404 research outputs found

    Magnetic field structure inside the magnetosphere in the recovery phase of a magnetic storm

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    Mathematical model for computing magnetic field structure in magnetosphere after magnetic stor

    Underlying mechanism of precursory activity from analysis of upward earthquake migration

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    In this paper we analyse the upward earthquake hypocentral migration in the ten known subduction zones and discuss a possible mechanism of such migration. The total time of the migration appears to range from 2.5 to 10 years. It leads to the estimation of the average velocity <i><b>V</b></i><sub>z</sub>~ 60−300 km yr<sup>−1</sup>. It probably corresponds to the movement of the forcing agent like stress or deformation wave from depths of the upper mantle (600–700 km) to the level of the lithosphere with subsequent initiation of fluid migration inside the crust to trigger shallow earthquakes. Averaged over all zones upward migration travel time is about 5 years (< <i><b>V</b></i><sub>z</sub> > ≈120 km yr<sup>−1</sup>) that coincides approximately with the period of characteristic temperature variation (El Nino) and crustal seismic periodicity in the Pacific region. These findings are helpful for the study of the seismic precursors and analysis of earthquake triggering

    Non double couple seismic sources, faults interaction and hypothesis of self-organized criticality

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    Non double couple (NDC) sources are considered in framework of the hypothesis that the process of seismic rupture can be viewed as a result of complicated fault geometry and its segmentation. Analytical approach is found to reveal reliability of NDC measure taking into consideration the values of seismic moment tensor errors. The study focuses on the comparison of the deformation modes of the NDC sources with the stress states in its vicinity. The deformation modes of faulting and fracturing at a small scale in NDC earthquake focus and at regional scale in geological unit were investigated using at the last case summation of seismic moment tensors. These local and regional deformation modes in some of geodynamic regimes confirm the self-similarity assumption. For the whole data set scaling relations seem to be more complicated. This feature implies that besides stresses second order factors, as the hydrothermal or magmatic pore fluids in rock, influence source characteristics and bring new complications in scaling relations

    Inductive seismo-electromagnetic effect in relation to seismogenic ULF emission

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    International audienceDuring the seismic wave propagation through the crust, the electromagnetic pulse can originate due to MHD conversion in this conductive medium. On the assumption of simple models of seismic wave excitation and attenuation, the problem is reduced to the analysis of a diffusion-like equation for a vector potential function. In this way, we need to change the classical gauge condition. A semi-analytical form of the solution is obtained in a case with constant ground conductivity. Dependencies of the electric and magnetic field components and the pulse duration on distance and crust conductivity have been computed in detail. The results could be useful for the explanation of electromagnetic signals related to coseismic, foreshock and aftershock activity

    VLF/LF sounding of the lower ionosphere to study the role of atmospheric oscillations in the lithosphere-ionosphere coupling

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    It is shown that sounding of the lower ionosphere boundary by subionospheric signals from powerful VLF/LF transmitters can be a useful tool for the investigation of Planetary Waves (PW) with periods in a range of 2-30 days. A specific spring-time transition in the PW dynamic periodograms is revealed from our analysis of several years data using Tsushima, Japan VLF transmitter (10.2kHz) along the path with length of about 1000km. Earthquake influence m the periodograms could be sometime recognized as an appearance of specific wavelets. We discuss a possibility of PW transportation from the bottom to the upper atmosphere as modulation of shorter-scale gravity waves (GW) inside the troposphere and subsequent demodulation of the GW at the atmosphere-ionosphere boundary for the explanation of observational results. The existence of modulation due to gravity waves in LF signal amplitude is presented to support the above hypothesis

    A direction finding technique for the ULF electromagnetic source

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    International audienceA technique of direction finding is proposed, which can be applied to the magnetic-dipole type source located in the conductive ground. To distinguish a weak ULF source signal from the natural noise a network of multicomponent magnetometers is supposed to be used. The data obtained by the ground-based stations is processed in such a way that a set of partial derivatives of the magnetic perturbations due to the source are found. Comparing these derivatives with theoretical formulae makes it possible, in principle, to find the ULF source parameters such as the distance and amplitude. Averaging the data and a special procedure are proposed in order to exclude random fluctuations in the magnetic moment orientation and to avoid hydrogeological and other local factors

    Preseismic ULF electromagnetic effect from observation at Kamchatka

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    International audienceSome results of ULF magnetic field observation at Karimshino site (Kamchatka, Russia) since June 2000 to September 2001 are presented here. Using case study we have found an effect of suppression of ULF intensity about 2?6 days before rather strong and nearby seismic shocks (magnitude M = 4.0 ? 6.2). It is revealed for nighttime and horizontal component of ULF field (G) in the frequency range 0.01 ? 0.1 Hz. Then we prove the reliability of the effect by computed correlation between G (or 1/G) and specially calculated seismic indexes Ks for the whole period of observation. Basing on the simple criteria we conclude that reliability of seismo-associated ULF suppression effect is comparable with well-known effect of connection between ULF variation and Kp index of global magnetic activity. It seems the reason of suppression is located at the atmosphere or ionosphere but not in the ground medium

    Low-latitude ionospheric turbulence observed by Aureol-3 satellite

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    Using PSD (Power Spectral Density) data on electron density and electric field variations observed on board Aureol-3 satellite at low-to-mid-latitude ionosphere we analyze a scale distribution of the ionospheric turbulence in a form <i>k<sup>-α</sup></i>, where <i>k</i> is the wave number and α is the spectral index. At first, high-resolution data in the near-equator region for several orbits have been processed. In this case the frequency range is from 6Hz to 100Hz (corresponding spatial scales from 80m to 1.3km), each power spectrum obeys a single power law fairly well, and the mean spectral indices are rather stable with α<sub><i>N</i></sub>=2.2±0.3 and α<sub><i>E</i></sub>=1.8±0.2, for the density and electric field, respectively. Then we produce a statistical study of 96 electric field bursts in the frequency range 10-100Hz from low-time resolution data (filter bank envelope). These bursts concentrate on the side of the Equatorial Anomaly crest (geomagnetic latitude 30-40°). Spectral indices of the bursts vary in the interval α<sub><i>E</i></sub>=2.0-2.5 but are fairly stable in seasons and local times. The electric field power of the burst has rather a large variability but has a relative increase in mean values for the summer and winter, as well as the daytime. The effect of major seismic activities toward the ionospheric turbulence is not conclusive either for the refractive index or for the electric field power. However, the mean value for the electric field power of bursts during seismic periods is larger than that for non seismic periods, and the statistical difference of the mean values is rather significant

    Anomalies of LF signal during seismic activity in November?December 2004

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    International audienceA signal transmitted by Japan Time Standard LF station (40 kHz, Fukushima prefecture) and recorded in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatski (Russia) is analyzed during a time interval from 1 July 2004 till 24 January 2005. This interval is characterized by quiet seismic conditions up to the beginning of November, but rather strong seismic activity occurs in November and December not far from Hokkaido (Japan) and in the region of northern Kuril Islands. There were three series of earthquakes with M=5.6?7.1 in a zone of sensitivity of our wave path during two months. Nighttime "bay-like" phase and amplitude anomalies of the LF signal are observed several days before and during every series of earthquakes. During the whole period of seismic activity a significant shift in terminator times is also evident. The spectrum of LF seismo-induced anomalies shows a clear increase for the period of about 25 min