248 research outputs found

    Food Security and Socioeconomic Aspects of Sustainable Rural Development in Ukraine

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    In this paper we analyze current agriculture development trends in Ukraine. Using the results of the analysis, collected data and experts estimates we develop an integrated approach to assist decision making regarding long-term and robust agricultural policies that ensure scio-economic goals, food security and environmental safety. The proposed stochastic geographically explicit model for the analysis of robust rural development strategies adopts different criteria, among others are satisfying local demands consistent with the country-wide food production targets. The paper discusses application of the model with selected results on the level of Ukrainian oblasts

    Методичні вказівки до виконання курсової роботи з курсу "Організація комп'ютерних мереж"

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    Students are required to produce a term project building upon and complementing the material covered in class. The topic of the project should be related to making Ethernet cable, Network design, network security. A set of suggested projects is attached below. Each of you is required to pair up with another student to form a team of two members for the project. The final result of the project will be a technical report and a presentation. Students participate in computer networking courses during third course. Computer networking projects give students hands-on experience to learn and digest the course materials being taught. These course project also give students practical experience, especially for those who plan to continue their careers within the field

    Методичні вказівки до виконання курсової роботи по курсу "Алгоритми та структури даних"

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    Guidance for course work on "Algorithms and Data Structures" is a part of methods of the course "Algorithms and Data Structures". Course work is performed in 3 semester. The course work must consolidates theoretical knowledge and practical skills obtained in the study of lecture and practical parts of the course. The guidance covers the key issues related to the course work, the processing of explanatory notes to course work, and the defense of student work

    Integrated modeling approach to the analysis of food security and sustainable rural developments: Ukrainian case study

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    In Ukraine, the growth of intensive agricultural enterprises with a focus on fast profits contributes considerably to food insecurity and increasing socio-economic and environmental risks. Ukraine has important natural and labor resources for effective rural development. For example, more than 50% of food production is still managed in small and medium farms despite the difficulties associated with economic instabilities and the lack of proper policy support. The main issue for the agro-policy nowadays is to use these resources in a sustainable way enforcing robust long term development of rural communities and agriculture. In this paper, we introduce a stochastic geographically explicit model for designing forward looking policies regarding robust resources allocation and composition of agricultural production enhancing food security and rural development. In particular, we investigate the role of investments into rural facilities to stabilize and enhance the performance of the agrofood sector in view of uncertainties and incomplete information. The security goals are introduced in the form of multidimensional risk indicators

    On the Tremaine-Weinberg method: how much can we trust gas tracers to measure pattern speeds?

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    Pattern speeds are a fundamental parameter of the dynamical features (e.g. bars, spiral arms) of a galaxy, setting resonance locations. Pattern speeds are not directly observable, so the Tremaine–Weinberg (TW) method has become the most common method used to measure them in galaxies. However, it has not been tested properly whether this method can straightforwardly be applied to gas tracers, despite this being widely done in the literature. When applied to observations, the TW method may return invalid results, which are difficult to diagnose due to a lack of ground truth for comparison. Although some works applying the TW method to simulated galaxies exist, only stellar populations have been tested. Therefore, here we explore the applicability of the TW method for gas tracers, by applying it to hydrodynamical simulations of galaxies, where we know the true value of the bar pattern speed. We perform some simple tests to see if the TW method has a physically reasonable output. We add different kinds of uncertainties (e.g. in position angle or flux) to the data to mock observational errors based on the magnitude of uncertainty present in the observations. Secondly, we test the method on 3D simulations with chemical networks. We show that in general, applying TW to observations of gas will not recover the true pattern speed. These results have implications for many ‘pattern speeds’ reported in the literature, and based on these tests we also give some best practices for measuring pattern speeds using gas tracers going forwards

