902 research outputs found

    Detection of hard-to-detect stuck-at faults and generation of their tests based on testability functions

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    An efficient method is proposed for detecting hard- to-detect stuck-at faults of combinational circuits and generating all tests or one test vector for them. The method is based on the previously proposed efficient methods of constructing the ODNF and ROBDD representations of the observability and stuck-at fault detection Boolean functions, corresponding to a line of the combinational circuit

    Methods of single sign-on in the modern WEB

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    Савченко Д., Голубева О. Методы единого входа в современном WEBСекция 6. ЗАЩИТА ИНФОРМАЦИИ И ТЕХНОЛОГИИ ИНФОРМАЦИОННОЙ БЕЗОПАСНОСТ


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    Проведений аналіз сучасної наукової літератури щодо проблем формування валеологічних цінностей у студентів та даних організацій з охорони здоров’я, напрямків та тенденцій розвитку фізкультурно-оздоровчої освіти у процесі фізичного виховання сучасності. Були визначені основні завдання фізкультурно-оздоровчої роботи у навчальній установі. Доведено, що виявлені завдання вирішення проблем и формування здорового способу життя у студентів сприяють підвищенню функціонального стану, розвивають фізичні якості, формують рухові вміння та навики.  Проведен анализ современной научной литературы по поводу проблем формирования валеологических ценностей у студентов, а также данных организаций по здравоохранению, направлений и тенденций развития физкультурно-оздоровительного образования в процессе воспитания современности. Были определены основные задачи физкультурно-оздоровительной работы в образовательном учреждении. Доказано, что обнаруженные задачи решения проблемы формирования здорового образа жизни у студентов влияют на повышение у студентов функционального состояния, развиваются физические качества, формируются двигательные умения и навыки.The analysis of the current scientific literature regarding the problems of formation of valeological of values among students, and organizations on health, trends and tendencies in the development of sports and recreation education in the education of today. Identified the main objectives of sports and recreation activities in the educational institution. It is proved that the detected problem solution to the problem of formation of healthy lifestyle among students affect the improvement of students ' functional state, develop physical qualities, motor skills are formed and skills. &nbsp

    Using Cloud Computing Capabilities on the Example of Implementing a News Application-Function

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    The possibilities of cloud computing technologies are considered on the example of the application implementation, which is a function that receives a news feed through the NewsApi service. The cloud computing model FaaS (Function as a Service), the Microsoft Azure cloud platform and the Azure Functions solution are used for implementation

    Entanglement measurement of the quadrature components without the homodyne detection in the spatially multi-mode far-field

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    We consider the measuring procedure that in principle allows to avoid the homodyne detection for the simultaneous selection of both quadrature components in the far-field. The scheme is based on the use of the coherent sources of the non-classical light. The possibilities of the procedure are illustrated on the basis of the use of pixellised sources, where the phase-locked sub-Poissonian lasers or the degenerate optical parametric oscillator generating above threshold are chosen as the pixels. The theory of the pixellised source of the spatio-temporal squeezed light is elaborated as a part of this investigation.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, RevTeX4. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Stages of the formation of educational employment schedule and teaching staff load distribution

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    The system of drawing up an academic schedule does not seem to be a single solution, but a set of individual decisions. These solutions can be based on separate software products, interacting with each other through the sharing of databases. Each individual decision is the implementation of a single step or a separate operation in the process of scheduling

    Algebraic approach to the solution of renumerals of combinatory tasks

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    Abstract – In the article available means showed the way of the solution of combinatory tasks on transfer based on use of internal symmetry of the body given in a condition that, in turn, reflects close connection between objects of research of the theory of final groups and the combinatory analysis. A key step of the solution of similar tasks – heuristic finding of shifts

    Stages of the formation of educational employment schedule and teaching staff load distribution

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    The system of drawing up an academic schedule does not seem to be a single solution, but a set of individual decisions. These solutions can be based on separate software products, interacting with each other through the sharing of databases. Each individual decision is the implementation of a single step or a separate operation in the process of scheduling