreme caloric deprivation on cardiac function. Methods: Thirty-nine healthy male soldiers (mean age 2060.3 years) were studied during a field training exercise lasted 85– 103 hours, with negligible food intake and unlimited water supply. Anthropometric measurements, echocardiographic examinations and blood and urine tests were performed before and after the training exercise. Results: Baseline VO2 max was 5965.5 ml/kg/min. Participants ’ mean weight reduction was 5.760.9 kg. There was an increase in plasma urea (11.662.6 to 15.863.8 mmol/L, p,0.001) and urine osmolarity (6926212 to 10946140 mmol/kg, p,0.001) and a decrease in sodium levels (140.561.0 to 136.662.1 mmol/L, p,0.001) at the end of the study. Significant alterations in diastolic parameters included a decrease in mitral E wave (93.6 to 83.5 cm/s; p = 0.003), without change in E/A and E/E9 ratios, and an increase in iso-volumic relaxation time (73.9 to 82.9 ms, p = 0.006). There was no change in left or right ventricular systolic function, or pulmonary arterial pressure. Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) levels were significantly reduced post-training (median 9 to 0 pg/ml, p,0.001). There was no elevation in Troponin T or CRP levels. On multivariate analysis, BNP reduction correlated with sodium levels and weight reduction (R = 0.8, p,0.001)

    Moonraker -- Enceladus Multiple Flyby Mission

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    Enceladus, an icy moon of Saturn, possesses an internal water ocean and jets expelling ocean material into space. Cassini investigations indicated that the subsurface ocean could be a habitable environment having a complex interaction with the rocky core. Further investigation of the composition of the plume formed by the jets is necessary to fully understand the ocean, its potential habitability, and what it tells us about Enceladus' origin. Moonraker has been proposed as an ESA M-class mission designed to orbit Saturn and perform multiple flybys of Enceladus, focusing on traversals of the plume. The proposed Moonraker mission consists of an ESA-provided platform, with strong heritage from JUICE and Mars Sample Return, and carrying a suite of instruments dedicated to plume and surface analysis. The nominal Moonraker mission has a duration of 13.5 years. It includes a 23-flyby segment with 189 days allocated for the science phase, and can be expanded with additional segments if resources allow. The mission concept consists in investigating: i) the habitability conditions of present-day Enceladus and its internal ocean, ii) the mechanisms at play for the communication between the internal ocean and the surface of the South Polar Terrain, and iii) the formation conditions of the moon. Moonraker, thanks to state-of-the-art instruments representing a significant improvement over Cassini's payload, would quantify the abundance of key species in the plume, isotopic ratios, and physical parameters of the plume and the surface. Such a mission would pave the way for a possible future landed mission.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Planetary Science Journa

    Moonraker: Enceladus Multiple Flyby Mission

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    Enceladus, an icy moon of Saturn, possesses an internal water ocean and jets expelling ocean material into space. Cassini investigations indicated that the subsurface ocean could be a habitable environment having a complex interaction with the rocky core. Further investigation of the composition of the plume formed by the jets is necessary to fully understand the ocean, its potential habitability, and what it tells us about Enceladus’s origin. Moonraker has been proposed as an ESA M-class mission designed to orbit Saturn and perform multiple flybys of Enceladus, focusing on traversals of the plume. The proposed Moonraker mission consists of an ESA-provided platform with strong heritage from JUICE and Mars Sample Return and carrying a suite of instruments dedicated to plume and surface analysis. The nominal Moonraker mission has a duration of ∼13.5 yr. It includes a 23-flyby segment with 189 days allocated for the science phase and can be expanded with additional segments if resources allow. The mission concept consists of investigating (i) the habitability conditions of present-day Enceladus and its internal ocean, (ii) the mechanisms at play for the communication between the internal ocean and the surface of the South Polar Terrain, and (iii) the formation conditions of the moon. Moonraker, thanks to state-of-the-art instruments representing a significant improvement over Cassini's payload, would quantify the abundance of key species in the plume, isotopic ratios, and the physical parameters of the plume and the surface. Such a mission would pave the way for a possible future landed mission