716 research outputs found

    “Gilded Misery”: The Robie Women in Loyalist Exile and Repatriation, 1775–1790

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    Forced to flee Marblehead, Massachusetts, in late April 1775, Thomas Robie, his wife Mary Bradstreet Robie, and their four children were among the earliest Loyalist refugees to land in Nova Scotia. The arrival of thousands more Loyalists in 1783 brought widespread hardship to the region, but the collective suffering also provided Mary Bradstreet Robie and her two daughters the opportunity to contribute to the Loyalist community and assert their will within the family. This study of the Robie family demonstrates that Loyalist women were not simply domestic figures of support nor were they resigned to exile as passive followers of husbands and fathers.Forcés de fuir Marblehead, au Massachusetts, à la fin d’avril 1775, Thomas Robie, sa femme, Mary Bradstreet Robie, et leurs quatre enfants furent parmi les premiers Loyalistes à débarquer en Nouvelle-Écosse. L’arrivée de milliers d’autres Loyalistes en 1783 entraîna des difficultés généralisées dans la région, mais la souffrance collective fournit également à Mary Bradstreet Robie et à ses deux filles l’occasion d’apporter une contribution à la communauté loyaliste et d’affirmer leur volonté au sein de la famille. La présente étude de la famille Robie démontre que les femmes loyalistes n’étaient pas simplement une source de soutien au foyer, pas plus qu’elles n’étaient résignées à s’exiler en suivant passivement les maris et les pères de famille

    “Unknown and Unlamented”: Loyalist Women in Nova Scotia from Exile to Repatriation, 1775-1800

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    Between 1775 and 1784, more than 60,000 people fled the American states in order to escape the divisive civil war that tore apart communities and individual families. More than half of these people moved north to the maritime colonies of British Canada. While some of these “loyalists” were ardent supporters of the British Empire, many more found their allegiances thrust upon them due to their status as dependents. This study examines the experience of refugee women in Nova Scotia in order to better understand not only Revolutionary-era allegiance, but also women’s important public and private roles in exile and repatriation. Although historians have portrayed loyalist women as consoling wives and daughters who dutifully submitted to men’s will, refugee women were not merely passive acceptors of their fate, nor resigned to domestic roles of support. Paying particular attention to both women’s expressions of emotion and the societal norms that governed late eighteenth-century society, this dissertation examines how loyalist women’s empathetic actions carried tremendous power in communities where loss and hardship were endemic. The widespread suffering of exile provided women the opportunity to take on important communal roles where they could both demonstrate their own fellow feeling and build the intangible networks that created new communities. Women also wielded their emotions in the home. Unhappy wives and daughters forced reluctant husbands and fathers to reconsider their families’ future as exiles, and brought many back to the United States after the war

    The Governance of Globalization: The Political Economy of Anglo-American Hegemony, 1793-2003

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    Modern globalization (which includes free flows of trade and factors of production across frontiers, stable rates of exchange, the containment of warfare and mercantilism, the preservation of the environment and latterly the protection of cities against rogue states and terrorism) are among the public goods provided for the world economy as a whole are represented as a beginning outcome of 6 decades of "hegemony" exercised by governments in Washington from l941 to 2003. The view promulgated largely by Anglo-American social scientists that the United Kingdom (and before that other powers) also supplied significant public goods for the international order has been degraded in this paper into theory without history. In short the assertion that American Hegemony can be perceived as a succession to the Pax Britannica from l793-l914 is virtually a myth.

    China’s GDP per capita from the Han Dynasty to communist times

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    Our article is a critical survey of the concepts and data utilized by economists and economic historians that purport to measure relative levels and long term trends in GDP per capita from the Han Dynasty to Communist times. We favour attempts to extend macro-economic analysis and its associated quantification to China’s long imperial history, but have concluded that estimates calibrated in international dollars for 1900, or 2005 or 2011 are not fit for that purpose. Furthermore, and after surveying recent endeavours to reconstruct the published secondary and official statistical sources available for the measurement of primary production for Ming and Qing China (1368-1911), we reluctantly suggest that Kuznetian paradigms for empirical economics are probably not viable, either for the measurement of the empire’s growth over time or for reciprocal comparisons with European economies. This is because on both conceptual and statistical grounds the concept and associated metric for GDP per capita does not travel easily and securely between the fiscal systems of China and the West (Yun-Casallila and O’Brien 2012)

