94 research outputs found

    Superpulsed low-level laser therapy protects skeletal muscle of mdx mice against damage, inflammation and morphological changes delaying dystrophy progression.

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    Aim: To evaluate the effects of preventive treatment with low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on progression of dystrophy in mdx mice. Methods: Ten animals were randomly divided into 2 experimental groups treated with superpulsed LLLT (904 nm, 15 mW, 700 Hz, 1 J) or placebo-LLLT at one point overlying the tibialis anterior muscle (bilaterally) 5 times per week for 14 weeks (from 6th to 20th week of age). Morphological changes, creatine kinase (CK) activity and mRNA gene expression were assessed in animals at 20th week of age. Results: Animals treated with LLLT showed very few morphological changes in skeletal muscle, with less atrophy and fibrosis than animals treated with placebo-LLLT. CK was significantly lower (p = 0.0203) in animals treated with LLLT (864.70 U.l−1, SEM 226.10) than placebo (1708.00 U.l−1, SEM 184.60). mRNA gene expression of inflammatory markers was significantly decreased by treatment with LLLT (p<0.05): TNF-α (placebo-control = 0.51 µg/µl [SEM 0.12], - LLLT = 0.048 µg/µl [SEM 0.01]), IL-1β (placebo-control = 2.292 µg/µl [SEM 0.74], - LLLT = 0.12 µg/µl [SEM 0.03]), IL-6 (placebo-control = 3.946 µg/µl [SEM 0.98], - LLLT = 0.854 µg/µl [SEM 0.33]), IL-10 (placebo-control = 1.116 µg/µl [SEM 0.22], - LLLT = 0.352 µg/µl [SEM 0.15]), and COX-2 (placebo-control = 4.984 µg/µl [SEM 1.18], LLLT = 1.470 µg/µl [SEM 0.73]). Conclusion: Irradiation of superpulsed LLLT on successive days five times per week for 14 weeks decreased morphological changes, skeletal muscle damage and inflammation in mdx mice. This indicates that LLLT has potential to decrease progression of Duchenne muscular dystrophy

    Red (660 nm) and infrared (830 nm) low-level laser therapy in skeletal muscle fatigue in humans: what is better?

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    In animal and clinical trials low-level laser therapy (LLLT) using red, infrared and mixed wavelengths has been shown to delay the development of skeletal muscle fatigue. However, the parameters employed in these studies do not allow a conclusion as to which wavelength range is better in delaying the development of skeletal muscle fatigue. With this perspective in mind, we compared the effects of red and infrared LLLT on skeletal muscle fatigue. A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled crossover trial was performed in ten healthy male volunteers. They were treated with active red LLLT, active infrared LLLT (660 or 830 nm, 50 mW, 17.85 W/cm2, 100 s irradiation per point, 5 J, 1,785 J/cm2 at each point irradiated, total 20 J irradiated per muscle) or an identical placebo LLLT at four points of the biceps brachii muscle for 3 min before exercise (voluntary isometric elbow flexion for 60 s). The mean peak force was significantly greater (p < 0.05) following red (12.14%) and infrared LLLT (14.49%) than following placebo LLLT, and the mean average force was also significantly greater (p < 0.05) following red (13.09%) and infrared LLLT (13.24%) than following placebo LLLT. There were no significant differences in mean average force or mean peak force between red and infrared LLLT. We conclude that both red than infrared LLLT are effective in delaying the development skeletal muscle fatigue and in enhancement of skeletal muscle performance. Further studies are needed to identify the specific mechanisms through which each wavelength acts

    Histomorphometric analysis of inflammatory response and necrosis in re-implanted central incisor of rats treated with low-level laser therapy

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    Low-level laser therapy is a tool employed in the management of post-operative inflammation process and in the enhancement of reparative process. The aim of the study was to perform histological evaluation of dental and periodontal ligament of rats central upper-left incisor teeth re-implanted and irradiated with low-level laser (InGaAl, 685 nm, 50 J/cm2) 15, 30, and 60 days after re-implantation. Seventy-two male rats had the central upper left incisor removed and kept for 15 min on dry gauze before replantation. Laser was irradiated over the root surface and empty alveolus prior replantation and over surrounding mucosa after the re-implantation. After histological procedures, all slices were analyzed regarding external resorption area and histological aspects. We observed an increase of root resorption (p < 0.05) in the control group compared to the laser group at 15, 30, and 60 days. These results showed that the laser groups developed less root resorption areas than the control group in all experimental periods. Additionally, histological analysis revealed less inflammatory cells and necrotic areas in laser groups

    Zoneamento agroecológico do Município de Nioaque, Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul.

