538 research outputs found

    Reversible maps and composites of involutions in groups of piecewise linear homeomorphisms of the real line

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    An element of a group is reversible if it is conjugate to its own inverse, and it is strongly reversible if it is conjugate to its inverse by an involution. A group element is strongly reversible if and only if it can be expressed as a composite of two involutions. In this paper the reversible maps, the strongly reversible maps, and those maps that can be expressed as a composite of involutions are determined in certain groups of piecewise linear homeomorphisms of the real line

    Anti-angiogenic drug scheduling optimisation with application to colorectal cancer

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    Bevacizumab (bvz) is a first choice anti-angiogenic drug in oncology and is primarily administered in combination with chemotherapy. It has been hypothesized that anti-angiogenic drugs enhance efficacy of cytotoxic drugs by “normalizing” abnormal tumor vessels and improving drug penetration. Nevertheless, the clinical relevance of this phenomenon is still unclear with several studies over recent years suggesting an opposing relationship. Herein, we sought to develop a new computational tool to interrogate anti-angiogenic drug scheduling with particular application in the setting of colorectal cancer (CRC). Specifically, we have employed a mathematical model of vascular tumour growth which interrogates the impact of anti-angiogenic treatment and chemotherapeutic treatment on tumour volume. Model predictions were validated using CRC xenografts which underwent treatment with a clinically relevant combinatorial anti-angiogenic regimen. Bayesian model selection revealed the most appropriate term for capturing the effect of treatments on the tumour size, and provided insights into a switch-like dependence of FOLFOX delivery on the tumour vasculature. Our experimental data and mathematical model suggest that delivering chemotherapy prior to bvz may be optimal in the colorectal cancer setting

    Medically Biodegradable Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Microspheres

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    [EN] Hydrogenated amorphous silicon colloids of low surface area (<5 m(2)/g) are shown to exhibit complete in-vitro biodegradation into orthosilicic acid within 10-15 days at 37 degrees C. When converted into polycrystalline silicon colloids, by high temperature annealing in an inert atmosphere, microparticle solubility is dramatically reduced. The data suggests that amorphous silicon does not require nanoscale porosification for full in-vivo biodegradability. This has significant implications for using a-Si:H coatings for medical implants in general, and orthopedic implants in particular. The high sphericity and biodegradability of submicron particles may also confer advantages with regards to contrast agents for medical imaging.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish CICyT projects, FIS2009-07812, Consolider CSD2007-046, MAT2009-010350 and PROMETEO/2010/043.Shabir, Q.; Pokale, A.; Loni, A.; Johnson, DR.; Canham, L.; Fenollosa Esteve, R.; Tymczenko, MK.... (2011). Medically Biodegradable Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Microspheres. Silicon. 3(4):173-176. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12633-011-9097-4S17317634Salonen J, Kaukonen AM, Hirvonen J, Lehto VP (2008) J Pharmaceutics 97:632–53Anglin EJ, Cheng L, Freeman WR, Sailor MJ (2008) Adv Drug Deliv Rev 60:1266–77O’Farrell N, Houlton A, Horrocks BR (2006) Int J Nanomedicine 1:451–72Canham LT (1995) Adv Mater 7:1037, PCT patent WO 97/06101,1999Park JH, Gui L, Malzahn G, Ruoslahti E, Bhatia SN, Sailor MJ (2009) Nature Mater 8:331–6Cullis AG, Canham LT, Calcott PDJ (1997) J Appl Phys 82:909–66Canham LT, Reeves CR (1996) Mat Res Soc Symp 414:189–90Edell DJ, Toi VV, McNeil VM, Clark LD (1992) IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 39:635–43Fenollosa R, Meseguer F, Tymczenko M (2008) Adv Mater 20:95Fenollosa R, Meseguer F, Tymczenko M, Spanish Patent P200701681, 2007Pell LE, Schricker AD, Mikulec FV, Korgel BA (2004) Langmuir 20:6546Xifré-Perez E, Fenollosa R, Meseguer F (2011) Opt Express 19:3455–63Fenollosa R, Ramiro-Manzano F, Tymczenko M, Meseguer F (2010) J Mater Chem 20:5210Xifré-Pérez E, Domenech JD, Fenollosa R, Muñoz P, Capmany J, Meseguer F (2011) Opt Express 19–4:3185–92Rodriguez I, Fenollosa R, Meseguer F, Cosmetics & Toiletries 2010;42–49Ramiro-Manzano F, Fenollosa R, Xifré-Pérez E, Garín M, Meseguer F (2011) Adv Mater 23:3022–3025. doi: 10.1002/adma.201100986Iler RK (1979) Chemistry of silica: solubility, polymerization, colloid & surface properties & biochemistry. Wiley, New YorkTanaka K, Maruyama E, Shimado T, Okamoto H (1999) Amorphous silicon. Wiley, New York, NYPatterson AL (1939) Phys Rev 56:978–82Canham LT, Reeves CL, King DO, Branfield PJ, Gabb JG, Ward MC (1996) Adv Mater 8:850–2Iler RK In: Chemistry of silica: solubility, polymerization, colloid & surface properties &Biochemistry. Wiley, New York, NYFinnie KS, Waller DJ, Perret FL, Krause-Heuer AM, Lin HQ, Hanna JV, Barbe CJ (2009) J Sol-Gel Technol 49:12–8Zhao D, Huo Q, Feng J, Chmelka BF, Stucky GD (1998) J Am Chem Soc 120:6024–36Fan D, Akkaraju GR, Couch EF, Canham LT, Coffer JL (2010) Nanoscale 1:354–61Tasciotti E, Godin B, Martinez JO, Chiappini C, Bhavane R, Liu X, Ferrari M (2011) Mol Imaging 10:56–