    Comparative analysis of the old and new versions of GOST 7.32

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    On July 1, 2018, a new edition of GOST 7.32–2017 «The Report on Scientific Research. Structure and rules of registration». Modern possibilities of document circulation in electronic and paper form and updated requirements for design are presented in this version. In this article, the distinctive features of the old and new versions of the standard are presentedС 1 июля 2018 года в силу вступает новая редакция ГОСТ 7.32–2017 «Отчет о научно-исследовательской работе. Структура и правила оформления». В указанной версии учтены современные возможности документооборота в электронном и бумажном виде, актуализированы и дополнены существующие требования к оформлению. В настоящей работе приведены отличительные черты старой и новой редакций стандарт

    Modular technology of corporate formation of blue-collar workers’ professional competency

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    Topicality of the problem under investigation is conditioned by implementation of competency oriented federal state educational standards and professional standards into the practice of blue-collar workers training, the mentioned standards being intended to disclose the host of functions of various blue-collar occupations and WorldSkills standards reflecting modern world trends in the field of formation and development of blue-collar workers’ professional competences. In the meaningful aspect, today’s standards identifying requirements to blue-collar workers training will define principles of selection and formation of competency oriented subject matter of training; however, the choice of training technologies quite often remains beyond the training standards. At the same time, the competency oriented training of blue-collar workers shall envisage application of the activity approach to organization and realization of the training and, consequently, of technologies of training based on the activity approach. The modular technology of training based on points of European concept of “Modular employable skills” can be one of such technologies. The purpose of the article is description of the authors’ modular technology of forming of workers’ professional competency under conditions of corporate training. The modular technology is described herein as exemplified by formation of professional competency of workers of the machine-building industry in field of lathe part machining. The article also includes results of an experimental approbation of a developed modular technology in conditions of plants’ training centers. The investigation’s leading method shall be a pedagogical educational experiment in process whereof the modular technology of forming of workers’ professional competency which has been developed by the authors shall be approbated, the mentioned workers belonging to the machine-building industry in field of lathe part machining, whereas a worker’s professional competency is regarded as an integrated aggregate of core competencies and occupational personal properties which lie in the base of the selection and structuring of the subject matter of training. Materials and methods: the pedagogical educational experiment allows exposing the efficiency of complex formation of the professional competency in trainees by means of applying of the modular technique of training and methodological support, that is, educational elements developed in line with requirements of Modular employable skills concept and supplemented with a set of production tasks performed directly on the job under the tutor’s guidance. The following methods were used in process of the research: theoretical (analysis, synthesis, deduction and induction); diagnostic (methods of analysis and systemizing of scientific pedagogical literature; generalization and classification); empirical (modelling). The key results described in the article: the professional competency model of the machine-building industry workers; the modular technology of forming of professional competency of the machine-building industry workers; the methodological support elaborated in line with requirements of Modular employable skills concept, plus results of the experimental approbation of the developed modular technology. The modular approach, possessing systemic properties, allows integrating the substantive basis of training formed in the competency-based format, processes of selection and structuring of the content of blue-collar workers’ training reflected in the program documentation fixed forms, educational-methodological documentation represented by training elements, organization- methodological aspects of training, organization and realization of training which are also recorded in documentary form in line with requirements of Modular employable skills concept. © 2018 by the authors


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    The issues related to the use of RFID technology in the supply chains of the fashion industry have been considered. The prospects of using this technology in the supply chains of the fashion industry are related to a number of features that characterize the industry. Such features include a high product range and its rapid turnover, rapid changes in purchasing preferences, and the need to respond quickly to changes in consumer demand. Traditionally, RFID technology is used to identify data in warehouse logistics or company distribution system, but the scope of application of this technology in the fashion industry is constantly expanding. The technology can be used to increase the transparency and security of supply chains, marketing research and in other areas. It has been also emphasized that the joint application of RFID technology with other digital technologies, such as blockchain, is promising. Some restrictions related to the application of technology in the industry have been also highlighted

    Multivariate Analysis of the Phase 0 Experiment Data with TMVA

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