2,036 research outputs found

    Biochemical Properties of a Decoy Oligodeoxynucleotide Inhibitor of STAT3 Transcription Factor.

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    Cyclic STAT3 decoy (CS3D) is a second-generation, double-stranded oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN) that mimics a genomic response element for signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3), an oncogenic transcription factor. CS3D competitively inhibits STAT3 binding to target gene promoters, resulting in decreased expression of proteins that promote cellular proliferation and survival. Previous studies have demonstrated antitumor activity of CS3D in preclinical models of solid tumors. However, prior to entering human clinical trials, the efficiency of generating the CS3D molecule and its stability in biological fluids should be determined. CS3D is synthesized as a single-stranded ODN and must have its free ends ligated to generate the final cyclic form. In this study, we report a ligation efficiency of nearly 95 percent. The ligated CS3D demonstrated a half-life of 7.9 h in human serum, indicating adequate stability for intravenous delivery. These results provide requisite biochemical characterization of CS3D that will inform upcoming clinical trials

    Spitz and wingless, emanating from distinct borders, cooperate to establish cell fate across the engrailed domain in the drosophila epidermis

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    A key step in development is the establishment of cell type diversity across a cellular field. Segmental patterning within the Drosophila embryonic epidermis is one paradigm for this process. At each parasegment boundary, cells expressing the Wnt family member Wingless confront cells expressing the homeoprotein Engrailed. The Engrailed-expressing cells normally differentiate as one of two alternative cell types. In investigating the generation of this cell type diversity among the 2-cell-wide Engrailed stripe, we previously showed that Wingless, expressed just anterior to the Engrailed cells, is essential for the specification of anterior Engrailed cell fate. In a screen for additional mutations affecting Engrailed cell fate, we identified anterior open/yan, a gene encoding an inhibitory ETS-domain transcription factor that is negatively regulated by the Rasl-MAP kinase signaling cascade. We find that Anterior Open must be inactivated for posterior Engrailed cells to adopt their correct fate. This is achieved by the EGF receptor (DER), which is required autonomously in the Engrailed cells to trigger the Ras1-MAP kinase pathway. Localized activation of DER is accomplished by restricted processing of the activating ligand, Spitz. Processing is confined to the cell row posterior to the Engrailed domain by the restricted expression of Rhomboid. These cells also express the inhibitory ligand Argos, which attenuates the activation of DER in cell rows more distant from the ligand source. Thus, distinct signals flank each border of the Engrailed domain, as Wingless is produced anteriorly and Spitz posteriorly. Since we also show that En cells have the capacity to respond to either Wingless or Spitz, these cells must choose their fate depending on the relative level of activation of the two pathways.Louise O’Keefe, Scott T. Dougan, Limor Gabay, Erez Raz, Ben-Zion Shilo and Stephen DiNard

    Initial Estimates On Shipping’s Cost Impacts and Emissions for a Range of Policy Options - A Prototype Model

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    Shipping was estimated, in 2007, to be responsible for 3.3% of anthropogenic CO2 emissions. Scenarios for future growth in transport demand suggest that this share could substantially increase in the next 40 years, and without regulation the growth in emissions associated with that demand growth would be uncontrolled. Modelling can be used to understand the potential trajectories of emissions from the shipping industry and its potential development and impacts under foreseeable economic scenarios. Modelling can also be used to estimate the response (in terms of changes to those emissions trajectories and impacts on the industry) due to hypothetical regulation and policies. This paper proposes methods for conceptualizing the different components of the shipping industry for these purposes

    Estimating Distributed Representation Performance in Disaster-Related Social Media Classification

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    This paper examines the effectiveness of a range of pre-trained language representations in order to determine the informativeness and information type of social media in the event of natural or man-made disasters. Within the context of disaster tweet analysis, we aim to accurately analyse tweets while minimising both false positive and false negatives in the automated information analysis. The investigation is performed across a number of well known disaster-related twitter datasets. Models that are built from pre-trained word embeddings from Word2Vec, GloVe, ELMo and BERT are used for performance evaluation. Given the relative ubiquity of BERT as a standout language representation in recent times it was expected that BERT dominates results. However, results are more diverse, with classical Word2Vec and GloVe both displaying strong results. As part of the analysis, we discuss some challenges related to automated twitter analysis including the fine-tuning of language models to disaster-related scenarios

    Intermediate statistics in quantum maps

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    We present a one-parameter family of quantum maps whose spectral statistics are of the same intermediate type as observed in polygonal quantum billiards. Our central result is the evaluation of the spectral two-point correlation form factor at small argument, which in turn yields the asymptotic level compressibility for macroscopic correlation lengths

    DNA Methylation of the ABO Promoter Underlies Loss of ABO Allelic Expression in a Significant Proportion of Leukemic Patients

