372 research outputs found

    Self broadening of hydrogen lines: Initial results

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    For the first time broadening by both resonance and dispersive-inductive interactions with H-atoms are included in the formation of Balmer lines in cool stars, without the use of a multipole expansion. Comparison of synthetic profiles with observed profiles for the Sun and two late F dwarfs shows that this improvement in broadening theory accounts for some of the problems found in previous work. It is anticipated that planned future developments in the theory of self broadening will lead to further improve ments in the modelling of cool star atmospheres

    Self-broadening in Balmer line wing formation in stellar atmospheres

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    Details of a theory of self-broadening of hydrogen lines are presented. The main features of the new theory are that the dispersive-inductive components of the interaction (van der Waals forces) have been included, and the resonance components have been computed by perturbation theory without the use of the multipole expansion. The theory is applied to lower Balmer lines and the theoretical and observational impact of the new broadening theory is examined. It is shown that this theory leads to considerable differences in the predicted line profiles in cool stars when compared with previous theories which include only resonance interactions. In particular, the effect is found to be very important in metal poor stars. The theory provides a natural explanation for the behaviour of effective temperatures derived from Balmer lines by others using a theory which includes only resonance broadening. When applied to Balmer lines in the solar spectrum the theory predicts an improved agreement between observed and computed profiles for models which also match limb darkening curves and rules out a model which does not. However significant discrepancies still remain which could be due to inadequacies in our theory or the atmospheric model or both

    Comments on alternative calculations of the broadening of spectral lines of neutral sodium by H-atom collisions

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    With the exception of the sodium D-lines recent calculations of line broadening cross-sections for several multiplets of sodium by Leininger et al (2000) are in substantial disagreement with cross-sections interpolated from the tables of Anstee and O'Mara (1995) and Barklem and O'Mara (1997). The discrepancy is as large as a factor of three for the 3p-4d multiplet. The two theories are tested by using the results of each to synthesize lines in the solar spectrum. It is found that generally the data from the theory of Anstee, Barklem and O'Mara produce the best match to the observed solar spectrum. It is found, using a simple model for reflection of the optical electron by the potential barrier between the two atoms, that the reflection coefficient is too large for avoided crossings with the upper states of subordinate lines to contribute to line broadening, supporting the neglect of avoided ionic crossings by Anstee, Barklem and O'Mara for these lines. The large discrepancies between the two sets of calculations is a result of an approximate treatment of avoided ionic crossings for these lines by Leininger et al (2000).Comment: 18 pages, 5 ps figures included, to appear in J Phys B: At. Mol. Opt. Phy

    Broadening of lines of Be II, Sr II and Ba II by collisions with hydrogen atoms and the solar abundance of strontium

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    In a previous paper by the present authors the theory of Anstee and O'Mara for the broadening of spectral lines of neutral atoms by collisions with hydrogen atoms was extended to singly ionized atoms. In this paper we apply the method to the resonance and triplet lines of ionized strontium, the infrared triplet of ionized barium, and the resonance lines of ionized beryllium. Analysis of five lines of ionized strontium, previously regarded as too strong for an abundance analysis, and two lines of neutral strontium results in a solar abundance of strontium of log(N/N) + 12 = 2.92 ± 0.05, which is entirely consistent with the meteoritic value

    Assessing the Role of Selenium in Endometrial Cancer Risk: A Mendelian Randomization Study.

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    Endometrial cancer is the most commonly diagnosed gynecological cancer in developed countries. Based on evidence from observational studies which suggest selenium inhibits the development of several cancers (including lung and prostate cancer), selenium supplementation has been touted as a potential cancer preventative agent. However, randomized controlled trials have not reported benefit for selenium supplementation in reducing cancer risk. For endometrial cancer, limited observational studies have been conducted assessing whether selenium intake, or blood selenium levels, associated with reduced risk, and no randomized controlled trials have been conducted. We performed a two-sample Mendelian randomization analysis to examine the relationship between selenium levels (using a composite measure of blood and toenail selenium) and endometrial cancer risk, using summary statistics for four genetic variants associated with selenium levels at genome-wide significance levels (P < 5 × 10-8), from a study of 12,906 endometrial cancer cases and 108,979 controls, all of European ancestry. Inverse variance weighted (IVW) analysis indicated no evidence of a causal role for selenium levels in endometrial cancer development (OR per unit increase in selenium levels Z-score = 0.99, 95% CI = 0.87-1.14). Similar results were observed for sensitivity analyses robust to the presence of unknown pleiotropy (OR per unit increase in selenium levels Z-score = 0.98, 95% CI 0.89-1.08 for weighted median; OR per unit increase in selenium levels Z-score = 0.90, 95% CI = 0.53-1.50 for MR-Egger). In conclusion, these results do not support the use of selenium supplementation to prevent endometrial cancer.This work was supported by a National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Project Grant (APP1109286). PFK is supported by an Australian Government Research Training Program PhD Scholarship and QIMR Berghofer Postgraduate Top-Up Scholarship, TAO’M is supported by an NHMRC Early Career Fellowship (APP1111246), ABS is supported by an NHMRC Senior Research Fellowship (APP1061779)

