12 research outputs found

    До 150-річчя з дня народження Івана Пулюя

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    The work presented here seeks an integration of spatial and social features supporting shared activities, and engages users in multiple locations to manipulate realtime video-streams. Standard and easily available equipment is used together with the communication standard WebRTC. It adds a spatial quality of experience by representing the users anywhere on the screen, with easily changed diverse backdrops, inviting users to co-design a shared mediated space. User studies show that a seamless integration of space, social dynamics and shared activity benefits the experience of presence, naturalness, immersion/ engagement and social connectedness. The results inform a discussion about spatial and social connectedness, stressing the importance of design to integrate architectural/spatial features and support complex social dynamics in mediated interaction.QC 20160503</p

    Mediating Presence

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    The new technologies of the Open Web Platform (OWP) are currently redefining what is possible in a browser application. Native support for 3D rendering, audio, video and real-time communication opens up a new world of possibilities for browser based videoconferencing. This project aims to combine these new web technologies with depth sensing 3D cameras to investigate some of these possibilities, such as achieving mediated gaze. To do so, a prototype videoconferencing system was developed. Aside from classic videoconferencing, it features online remote collaboration exercises, collaborative viewing and manipulation of 3D models, and a 3D motion parallax view of other users. To enable intuitive interaction with the system, it was outfitted with a depth sensor based touch interface.Through user tests, it was shown that shared viewing and manipulation of 3D models is a useful addition to classic videoconferencing and can be used to convey information in ways not possible with shared images or video. The collaboration exercises showed that real-time voice communication and virtual representations of the user's actions were powerful tools for remote collaboration, while live video of the other person was less important. The motion parallax 3D view developed holds promise in the field of mediated gaze, but did not quite reach the goal due to technical limitations.Validerat; 20130923 (global_studentproject_submitter

    Mediating Presence in Browser Based Videoconferencing

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    The new technologies of the Open Web Platform (OWP) are currently redefining what is possible in a browser application, opening up a new world of possibilities for browser based videoconferencing. This paper explores new ways to combine these new web technologies with depth sensors. A prototype videoconferencing system was developed, featuring online remote collaboration exercises, collaborative viewing and manipulation of 3D models, and 3D motion parallax video. To enable intuitive interaction with the system, it was outfitted with a depth sensor based touch interface.Shared viewing and manipulation of 3D models was found to be a useful addition to classic videoconferencing and can be used to convey information in ways not possible with shared images or video. The motion parallax 3D view developed holds promise in the field of mediated gaze, but did not quite reach the goal due to technical limitations. The system shows promise for further investigation into collaboration on interactive surfaces.Godkänd; 2013; 20131125 (peppar

    Modern Web and Video Technologies Survey for New Interactions

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    This document is the results of a survey of current technology and research in areas relating to a EU project called COMPEIT. Its purpose is to act as a starting point and reference for the development of the COMPEIT platform. The survey covers current videoconferencing systems, augmented reality technology, 3D video creation and visualization, WebRTC- and WebGL frameworks, and hardware that could be of interest to the project.Godkänd; 2014; 20140226 (nicnys)</p

    Modern Web and Video Technologies Survey for New Interactions

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    This document is the results of a survey of current technology and research in areas relating to a EU project called COMPEIT. Its purpose is to act as a starting point and reference for the development of the COMPEIT platform. The survey covers current videoconferencing systems, augmented reality technology, 3D video creation and visualization, WebRTC- and WebGL frameworks, and hardware that could be of interest to the project.Godkänd; 2014; 20140226 (nicnys

    Pedagogens olika världar : "Jag tycker alla borde få chansen att ha båda delar, både ha ungdomar och vuxna."

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    I vissa glesbygdskommuner har ungdomsgymnasiet och den kommunala vuxenutbildningen slagits samman sedan Kunskapslyftet, ett nationellt projekt för livslångt lärande, tog slut 2002. I vår undersökning har vi studerat om pedagoger vid kommunal vuxenutbildning förändras i sin roll i undervisningssituationen efter att de börjat undervisa även ungdomselever som en följd av att de frivilliga skolformerna förts samman. Studien utgår från observationer som efter tolkning utmynnade i ett antal djupgående intervjufrågor. Vi har även ställt ett antal allmänna frågor, som till viss del kan relateras till intervjufrågorna, till ett antal pedagoger. Undersökningen visar att pedagogens roll i undervisningssituationen förändras markant beroende på om eleverna är vuxna eller ungdomar

    SharedSpaces Mingle

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    SharedSpaces is a WebRTC design prototype that creates a virtual media space where people can mingle and interact. Although you are in different locations, you appear side by side in front of a chosen backdrop. This interactive installation addresses spatial and social connectedness, stressing the importance of integrating architectural and spatial features to support complex social dynamics in mediated interaction. The tool engages users in manipulating their real-time videostreams, creatively co-designing a shared mediated space that fits a contextual need. It supports social dynamics by allowing users to draw and paint together and to move and resize video streams. Further, it enhances grounding and social cues by merging videostreams and space, representing users as if they were in the same space. Standard and easily available equipment is used. Recent user studies show that a seamless integration of space, social dynamics and shared activity benefits the experience of presence, naturalness, immersion/engagement and social connectedness.QC 20160427EU FP7 COMPEI

    Spatial and Social Connectedness in Web-based Work Collaboration

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    The work presented here seeks an integration of spatial and social features supporting shared activities, and engages users in multiple locations to manipulate realtime video-streams. Standard and easily available equipment is used together with the communication standard WebRTC. It adds a spatial quality of experience by representing the users anywhere on the screen, with easily changed diverse backdrops, inviting users to co-design a shared mediated space. User studies show that a seamless integration of space, social dynamics and shared activity benefits the experience of presence, naturalness, immersion/ engagement and social connectedness. The results inform a discussion about spatial and social connectedness, stressing the importance of design to integrate architectural/spatial features and support complex social dynamics in mediated interaction.QC 20160503</p