172 research outputs found

    Efecto de algunos factores sobre el comportamiento productivo y reproductivo del ganado Blanco Orejinegro, Cebú y sus cruces.

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    Ganado de doble propósito-Ganaderia doble propositoMaestría en CienciasMaestrí

    Pathways to Economic Outcomes and the Impact of Health: Comparing Hispanic and Non-Hispanic Adults after Foster Care

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    Abstract This study examines the financial outcomes in adulthood of Hispanics (N = 87) and White (Non-Hispanic, N = 498) persons placed in foster care during childhood. It uses the Casey Family Programs National Alumni Study (CFPNAS) database. Path models including predictors such as gender, education, having a partner, preparation for leaving care, and problem characteristics yielded predominantly similar effects for Hispanic and White Non-Hispanic respondents. The direct effect of physical and mental health conditions such as physical or learning disability, visual or hearing impairments, or DSM disorders more strongly predicted negative outcomes for White (Non-Hispanic) respondents than for Hispanic ones

    Concepciones de naturaleza de la ciencia en profesores ciencias de la ciudad de manizales (Colombia)

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    Se investigaron las concepciones de Naturaleza de la Ciencia de un grupo de 50 profesores de educación básica de la ciudad de Manizales (Colombia). Se siguió un diseño de investigación mixto en el que el análisis cuantitativo no arrojó diferencias significativas entre los diferentes énfasis en cuanto al concepto de naturaleza de la ciencia en los profesores. El análisis cualitativo permitió dar sentidos y significados a la concepciones de os profesores sobre naturaleza de la ciencia

    AMPK Directly Inhibits NDPK Through a Phosphoserine Switch to Maintain Cellular Homeostasis

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    AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a key energy sensor that regulates metabolism to maintain cellular energy balance. AMPK activation has also been proposed to mimic benefits of caloric restriction and exercise. Therefore, identifying downstream AMPK targets could elucidate new mechanisms for maintaining cellular energy homeostasis. We identified the phosphotransferase nucleoside diphosphate kinase (NDPK), which maintains pools of nucleotides, as a direct AMPK target through the use of two-dimensional differential in-gel electrophoresis. Furthermore, we mapped the AMPK/NDPK phosphorylation site (serine 120) as a functionally potent enzymatic “off switch” both in vivo and in vitro. Because ATP is usually the most abundant cellular nucleotide, NDPK would normally consume ATP, whereas AMPK would inhibit NDPK to conserve energy. It is intriguing that serine 120 is mutated in advanced neuroblastoma, which suggests a mechanism by which NDPK in neuroblastoma can no longer be inhibited by AMPK-mediated phosphorylation. This novel placement of AMPK upstream and directly regulating NDPK activity has widespread implications for cellular energy/nucleotide balance, and we demonstrate in vivo that increased NDPK activity leads to susceptibility to energy deprivation–induced death

    Surface anisotropy and particle size influence on hysteresis loops in La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 nanoparticles : A simulation approach

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    Thermal and hysteretic magnetic properties of La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 nanoparticles were studied using Monte Carlo simulations, with emphasis on the influence of anisotropy. In this work, several nanoparticle sizes ranging from 2.32 to 11.58 nm were analyzed and their properties were compared to those of the bulk material. The magnetic behavior of the material was modeled using the three dimensional Heisenberg model with nearest neighbor interactions. Furthermore, both uniaxial and Néel anisotropies were considered for core and surface magnetic sites respectively. Deviations in the critical temperature and coercive field were observed for nanoparticles when compared with those of the bulk material. In addition to these properties, the special spin configurations that arise from the competition between the exchange, anisotropy and external magnetic field were also studied. All these effects are interpreted in terms of the surface properties such as the Néel anisotropy and the decrease in the coordination number

    Obstáculos en el aprendizaje del concepto de respiracion

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    Se presentan los modelos explicativos expresados por estudiantes sobre el campo conceptual de la respiración. Se identificaron diferentes tipos de obstáculos frente a la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la respiración. Se realizó análisis cualitativo de la información recolectada con el uso de la herramienta Atlas-Ti. La identificación de los modelos de los estudiantes y de los obstáculos frente al aprendizaje nos permitirá orientar acciones de enseñanza con el propósito de lograr aprendizajes en profundidad de los diferentes temas enseñados

    Modelización de procesos de enseñanza en profesores de ciencias de la ciudad de manizales (colombia) desde el concepto contenido pedagógico del conocimiento

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    Se modelizó el pensamiento de 50 profesores de educación básica secundaria sobre el concepto Contenido Pedagógico del Conocimiento. El análisis de la información recolectada se realizó con el empleo de Atlas-Ti. Los maestros reconocen que para enseñar ciencias no es suficiente con tener el conocimiento de la materia; también consideran necesarios otros tipos de conocimientos como el pedagógico general, de los estudiantes, curricular, del contexto y didáctico. Los docentes consideran esencial para enseñar ciencias el empleo de múltiples estrategias en el proceso de enseñanza, despertar el interés de los estudiantes y tener conocimientos adecuados sobre el manejo de los grupos de clase