12 research outputs found

    German-Irish corporate relationships:the cultural dimension

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    The thesis raises the question of whether or not in an age of internationalisation and globalisation, the cultural differences which exist between Germany and Ireland are still relevant to German-Irish corporate relationships or have internationally accepted best practices removed culture from the equation? The first three chapters establish the theoretical framework of the thesis by outlining the broadly culturalist/institutionalist approach, based on the work of Hofstede and Maurice et al, to be pursued, profiling the business cultures of both countries by analysing the components of their respective national institutional frameworks, and the examining existing approaches to the study of mother company-foreign subsidiary relationships. Chapters four to seven constitute the empirical section of the thesis. Using the interviews carried out with two sample groups (Sample Group A: 15 German mother companies and 14 of their Irish operations and Sample Group B: 7 Irish mother companies and 9 of their German operations), the mother companies in both groups are examined to see whether or not they demonstrate characteristics which are in keeping with their national business cultures. Their foreign operations are then analysed as is the mother company-foreign subsidiary relationship to determine whether or not any mother company influences are visible. The general approaches adopted by the two groups of mother companies to their foreign operations are compared and contrasted. Finally, differences in national attitudes and values are identified and their impact assessed. The analysis reveals that despite existing pressures towards convergence, the cultural differences between both countries are still relevant to the relationship particularly at the level of attitudes and values and although similarities in the mother company approaches to their subsidiaries are present, national specificities may nevertheless be detected

    Impact of therapeutic hypothermia on infantile spasms: an observational cohort study

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    Aim: To establish the incidence of infantile spasms in children in the southern region of the Republic of Ireland and to compare the incidence of infantile spasms before and after the introduction of therapeutic hypothermia in infants with hypoxic‐ischemic encephalopathy (HIE). Method: Children born between 2003 and 2015 and diagnosed with infantile spasms (epileptic spasms with or without hypsarrhythmia) in the first 2 years of life were identified through audits of electroencephalography reports and paediatric neurology patient lists. Data on live births were obtained from the regional hospital statistics databases. Medical charts of infantile spasm cases were reviewed for demographic information, diagnostic workup results, treatment response, disease course, and developmental outcome. Results: Forty‐two infants with infantile spasms were identified. The cumulative incidence of infantile spasms up to the age of 2 years was 4.01 per 10 000 live births. Difference due to sex was minimal (22 males, 20 females) and most infants were delivered at or near term with gestational ages ranging between 30.0 and 41.8 weeks (median [interquartile range] 39.6wks [38.1–40.0wks]). The aetiology for infantile spasms was identified in almost two‐thirds of cases, with HIE being the single most common cause (n=7). Other causes included chromosomal and monogenetic abnormalities (n=8). Infantile spasms occurred in moderate and severe grades of HIE, with a significantly higher incidence in those with severe HIE (p=0.029). Infants with severe HIE who did not receive therapeutic hypothermia were six times more likely to develop infantile spasms compared to those who did, but the difference was not statistically significant (4 out of 16 vs 1 out of 24, p=0.138). Interpretation: This study provides detailed information about infantile spasms before and after the introduction of therapeutic hypothermia. HIE severity is a risk factor for the development of infantile spasms. The introduction of therapeutic hypothermia may have had an impact, but the effect was hard to ascertain in this cohort due to the small number of infants

    Determination of a suitable low-dose abdominopelvic CT protocol using model-based iterative reconstruction through cadaveric study.

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    Introduction: Cadaveric studies provide a means of safely assessing new technologies and optimizing scanning prior to clinical validation. Reducing radiation exposure in a clinical setting can entail incremental dose reductions to avoid missing important clinical findings. The use of cadavers allows assessment of the impact of more substantial dose reductions on image quality. Our aim was to identify a suitable low‐dose abdominopelvic CT protocol for subsequent clinical validation. Methods: Five human cadavers were scanned at one conventional dose and three low‐dose settings. All scans were reconstructed using three different reconstruction algorithms: filtered back projection (FBP), hybrid iterative reconstruction (60% FBP and 40% adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction (ASIR40)), and model‐based iterative reconstruction (MBIR). Two readers rated the image quality both quantitatively and qualitatively. Results: Model‐based iterative reconstruction images had significantly better objective image noise and higher qualitative scores compared with both FBP and ASIR40 images at all dose levels. The greatest absolute noise reduction, between MBIR and FBP, of 34.3 HU (equating to a 68% reduction) was at the lowest dose level. MBIR reduced image noise and improved image quality even in CT images acquired with a mean radiation dose reduction of 62% compared with conventional dose studies reconstructed with ASIR40, with lower levels of objective image noise, superior diagnostic acceptability and contrast resolution, and comparable subjective image noise and streak artefact scores. Conclusion: This cadaveric study demonstrates that MBIR reduces image noise and improves image quality in abdominopelvic CT images acquired with dose reductions of up to 62%

    Pathogenic mtDNA mutations causing mitochondrial myopathy: The need for muscle biopsy.

