842 research outputs found

    The Keck+Magellan Survey for Lyman Limit Absorption II: A Case Study on Metallicity Variations

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    We present an absorption line analysis of the Lyman limit system (LLS) at z=3.55 in our Magellan/MIKE spectrum of PKS2000-330. Our analysis of the Lyman limit and full HI Lyman series constrains the total HI column density of the LLS (N_HI = 10^[18.0 +/- 0.25] cm^{-2} for b_HI >= 20 km/s) and also the N_HI values of the velocity subsystems comprising the absorber. We measure ionic column densities for metal-line transitions associated with the subsystems and use these values to constrain the ionization state (>90% ionized) and relative abundances of the gas. We find an order of magnitude dispersion in the metallicities of the subsystems, marking the first detailed analysis of metallicity variations in an optically thick absorber. The results indicate that metals are not well mixed within the gas surrounding high zz galaxies. Assuming a single-phase photoionization model, we also derive an N_H-weighted metallicity, = -1.66 +/- 0.25, which matches the mean metallicity in the neutral ISM in high z damped Lya systems (DLAs). Because the line density of LLSs is ~10 times higher than the DLAs, we propose that the former dominate the metal mass-density at z~3 and that these metals reside in the galaxy/IGM interface. Considerations of a multi-phase model do not qualitatively change these conclusions. Finally, we comment on an anomalously large O^0/Si^+ ratio in the LLS that suggests an ionizing radiation field dominated by soft UV sources (e.g. a starburst galaxy). Additional abundance analysis is performed on the super-LLS systems at z=3.19.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures (most in color). Accepted to Ap

    A Direct Measurement of the IGM Opacity to HI Ionizing Photons

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    We present a new method to directly measure the opacity from HI Lyman limit (LL) absorption k_LL along quasar sightlines by the intergalactic medium (IGM). The approach analyzes the average (``stacked'') spectrum of an ensemble of quasars at a common redshift to infer the mean free path (MFP) to ionizing radiation. We apply this technique to 1800 quasars at z=3.50-4.34 drawn from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), giving the most precise measurements on k_LL at any redshift. From z=3.6 to 4.3, the opacity increases steadily as expected and is well parameterized by MFP = (48.4 +/- 2.1) - (38.0 +/- 5.3)*(z-3.6) h^-1 Mpc (proper distance). The relatively high MFP values indicate that the incidence of systems which dominate k_LL evolves less strongly at z>3 than that of the Lya forest. We infer a mean free path three times higher than some previous estimates, a result which has important implications for the photo-ionization rate derived from the emissivity of star forming galaxies and quasars. Finally, our analysis reveals a previously unreported, systematic bias in the SDSS quasar sample related to the survey's color targeting criteria. This bias potentially affects all z~3 IGM studies using the SDSS database.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures; Accepted to ApJ

    The HST/ACS+WFC3 Survey for Lyman Limit Systems II: Science

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    We present the first science results from our Hubble Space Telescope Survey for Lyman limit absorption systems (LLS) using the low dispersion spectroscopic modes of the Advanced Camera for Surveys and the Wide Field Camera 3. Through an analysis of 71 quasars, we determine the incidence frequency of LLS per unit redshift and per unit path length, l(z) and l(x) respectively, over the redshift range 1 < z< 2.6, and find a weighted mean of l(x)=0.29 +/-0.05 for 2.0 < z < 2.5 through a joint analysis of our sample and that of Ribaudo et al. (2011). Through stacked spectrum analysis, we determine a median (mean) value of the mean free path to ionizing radiation at z=2.4 of lambda_mfp = 243(252)h^(-1) Mpc, with an error on the mean value of +/- 43h^(-1) Mpc. We also re-evaluate the estimates of lambda_mfp from Prochaska et al. (2009) and place constraints on the evolution of lambda_mfp with redshift, including an estimate of the "breakthrough" redshift of z = 1.6. Consistent with results at higher z, we find that a significant fraction of the opacity for absorption of ionizing photons comes from systems with N_HI <= 10^{17.5} cm^(-2) with a value for the total Lyman opacity of tau_lyman = 0.40 +/- 0.15. Finally, we determine that at minimum, a 5-parameter (4 power-law) model is needed to describe the column density distribution function f(N_HI, X) at z \sim 2.4, find that f(N_HI,X) undergoes no significant change in shape between z \sim 2.4 and z \sim 3.7, and provide our best fit model for f(N_HI,X).Comment: 36 pages, 20 figures, 10 tables, revision to match accepted ApJ versio