    Global distribution and diversity of marine Verrucomicrobia

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2011. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Nature Publishing Group for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in The ISME Journal 6 (2012): 1499-1505, doi:10.1038/ismej.2012.3.Verrucomicrobia is a bacterial phylum that is commonly detected in soil but little is known about the distribution and diversity of this phylum in the marine environment. To address this, we analyzed the marine microbial community composition in 506 samples from the International Census of Marine Microbes as well as eleven coastal samples taken from the California Current. These samples from both the water column and sediments covered a wide range of environmental conditions. Verrucomicrobia were present in 98% of the analyzed samples and thus appeared nearly ubiquitous in the ocean. Based on the occurrence of amplified 16S rRNA sequences, Verrucomicrobia constituted on average 2% of the water column and 1.4% of the sediment bacterial communities. The diversity of Verrucomicrobia displayed a biogeography at multiple taxonomic levels and thus, specific lineages appeared to have clear habitat preference. We found that Subdivision 1 and 4 generally dominated marine bacterial communities, whereas Subdivision 2 was confined to low salinity waters. Within the subdivisions, Verrucomicrobia community composition were significantly different in the water column compared to sediment as well as within the water column along gradients of salinity, temperature, nitrate, depth, and overall water column depth. Although we still know little about the ecophysiology of Verrucomicrobia lineages, the ubiquity of this phylum suggests that it may be important for the biogeochemical cycle of carbon in the ocean.We would like to thank the UCI Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (S.F.), the National Science Foundation (OCE-0928544 and OCE-1046297, A.C.M.) and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (S.H., D.M.W., M.S.) for supporting the work

    Direction of the oblique medial malleolar osteotomy for exposure of the talus

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    A medial malleolar osteotomy is often indicated for operative exposure of posteromedial osteochondral defects and fractures of the talus. To obtain a congruent joint surface after refixation, the oblique osteotomy should be directed perpendicularly to the articular surface of the tibia at the intersection between the tibial plafond and medial malleolus. The purpose of this study was to determine this perpendicular direction in relation to the longitudinal tibial axis for use during surgery. Using anteroposterior mortise radiographs and coronal computed tomography (CT) scans of 46 ankles (45 patients) with an osteochondral lesion of the talus, two observers independently measured the intersection angle between the tibial plafond and medial malleolus. The bisector of this angle indicated the osteotomy perpendicular to the tibial articular surface. This osteotomy was measured relative to the longitudinal tibial axis on radiographs. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) were calculated to assess reliability. The mean osteotomy was 57.2 ± 3.2° relative to the tibial plafond on radiographs and 56.5 ± 2.8 on CT scans. This osteotomy corresponded to 30.4 ± 3.7° relative to the longitudinal tibial axis. The intraobserver (ICC, 0.90-0.93) and interobserver (ICC, 0.65-0.91) reliability of these measurements were good to excellent. A medial malleolar osteotomy directed at a mean 30° relative to the tibial axis enters the joint perpendicularly to the tibial cartilage, and will likely result in a congruent joint surface after reductio

    Evaluation of Poly-Mechanistic Antiangiogenic Combinations to Enhance Cytotoxic Therapy Response in Pancreatic Cancer

