1,472 research outputs found

    An empirical investigation of the role of camaraderie, cause, competency, and participation motives in the development of attachment to a charity sport event

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    This paper examines the factors that contribute to the meaning participants hold for charity sport events. Specifically, the paper investigates the role of three value-laden constructs; along with participation motives, to understand participant attachment to a charity sport event. An online questionnaire was given to participants in the Lance Armstrong Foundation (LAF) LIVESTRONG Challenge (n=568) following the event. Data analysis revealed two recreational event motives, three motives for charitable giving, and three value-laden constructs contribute to attachment to the charity sport event. In addition, the results revealed the value-laden constructs make a stronger contribution to event attachment than the participation motives. Suggestions are made for increasing the meaning held for the event through community building, calls to action, and customization.Griffith Business School, Department of Tourism, Sport and Hotel ManagementFull Tex

    Convergence in Environmental Reporting: Assessing the Carbon Disclosure Project

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    Preprint; final version published as: Matisoff, D. C., Noonan, D. S., & O’Brien, J. J. (2013). Convergence in Environmental Reporting: Assessing the Carbon Disclosure Project. Business Strategy and the Environment, 22(5), 285–305. doi:10.1002/bse.1741We perform content analysis on Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) responses from 2003 to 2010, focusing on the extent to which firms account for indirect emissions and have exhibited convergence in carbon reporting. We also examine standardization in reporting and the variation of reporting behavior across industry and country. We find that the CDP has produced a mixed record of improved transparency. In some areas, such as Scope 2 emissions, the CDP has demonstrated an increase in transparency in later years. However, the transparency and quality of direct emissions and Scope 3 emissions have not improved over time. Japanese and European Union firms have increased transparency, while American firms have decreased transparency. Energy-intensive industries have either increased transparency or remained the same, while less energy-intensive industries have become less transparent. We demonstrate some evidence of a learning effect among firms after participating in the CDP survey

    The Disunity of Consciousness

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    It is commonplace for both philosophers and cognitive scientists to express their allegiance to the "unity of consciousness". This is the claim that a subject’s phenomenal consciousness, at any one moment in time, is a single thing. This view has had a major influence on computational theories of consciousness. In particular, what we call single-track theories dominate the literature, theories which contend that our conscious experience is the result of a single consciousness-making process or mechanism in the brain. We argue that the orthodox view is quite wrong: phenomenal experience is not a unity, in the sense of being a single thing at each instant. It is a multiplicity, an aggregate of phenomenal elements, each of which is the product of a distinct consciousness-making mechanism in the brain. Consequently, cognitive science is in need of a multi-track theory of consciousness; a computational model that acknowledges both the manifold nature of experience, and its distributed neural basis

    Quantum walks of correlated photon pairs in two-dimensional waveguide arrays

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    We demonstrate quantum walks of correlated photons in a 2D network of directly laser written waveguides coupled in a 'swiss cross' arrangement. The correlated detection events show high-visibility quantum interference and unique composite behaviour: strong correlation and independence of the quantum walkers, between and within the planes of the cross. Violations of a classically defined inequality, for photons injected in the same plane and in orthogonal planes, reveal non-classical behaviour in a non-planar structure.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Potential of known and short prokaryotic protein motifs as a basis for novel peptide-based antibacterial therapeutics: a computational survey

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    Short linear motifs (SLiMs) are functional stretches of protein sequence that are of crucial importance for numerous biological processes by mediating protein–protein interactions. These motifs often comprise peptides of less than 10 amino acids that modulate protein–protein interactions. While well-characterized in eukaryotic intracellular signaling, their role in prokaryotic signaling is less well-understood. We surveyed the distribution of known motifs in prokaryotic extracellular and virulence proteins across a range of bacterial species and conducted searches for novel motifs in virulence proteins. Many known motifs in virulence effector proteins mimic eukaryotic motifs and enable the pathogen to control the intracellular processes of their hosts. Novel motifs were detected by finding those that had evolved independently in three or more unrelated virulence proteins. The search returned several significantly over-represented linear motifs of which some were known motifs and others are novel candidates with potential roles in bacterial pathogenesis. A putative C-terminal G[AG].motiffoundintypeIVsecretionsystemproteinswasamongthemostsignificantdetected.AKK motif found in type IV secretion system proteins was among the most significant detected. A KK motif that has been previously identified in a plasminogen-binding protein, was demonstrated to be enriched across a number of adhesion and lipoproteins. While there is some potential to develop peptide drugs against bacterial infection based on bacterial peptides that mimic host components, this could have unwanted effects on host signaling. Thus, novel SLiMs in virulence factors that do not mimic host components but are crucial for bacterial pathogenesis, such as the type IV secretion system, may be more useful to develop as leads for anti-microbial peptides or drugs

    On the triple origin of blue stragglers

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    Blue straggler stars (BSSs) are stars observed to be hotter and bluer than other stars with the same luminosity in their environment. As such they appear to be much younger than the rest of the stellar population. Two main channels have been suggested to produce such stars: (1) collisions between stars in clusters or (2) mass transfer between, or merger of, the components of primordial short-period binaries. Here we suggest a third scenario, in which the progenitor of BSSs are formed in primordial (or dynamically formed) hierarchical triple stars. In such configurations the dynamical evolution of the triples through the Kozai mechanism and tidal friction can induce the formation of very close inner binaries. Angular momentum loss in a magnetized wind or stellar evolution could then lead to the merger of these binaries (or to mass transfer between them) and produce BSSs in binary (or triple) systems. We study this mechanism and its implications and show that it could naturally explain many of the characteristics of the BSS population in clusters, most notably the large binary fraction of long period BSS binaries; their unique period-eccentricity distribution (with typical periods > 700 days); and the typical location of these BSSs in the color-magnitude diagram, far from the cluster turn-off point of their host clusters. We suggest that this scenario has a major (possibly dominant) role in the formation of BSSs in open clusters and give specific predictions for the the BSSs population formed in this manner. We also note that triple systems may be the progenitors of the brightest planetary nebulae in old elliptical galaxies, which possibly evolved from BSSs.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures. Minor additions; ApJ, in pres