    Archeops: an instrument for present and future cosmology

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    Archeops is a balloon-borne instrument dedicated to measure the cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature anisotropies. It has, in the millimetre domain (from 143 to 545 GHz), a high angular resolution (about 10 arcminutes) in order to constrain high l multipoles, as well as a large sky coverage fraction (30%) in order to minimize the cosmic variance. It has linked, before WMAP, Cobe large angular scales to the first acoustic peak region. From its results, inflation motivated cosmologies are reinforced with a flat Universe (Omega_tot=1 within 3%). The dark energy density and the baryonic density are in very good agreement with other independent estimations based on supernovae measurements and big bang nucleosynthesis. Important results on galactic dust emission polarization and their implications for Planck are also addressed.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Proceedings of the Multiwavelength Cosmology Conference, June 2003, Mykonos Island, Greec

    Constraining the variation of the coupling constants with big bang nucleosynthesis

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    We consider the possibility of the coupling constants of the SU(3)×SU(2)×U(1)SU(3)\times SU(2)\times U(1) gauge interactions at the time of big bang nucleosynthesis having taken different values from what we measure at present, and investigate the allowed difference requiring the shift in the coupling constants not violate the successful calculation of the primordial abundances of the light elements. We vary gauge couplings and Yukawa couplings (fermion masses) using a model in which their relative variations are governed by a single scalar field, dilaton, as found in string theory. The results include a limit on the fine structure constant 6.0×104<ΔαEM/αEM<1.5×104-6.0\times10^{-4}<\Delta\alpha_{EM}/\alpha_{EM}<1.5\times10^{-4}, which is two orders stricter than the limit obtained by considering the variation of αEM\alpha_{EM} alone.Comment: 7 page

    Cosmological parameters sigma_8, the baryon density, and the UV background intensity from a calibrated measurement of H I Lyman-alpha absorption at z = 1.9

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    We identify a concordant model for the intergalactic medium (IGM) at redshift z=1.9 that uses popular values for cosmological and astrophysical parameters and accounts for all baryons with an uncertainty of 6%. We have measured the amount of absorption, DA, in the Ly-alpha forest at redshift 1.9 in spectra of 77 QSO from the Kast spectrograph. We calibrated the continuum fits with realistic artificial spectra, and we found that averaged over all 77 QSOs the mean continuum level is within 1-2% of the correct value. Absorption from all lines in the Ly-alpha forest at z=1.9 removes DA=15.1 +/- 0.7% of the flux between 1070 and 1170 (rest) Angstroms. This is the first measurement using many QSOs at this z, and the first calibrated measurement at any redshift. Metal lines absorb 2.3 +/- 0.5%, and LLS absorb 1.0 +/- 0.4% leaving 11.8 +/- 1.0% from the lower density bulk of the IGM. Averaging over Delta z=0.1 or 154 Mpc, the dispersion is 6.1 +/- 0.3% including LLS and metal lines, or 3.9 (+0.5, -0.7)% for the lower density IGM alone, consistent with the usual description of large scale structure. LLS and metal lines are major contributors to the variation in the mean flux, and they make the flux field significantly non-Gaussian. We find that a hydrodynamic simulation on a 1024 cubed grid in a 75.7 Mpc box reproduces the observed DA from the low density IGM with parameters values H_o=71 km/s/Mpc, Omega_Lambda=0.73, Omega_m=0.27, Omega_b=0.044, sigma_8=0.9 and a UV background that has an ionization rate that is 1.08 +/- 0.08 times the prediction by Madau, Haardt & Rees (1999).Comment: Submitted to Ap

    Constraining The Universal Lepton Asymmetry

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    The relic cosmic background neutrinos accompanying the cosmic microwave background (CMB) photons may hide a universal lepton asymmetry orders of magnitude larger than the universal baryon asymmetry. At present, the only direct way to probe such an asymmetry is through its effect on the abundances of the light elements produced during primordial nucleosynthesis. The relic light element abundances also depend on the baryon asymmetry, parameterized by the baryon density parameter (eta_B = n_B/n_gamma = 10^(-10)*eta_10), and on the early-universe expansion rate, parameterized by the expansion rate factor (S = H'/H) or, equivalently by the effective number of neutrinos (N_nu = 3 + 43(S^2 - 1)/7). We use data from the CMB (and Large Scale Structure: LSS) along with the observationally-inferred relic abundances of deuterium and helium-4 to provide new bounds on the universal lepton asymmetry, finding for eta_L, the analog of eta_B, 0.072 +/- 0.053 if it is assumed that N_nu = 3 and, 0.115 +/- 0.095 along with N_nu = 3.3^{+0.7}_{-0.6}, if N_nu is free to vary

