19 research outputs found

    Molecular mechanisms that distinguish TFIID housekeeping from regulatable SAGA promoters

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    An important distinction is frequently made between constitutively expressed housekeeping genes versus regulated genes. Although generally characterized by different DNA elements, chromatin architecture and cofactors, it is not known to what degree promoter classes strictly follow regulatability rules and which molecular mechanisms dictate such differences. We show that SAGA-dominated/wTATA-box promoters are more responsive to changes in the amount of activator, even compared to TFIID/TATA-like promoters that depend on the same activator Hsf1. Regulatability is therefore an inherent property of promoter class. Further analyses show that SAGA/TATA-box promoters are more dynamic because TATA-binding protein recruitment through SAGA is susceptible to removal by Mot1. In addition, the nucleosome configuration upon activator depletion shifts on SAGA/TATA-box promoters and seems less amenable to preinitiation complex formation. The results explain the fundamental difference between housekeeping and regulatable genes, revealing an additional facet of combinatorial control: an activator can elicit a different response dependent on core promoter class

    Alternatively activated macrophages promotes necrosis resolution following acute liver injury

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    Background & Aim Following acetaminophen (APAP) overdose, acute liver injury (ALI) can occur in patients that present too late for N-acetylcysteine treatment, potentially leading to acute liver failure, systemic inflammation, and death. Macrophages influence the progression and resolution of ALI due to their innate immunological function and paracrine activity. Syngeneic primary bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDMs) were tested as a cell-based therapy in a mouse model of APAP-induced ALI (APAP-ALI). Methods Several phenotypically distinct BMDM populations were delivered intravenously to APAP-ALI mice when hepatic necrosis was established, and then evaluated based on their effects on injury, inflammation, immunity, and regeneration. In vivo phagocytosis assays were used to interrogate the phenotype and function of alternatively activated BMDMs (AAMs) post-injection. Finally, primary human AAMs sourced from healthy volunteers were evaluated in immunocompetent APAP-ALI mice. Results BMDMs rapidly localised to the liver and spleen within 4 h of administration. Injection of AAMs specifically reduced hepatocellular necrosis, HMGB1 translocation, and infiltrating neutrophils following APAP-ALI. AAM delivery also stimulated proliferation in hepatocytes and endothelium, and reduced levels of several circulating proinflammatory cytokines within 24 h. AAMs displayed a high phagocytic activity both in vitro and in injured liver tissue post-injection. Crosstalk with the host innate immune system was demonstrated by reduced infiltrating host Ly6Chi macrophages in AAM-treated mice. Importantly, therapeutic efficacy was partially recapitulated using clinical-grade primary human AAMs in immunocompetent APAP-ALI mice, underscoring the translational potential of these findings. Conclusion We identify that AAMs have value as a cell-based therapy in an experimental model of APAP-ALI. Human AAMs warrant further evaluation as a potential cell-based therapy for APAP overdose patients with established liver injury. Lay summary After an overdose of acetaminophen (paracetamol), some patients present to hospital too late for the current antidote (N-acetylcysteine) to be effective. We tested whether macrophages, an injury-responsive leukocyte that can scavenge dead/dying cells, could serve as a cell-based therapy in an experimental model of acetaminophen overdose. Injection of alternatively activated macrophages rapidly reduced liver injury and reduced several mediators of inflammation. Macrophages show promise to serve as a potential cell-based therapy for acute liver injury

    TWEAK/Fn14 signalling promotes cholangiocarcinoma niche formation and progression.

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    Background & Aims: Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) is a cancer of the hepatic bile ducts that is rarely resectable and is associated with poor prognosis. Tumour necrosis factor-like weak inducer of apoptosis (TWEAK) is known to signal via its receptor fibroblast growth factor-inducible 14 (Fn14) and induce cholangiocyte and myofibroblast proliferation in liver injury. We aimed to characterise its role in CCA. Methods: The expression of the TWEAK ligand and Fn14 receptor was assessed immunohistochemically and by bulk RNA and single cell transcriptomics of human liver tissue. Spatiotemporal dynamics of pathway regulation were comprehensively analysed in rat and mouse models of thioacetamide (TAA)-mediated CCA. Flow cytometry, qPCR and proteomic analyses of CCA cell lines and conditioned medium experiments with primary macrophages were performed to evaluate the downstream functions of TWEAK/Fn14. In vivo pathway manipulation was assessed via TWEAK overexpression in NICD/AKT-induced CCA or genetic Fn14 knockout during TAA-mediated carcinogenesis. Results: Our data reveal TWEAK and Fn14 overexpression in multiple human CCA cohorts, and Fn14 upregulation in early TAA-induced carcinogenesis. TWEAK regulated the secretion of factors from CC-SW-1 and SNU-1079 CCA cells, inducing polarisation of proinflammatory CD206+ macrophages. Pharmacological blocking of the TWEAK downstream target chemokine monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1 or CCL2) significantly reduced CCA xenograft growth, while TWEAK overexpression drove cancer-associated fibroblast proliferation and collagen deposition in the tumour niche. Genetic Fn14 ablation significantly reduced inflammatory, fibrogenic and ductular responses during carcinogenic TAA-mediated injury. Conclusion: These novel data provide evidence for the action of TWEAK/Fn14 on macrophage recruitment and phenotype, and cancer-associated fibroblast proliferation in CCA. Targeting TWEAK/Fn14 and its downstream signals may provide a means to inhibit CCA niche development and tumour growth. Lay summary: Cholangiocarcinoma is an aggressive, chemotherapy-resistant liver cancer. Interactions between tumour cells and cells that form a supportive environment for the tumour to grow are a source of this aggressiveness and resistance to chemotherapy. Herein, we describe interactions between tumour cells and their supportive environment via a chemical messenger, TWEAK and its receptor Fn14. TWEAK/Fn14 alters the recruitment and type of immune cells in tumours, increases the growth of cancer-associated fibroblasts in the tumour environment, and is a potential target to reduce tumour formation

