833 research outputs found

    Visual discomfort from flash afterimages of riloid patterns

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    Op-art-based stimuli have been shown to be uncomfortable, possibly due to a combination of fixational eye movements (microsaccades) and excessive cortical responses. Efforts have been made to measure illusory phenomena arising from these stimuli in the absence of microsaccades, but there has been no attempt thus far to decouple the effects of the cortical response from the effect of fixational eye movements. This study uses flash afterimages to stablise the image on the retina and thus reduce the systematic effect of eye movements, in order to investigate the role of the brain in discomfort from op-art-based stimuli. There was a relationship between spatial frequency and the magnitude of the P300 response, showing a similar pattern to that of discomfort judgements, which suggests there might be a role of discomfort and excessive neural responses independently from the effects of microsaccades

    View Point: Economic growth and child health in Sub Saharan Africa

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    After independence most African countries witnessed growth in their economies and decreases in child mortality. However both economic growth and the gains in under 5 mortality slowed dramatically in the 1980s and 1990s

    Heteroleptic Calcium Complexes Supported by a Phenoxy-Imine NON Ligand: Polymerization of Cyclic Esters by a Ligand-Assisted, Activated-Monomer Mechanism

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    Phenoxy-imine NON pro-ligands HR,DippL [1-OH-2,6-(HCNDipp)-4-R-C6H2, where R = H, Me, or t Bu] were deprotonated using KH to afford the corresponding potassium salts R,DippLK·thf x [R = H (1·thf x ), Me (2·thf x ), and t Bu (3·thf x )]. The addition of crown ether (18-c-6) to these salts allowed for the structures of the resulting adducts to be elucidated in the solid state: [1­(18-c-6)] n , [2­(18-c-6)] n , and [3­(18-c-6)­(thf)]. The derivatives with the smaller para-substituents were found to be 1D coordination polymers stabilized by unusual non-covalent interactions between the diisopropyl-methyl groups and the potassium center. Heteroleptic calcium complexes R,DippLCaI­(thf)3 [R = H (4), Me (5), and t Bu (6)] were prepared by the salt metathesis reaction of 1–3·thf x with CaI2. Complexes 4–6 were evaluated as initiators for the ring-opening polymerization of lactide monomers and were all found to be active; the addition of benzyl alcohol resulted in large rate increases, e.g., ∼12-fold difference for 6 (0.70 vs 0.06 h–1). The propagation rate constants were found to lie within the range 88–135 M–1 h–1. Variation of co-initiator concentration revealed only a fractional dependence; this agrees with the other experimental observations, which suggest that the heteroleptic catalysts work via a “ligand-assisted, activated monomer” mechanism

    Visual discomfort from flash afterimages of riloid patterns

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    Op-art-based stimuli have been shown to be uncomfortable, possibly due to a combination of fixational eye movements (microsaccades) and excessive cortical responses. Efforts have been made to measure illusory phenomena arising from these stimuli in the absence of microsaccades, but there has been no attempt thus far to decouple the effects of the cortical response from the effect of fixational eye movements. This study uses flash afterimages to stabilise the image on the retina and thus reduce the systematic effect of eye movements, in order to investigate the role of the brain in discomfort from op-art-based stimuli. There was a relationship between spatial frequency and the magnitude of the P300 response, showing a similar pattern to that of discomfort judgements, which suggests that there might be a role of discomfort and excessive neural responses independently from the effects of microsaccades

    A survey of agent-oriented methodologies

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    This article introduces the current agent-oriented methodologies. It discusses what approaches have been followed (mainly extending existing object oriented and knowledge engineering methodologies), the suitability of these approaches for agent modelling, and some conclusions drawn from the survey

    Spatial and environmental drivers of macrophyte diversity and community composition in temperate and tropical calcareous rivers

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    The hypothesis was examined that sources of variation in macrophyte species richness (alpha-diversity: S) and community composition (“species-set”), attributable to spatial and environmental, variables, may differ in importance between tropical and temperate calcareous rivers (>10 mg CaCO3 L−1). To test this hypothesis geographic, environmental, and aquatic vegetation data was acquired for 1151 sites on calcareous rivers within the British Isles, supporting 106 macrophyte species (mean S: 3.1 species per sample), and 203 sites from Zambian calcareous rivers, supporting 255 macrophyte species (mean S: 8.3 species per sample). The data were analysed using an eigenfunction spatial analysis procedure, Moran’s Eigenvector Maps (MEM), to assess spatial variation of species richness and community composition at large regional scale (>105 km2: British Isles and Zambia); and at medium catchment scale (104–105 km2: British Isles only). Variation-partitioning was undertaken using multiple regression for species richness data, and partial redundancy analysis (pRDA) for community data. For the British Isles, spatial and environmental variables both significantly contributed to explaining variation in both species richness and community composition. In addition, a substantial amount of the variation in community composition, for the British Isles as a whole and for some RBUs, was accounted for by spatially-structured environmental variables. In Zambia, species richness was explained only by pure spatial variables, but environmental and spatially-structured environmental variables also explained a significant part of the variation for community composition. At medium-scale, in the British Isles, species richness was explained by spatial variables, and only for four of the six RBUs

