469 research outputs found

    Сучасні можливості діагностичних досліджень у криміналістичній експертизі відео-, звукозапису

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     Issues that are increasingly arising in criminal proceedings are highlighted, namely: use of data obtained as a result of diagnostic researches on video, sound recordings that  allows to ensure a higher level of completeness, objectivity and comprehensiveness of research. The purpose of the article is to analyze the possibilities of forensic diagnostic researches on video and sound recordings of both oral speech and the sound environment of an offense event. Various modern possibilities of researches on video and sound recordings are considered. Attention is paid both to the specifics of diagnostic speech researches in order to obtain information about personality of the unknown speaker and to information that can be obtained through research and diagnosis of non-speech information. Analyzed the possibilities (within the framework of the examination of video, sound recording) diagnostic researches on directly speech information, including the definition of:  oral speech form, nature of  relations between the interlocutors, conversation meaning (definition of the meaningful situation: consent vs disagreement; permission vs prohibition; understanding vs misunderstanding; request; advice; promise; assurance; gratitude; threat; clarification; order; question; message, etc.), rate of speech and the emotional state of the interlocutors, as well as expert diagnostics of biological parameters of the speakers. Possibilities of diagnostic studies of technical studies of recording media and recording equipment, that can contain information about the technology of obtaining/fixing/saving video, sound recordings, properties and features of the media itself are considered. Non-speech sounds are classified according to their belonging to certain sources. The article highlights effectiveness of using the forensic information obtained through forensic examination in practice of investigating crimes.Висвітлено одне з важливих питань кримінального судочинства — використання даних, здобутих у результаті діагностичних досліджень відео-, звукозаписів, що дає змогу забезпечити більш високий рівень повноти, об’єктивності й усебічності розслідування. Метою статті є аналіз можливостей діагностичних досліджень записів як усного мовлення, так і звукового середовища події правопорушення. Розглянуто різноманітні можли-вості таких досліджень. Звернено увагу як на особливості діагностичних досліджень мовлення з метою отримання інформації про особистість не-відомого, так і на відомості, які можна здобути діагностуванням немов-леннєвої інформації


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    A problematic issue that frequently arises in the examination of video and audio recordings, namely the question of visual and auditory perception of oral speech – the establishment of the content of a conversation based on its image (lip reading) – is considered. The article purpose is to analyze the possibility and feasibility of examining the visual-auditory perception of oral speech in the framework of the examination of video and sound recordings, considering the peculiarities of such research; the ability to use visual information either as an independent object of examination (lip reading), or as a supplementary, additional to auditory analysis of a particular message. The main components of the process of lip reading, the possibility of visual examination of visual and auditory information in order to establish the content of a conversation are considered. Attention is paid to the features of visual and auditory perception of oral speech, and the factors that contribute enormously to the informative nature of the overall picture of oral speech perception by an image are analyzed. The influence of the visual image on the speech perception by an image is considered, such as active articulation, facial expressions, head movement, position of teeth, gestures, etc. In addition to the quality of the image, the duration of the speech fragment also affects the perception of oral speech by the image: a fully uttered expression is usually read better than its individual parts. The article also draws attention to the ambiguity of articulatory images of sounds. The features of the McGurk effect – a perception phenomenon that demonstrates the interaction between hearing and vision while the perception of speech – are considered. The analysis of the possibility and feasibility of examining visual and auditory perception of oral speech within the framework of the examination of video and sound recordings is carried out, and the peculiarities of such research are highlighted.Досліджено проблемне питання, яке все частіше постає в експертизі відео-, звукозапису, а саме: питання зорово-слухового сприйняття усного мовлення — визначення змісту розмови за її зображенням (читання з губ). Метою статті є аналіз можливості та доцільність дослідження зорово-слухового сприйняття усного мовлення у межах проведення експертизи відео-, звукозапису, виокремлення особливостей такого дослідження. Розглянуто основні компоненти процесу читання з губ, можливості візуального дослідження зорово-слухової інформації з метою визначення змісту розмови. Звернуто увагу на особливості зорово-слухового сприйняття усного мовлення, проаналізовано найбільш інформативні фактори в загальній картині сприйняття усного мовлення за зображенням. Проаналізовано можливості й доцільність дослідження зорово-слухо- вого сприйняття усного мовлення у межах проведення експертизи відео-, звукозапису та виокремлено особливості такого дослідження

    Snowflake phononic topological insulator at the nanoscale

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    We show how the snowflake phononic crystal structure, which recently has been realized experimentally, can be turned into a topological insulator for mechanical waves. This idea, based purely on simple geometrical modifications, could be readily implemented on the nanoscale


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    The review and analysis are given to special technical means of video observation, which are used for hidden video surveillance and recording of events in operational search activity of law enforcement bodies during disclosure and investigation of crimes. The characteristics of video recordings obtained with the help of special technical means of video surveillance are considered, and features of expert examination of such records are specified.Проведено огляд і аналіз спеціальних технічних засобів відеоспостереження, які використовуються для прихованого відеоспостереження та фіксації подій в оперативно-розшуковій діяльності правоохоронних органів у процесі розкриття й розслідування злочинів. Розглянуто характеристики відеозаписів, отриманих за допомогою спеціальних технічних засобів відео спостереження, та вказано на особливості експертного дослідження таких записів