    Exosome signalling in the kidney

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    Urine contains exosomes originating from the circulation and all cells lining the urinary tract. Exosomes are a route of inter-cellular communication along the nephron potentially able to transfer of protein and/or RNA. It is not known whether this is a regulated process analogous to other cell-to-cell signalling systems. The aims of this study were to develop nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA) as a technique to quantify exosomes in urine. Secondly, the hormonal regulation of exosome uptake in vitro and in vivo was investigated. Thirdly, exosome excretion in a central diabetes insipidus (DI) patient and a patient group after radiocontrast exposure was measured to investigate exosome excretion along the kidney in injury. Using the fluorescent capabilities of NTA, urinary exosomes were quantified in urine samples. NTA was able to detect changes in aquaporin 2 levels in vitro and in vivo. Storage conditions for human urinary exosomes were also optimised using NTA. A kidney cortical collecting duct cell line (CCDs) was used to model regulation of exosome uptake in vitro. CCDs were stimulated with desmopressin, a vasopressin analogue, and uptake of fluorescently-loaded or microRNA-loaded exosomes was measured. Desmopressin stimulated exosome uptake into collecting duct cells via V2 receptor stimulation. Intra-cellular uptake of exosomes was confirmed by microRNA specific mRNA down-regulation. Mechanistically, exosome uptake in response to desmopressin required cyclic AMP production, was mediated by clathrin-dependent endocytosis and was selective for exosomes from kidney tubular cells. In mice, fluorescently-loaded exosomes were systemically injected before and after administration of the V2 antagonist, tolvaptan, and urinary exosome excretion was measured. Basally, 2.5% of injected exosomes were recovered in urine; tolvaptan treatment resulted in a 5-fold increase. By combining antibodies to nephron segment-specific proteins with NTA we measured human urinary exosome excretion in central diabetes insipidus (DI) and after radiocontrast exposure (n=37). In DI, desmopressin reduced the excretion of exosomes derived from upstream glomerular and proximal tubule cells. In patients exposed to radiocontrast, urinary exosomes from the glomerulus were positively correlated with the tubular injury markers KIM- 1 and NGAL. These findings therefore show that tubular exosome uptake is a specific, hormonally regulated process that is reduced with injury. Physiologically, exosomes are a mechanism of inter-cellular communication; therapeutically, exosomes represent a novel vehicle by which RNA therapy could be targeted for the treatment of kidney disease

    Hif-1α and Hif-2α synergize to suppress AML development but are dispensable for disease maintenance

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    Leukemogenesis occurs under hypoxic conditions within the bone marrow (BM). Knockdown of key mediators of cellular responses to hypoxia with shRNA, namely hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) or HIF-2α, in human acute myeloid leukemia (AML) samples results in their apoptosis and inability to engraft, implicating HIF-1α or HIF-2α as therapeutic targets. However, genetic deletion of Hif-1α has no effect on mouse AML maintenance and may accelerate disease development. Here, we report the impact of conditional genetic deletion of Hif-2α or both Hif-1α and Hif-2α at different stages of leukemogenesis in mice. Deletion of Hif-2α accelerates development of leukemic stem cells (LSCs) and shortens AML latency initiated by Mll-AF9 and its downstream effectors Meis1 and Hoxa9. Notably, the accelerated initiation of AML caused by Hif-2α deletion is further potentiated by Hif-1α codeletion. However, established LSCs lacking Hif-2α or both Hif-1α and Hif-2α propagate AML with the same latency as wild-type LSCs. Furthermore, pharmacological inhibition of the HIF pathway or HIF-2α knockout using the lentiviral CRISPR-Cas9 system in human established leukemic cells with MLL-AF9 translocation have no impact on their functions. We therefore conclude that although Hif-1α and Hif-2α synergize to suppress the development of AML, they are not required for LSC maintenanc

    Pmch-deficiency in rats is associated with normal adipocyte differentiation and lower sympathetic adipose drive.

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    The orexigenic neuropeptide melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH), a product of Pmch, is an important mediator of energy homeostasis. Pmch-deficient rodents are lean and smaller, characterized by lower food intake, body-, and fat mass. Pmch is expressed in hypothalamic neurons that ultimately are components in the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) drive to white and interscapular brown adipose tissue (WAT, iBAT, respectively). MCH binds to MCH receptor 1 (MCH1R), which is present on adipocytes. Currently it is unknown if Pmch-ablation changes adipocyte differentiation or sympathetic adipose drive. Using Pmch-deficient and wild-type rats on a standard low-fat diet, we analyzed dorsal subcutaneous and perirenal WAT mass and adipocyte morphology (size and number) throughout development, and indices of sympathetic activation in WAT and iBAT during adulthood. Moreover, using an in vitro approach we investigated the ability of MCH to modulate 3T3-L1 adipocyte differentiation. Pmch-deficiency decreased dorsal subcutaneous and perirenal WAT mass by reducing adipocyte size, but not number. In line with this, in vitro 3T3-L1 adipocyte differentiation was unaffected by MCH. Finally, adult Pmch-deficient rats had lower norepinephrine turnover (an index of sympathetic adipose drive) in WAT and iBAT than wild-type rats. Collectively, our data indicate that MCH/MCH1R-pathway does not modify adipocyte differentiation, whereas Pmch-deficiency in laboratory rats lowers adiposity throughout development and sympathetic adipose drive during adulthood