77 research outputs found
Movement and Activity Patterns of Non-Native Wels Catfish (Silurus glanis Linnaeus, 1758) at the Confluence of a Large River and Its Colder Tributary
The establishment and proliferation of non-native fish species can have a range of effects
within the local ecosystem, including alteration of food webs, nutrient cycling, pathogen dynamics
and predation, sometimes also resulting in changed behavior and distribution of native fish species.
Knowledge about movements and activity patterns is important to understand the dynamics of
non-native animals in their new environment. The Wels catfish (Silurus glanis Linnaeus, 1758) is
considered an invasive species in many places in Western Europe, and regional control programs
are in place. Here, using radiotelemetry, we study the movements and activity patterns of invasive
Wels catfish at an invasion front within the Po River (Italy); namely, at the confluence between the
main river, where the species is abundant, and a colder tributary, the Dora Baltea River, where it is
absent. In addition, we also investigate potential spatiotemporal overlap betweenWels catfish and
native and endangered marble trout (Salmo marmoratus Cuvier, 1829) in the area. A total of nine Wels
catfish and eight marble trout were tagged. The Wels catfish showed a very high degree of residency
within the study area in the Po River, close to the mouth the colder tributary. Despite this, only one
catfish entered the lower reaches of the tributary and did so only occasionally during August. No
catfish moved further upstream in the tributary. It is likely that lower temperatures in combination
with more challenging hydrodynamic conditions made the tributary unattractive to the catfish. The
catfish were active during all times of the day but substantially more so during evenings and at
nights. Some, but not all, tagged catfish moved to areas in the main stem upstream of the confluence
with the tributary. A large proportion of the tagged marble trout made occasional or longer visits
to the Po River, with several individuals becoming resident, but without apparent mortality, in the
tagged catfish home range. The high residency of theWels catfish suggests that removal efforts may
do well to initially focus on areas close to the habitats of species under conservation concern
The effect of in-flume habituation time and fish behaviour on estimated swimming performance
Swimming performance is important for fish migration, habitat selection, and predator-prey interaction, as well as for fish passage design. Procedural choices made when experimentally estimating it may influence the results. Systematic experiments were conducted to study the effect of different in-flume habituation times, habituation behaviour, and the use of external encouragement on burst swimming performance of Rutilus aula, a small-sized cyprinid, in a fixed velocity testing protocol. Increasing habituation times from 30 s to 5 or 20 min substantially increased the success proportion of swimming trials and estimated fish swimming performance, with no difference between the latter two habituation times. Fish resting on the downstream grid before the start of testing velocity outperformed those who swam during habituation and transition periods. Fish swimming volitionally in response to flow at testing velocity showed a significantly improved performance compared to fish motivated by external poking. The results of this study highlight that in-flume habituation time is important, and fish behaviour before actual testing may influence the outcomes of swimming performance results
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Evaluation of Intake Rack Solutions for Downstream Fish Passage Using a Large Scale Fish Flume
Survival and swimming performance of a small-sized Cypriniformes (Telestes muticellus) tagged with passive integrated transponders
Italian riffle dace (Telestes muticellus, Bonaparte 1837) is a small-bodied Leuciscidae native to the Italian Peninsula, of which little is known about the ecology and individual movements in nature. Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) telemetry is used to track fish movements and behaviour. The basic assumption is that the PIT-tagged organism's performances do not differ considerably from their natural behaviour. Here we present the first evaluation of potential tagging effects in the genus Telestes. The survival rate and tag retention were compared between two different tag implantation methods – injector gun and scalpel incision - and pit-tagging effects on swimming performance were evaluated. Five weeks after tagging, Italian riffle dace demonstrated high survival rates in all treatments: 94.8% for fish tagged with injector gun (n=58), 100% for scalpel incision method (n=58), and 98.3% for controls (n=58). The tag retention was 96.6% for gun treatment and 100% for scalpel treatment. Prolonged swimming performance, tested 22-23 days after tagging, showed a reduction in endurance (time-to-fatigue) for scalpel treatment (n=22) compared to the control group (n=21), while no difference in maximum swimming velocity was observed. We conclude that PIT tagging is a suitable technique for Italian riffle dace, showing high survival and PIT retention and no effect on maximum swimming speed. Significantly lower prolonged swimming performance, although likely less ecologically important, shows that tagging is not without costs. Potential biases need to be evaluated on a study-by-study basis, and future studies should explore behavioural tagging effects in nature
A unifying hypothesis for the spawning migrations of temperate anguillid eels
Anguillid eels grow in freshwater but spawn in the open ocean. The cues that guide eels over long distances to the spawning area are unknown. The Earth's magnetic field can provide directional and positional information and is likely used by catadromous eels during their spawning migration; as magnetosensitivity and compass orientation have been reported in eels. To test whether this is theoretically possible, we compared the migratory routes of five species of temperate eels that undertake long migrations with the geomagnetic field of their distribution/spawning areas. We found that, regardless of the species and although routes are different between life stages, larvae of those species always drift along paths of increasing magnetic inclination and intensity, while adults follow reverse gradients. This is consistent with an imprinting/retracing hypothesis. We propose a general navigation mechanism based on larvae imprinting on a target magnetic intensity (or inclination) at the hatching area and on the intensity (or inclination) gradient during larval drift. Years later, adults retrace the magnetic route by following the gradient of decreasing total intensity (or inclination) values that occurs towards lower latitudes. As they reach the target value, adults switch to compass orientation to stay on the target isoline and reach the spawning area. The proposed mechanism fits for all temperate eels examined. Knowledge about navigational strategies of eels is important to evaluate the effectiveness of management strategies that involve stocking of juveniles displaced from one area to another to rebuild local populations.publishedVersio