    Cholinergic modulation of Up–Down states in the mouse medial entorhinal cortex in vitro

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    Cholinergic tone is high during wake and rapid eye movement sleep and lower during slow wave sleep (SWS). Nevertheless, the low tone of acetylcholine during SWS modulates sharp wave ripple incidence in the hippocampus and slow wave activity in the neocortex. Linking the hippocampus and neocortex, the medial entorhinal cortex (mEC) regulates the coupling between these structures during SWS, alternating between silent Down states and active Up states, which outlast neocortical ones. Here, we investigated how low physiological concentrations of acetylcholine (ACh; 100‐500 nM) modulate Up and Down states in a mEC slice preparation. We find that ACh has a dual effect on mEC activity: it prolongs apparent Up state duration as recorded in individual cells and decreases the total synaptic charge transfer, without affecting the duration of detectable synaptic activity. The overall outcome of ACh application is excitatory and we show that ACh increases Up state incidence via muscarinic receptor activation. The mean firing rate of principal neurons increased in around half of the cells while the other half showed a decrease in firing rate. Using two‐photon calcium imaging of population activity, we found that population‐wide network events are more frequent and rhythmic during ACh and confirmed that ACh modulates cell participation in these network events, consistent with a role for cholinergic modulation in regulating information flow between the hippocampus and neocortex during SWS

    Wittgenstein's Thought Experiments and Relativity Theory

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    In this paper, I discuss the similarity between Wittgenstein’s use of thought experiments and Relativity Theory. I begin with introducing Wittgenstein’s idea of “thought experiments” and a tentative classification of different kinds of thought experiments in Wittgenstein’s work. Then, after presenting a short recap of some remarks on the analogy between Wittgenstein’s point of view and Einstein’s, I suggest three analogies between the status of Wittgenstein’s mental experiments and Relativity theory: the topics of time dilation, the search for invariants, and the role of measuring tools in Special Relativity. This last point will help to better define Wittgenstein’s idea of description as the core of his philosophical enterprise

    Finite strain Landau theory of high pressure phase transformations

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    The properties of materials near structural phase transitions are often successfully described in the framework of Landau theory. While the focus is usually on phase transitions, which are induced by temperature changes approaching a critical temperature T-c, here we will discuss structural phase transformations driven by high hydrostatic pressure, as they are of major importance for understanding processes in the interior of the earth. Since at very high pressures the deformations of a material are generally very large, one needs to apply a fully nonlinear description taking physical as well as geometrical nonlinearities (finite strains) into account. In particular it is necessary to retune conventional Landau theory to describe such phase transitions. In Troster et al (2002 Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 55503) we constructed a Landau-type free energy based on an order parameter part, an order parameter-(finite) strain coupling and a nonlinear elastic term. This model provides an excellent and efficient framework for the systematic study of phase transformations for a wide range of materials up to ultrahigh pressures

    Luminescence emission from forward- and reverse-biased multicrystalline silicon solar cells

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    We study the emission of light from industrial multicrystalline silicon solar cells under forward and reverse biases. Camera-based luminescence imaging techniques and dark lock-in thermography are used to gain information about the spatial distribution and the energy dissipation at pre-breakdown sites frequently found in multicrystalline silicon solar cells. The pre-breakdown occurs at specific sites and is associated with an increase in temperature and the emission of visible light under reverse bias. Moreover, additional light emission is found in some regions in the subband-gap range between 1400 and 1700 nm under forward bias. Investigations of multicrystalline silicon solar cells with different interstitial oxygen concentrations and with an electron microscopic analysis suggest that the local light emission in these areas is directly related to clusters of oxygen. © 2009 American Institute of Physics

    Energy-time entanglement of quasi-particles in solid-state devices

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    We present a proposal for the experimental observation of energy-time entanglement of quasi-particles in mesoscopic physics. This type of entanglement arises whenever correlated particles are produced at the same time and this time is uncertain in the sense of quantum uncertainty, as has been largely used in photonics. We discuss its feasibility for electron-hole pairs. In particular, we argue that the recently fabricated 2DEG-2DHG junctions, irradiated with a continuous laser, behave as "entanglers" for energy-time entanglement.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Long-distance entanglement-based quantum key distribution over optical fiber

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    We report the first entanglement-based quantum key distribution (QKD) experiment over a 100-km optical fiber. We used superconducting single photon detectors based on NbN nanowires that provide high-speed single photon detection for the 1.5-µm telecom band, an efficient entangled photon pair source that consists of a fiber coupled periodically poled lithium niobate waveguide and ultra low loss filters, and planar lightwave circuit Mach-Zehnder interferometers (MZIs) with ultra stable operation. These characteristics enabled us to perform an entanglement-based QKD experiment over a 100-km optical fiber. In the experiment, which lasted approximately 8 hours, we successfully generated a 16 kbit sifted key with a quantum bit error rate of 6.9 % at a rate of 0.59 bits per second, from which we were able to distill a 3.9 kbit secure key