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    Pathogenic mitochondrial tRNA (mt-tRNA) gene mutations represent a prominent cause of primary mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)-related disease despite accounting for only 5%-10% of the mitochondrial genome.(1,2) Although some common mt-tRNA mutations, such as the m.3243A>G mutation, exist, the majority are rare and have been reported in only a small number of cases.(3) The MT-TP gene, encoding mt-tRNA(Pro), is one of the less polymorphic mt-tRNA genes, and only 5 MT-TP mutations have been reported as a cause of mitochondrial muscle disease to date (table e-1 at Neurology.org/ng, P6-10). We report 5 patients with myopathic phenotypes, each harboring different pathogenic mutations in the MT-TP gene, highlighting the importance of MT-TP mutations as a cause of mitochondrial muscle disease and the requirement to study clinically relevant tissue

    Variable dwell time verification strategies for CDMA acquisition with application to GPS signals

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    This thesis explores the question of how decisions should be made regarding the presence or absence of GPS signals at the acquisition stage. The goal of the investigation is to determine the best choice of decision-making strategy, such that signal synchronisation can be achieved in the minimum time. The synchronisation process involves two steps: coarse synchronisation (acquisition) and fine synchronisation (tracking). The treatment begins with the cell-level decision-making strategy, where a 'cell' describes a particular estimate of the synchronisation parameters. The optimal sequential probability ratio test, which has largely been ignored for the GPS problem, is shown to outperform the computationally simple single dwell detector, even in the presence of adverse signal effects. A new approximation for the distribution of the probability ratio in the GPS case is presented and shown to significantly reduce the analytical complexity of the strategy. Sub-optimal strategies are investigated at a cell level to find a suitable trade-off between performance and computational load, with a particular focus on the optimisation of coincidence detector and up-down counter strategies. A novel up-down counter strategy is presented and shown to reduce the mean dwell time relative to that of the traditional ‘Tong’ detector. The impact of unknown power levels and other environmental effects is investigated for each strategy and the dwell time variance, a metric which is often neglected, is considered for comparison of strategies. The cell-level investigation leads to the recommendation that, if dwell time variance is not of concern for receiver design, then the novel up-down counter is an excellent choice of strategy for achieving the goal outlined above, whilst the upper limit on the dwell time of the coincidence detector can be attractive if significant variance is not acceptable. Proceeding from cell-level analysis to a view of the acquisition system as a whole, a novel hybrid serial/parallel acquisition system is proposed and shown to provide a substantial reduction in overall mean acquisition time, relative to that of a fully serial search, but with no significant increase in implementational complexity. All of the theoretical results derived in the thesis are verified by both Monte Carlo simulations and by tests on GPS signals collected from operational satellites

    A cross-sectional follow-up study of physical activity in adults with moderate and severe haemophilia

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    Aim: To conduct a cross-sectional follow-up assessment of physical activity (PA) in people with moderate and severe haemophilia (PwMSH) from the Irish Personalised Approach to the Treatment of Haemophilia (iPATH) study. Methods: Between June-December 2021, participants' PA was measured over one week using accelerometery, and was compared with their previously measured data from the original iPATH assessment. Self-awareness of PA and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on PA, pain, mobility and function were retrospectively examined using a survey. Results: Of 30 participants who returned surveys [n = 19, severe (FVIII, .05), but achievement of World Health Organisation guidelines increased (67.9%-75.0%; p = .646). Increased self-awareness of PA was reported by 76.7%, and 66.7% reported desires to become more physically active. Compared to normal, most reported either no differences or lower levels of PA during lockdown restrictions. Self-reported PA increased for most when restrictions eased from April 2021 onwards. Beyond the pandemic, concerns included pain and access to exercise resources. Conclusion: Self-reported PA throughout the pandemic was variable, whilst there were no significant differences in objectively measured PA between assessment periods, despite reports of increased self-awareness and desires to be physically active at follow-up. Further qualitative research is needed to design personalised PA and health interventions, capturing perspectives of patients, their families, and multi-disciplinary haemophilia healthcare providers.</p

    A cross-sectional follow-up study of physical activity in adults with moderate and severe haemophilia

