3,216 research outputs found

    Post-Secondary Aspirations of High School Seniors from Different Social-Demographic Contexts

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    This study examines post-secondary aspirations of high school seniors from five different residential settings (rural farm, rural nonfarm, village, small-town, and large city) in the Regional Municipality of Durham (Durham Region), Ontario, Canada. A linear regression model sorts out simultaneous effects of the independent variable, residential locale, on the dependent variables, levels of educational and occupational aspiration, with relevant control factors held constant. Results indicate that differences between groups is minimal as residential locale accounts for only a small proportion of the variance in aspirational levels. Nevertheless, as a group, rural nonfarm students have the highest overall levels of post-secondary aspiration, small-town and city students have moderate levels of post- secondary aspiration, and rural farm and village students have the lowest overall levels of post-secondary aspiration. Two variables, in particular, account for most of the variance in the model, namely, parental expectations and peer group. In general, the findings contribute to a better understanding of factors which affect divergent levels of post- secondary aspiration among high school seniors in Durham Region and in areas which approximate Durham Region.Cette étude examine les aspirations post-secondaires des élèves de dernière année de cinq cadres résidentiels différents (rural ferme, rural non-ferme, le village, la petite ville et la grande ville) de la municipalité régionale de Durham, (la Région de Durham), Ontario, Canada. Un Modèle de régression linéaire classe les effets simultanés de la variable indépen-dante, l'endroit résidentiel sur les variables dépendantes, les niveaux d'aspirations pédago-giques et professionnelles, en gardant invariables des facteurs pertinents de contrôle. Les résultats indiquent que les différences entre les groupes sont minimes puisque les endroits résidentiels n'expliquent qu'une petite proportion de la divergence des niveaux d'aspira-tions. Néanmoins, comme groupe, les élèves rurals non-fermes possèdent, dans l'ensemble, les niveaux d'aspiration post-secondaires les plus élevés, les élèves de petites villes et de grandes villes possèdent les niveaux d'aspiration post-secondaires modérés et les élèves du village etrurals fermes possèdent, dans l'ensemble, les niveaux d'aspirations post-secondaires les moins élevés. Deux variables, en particulier, expliquent le plus la divergence du modèle, à savoir, les espérances des parents et les pairs. En général, les conclusions aident à mieux comprendre les facteurs qui influent sur des niveaux divergents d'aspirations post-secondaires parmi les élèves de dernière année de la région deDurham et les régions qui s'en rapprochent

    First Detection of CO in a Low Surface Brightness Galaxy

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    We report on the first attempts at searching for CO in red low surface brightness galaxies, and the first detection of molecular gas in a low surface brightness (mu_B(0)_{obs} > 23 mag arcsec^{-2}) galaxy. Using the IRAM 30m telescope, CO(1-0) and CO(2-1) lines were searched for in four galaxies -- P06-1, P05-5, C05-3, & C04-2. In three of the galaxies no CO was detected, to T_{MB} ~ 1.8mK (at the 3 sigma level). In the fourth galaxy, P06-1, both lines were detected. Comparing our findings with previous studies shows P06-1 to have a molecular-to-atomic mass ratio considerably lower than is predicted using theoretical models based on high surface brightness galaxy studies. This indicates the N(H_2)/(int{T(CO)dv}) conversion factor for low surface brightness galaxies may currently be consistently underestimated by a factor of 3 - 20.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, accepted by the ApJ

    Visualizing elements of Sha[3] in genus 2 jacobians

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    Mazur proved that any element xi of order three in the Shafarevich-Tate group of an elliptic curve E over a number field k can be made visible in an abelian surface A in the sense that xi lies in the kernel of the natural homomorphism between the cohomology groups H^1(k,E) -> H^1(k,A). However, the abelian surface in Mazur's construction is almost never a jacobian of a genus 2 curve. In this paper we show that any element of order three in the Shafarevich-Tate group of an elliptic curve over a number field can be visualized in the jacobians of a genus 2 curve. Moreover, we describe how to get explicit models of the genus 2 curves involved.Comment: 12 page

    Star Formation and Tidal Encounters with the Low Surface Brightness Galaxy UGC 12695 and Companions

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    We present VLA H I observations of the low surface brightness galaxy UGC 12695 and its two companions, UGC 12687 and a newly discovered dwarf galaxy 2333+1234. UGC 12695 shows solid body rotation but has a very lopsided morphology of the H I disk, with the majority of the H I lying in the southern arm of the galaxy. The H I column density distribution of this very blue, LSB galaxy coincides in detail with its light distribution. Comparing the H I column density of UGC 12695 with the empirical (but not well understood) value of Sigma_c = 10E21 atoms/cm^2 found in, i.e., Skillman's 1986 paper shows the star formation to be a local affair, occurring only in those regions where the column density is above this star formation threshold. The low surface brightness nature of this galaxy could thus be attributed to an insufficient gas surface density, inhibiting star formation on a more global scale. Significantly, though, the Toomre criterion places a much lower critical density on the galaxy (+/-10E20 atoms/cm^2), which is shown by the galaxy's low SFR to not be applicable. Within a projected distance of 300kpc/30kms of UGC 12695 lie two companion galaxies - UGC 12687, a high surface brightness barred spiral galaxy, and 2333+1234, a dwarf galaxy discovered during this investigation. The close proximity of the three galaxies, combined with UGC 12695's extremely blue color and regions of localized starburst and UGC 12687's UV excess bring to mind mutually induced star formation through tidal activity.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures (2 color), To be published in A.J., May 2000