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    Gemcitabine (Gem) has limited clinical benefits in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). The present study investigated combinations of gemcitabine with antiangiogenic agents of various mechanisms for PDAC, including bevacizumab (Bev), sunitinib (Su) and EMAP II. Cell proliferation and protein expression were analyzed by WST-1 assay and Western blotting. In vivo experiments were performed via murine xenografts. Inhibition of in vitro proliferation of AsPC-1 PDAC cells by gemcitabine (10 µM), bevacizumab (1 mg/ml), sunitinib (10 µM) and EMAP (10 µM) was 35, 22, 81 and 6 percent; combination of gemcitabine with bevacizumab, sunitinib or EMAP had no additive effects. In endothelial HUVECs, gemcitabine, bevacizumab, sunitinib and EMAP caused 70, 41, 86 and 67 percent inhibition, while combination of gemcitabine with bevacizumab, sunitinib or EMAP had additive effects. In WI-38 fibroblasts, gemcitabine, bevacizumab, sunitinib and EMAP caused 79, 58, 80 and 29 percent inhibition, with additive effects in combination as well. Net in vivo tumor growth inhibition in gemcitabine, bevacizumab, sunitinib and EMAP monotherapy was 43, 38, 94 and 46 percent; dual combinations of Gem+Bev, Gem+Su and Gem+EMAP led to 69, 99 and 64 percent inhibition. Combinations of more than one antiangiogenic agent with gemcitabine were generally more effective but not superior to Gem+Su. Intratumoral proliferation, apoptosis and microvessel density findings correlated with tumor growth inhibition data. Median animal survival was increased by gemcitabine (26 days) but not by bevacizumab, sunitinib or EMAP monotherapy compared to controls (19 days). Gemcitabine combinations with bevacizumab, sunitinib or EMAP improved survival to similar extent (36 or 37 days). Combinations of gemcitabine with Bev+EMAP (43 days) or with Bev+Su+EMAP (46 days) led to the maximum survival benefit observed. Combination of antiangiogenic agents improves gemcitabine response, with sunitinib inducing the strongest effect. These findings demonstrate advantages of combining multi-targeting agents with standard gemcitabine therapy for PDAC

    Anti-cancer activities of allyl isothiocyanate and its conjugated silicon quantum dots

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    Allyl isothiocyanate (AITC), a dietary phytochemical in some cruciferous vegetables, exhibits promising anticancer activities in many cancer models. However, previous data showed AITC to have a biphasic effect on cell viability, DNA damage and migration in human hepatoma HepG2 cells. Moreover, in a 3D co-culture of HUVEC with pericytes, it inhibited tube formation at high doses but promoted this at low doses, which confirmed its biphasic effect on angiogenesis. siRNA knockdown of Nrf2 and glutathione inhibition abolished the stimulation effect of AITC on cell migration and DNA damage. The biological activity of a novel AITC-conjugated silicon quantum dots (AITC-SiQDs) has been investigated for the first time. AITC-SiQDs showed similar anti-cancer properties to AITC at high doses while avoiding the low doses stimulation effect. In addition, AITC-SiQDs showed a lower and long-lasting activation of Nrf2 translocation into nucleus which correlated with their levels of cellular uptake, as detected by the intrinsic fluorescence of SiQDs. ROS production could be one of the mechanisms behind the anti-cancer effect of AITC-SiQDs. These data provide novel insights into the biphasic effect of AITC and highlight the application of nanotechnology to optimize the therapeutic potential of dietary isothiocyanates in cancer treatment

    Molecular therapy for the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the fifth most common cancer worldwide. Conventional cytotoxic chemotherapy has failed to show a substantial benefit for patients with HCC. Recently, a number of new drugs targeting molecular mechanisms involved in liver cell transformation have entered into clinical trials and led to encouraging results. In this review we summarise this data and point to a number of new compounds, which are currently being tested and can potentially broaden our therapeutic arsenal even further

    Alcohol consumption and sport: a cross-sectional study of alcohol management practices associated with at-risk alcohol consumption at community football clubs

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    BackgroundExcessive alcohol consumption is responsible for considerable harm from chronic disease and injury. Within most developed countries, members of sporting clubs participate in at-risk alcohol consumption at levels above that of communities generally. There has been limited research investigating the predictors of at-risk alcohol consumption in sporting settings, particularly at the non-elite level. The purpose of this study was to examine the association between the alcohol management practices and characteristics of community football clubs and at-risk alcohol consumption by club members.MethodsA cross sectional survey of community football club management representatives and members was conducted. Logistic regression analysis (adjusting for clustering by club) was used to determine the association between the alcohol management practices (including alcohol management policy, alcohol-related sponsorship, availability of low- and non-alcoholic drinks, and alcohol-related promotions, awards and prizes) and characteristics (football code, size and location) of sporting clubs and at-risk alcohol consumption by club members.ResultsMembers of clubs that served alcohol to intoxicated people [OR: 2.23 (95% CI: 1.26-3.93)], conducted &lsquo;happy hour&rsquo; promotions [OR: 2.84 (95% CI: 1.84-4.38)] or provided alcohol-only awards and prizes [OR: 1.80 (95% CI: 1.16-2.80)] were at significantly greater odds of consuming alcohol at risky levels than members of clubs that did not have such alcohol management practices. At-risk alcohol consumption was also more likely among members of clubs with less than 150 players compared with larger clubs [OR:1.45 (95% CI: 1.02-2.05)] and amongst members of particular football codes.ConclusionsThe findings of this study suggest a need and opportunity for the implementation of alcohol harm reduction strategies targeting specific alcohol management practices at community football clubs.<br /