225 research outputs found

    Effects of Radio Drama on Women’s Usage of Modern Family Planning Methods in Ondo State

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    The study examined the effect of a radio drama programme on the use of family planning methods by women in Ondo state. A ratio 2:1 was used to select three local governments in the state on rural: urban basis respectively. Using a well structured interview schedule, data were gathered from a total of 90 women who were randomly selected. Descriptive statistics were used to present the findings of the study while the spearman rho rank correlation and the chi square analysis were used to test the hypotheses of the study. Data revealed majority (95.6%) were married in monogamous way (87.8%) with a mean of 37.4 years of age, educated beyond primary school level (83.4%) with trading as major occupation (67.8%). There was a high level of awareness of family planning methods in the study area (>60% for all methods) with condom being the method mostly used (34.4%). Frequency of listenership of radio-drama significantly increased level of awareness of respondents on family planning methods (þ= 0.22, p< 0.05) and use of family planning methods (X2= 57.49, p< 0.05). Level of education, marital status and type of marriage  were significantly related to the use of family planning methods. &nbsp

    Cybercrime Pervasiveness, Consequences, and Sustainable Counter Strategies

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    As our connectivity and dependency on technology increases, so does our vulnerability. Technology has provided not only new tools, but also new opportunities for criminals in the digital world. The abuse of new technologies has been threatening economic and Jinancial security and actually devastating the lives of affected indivicluals. In Nigeria, cybercrime has recorded mostly foregin-based individuals and organizations as victims thereby getting Nigeria ranked among the nations with notorious pemasiveness of high-tech crimes. Indeed, adequately formulating a strategy to contain the menace of cybercrime presents aformidable challenge to law enforcement. This paper x-rays noted instances of cybercrime pervasiveness, its devastating consequences, and up-to-date countermeasures in Nigeria It develops an enforceable/sustainable framework to determine how critical infrastructures are put at risk snd how law enforcement should react in responding to the threats

    Bilateral Orbito-Ocular Gunshot Injury in a Nigerian Male: Case Report and Review of Literature

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    Orbito-ocular injuries with retained intra-orbital foreign bodies affecting both orbits are uncommon in civilian practice. This case report aims to highlight an unusual presentation of bilateral orbito-ocular injury with retained intra-orbital foreign bodies following accidental explosion of a locally fabricated dane gun. A 30-year-old male presented with a five day history of bilateral orbito-ocular injury sustained following an explosion of a dane gun he was fabricating. There was immediate loss of vision in both eyes, and initial treatment was sought at a nearby private general medical clinic. Visual acuity at presentation was no perception of light and light perception with inaccurate projection in the right and left eye respectively, and he had an open wound over the left cheek with retained intra-orbital foreign bodies on plain radiographs. He subsequently underwent wound exploration and closure with removal of the foreign bodies. Vision however remained poor and he was lost to follow-up after being referred for vitreo-retinal consultation. The attendant socio-economic impact on the individual and family following severe bilateral orbito-ocular injury could be enormous when it results in bilateral loss of vision in a young adult. Measures should thus be put in place to regulate the handling of firearms so as to possibly reduce the resultant morbidity from such injuries

    Visual Outcome Of Traumatic Cataract Surgery In Ibadan, Nigeria

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    To review the visual outcome of traumatic cataracts operated at the University College Hospital, Ibadanwith the view to making recommendations for improved outcome. All patients operated at the University College Hospital Ibadan, Nigeria between May 1999 and April 2004with traumatic cataractwere reviewed retrospectively to determine visual outcome andmain causes of poor visual outcome 6/18, 10 (32.2%) < 6/18-3/60,while 32.2%of the cases reviewed remained blind or had visio

    Upper eyelid subcutaneous zygomycosis in an immunocompetent young Nigerian female: case report

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    A 23 year-old female was presented with a year history of gradual, slowly progressive, painless swelling in the left upper eyelid. Examination revealed a well circumscribed, firm, not tender eyelid mass, not attached to the skin or underlying structures which was completely excised. Histopathological examination showed numerous hyphae and spores with Gomori Methylamine Silver stain while culture yielded floccose - whitish fast growing colonies. A diagnosis of zygomycosis probably entomophthoramycosis was made and she was treated with oral Fluconazole. The residual ptosis was corrected by tarsofrontal sling surgery. Zygomycosis should be considered a differential of a circumscribed eyelid subcutaneous mass in an immunocompetent adult

    Effects of Lysine Supplementation on Performance Characteristics and Mineral Retention of Broiler Chickens Fed Raw Benne Seed Based Diets

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    The objective of the study was to determine the effects of raw benne seed (RBS, Sesamum indicum) with or without lysine supplementation on the performance characteristics and mineral retention of broiler chickens. The feeding trial lasted for 56 days. One hundred and forty unsexed day old broiler chicks (Marshall strain) were used for the study. RBS was incorporated into the diets at 15% and 30% levels and supplemented with 0%, 0.25% and 0.5% of lysine, respectively. Average weekly feed intake in birds fed the control diet and 15% RBS based diet supplemented with 0.25 % and 0.5% lysine were not significantly different, but significantly (