Survival and swimming performance of a small-sized Cypriniformes (Telestes muticellus) tagged with passive integrated transponders
Italian riffle dace (Telestes muticellus, Bonaparte 1837) is a small-bodied Leuciscidae native to the Italian Peninsula, of which little is known about the ecology and individual movements in nature. Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) telemetry is used to track fish movements and behaviour. The basic assumption is that the PIT-tagged organism’s performances do not differ considerably from their natural behaviour. Here we present the first evaluation of potential tagging effects in the genus Telestes. The survival rate and tag retention were compared between two different tag implantation methods – injector gun and scalpel incision - and pit-tagging effects on swimming performance were evaluated. Five weeks after tagging, Italian riffle dace demonstrated high survival rates in all treatments: 94.8% for fish tagged with injector gun (n=58), 100% for scalpel incision method (n=58), and 98.3% for controls (n=58). The tag re-tention was 96.6% for gun treatment and 100% for scalpel treatment. Prolonged swimming performance, tested 22-23 days after tagging, showed a reduction in endurance (time-to-fatigue) for scalpel treatment (n=22) compared to the control group (n=21), while no difference in maximum swimming velocity was observed. We conclude that PIT tagging is a suitable technique for Italian riffle dace, showing high survival and PIT retention and no effect on maximum swimming speed. Significantly lower prolonged swimming performance, although likely less ecologically important, shows that tagging is not without costs. Potential biases need to be evaluated on a study-by-study basis, and future studies should explore behavioural tagging effects in natur
Magnetic fields generated by submarine power cables have a negligible effect on the swimming behavior of Atlantic lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) juveniles
Submarine power cables carry electricity over long distances. Their geographic distribution, number, and areal coverage are increasing rapidly with the development of, for example, offshore wind facilities. The flow of current passing through these cables creates a magnetic field (MF) that can potentially affect marine organisms, particularly those that are magnetosensitive. The lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) is a migratory species that is widely distributed in the North Atlantic Ocean and Barents Sea. It migrates between coastal spawning grounds and pelagic offshore feeding areas. We tested whether lumpfish respond to MFs of the same intensity as those emitted by high voltage direct current (HVDC) submarine power cables. Laboratory experiments were conducted by placing juvenile lumpfish in an artificial MF gradient generated by a Helmholtz coil system. The intensity of the artificial MF used (230 µT) corresponded to the field at 1 m from a high-power submarine cable. The fish were filmed for 30 min with the coil either on or off. Swimming speeds, and presence in the different parts of a raceway, were extracted from the videos and analyzed. Juvenile lumpfish activity, defined as the time that the fish spent swimming relative to stationary pauses (attached to the substrate), and the distance travelled, were unaffected by exposure to the artificial MF. The swimming speed of juvenile lumpfish was reduced (by 16%) when the coil was on indicating that the fish could either sense the MF or the induced electric field created by the movement of the fish through the magnetic field. However, it seems unlikely that a 16% decrease in swimming speed occurring within 1 m of HVDC cables would significantly affect Atlantic lumpfish migration or homing.publishedVersio
The interplay of group size and flow velocity modulates fish exploratory behaviour
Social facilitation is a well-known phenomenon where the presence of organisms belonging to the same species enhances an individual organism's performance in a specific task. As far as fishes are concerned, most studies on social facilitation have been conducted in standing-water conditions. However, for riverine species, fish are most commonly located in moving waters, and the effects of hydrodynamics on social facilitation remain largely unknown. To bridge this knowledge gap, we designed and performed flume experiments where the behaviour of wild juvenile Italian riffle dace (Telestes muticellus) in varying group sizes and at different mean flow velocities, was studied. An artificial intelligence (AI) deep learning algorithm was developed and employed to track fish positions in time and subsequently assess their exploration, swimming activity, and space use. Results indicate that energy-saving strategies dictated space use in flowing waters regardless of group size. Instead, exploration and swimming activity increased by increasing group size, but the magnitude of this enhancement (which quantifies social facilitation) was modulated by flow velocity. These results have implications for how future research efforts should be designed to understand the social dynamics of riverine fish populations, which can no longer ignore the contribution of hydrodynamics
Navigating the drought: upstream migration of a small-sized Cypriniformes (Telestes muticellus) in response to drying in a partially intermittent mountain stream
River flow intermittence is a natural phenomenon intensified by human activities, such as water abstraction and the effects of climate change. A growing number of rivers are predicted to experience intermittent flows, which may impact the diversity and abundance of freshwater species. Dry riverbeds directly diminish the availability of habitats for freshwater organisms, and suitable environments can turn into ecological traps with reduced survival rates, posing a significant threat to population persistence. Even though fish movements can enable drought-affected populations to persist, little is known about individual fish movement between intermittent and perennial reaches. Here, we study the movement of individual PIT-tagged Italian riffle dace (Telestes muticellus) in an intermittent and perennial river reach before, during and after two severe drying events. A high proportion of fish from the intermittent reach survived the drying riverbed through directed upstream migration. This was manifested in fish living in the intermittent reach of the river displaying significantly higher linear ranges, and net travelled distances during the monitoring period than fish in the perennial reach, which remained resident with limited linear range and net distances travelled. This finding underscores the importance of conserving longitudinal river connectivity in the face of increased water scarcity and intermittent flow patterns
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