    Scanning electrochemical microscopy as a local probe of oxygen permeability in cartilage

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    The use of scanning electrochemical microscopy, a high-resolution chemical imaging technique, to probe the distribution and mobility of solutes in articular cartilage is described. In this application, a mobile ultramicroelectrode is positioned close (not, vert, similar1 μm) to the cartilage sample surface, which has been equilibrated in a bathing solution containing the solute of interest. The solute is electrolyzed at a diffusion-limited rate, and the current response measured as the ultramicroelectrode is scanned across the sample surface. The topography of the samples was determined using Ru(CN)64−, a solute to which the cartilage matrix was impermeable. This revealed a number of pit-like depressions corresponding to the distribution of chondrocytes, which were also observed by atomic force and light microscopy. Subsequent imaging of the same area of the cartilage sample for the diffusion-limited reduction of oxygen indicated enhanced, but heterogeneous, permeability of oxygen across the cartilage surface. In particular, areas of high permeability were observed in the cellular and pericellular regions. This is the first time that inhomogeneities in the permeability of cartilage toward simple solutes, such as oxygen, have been observed on a micrometer scale

    Reactions of an aluminum(I) reagent with 1,2-, 1,3-, and 1,5-dienes: dearomatization, reversibility, and a pericyclic mechanism

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    Addition of the aluminum(I) reagent [{(ArNCMe)2CH}Al] (Ar = 2,6-di-iso-propylphenyl) to a series of cyclic and acyclic 1,2-, 1,3-, and 1,5-dienes is reported. In the case of 1,3-dienes, the reaction occurs by a pericyclic reaction mechanism, specifically a cheletropic cycloaddition, to form aluminocyclopentene-containing products. This mechanism has been examined by stereochemical experiments and DFT calculations. The stereochemical experiments show that the (4 + 1) cycloaddition follows a suprafacial topology, while calculations support a concerted albeit asynchronous pathway in which the transition state demonstrates aromatic character. Remarkably, the substrate scope of the (4 + 1) cycloaddition includes styene, 1,1-diphenylethylene, and anthracene. In these cases, the diene motif is either in part, or entirely, contained within an aromatic ring and reactions occur with dearomatisation of the substrate and can be reversible. In the case of 1,2-cyclononadiene or 1,5-cyclooctadiene, complementary reactivity is observed; the orthogonal nature of the C═C π-bonds (1,2-diene) and the homoconjugated system (1,5-diene) both disfavor a (4 + 1) cycloaddition. Rather, reaction pathways are determined by an initial (2 + 1) cycloaddition to form an aluminocyclopropane intermediate which can in turn undergo insertion of a further C═C π-bond, leading to complex organometallic products that incorporate fused hydrocarbon rings

    The asialoglycoprotein receptor in human hepatocellular carcinomas: its expression on proliferating cells

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    The expression of the asialoglycoprotein receptor (ASGP-R) on human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cells might be exploited to reduce the extrahepatic toxicity of DNA synthesis inhibitors by their conjugation with galactosyl-terminating peptides. In the present study we first assessed the frequency of ASGP-R expression in 60 HCCs. Secondly, we investigated whether the receptor was maintained on the plasma membranes of DNA synthesizing cancer cells. Needle biopsies of HCC were evaluated. Diagnosis and grading of HCC were performed on routine haematoxylin and eosin-stained sections according to Edmondson and Steiner (1953). Thirty-five tumours were grade I and II and were classified as well differentiated, while 25 tumours were grade III and IV and were classified as poorly differentiated. Sections from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded samples were incubated, after antigen retrieval, with an anti-ASGP-R monoclonal antibody revealed by secondary biotinylated antibody and streptavidin–biotin–peroxidase–diaminobenzidine reaction. A clear immunolabelling of plasma membranes of HCC cells was observed in 28 out of 35 (80%) well differentiated (grade I and II) and in five out of 25 (20%) poorly differentiated (grade III and IV) HCCs. The presence of the ASGP-R on the surface of DNA synthesizing cancer cells was also investigated after in vitro bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) labelling of HCC samples by immunohistochemical visualization of both the ASGP-R and incorporated BrdU on the same section. The results obtained clearly demonstrated that DNA synthesizing cancer cells expressed the ASGP-R on their surface. The presence of ASGP-R on cell plasma membrane in the majority of differentiated HCCs and its maintenance on proliferating cells encourages studies in order to restrict the action of the inhibitors of DNA synthesis of HCC cells by their conjugation with galactosyl-terminating carriers internalized through this receptor. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Bandgaps in the propagation and scattering of surface water waves over cylindrical steps

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    Here we investigate the propagation and scattering of surface water waves by arrays of bottom-mounted cylindrical steps. Both periodic and random arrangements of the steps are considered. The wave transmission through the arrays is computed using the multiple scattering method based upon a recently derived formulation. For the periodic case, the results are compared to the band structure calculation. We demonstrate that complete band gaps can be obtained in such a system. Furthermore, we show that the randomization of the location of the steps can significantly reduce the transmission of water waves. Comparison with other systems is also discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
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