    Deficits in temporal order memory induced by interferon-alpha (IFN-α) treatment are rescued by aerobic exercise

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    Patients receiving cytokine immunotherapy with IFN-α frequently present with neuropsychiatric consequences and cognitive impairments, including a profound depressive-like symptomatology. While the neurobiological substrates of the dysfunction that leads to adverse events in IFN-α-treated patients remains ill-defined, dysfunctions of the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex (PFC) are strong possibilities. To date, hippocampal deficits have been well-characterised; there does however remain a lack of insight into the nature of prefrontal participation. Here, we used a PFC-supported temporal order memory paradigm to examine if IFN-α treatment induced deficits in performance; additionally, we used an object recognition task to assess the integrity of the perirhinal cortex (PRH). Finally, the utility of exercise as an ameliorative strategy to recover temporal order deficits in rats was also explored. We found that IFN-α-treatment impaired temporal order memory discriminations, whereas recognition memory remained intact, reflecting a possible dissociation between recognition and temporal order memory processing. Further characterisation of temporal order memory impairments using a longitudinal design revealed that deficits persisted for 10 weeks following cessation of IFN-α-treatment. Finally, a 6 week forced exercise regime reversed IFN-α-induced deficits in temporal order memory. These data provide further insight into the circuitry involved in cognitive impairments arising from IFN-α-treatment. Here we suggest that PFC (or the hippocampo-prefrontal pathway) may be compromised whilst the function of the PRH is preserved. Deficits may persist after cessation of IFN-α-treatment which suggests that extended patient monitoring is required. Aerobic exercise may be restorative and could prove beneficial for patients treated with IFN-α

    Scientific, Back-Illuminated CCD Development for the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite

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    We describe the development of the fully depleted, back illuminated charge coupled devices for the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, which includes a set of four wide angle telescopes, each having a 2x2 array of CCDs. The devices are fabricated on the newly upgraded 200-mm wafer line at Lincoln Laboratory. We discuss methods used to produce the devices and present early performance results from the 100- micron thick, 15x15-microns, 2k x 4k pixel frame transfer CCDs

    Beef production from feedstuffs conserved using new technologies to reduce negative environmental impacts

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    End of project reportMost (ca. 86%) Irish farms make some silage. Besides directly providing feed for livestock, the provision of grass silage within integrated grassland systems makes an important positive contribution to effective grazing management and improved forage utilisation by grazing animals, and to effective feed budgeting by farmers. It can also contribute to maintaining the content of desirable species in pastures, and to livestock not succumbing to parasites at sensitive times of the year. Furthermore, the optimal recycling of nutrients collected from housed livestock can often be best achieved by spreading the manures on the land used for producing the conserved feed. On most Irish farms, grass silage will remain the main conserved forage for feeding to livestock during winter for the foreseeable future. However, on some farms high yields of whole-crop (i.e. grain + straw) cereals such as wheat, barley and triticale, and of forage maize, will be an alternative option provided that losses during harvesting, storage and feedout are minimised and that input costs are restrained. These alternative forages have the potential to reliably support high levels of animal performance while avoiding the production of effluent. Their production and use however will need to advantageously integrate into ruminant production systems. A range of technologies can be employed for crop production and conservation, and for beef production, and the optimal options need to be identified. Beef cattle being finished indoors are offered concentrate feedstuffs at rates that range from modest inputs through to ad libitum access. Such concentrates frequently contain high levels of cereals such as barley or wheat. These cereals are generally between 14% to 18% moisture content and tend to be rolled shortly before being included in coarse rations or are more finely processed prior to pelleting. Farmers thinking of using ‘high-moisture grain’ techniques for preserving and processing cereal grains destined for feeding to beef cattle need to know how the yield, conservation efficiency and feeding value of such grains compares with grains conserved using more conventional techniques. European Union policy strongly encourages a sustainable and multifunctional agriculture. Therefore, in addition to providing European consumers with quality food produced within approved systems, agriculture must also contribute positively to the conservation of natural resources and the upkeep of the rural landscape. Plastics are widely used in agriculture and their post-use fate on farms must not harm the environment - they must be managed to support the enduring sustainability of farming systems. There is an absence of information on the efficacy of some new options for covering and sealing silage with plastic sheeting and tyres, and an absence of an inventory of the use, re-use and post-use fate of plastic film on farms. Irish cattle farmers operate a large number of beef production systems, half of which use dairy bred calves. In the current, continuously changing production and market conditions, new beef systems must be considered. A computer package is required that will allow the rapid, repeatable simulation and assessment of alternate beef production systems using appropriate, standardised procedures. There is thus a need to construct, evaluate and utilise computer models of components of beef production systems and to develop mathematical relationships to link system components into a network that would support their integration into an optimal system model. This will provide a framework to integrate physical and financial on-farm conditions with models for estimating feed supply and animal growth patterns. Cash flow and profit/loss results will be developed. This will help identify optimal systems, indicate the cause of failure of imperfect systems and identify areas where applied research data are currently lacking, or more basic research is required