    Reduced-order modelling of vortex-induced vibration of catenary riser

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    A new reduced-order model capable of analyzing the vortex-induced vibration of catenary riser in the ocean current has been developed. This semi analytical-numerical approach is versatile and allows for a significant reduction in computational effort for the analysis of fluid-riser interactions. The incoming current flow is assumed to be steady, uniform, unidirectional and perpendicular to the riser plane of initial equilibrium curvatures. The equations of riser 3-D motion are based on a pinned-pinned, tensioned-beam or flexural cable, modelling which accounts for overall effects of riser bending, extensibility, sag, inclination and structural nonlinearities. The unsteady hydrodynamic forces associated with cross-flow and in-line vibrations are modelled as distributed van der Pol wake oscillators. This hydrodynamic model has been modified in order to capture the effect of varying initial curvatures of the inclined flexible cylinder and to describe the space-time fluctuation of lift and drag forces. Depending on the vortex-excited in-plane/out-of-plane modes and system fluid-structure parameters, the parametric studies are carried out to determine the maximum response amplitudes of catenary risers, along with the occurrence of uni-modal lock-in phenomenon. The obtained results highlight the effect of initial curvatures and geometric nonlinearities on the nonlinear dynamics of riser undergoing vortex-induced vibration

    Diamonds in the Bohemian Massif – evidence for ultrahigh-pressure

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    Diamond and coesite were discovered in high-pressure granulites of the north Bohemian crystalline basement in the Eger Crystalline Complex and České středohoří Mts. Diamonds, confirmed by micro-Raman spectroscopy, occur as 5–10 μm-sized inclusions in kyanite and garnet as well as in accessory zircon. Coesite was identified within kyanite enclosed in garnet. Diamond and coesite form at pressures above 4 and 3 GPa, respectively, and the presence of these two minerals in the continental crust indicates ultrahighpressure metamorphic conditions reached only during a continental subduction deep into the mantle. Preservation of coesite in felsic-intermediate crustal rocks is a rather unique phenomenon due to its very limited metastable survival within exhumed terranes. Importantly, the north Bohemian crystalline basement represents only the fifth accepted location worldwide where diamond has been documented in situ in the continental crust rather than in mantle rocks such as peridotites. Our discovery also strongly supports the previously questioned Bohemian provenance of macroscopic diamonds, found in the České středohoří Mts. area in the 19th and 20th century

    Aran, Galway Bay and Slyne Head Nephrops Grounds (FU17) 2022 UWTV Survey Report and catch scenarios for 2023

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    This report provides the main results and findings of the 21st annual underwater television survey on the Aran, Galway Bay and Slyne head Nephrops grounds, ICES assessment area; Functional Unit 17. In 2022, due to disruption to the survey schedule caused by weather downtime, the UWTV survey could not complete the Aran Grounds and Slyne Head stations, and was only able to complete successfully the 5 Galway Bay stations. The survey was multi-disciplinary in nature collecting UWTV, CTD and other ecosystem data. The mean burrow density observed in Galway Bay, adjusted for edge effect, was 0.19 burrows/m2; and the final abundance estimate for this ground was 15 million burrows with a CV (Coefficient of Variance; relative standard error) of 3%. There were no sea-pen species nor trawl marks observed in the footage from Galway Bay. The 2022 UWTV survey was not deemed robust enough to derive fishing advice for 2023 owing to the reduced number of stations. As such, the stock size is considered unknown for 2022. Therefore, the assessment and catch advice for 2023 is based on the 2021 UWTV survey. The 2021 combined abundance estimate (331 million burrows) was below the MSY Btrigger reference (540 million burrows). Using the 2021 estimate of abundance and updated stock data imply that catches in 2023 should be no more than 363 tonnes, according to the EU MAP and ICES MSY approach and assuming that discard rates and fishery selection patterns do not change from the average of 2019–2021
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