6 research outputs found

    Sustainable Value Proposition Design in a Product-Service System

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    Many companies have started to add services to their tangible products in order to defend themselves from increased competition from low-cost economies. Research regarding the transition towards product-service systems (PSS) and how the PSS providers' business models are affected exists, but there is a lack of research regarding how the suppliers to the PSS providers are affected by the transition towards PSS. Therefore, this thesis studies the situation for a supplier/partner to an OEM that has changed their business model to a PSS providing one. As the first step in a development of a new business model aims this thesis to provide guidelines for how to set up value propositions suitable for a supplier/partner in this new environment. When technologically complex products, such as aircraft engines, are provided through PSS offerings it is hard to translate customer needs into quality parameters, which makes it hard to sustain the value to customer over time. Therefore, how to keep the value offering sustainable over time is also investigated in this thesis. The aim of this study was to investigate how a sustainable value proposition can be designed for a product and technology supplier/partner to an OEM that offers PSS solutions. The research has been performed through studying relevant literature and collecting empirical data from a case company through semi-structured interviews and a workshop. The case company in this research is Volvo Aero Corporation (VAC). The empirical findings show that VAC wants to offer product-service bundled solution, which fit the whole spectra of PSS value propositions, to their partners/customers. To be able to deliver these different types of product-service bundled solutions different value propositions that suit the different kinds of PSS offerings are needed. Requirements that must be fulfilled to be able to offer and deliver the different types of value propositions exist in terms of securing sufficient information access, aligning the incentives of all actors involved and achieving an internal consensus of what is delivered

    Utveckling av hållbart värdeerbjudande i en produkt/service-miljö : En fallstudie på Volvo Aero Corporation

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    Many companies have started to add services to their tangible products in order to defend themselves from increased competition from low-cost economies. Research regarding the transition towards product-service systems (PSS) and how the PSS providers’ business models are affected exists, but there is a lack of research regarding how the suppliers to the PSS providers are affected of the transition towards PSS. Therefore, this thesis studies the situation for a supplier/partner to an OEM that has changed their business model to a PSS providing one. As a first step in a development of a new business model aims this thesis to provide guidelines for how to set up value propositions suitable for a supplier/partner in this new environment. When technologically complex products, such as aircraft engines, are provided through PSS offerings it is hard to translate customer needs into quality parameters, which makes it hard to sustain the value to customer over time. Therefore, how to keep the value offering sustainable over time is also investigated in this thesis. The aim of this study was to investigate how a sustainable value proposition can be designed for a product and technology supplier/partner to an OEM that offers PSS solutions.The research has been performed through studying relevant literature and collecting empirical data from a case company through semi-structured interviews and a workshop. The case company in this research is Volvo Aero Corporation (VAC).The empirical findings show that VAC wants to offer product-service bundled solution, which fit the whole spectra of PSS value propositions, to their partners/customers. To be able to deliver these different types of product-service bundled solutions different value propositions that suit the different kinds of PSS offerings are needed. Requirements that must be fulfilled to be able to offer and deliver the different types of value propositions exist in terms of securing sufficient information access, aligning the incentives of all actors involved and achieving an internal consensus of what is delivered.Validerat; 20120708 (anonymous)</p

    Cooperative systems for traffic safety : Will existing wireless access technologies meet the communications requirements?

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    Traffic safety applications relying on cooperative systems are currently being considered by several research projects worldwide. An important question is if existing wireless technologies can meet the communication requirements from this emerging field ofvapplications? Part of the answer to the question is that the communication requirements depend on implementation. The data traffic from realizations based on “cooperative awareness” or on “hazard warnings” are very different. This article discusses the communication requirements of some typical traffic safety applications, how these requirements are affected by different realizations and finally what is required from a wireless access technology to support these applications

    Utveckling av hållbart värdeerbjudande i en produkt/service-miljö : En fallstudie på Volvo Aero Corporation