    The UCSD HIRES/KeckI Damped Lya Abundance Database III. An Empirical Study of Photoionization in the Damped Lya System Toward GB1759+7539

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    We investigate the ionization state of the damped Lya system at z=2.62 toward GB1759+7539 through an analysis of ionic ratios sensitive to photoionization: ArI/SII, FeIII/FeII, NII/NI, AlIII/AlII. Approximately half of the metals arise in a mostly neutral velocity component with HI/H > 0.9, based on FeIII/FeII < 0.013. In contrast, the remaining half exhibits FeIII/FeII~0.3 indicative of a partially ionized medium with HI/H~0.5. These conclusions are supported by the observed NII/NI, AlIII/AlII, and ArI/SII ratios. We assess ionization corrections for the observed column densities through photoionization models derived from the CLOUDY software package. In the neutral gas, the ionization corrections are negligible except for ArI. However for the partially ionized gas, element abundance ratios differ from the ionic ratios by 0.1-0.3 dex for (SiII, SII, NiII, AlII)/FeII ratios and more for (NI, ArI)/FeII. Independent of the shape of the photoionizing spectrum and assumptions on the number of ionization phases, these ionization corrections have minimal impact (<0.1dex) on the total metallicity inferred for this damped Lya system. Measurements on the relative elemental abundances of the partially ionized gas, however, have a greater than ~0.15 dex uncertainty which hides the effects of nucleosynthesis and dust depletion. We caution the reader that this damped system is unusual for a number of reasons (e.g. a very low ArI/SII ratio) and we believe its ionization properties are special but not unique. Nevertheless, it clearly shows the value of examining photoionization diagnostics like FeIII/FeII in a larger sample of systems.Comment: 19 pages with 11 b&w figures. Visit the DLA database at http://kingpin.ucsd.edu/~hiresdla for more. Accepted to the Astrophysical Journal, Feb 5 200

    The Deuterium to Hydrogen Abundance Ratio Towards a Fourth QSO: HS0105+1619

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    We report the measurement of the primordial D/H abundance ratio towards QSO \object. The column density of the hydrogen in the z2.536z \simeq 2.536 Lyman limit system is high, \lnhi =19.422±0.009= 19.422 \pm 0.009 \cmm, allowing for the deuterium to be seen in 5 Lyman series transitions. The measured value of the D/H ratio towards QSO \object is found to be D/H=2.54±0.23×105 = 2.54 \pm 0.23 \times 10^{-5}. The metallicity of the system showing D/H is found to be 0.01\simeq 0.01 solar, indicating that the measured D/H is the primordial D/H within the measurement errors. The gas which shows D/H is neutral, unlike previous D/H systems which were more highly ionized. Thus, the determination of the D/H ratio becomes more secure since we are measuring it in different astrophysical environments, but the error is larger because we now see more dispersion between measurements. Combined with prior measurements of D/H, the best D/H ratio is now D/H=3.0±0.4×105 = 3.0 \pm 0.4 \times 10^{-5}, which is 10% lower than the previous value. The new values for the baryon to photon ratio, and baryonic matter density derived from D/H are η=5.6±0.5×1010\eta = 5.6 \pm 0.5 \times 10^{-10} and \ob =0.0205±0.0018=0.0205 \pm 0.0018 respectively.Comment: Minor text and reference changes. To appear in the May 10, 2001 issue of the Astrophysical Journa

    The UCSD HIRES/KeckI Damped Lya Abundance Database: I. The Data

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    We present new chemical abundance measurements of 16 damped Lya systems at z>1.5 and update our previous abundance analyses. The entire database presented here was derived from HIRES observations on the Keck I telescope, reduced with the same software package, and analysed with identical techniques. Altogether, we present a large, homogeneous database of chemical abundance measurements for protogalaxies in the early universe, ideal for studying a number of important aspects of galaxy formation. In addition, we have established an online directory for this database and will continuously update the results.Comment: 49 pages, 39 figures. Uses emulateapj.sty. Accepted to ApJS June 8, 2001. Visit http://kingpin.ucsd.edu/~hiresdl