49 research outputs found

    Ultrathin Stable Ohmic Contacts for High-Temperature Operation of Ξ²\beta-Ga2_2O3_3 Devices

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    Beta gallium oxide (Ξ²\beta-Ga2_2O3_3) shows significant promise in the high-temperature, high-power, and sensing electronics applications. However, long-term stable metallization layers for Ohmic contacts at high temperature present unique thermodynamic challenges. The current most common Ohmic contact design based on 20 nm of Ti has been repeatedly demonstrated to fail at even moderately elevated temperatures (300-400∘^{\circ}C) due to a combination of non-stoichiometric Ti/Ga2_2O3_3 interfacial reactions and kinetically favored Ti diffusion processes. Here we demonstrate stable Ohmic contacts for Ga2_2O3_3 devices operating up to 500-600∘^{\circ}C using ultrathin Ti layers with a self-limiting interfacial reaction. The ultrathin Ti layer in the 5nm Ti / 100nm Au contact stack is designed to fully oxidize while forming an Ohmic contact, thereby limiting both thermodynamic and kinetic instability. This novel contact design strategy results in an epitaxial conductive anatase titanium oxide interface layer that enables low-resistance Ohmic contacts that are stable both under long-term continuous operation (>500 hours) at 600∘^{\circ}C in vacuum (≀\leq 10βˆ’4^{-4} Torr), as well as after repeated thermal cycling (15 times) between room temperature and 550∘^{\circ}C in flowing N2_2. This stable Ohmic contact design will accelerate the development of high-temperature devices by enabling research focus to shift towards rectifying contacts and other interfacial layers.Comment: 25 Pages, 7 Figure

    Dasatinib inhibits CXCR4 signaling in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia cells and impairs migration towards CXCL12

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    Chemokines and their ligands play a critical role in enabling chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) cells access to protective microenvironmental niches within tissues, ultimately resulting in chemoresistance and relapse: disruption of these signaling pathways has become a novel therapeutic approach in CLL. The tyrosine kinase inhibitor dasatinib inhibits migration of several cell lines from solid-organ tumours, but effects on CLL cells have not been reported. We studied the effect of clinically achievable concentrations of dasatinib on signaling induced by the chemokine CXCL12 through its' receptor CXCR4, which is highly expressed on CLL cells. Dasatinib pre-treatment inhibited Akt and ERK phosphorylation in CLL cells upon stimulation with CXCL12. Dasatinib also significantly diminished the rapid increase in actin polymerisation observed in CLL cells following CXCL12 stimulation. Moreover, the drug significantly inhibited chemotaxis in a transwell assay, and reduced the percentage of cells able to migrate beneath a CXCL12-expressing murine stromal cell line. Dasatinib also abrogated the anti-apoptotic effect of prolonged CXCL12 stimulation on cultured CLL cells. These data suggest that dasatinib, akin to other small molecule kinase inhibitors targeting the B-cell receptor signaling pathway, may redistribute CLL cells from protective tissue niches to the peripheral blood, and support the investigation of dasatinib in combination strategies

    Colorectal adenomas contain multiple somatic mutations that do not coincide with synchronous adenocarcinoma specimens

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    We have performed a comparative ultrasequencing study of multiple colorectal lesions obtained simultaneously from four patients. Our data show that benign lesions (adenomatous or hyperplastic polyps) contain a high mutational load. Additionally multiple synchronous colorectal lesions show non overlapping mutational signatures highlighting the degree of heterogeneity between multiple specimens in the same patient. Observations in these cases imply that considering not only the number of mutations but an effective oncogenic combination of mutations can determine the malignant progression of colorectal lesions

    Loss of the Promyelocytic Leukemia Protein in Gastric Cancer: Implications for IP-10 Expression and Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes

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    Gastric cancer is one of the most common causes of cancer-related mortality worldwide. Expression of the tumor suppressor, promyelocytic leukemia (PML) protein, is reduced or abolished in gastric carcinomas, in association with an increased level of lymphatic invasion, development of higher pTNM staging, and unfavorable prognosis. Herein, we investigated the relationship between the extent of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes and the status of PML protein expression in advanced gastric carcinoma. We observed higher numbers of infiltrating T-cells in gastric carcinoma tissues in which PML expression was reduced or abolished, compared to tissues positive for PML. The extent of T-cell migration toward culture supernatants obtained from interferon-gamma (IFN-Ξ³-stimulated gastric carcinoma cell lines was additionally affected by expression of PML in vitro. Interferon-gamma-inducible protein 10 (IP-10/CXCL10) expression was increased in gastric carcinoma tissues displaying reduced PML levels. Moreover, both Pml knockout and knockdown cells displayed enhanced IP-10 mRNA and protein expression in the presence of IFN-Ξ³. PML knockdown increased IFN-Ξ³-mediated Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription-1 (STAT-1) binding to the IP-10 promoter, resulting in elevated transcription of the IP-10 gene. Conversely, PML IV protein expression suppressed IP-10 promoter activation. Based on these results, we propose that loss of PML protein expression in gastric cancer cells contributes to increased IP-10 transcription via enhancement of STAT-1 activity, which, in turn, promotes lymphocyte trafficking within tumor regions

    Quantitative Phosphoproteomics of CXCL12 (SDF-1) Signaling

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    CXCL12 (SDF-1) is a chemokine that binds to and signals through the seven transmembrane receptor CXCR4. The CXCL12/CXCR4 signaling axis has been implicated in both cancer metastases and human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection and a more complete understanding of CXCL12/CXCR4 signaling pathways may support efforts to develop therapeutics for these diseases. Mass spectrometry-based phosphoproteomics has emerged as an important tool in studying signaling networks in an unbiased fashion. We employed stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) quantitative phosphoproteomics to examine the CXCL12/CXCR4 signaling axis in the human lymphoblastic CEM cell line. We quantified 4,074 unique SILAC pairs from 1,673 proteins and 89 phosphopeptides were deemed CXCL12-responsive in biological replicates. Several well established CXCL12-responsive phosphosites such as AKT (pS473) and ERK2 (pY204) were confirmed in our study. We also validated two novel CXCL12-responsive phosphosites, stathmin (pS16) and AKT1S1 (pT246) by Western blot. Pathway analysis and comparisons with other phosphoproteomic datasets revealed that genes from CXCL12-responsive phosphosites are enriched for cellular pathways such as T cell activation, epidermal growth factor and mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling, pathways which have previously been linked to CXCL12/CXCR4 signaling. Several of the novel CXCL12-responsive phosphoproteins from our study have also been implicated with cellular migration and HIV-1 infection, thus providing an attractive list of potential targets for the development of cancer metastasis and HIV-1 therapeutics and for furthering our understanding of chemokine signaling regulation by reversible phosphorylation

    Hydrologic Characterization of a Superfund Site: Remedial Investigation Through Remedial Action

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    Proceedings of the 1993 Georgia Water Resources Conference, April 20-21, 1993, Athens, Georgia.Hydrogeologic characterization performed during the remedial investigation phase of Superfund site investigations is focused on development of the Risk Analysis and selection of a remedy. Further hydrogeologic characterization is often needed to implement cost-effective remediation of ground water. This paper describes how hydrogeologic studies have developed over time at the French Limited Site in Crosby, Texas. This case study shows how real progress in ground water remediation is achieved by a "bootstrap" learn as you remediate approach.Sponsored and Organized by: U.S. Geological Survey, Georgia Department of Natural Resources, The University of Georgia, Georgia State University, Georgia Institute of TechnologyThis book was published by the Institute of Natural Resources, The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602 with partial funding provided by the U.S. Department of Interior, Geological Survey, through the Georgia Water Research Institute as authorized by the Water Resources Research Act of 1984 (P.L. 98-242). The views and statements advanced in this publication are solely those of the authors and do not represent official views or policies of the University of Georgia or the U.S. Geological Survey or the conference sponsors