    Empirical Modelling of the Impact of Financial Innovation on the Demand for Money in Nigeria

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    Financial innovation refers both to technological advances which facilitate access to information, trading and means of payment. The demand for money is very crucial in the conduct and determination of the effectiveness of monetary policy. This study attempts to analyse whether financial innovations that occurred in Nigeria after the Structural Adjustment Programme of 1986 has affected the demand for money in Nigeria using the Engle and Granger Two-Step Cointegration technique. Though the study revealed that demand for money conforms to the theory that income is positively related to the demand for cash balances and interest rate has an inverse relationship with the demand for real cash balances, it was also di scovered that the financial innovations introduced into the financial system have not significantly affected the demand for money in Nigeria. Based on the results obtained, a policy of attracting more patticipants (non-government) and private sector funds to the money market is necessary as this will deepen the market and make the market more dynamic and amenable to monetary policy. Therefore, the study concludes that financial innovation has had no significant impact on the demand for money in Nigeria and the SAP era financial liberalization policies have had no indirect impact on the demand for money as well


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    For every world-class university emphasizing student learning as a core principle, students and their parents expect campuses provide: safe and secure environments for student learning; high-quality facilities and services responsive to student needs in a technological and “instant” environment; and beyond classroom experiences to facilitate opportunities for student growth and development toward successful careers and life post graduation. Nigeria has 129 approved universities (40 Federal, 39 State, and 50 Private). Her undergraduates are confronted with inadequate structures and facilities;inadequate housing; overcrowded classrooms; and a dearth of reading materials. Researchers based any education system’s success on principles of excellent learning and teaching material, high quality student support services, and efficient logistical systems. Student Support Services and Strategies (SSS) are approaches to enhancing students’ success through services to resolutely meet all learners’ needs

    Cataract surgery in Ibadan, Nigeria: Visual outcome and post-operative refractive error

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    Background: Cataract is the leading cause of blindness worldwide and can be treated by various surgical techniques with good visual outcome. Objective: To describe the visual outcome and post-operative refractive status among patients who had cataract surgery in a tertiary centre. Methods: In a retrospective study, the demographic data, type of cataract, surgical procedure and complications, visual outcome and post-operative refractive status of the treated eye were retrieved from the hospital records of all adult patients who had cataract surgery. Results: Four hundred and sixty eyes of 456 patients (mean age 61.2 ± 17.3 years, Male: Female = 1.1: 1) had cataract surgery during the study period January 2012 and December 2014. The pre-operative visual acuity was < 3/60 in 415 (90.2%) eyes. All the surgeries were performed under local anaesthesia with 331 (72%) eyes undergoing extracapsular cataract extraction while 129 (28%) had small incision cataract surgery. Visual outcome in those who had a minimum of six weeks follow-up revealed unaided visual acuity of ≥ 6/18 in 185 (56.9%) eyes. Following refraction, 237 (72.9%) eyes had acuity of ≥ 6/18. Post-operative spherical refractive error ranged from ­6.75D to +4.50D (mean -1.61 ± 1.41D) while cylindrical error ranged from 0.00DC to 6.00DC (mean 2.33 ± 1.80DC). Pre-existing ocular problems contributing to poor post-operative visual outcome included glaucoma (50; 15.4%), and age-related macular degeneration (10; 3.1%). Conclusion: Extracapsular cataract extraction gave better visual outcome compared with small incision cataract surgery, but a higher incidence of post-operative cylindrical error was observed

    COVID-19 pandemic impacted food security and caused psychosocial stress in selected states of Nigeria

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    SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS : TABLE S1: Economic and livelihood data and food-related issues for respondents psychosocial and food security-related impacts of COVID-19, Nigeria; TABLE S2: Psychological stress and self-rated quality of life of respondents per socioeconomic earning category due to impact of COVID-19.DATA AVAILABLITY STATEMENT : The data used in this study are available upon reasonable request from the corresponding author.The COVID-19 disease has infected many countries, causing generalized impacts on different income categories. We carried out a survey among households (n = 412) representing different income groups in Nigeria. We used validated food insecurity experience and socio-psychologic tools. Data obtained were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The earning capacities of the respondents ranged from 145 USD/month for low-income earners to 1945 USD/month for high-income earners. A total of 173 households (42%) ran out of food during the COVID-19 pandemic. All categories of households experienced increasing dependency on the general public and a perception of increasing insecurity, with the high-income earners experiencing the greatest shift. In addition, increasing levels of anger and irritation were experienced among all categories. Of the socio-demographic variables, only gender, educational level of the household head, work hours per day, and family income based on society class were associated (p < 0.05) with food security and hunger due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Although psychological stress was observed to be greater in the low-income earning group, household heads with medium and high family income were more likely to have satisfactory experiences regarding food security and hunger. It is recommended that socio-economic groups should be mapped and support systems should target each group to provide the needed support in terms of health, social, economic, and mental wellness.http://www.mdpi.com/journal/ijerphVeterinary Tropical DiseasesSDG-02:Zero HungerSDG-03:Good heatlh and well-bein
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