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    Background: Loss of A, B and H antigens from the red blood cells of patients with myeloid malignancies is a frequent occurrence. Previously, we have reported alterations in ABH antigens on the red blood cells of 55% of patients with myeloid malignancies. Methodology/Principal Findings: To determine the underlying molecular mechanisms of this loss, we assessed ABO allelic expression in 21 patients with ABH antigen loss previously identified by flow cytometric analysis as well as an additional 7 patients detected with ABH antigen changes by serology. When assessing ABO mRNA allelic expression, 6/12 (50%) patients with ABH antigen loss detected by flow cytometry and 5/7 (71%) of the patients with ABH antigen loss detected by serology had a corresponding ABO mRNA allelic loss of expression. We examined the ABO locus for copy number and DNA methylation alterations in 21 patients, 11 with loss of expression of one or both ABO alleles, and 10 patients with no detectable allelic loss of ABO mRNA expression. No loss of heterozygosity (LOH) at the ABO locus was observed in these patients. However in 8/11 (73%) patients with loss of ABO allelic expression, the ABO promoter was methylated compared with 2/10 (20%) of patients with no ABO allelic expression loss (P = 0.03). Conclusions/Significance: We have found that loss of ABH antigens in patients with hematological malignancies is associated with a corresponding loss of ABO allelic expression in a significant proportion of patients. Loss of ABO allelic expression was strongly associated with DNA methylation of the ABO promoter.Tina Bianco-Miotto, Damian J. Hussey, Tanya K. Day, Denise S. O'Keefe and Alexander Dobrovi

    Weyl's law and quantum ergodicity for maps with divided phase space

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    For a general class of unitary quantum maps, whose underlying classical phase space is divided into several invariant domains of positive measure, we establish analogues of Weyl's law for the distribution of eigenphases. If the map has one ergodic component, and is periodic on the remaining domains, we prove the Schnirelman-Zelditch-Colin de Verdiere Theorem on the equidistribution of eigenfunctions with respect to the ergodic component of the classical map (quantum ergodicity). We apply our main theorems to quantised linked twist maps on the torus. In the Appendix, S. Zelditch connects these studies to some earlier results on `pimpled spheres' in the setting of Riemannian manifolds. The common feature is a divided phase space with a periodic component.Comment: Colour figures. Black & white figures available at http://www2.maths.bris.ac.uk/~majm. Appendix by Steve Zelditc

    Navigating with grid and place cells in cluttered environments

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    Hippocampal formation contains several classes of neurons thought to be involved in navigational processes, in particular place cells and grid cells. Place cells have been associated with a topological strategy for navigation, while grid cells have been suggested to support metric vector navigation. Grid cell-based vector navigation can support novel shortcuts across unexplored territory by providing the direction toward the goal. However, this strategy is insufficient in natural environments cluttered with obstacles. Here, we show how navigation in complex environments can be supported by integrating a grid cell-based vector navigation mechanism with local obstacle avoidance mediated by border cells and place cells whose interconnections form an experience-dependent topological graph of the environment. When vector navigation and object avoidance fail (i.e., the agent gets stuck), place cell replay events set closer subgoals for vector navigation. We demonstrate that this combined navigation model can successfully traverse environments cluttered by obstacles and is particularly useful where the environment is underexplored. Finally, we show that the model enables the simulated agent to successfully navigate experimental maze environments from the animal literature on cognitive mapping. The proposed model is sufficiently flexible to support navigation in different environments, and may inform the design of experiments to relate different navigational abilities to place, grid, and border cell firing

    Cyber security fear appeals:unexpectedly complicated

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    Cyber security researchers are starting to experiment with fear appeals, with a wide variety of designs and reported efficaciousness. This makes it hard to derive recommendations for designing and deploying these interventions. We thus reviewed the wider fear appeal literature to arrive at a set of guidelines to assist cyber security researchers. Our review revealed a degree of dissent about whether or not fear appeals are indeed helpful and advisable. Our review also revealed a wide range of fear appeal experimental designs, in both cyber and other domains, which confirms the need for some standardized guidelines to inform practice in this respect. We propose a protocol for carrying out fear appeal experiments, and we review a sample of cyber security fear appeal studies, via this lens, to provide a snapshot of the current state of play. We hope the proposed experimental protocol will prove helpful to those who wish to engage in future cyber security fear appeal research

    Acoustic Emission from crumpling paper

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    From magnetic systems to the crust of the earth, many physical systems that exibit a multiplicty of metastable states emit pulses with a broad power law distribution in energy. Digital audio recordings reveal that paper being crumpled, a system that can be easily held in hand, is such a system. Crumpling paper both using the traditional hand method and a novel cylindrical geometry uncovered a power law distribution of pulse energies spanning at least two decades: (exponent 1.3 - 1.6) Crumpling initally flat sheets into a compact ball (strong crumpling), we found little or no evidence that the energy distribution varied systematically over time or the size of the sheet. When we applied repetitive small deformations (weak crumpling) to sheets which had been previously folded along a regular grid, we found no systematic dependence on the grid spacing. Our results suggest that the pulse energy depends only weakly on the size of the paper regions responsible for sound production.Comment: 12 pages of text, 9 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. E, additional information availible at http://www.msc.cornell.edu/~houle/crumpling
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