    A Sobolev Poincar\'e type inequality for integral varifolds

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    In this work a local inequality is provided which bounds the distance of an integral varifold from a multivalued plane (height) by its tilt and mean curvature. The bounds obtained for the exponents of the Lebesgue spaces involved are shown to be sharp.Comment: v1: 27 pages, no figures; v2: replaced citations of the author's dissertation by proofs, material of sections 1 and 3 reorganised, slightly more general results in section 2, some remarks, some discussion and some references added, 40 pages, no figure

    Mueller Matrix Parameters for Radio Telescopes and their Observational Determination

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    Modern digital crosscorrelators permit the simultaneous measurement of all four Stokes parameters. However, the results must be calibrated to correct for the polarization transfer function of the receiving system. The transfer function for any device can be expressed by its Mueller matrix. We express the matrix elements in terms of fundamental system parameters that describe the voltage transfer functions (known as the Jones matrix) of the various system devices in physical terms and thus provide a means for comparing with engineering calculations and investigating the effects of design changes. We describe how to determine these parameters with astronomical observations. We illustrate the method by applying it to some of the receivers at the Arecibo Observatory.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figures; accepted for PAS

    Microoptomechanical pumps assembled and driven by holographic optical vortex arrays

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    Beams of light with helical wavefronts can be focused into ring-like optical traps known as optical vortices. The orbital angular momentum carried by photons in helical modes can be transferred to trapped mesoscopic objects and thereby coupled to a surrounding fluid. We demonstrate that arrays of optical vortices created with the holographic optical tweezer technique can assemble colloidal spheres into dynamically reconfigurable microoptomechanical pumps assembled by optical gradient forces and actuated by photon orbital angular momentum.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Optics Expres

    Further Discoveries of 12CO in Low Surface Brightness Galaxies

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    Using the IRAM 30m telescope we have obtained seven new, deep CO J(1-0) and J(2-1) observations of low surface brightness (LSB) galaxies. Five of the galaxies have no CO detected to extremely low limits (0.1-0.4 K km/s at J(1-0)), while two of the galaxies, UGC 01922 and UGC 12289, have clear detections in both line transitions. When these observations are combined with all previous CO observations taken of LSB systems, we compile a total of 34 observations, in which only 3 galaxies have had detections of their molecular gas. Comparing the LSB galaxies with and without CO detections to a sample of high surface brightness (HSB) galaxies with CO observations indicates that it is primarily the low density of baryonic matter within LSB galaxies which is causing their low CO fluxes. Finally, we note that one of the massive LSB galaxies studied in this project, UGC 06968 (a Malin-1 `cousin'), has upper limits placed on both M_H2 and M_H2/M_HI which are 10-20 times lower than the lowest values found for any galaxy (LSB or HSB) with similar global properties. This may be due to an extremely low temperature and metallicity within UGC 06968, or simply due to the CO distribution within the galaxy being too diffuse to be detected by the IRAM beam.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, 4 tables. Accepted by Ap

    Spitzer Observations of Low Luminosity Isolated and Low Surface Brightness Galaxies

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    We examine the infrared properties of five low surface brightness galaxies (LSBGs) and compare them with related but higher surface brightness galaxies, using Spitzer Space Telescope images and spectra. All the LSBGs are detected in the 3.6 and 4.5um bands, representing the stellar population. All but one are detected at 5.8 and 8.0um, revealing emission from hot dust and aromatic molecules, though many are faint or point-like at these wavelengths. Detections of LSBGs at the far-infrared wavelengths, 24, 70, and 160um, are varied in morphology and brightness, with only two detections at 160um, resulting in highly varied spectral energy distributions. Consistent with previous expectations for these galaxies, we find that detectable dust components exist for only some LSBGs, with the strength of dust emission dependent on the existence of bright star forming regions. However, the far-infrared emission may be relatively weak compared with normal star-forming galaxies.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, accepted to Ap

    Abelian symmetries in multi-Higgs-doublet models

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    N-Higgs doublet models (NHDM) are a popular framework to construct electroweak symmetry breaking mechanisms beyond the Standard model. Usually, one builds an NHDM scalar sector which is invariant under a certain symmetry group. Although several such groups have been used, no general analysis of symmetries possible in the NHDM scalar sector exists. Here, we make the first step towards this goal by classifying the elementary building blocks, namely the abelian symmetry groups, with a special emphasis on finite groups. We describe a strategy that identifies all abelian groups which are realizable as symmetry groups of the NHDM Higgs potential. We consider both the groups of Higgs-family transformations only and the groups which also contain generalized CP transformations. We illustrate this strategy with the examples of 3HDM and 4HDM and prove several statements for arbitrary N.Comment: 33 pages, 2 figures; v2: conjecture 3 is proved and becomes theorem 3, more explanations of the main strategy are added, matches the published versio
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