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    Aim: To conduct a cross-sectional follow-up assessment of physical activity (PA) in people with moderate and severe haemophilia (PwMSH) from the Irish Personalised Approach to the Treatment of Haemophilia (iPATH) study. Methods: Between June-December 2021, participants' PA was measured over one week using accelerometery, and was compared with their previously measured data from the original iPATH assessment. Self-awareness of PA and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on PA, pain, mobility and function were retrospectively examined using a survey. Results: Of 30 participants who returned surveys [n = 19, severe (FVIII, .05), but achievement of World Health Organisation guidelines increased (67.9%-75.0%; p = .646). Increased self-awareness of PA was reported by 76.7%, and 66.7% reported desires to become more physically active. Compared to normal, most reported either no differences or lower levels of PA during lockdown restrictions. Self-reported PA increased for most when restrictions eased from April 2021 onwards. Beyond the pandemic, concerns included pain and access to exercise resources. Conclusion: Self-reported PA throughout the pandemic was variable, whilst there were no significant differences in objectively measured PA between assessment periods, despite reports of increased self-awareness and desires to be physically active at follow-up. Further qualitative research is needed to design personalised PA and health interventions, capturing perspectives of patients, their families, and multi-disciplinary haemophilia healthcare providers.</p

    Recombinant factor IX-Fc fusion protein in severe hemophilia B: patient-reported outcomes and health-related quality of life

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    Introduction: In 2017, all people with severe hemophilia B in Ireland switched to recombinant factor IX Fc fusion protein concentrate (rFIXFc) prophylaxis. Patient-reported outcomes (PROs) and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) are important to evaluate with new treatments. Aims: To assess HRQoL in people with severe hemophilia B and their experience after switching to rFIXFc prophylaxis. Methods: Participants completed a Patient Reported Outcomes Burden and Experience (PROBE) questionnaire on initiation and following two years of rFIXFc prophylaxis. The PROBE questionnaire has four domains: demographics, general health, haemophilia-specific, and European Quality of Life 5-Dimensions (EQ-5D-5L) questionnaire. Results: Twenty-three participants completed the questionnaire at both time points. The number of activities where chronic pain occurred and interfered with the activity was reduced by 25% and 33%, respectively (P P = .007). The most common health problems were arthritis, hypertension, anxiety/depression, and gingivitis. The median EQ-5D-5L score was similar following two years of rFIXFc prophylaxis, 0.76 (range, -0.01 to 0.95), compared to 0.77 (range, 0.36-1) at baseline. Conclusion: This study of real-world patient experience using PROs demonstrates a reduction in chronic pain and improvement in ADLs in participants after switching to rFIXFc prophylaxis. It provides important insights into patient-identified health care needs and living with severe hemophilia B.</p

    Heterogeneity in the half-life of factor VIII concentrate in patients with hemophilia A is due to variability in the clearance of endogenous von Willebrand factor

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    Background: Previous studies have reported marked interindividual variation in factor VIII (FVIII) clearance in patients with hemophilia (PWH) and proposed a number of factors that influence this heterogeneity. Objectives: To investigate the importance of the clearance rates of endogenous von Willebrand factor (VWF) compared with those of other FVIII half-life modifiers in adult PWH. Methods: The half-life of recombinant FVIII was determined in a cohort of 61 adult PWH. A range of reported modifiers of FVIII clearance was assessed (including plasma VWF:antigen and VWF propeptide levels; VWF-FVIII binding capacity; ABO blood group; and nonneutralizing anti-FVIII antibodies). The FVIII-binding region of the VWF gene was sequenced. Finally, the effects of variation in FVIII half-life on clinical phenotype were investigated. Results: We demonstrated that heterogeneity in the clearance of endogenous plasma VWF is a key determinant of variable FVIII half-life in PWH. Both ABO blood group and age significantly impact FVIII clearance. The effect of ABO blood group on FVIII half-life in PWH is modulated entirely through its effect on the clearance rates of endogenous VWF. In contrast, the age-related effect on FVIII clearance is, at least in part, VWF independent. In contrast to previous studies, no major effects of variation in VWF-FVIII binding affinity on FVIII clearance were observed. Although high-titer immunoglobulin G antibodies (≥1:80) were observed in 26% of PWH, these did not impact FVIII half-life. Importantly, the annual FVIII usage (IU/kg/y) was significantly (p = .0035) increased in patients with an FVIII half-life of Conclusion: Our data demonstrate that heterogeneity in the half-life of FVIII concentrates in patients with hemophilia A is primarily attributable to variability in the clearance of endogenous VWF.</p