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    Many companies have started to add services to their tangible products in order to defend themselves from increased competition from low-cost economies. Research regarding the transition towards product-service systems (PSS) and how the PSS providers’ business models are affected exists, but there is a lack of research regarding how the suppliers to the PSS providers are affected of the transition towards PSS. Therefore, this thesis studies the situation for a supplier/partner to an OEM that has changed their business model to a PSS providing one. As a first step in a development of a new business model aims this thesis to provide guidelines for how to set up value propositions suitable for a supplier/partner in this new environment. When technologically complex products, such as aircraft engines, are provided through PSS offerings it is hard to translate customer needs into quality parameters, which makes it hard to sustain the value to customer over time. Therefore, how to keep the value offering sustainable over time is also investigated in this thesis. The aim of this study was to investigate how a sustainable value proposition can be designed for a product and technology supplier/partner to an OEM that offers PSS solutions.The research has been performed through studying relevant literature and collecting empirical data from a case company through semi-structured interviews and a workshop. The case company in this research is Volvo Aero Corporation (VAC).The empirical findings show that VAC wants to offer product-service bundled solution, which fit the whole spectra of PSS value propositions, to their partners/customers. To be able to deliver these different types of product-service bundled solutions different value propositions that suit the different kinds of PSS offerings are needed. Requirements that must be fulfilled to be able to offer and deliver the different types of value propositions exist in terms of securing sufficient information access, aligning the incentives of all actors involved and achieving an internal consensus of what is delivered.Validerat; 20120708 (anonymous)</p

    Wireless strategies for future and emerging ITS applications

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    Within the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) field, many applications of a diverse nature are considered and thus their communication requirements differ significantly. This makes it difficult for one wireless carrier to support all or most of these applications. Therefore, we have complied a list of communication requirements for future ITS applications and used it to analyze different ITS applications as well as different wireless carriers. Accordingly, the applications can be grouped into different requirements profiles with recommended wireless carriers assigned to each profile. The concept of profiling can also be used to classify the applications according to their non-technical requirements and hence accelerate their future deployment by encouraging involved stakeholders to make the most common requirements available. It can also be useful when developing a roadmap for deployment of future ITS applications defining which application will most likely be implemented first.Title from title screen. "Program proceedings sponsored by TransCore"--Title screen.</p

    En fungerande måltid – innovation mot undernäring Slutrapport - Utmaningsdriven Innovation steg 1 Initiering, hösten 2016

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    Det övergripande syftet med projektet "En fungerande måltid - innovation mot undernäring" är att förebygga undernäring bland äldre genom ett holistiskt grepp av måltidssituationen. Fokus är att utveckla en mätmetod för att identifiera risker för fel- och undernäring på verksamhets- samt individnivå, samt att rekommendera åtgärder som minimerar riskerna. Visionen är ett samhälle där måltidssituationens alla beståndsdelar är så välfungerande att undernäring inte längre är ett problem inom omsorg och sjukvård. Runt detta har byggts tjänster och produkter som skapat tillväxt i Sverige. Det finns en stor potential för detta. I initieringsprojektet har fokus legat på måltidssituationen på äldreboenden (särskilt boende). Projektet har arbetat tillsammans med två demensboenden samt genomfört två tvärfunktionella workshops, för att skapa förståelse för måltidssituationen, vilka problem som finns, hur de skulle kunna mätas och åtgärdas samt vilka aktiviteter som sker på boendet i relation till måltidssituationen. Risken för undernäring är allra högst bland äldre som bor i ordinärt boende, dvs hemma i sin egen bostad med eller utan hemtjänst. Därmed ämnar projektet i steg 2 inkludera denna boendeform parallellt med särskilt boende och utveckla stöd både för den äldre själv, hens anhöriga samt hemtjänstpersonal och omsorgspersonal på boendet. Den rekommenderade lösningen är ett digitalt verktyg för äldre, anhöriga och personal att logga och följa verksamhetens kvalitet i måltidssituation samt individens näringsstatus och som också ger åtgärder för ökad kvalitet och förbättrad näringsstatus. Projektet har letts från SP Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut, enheten Mätteknik, och haft deltagare från Bestic AB, Högskolan Kristianstad, SP Food and BioScience, SP Service Labs samt två stycken boenden i privat drift; Soltorp från Förenade Care och Ribbingsbacke från Temabo. Både Soltorp och Ribbingsbacke har 32 demensplatser. Soltorp har utöver detta en korttidsavdelning med 9 platser och Ribbingsbacke har en somatisk avdelning med 16 platser. För att driva projektet framåt planeras inkludering av hemtjänstverksamhet, kommunal omsorg, tillagningskök samt tillverkare av lösningar för hur måltidssituationen kan förbättras inklusive personalutbildning. Synergieffekter med nätverket Måltid Sverige som verkar för den offentliga måltiden förväntas i att spridas kunskap i samhället om måltidens viktiga roll i relation till vår hälsostatus.Vinnova : Utmaningsdriven Innovation steg 1 Initiering