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    O desenvolvimento sustentável do Município de Nioaque, Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul, está condicionado ao planejamento de uso dos seus recursos naturais, dentro de uma consciência ambiental, social e econômica. Assim, o presente estudo teve como objetivo principal fornecer subsídios técnico-científicos para a utilização sustentável das terras deste município, e que possibilitem o aumento da renda dos produtores rurais, consequentemente, melhoria da qualidade de vida das populações. O zoneamento agroecológico do referido município compreendeu um processo de estratificação ambiental da área, e teve como base o conceito da unidade de paisagem, definida como uma entidade espacial na qual a geologia, a geomorfologia, o clima, a vegetação natural e o solo formam um conjunto homogêneo na paisagem. As informações sobre os solos, relevo e a vegetação foram obtidas através dos levantamentos temáticos da área, na escala 1:100.000; as informações geológicas foram baseadas em levantamentos geológicos realizados pelo Projeto Radambrasil, complementados por estudos locais e as informações climáticas obtidas de estações meteorológicas localizadas no estado. Tendo como base a legislação ambiental foram identificadas as porções territoriais que apresentam impedimentos legais de uso. A estratificação do ambiente em unidades de paisagem permitiu a identificação de zonas agroecológicas, onde é possível o uso sustentável dos recursos naturais (zonas recomendadas para usos intensivos, zonas recomendadas para usos semi-intensivos e zonas recomendadas para pastagens), zonas recomendadas para conservação ambiental e zonas indicadas para recuperação ambiental. Foram identificadas no município de Nioaque 24 zonas agroecológicas, sendo 7 zonas recomendadas para usos intensivos que somam 60.742,24 ha, que equivalem a 15,48% da área total; 6 zonas recomendadas para usos semi-intensivos, que somam 33.662,88 ha (8,58% da área do município); 7 zonas recomendadas para utilização com pastagens, que perfazem 254.334,72 ha (64,82% da área total do município); 2 zonas indicadas para conservação dos recursos naturais que somam 24.363,20 ha (6,21%); e 2 zonas indicadas para recuperação ambiental que perfazem 19.283,04 ha, o equivalente a 4,91% do município. A área do município é altamente antropizada, apresentando níveis variados de degradação, que exigem ações de correção quanto à recuperação da mata ciliar e bordas de chapada e a elaboração de um plano participativo de uso sustentado de seus recursos naturais.bitstream/item/66293/1/bpd-130-zoneamento-nioaque-1.pdf; bitstream/item/87155/1/Mapa-ZAE-UVA.pdf; bitstream/item/87156/1/Mapa-ZAE-Soja.pdf; bitstream/item/87158/1/Mapa-ZAE-MILHO-SAF.pdf; bitstream/item/87160/1/Mapa-ZAE-Milho.pdf; bitstream/item/87161/1/Mapa-ZAE-MARACUJA.pdf; bitstream/item/87162/1/Mapa-ZAE-MANGA.pdf; bitstream/item/87163/1/Mapa-ZAE-MAMAO.pdf; bitstream/item/87164/1/Mapa-ZAE-GOIABA.pdf; bitstream/item/87165/1/Mapa-ZAE-CITRUS.pdf; bitstream/item/87166/1/Mapa-ZAE-BANANA.pdf; bitstream/item/87167/1/Mapa-ZAE-ARROZ.pdf; bitstream/item/87168/1/Mapa-ZAE-ABACAXI.pdf; bitstream/item/87169/1/Mapa-ZAE.pdfAcompanha mapa color. Escala 1:100.000