358 research outputs found

    Determinants of Chronic Illness Among Aged Population in Ghana: A Multinomial Logit Approach

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    Generally, the constant change in demographic trends among the aged depict gradual increase in the size of the aged population globally. The aged population is often capitalised with degenerative conditions such as chronic illness which affect their ability to function effectively and often require special support. Despite the increase in the size of the aged population and their associated degenerative conditions, very few descriptive studies on the determinants of chronic illness among the aged has been researched especially in developing countries such as Ghana and there is no compelling evidence on the association of chronic illness and its determinants. Thus, this study seeks to analyse and predict the impact of age, gender, education, marital status, Quality of Life (QoL), social cohesion, settlement and depression on chronic illness among the aged population in Ghana. From the studies a Multinomial Logit Regression (MLR) was employed to analyse the data obtained from the Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) under, Ageing and Adult Health (SAGE), 2012. It was revealed that out of the 1384 sampled, 71% had no chronic illness whilst 22% and 7% had one and two or more chronic illness respectively. Again, it was observed that, Depression State, Gender, Marital Status and Settlement Type (rural or urban) play significant roles in determining the likelihood of the aged getting chronic illness while Physical Function, Social Cohesion, QoL, Age and Education Level were not statistically significant determinants of chronic illness. Our findings demonstrate that chronic illness among the aged is constantly increasing in Ghana especially in the urban communities and need to be addressed urgently through governmental policies and programs in the quest to help salvage the deteriorating conditions of the aged.   Keywords: Aged Population, Multinomial Logit Model, Chronic Illnes


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    Oils constitute one of the essential components of balanced diet as good source of energy, as well as complementing the energy needs of the society in the form of biodiesel. The chemical and physical properties of oils are amongst the most important properties that determine the quality and help to describe the present condition of oils. The physicochemical characteristics, microbial load and storage stability of Indian almond (Terminalia catappa) seed oil collected in Cape Coast, Ghana were investigated and compared with that of frytol vegetable oil manufactured by a leading manufacturing industry in Ghana. The seed recorded a good yield of 52.11% oil. The mean physicochemical parameters of the almond nut oil were:- specific gravity (0.923), refractive index (1.465), moisture content (0.550%), insoluble impurities (0.133%), free fatty acid (0.38%), and peroxide, iodine, acid and saponification values were (4.073 meq/kg), (121.19 wijs), (0.78 mgKOH/g), (168.27 mgKOH/g) respectively. All the physicochemical parameters determined were significantly (p<0.05) higher than those determined for frytol. Storage stability of both oils under room temperature showed faster deterioration of oils when exposed to daylight than when stored in darkness. The mean free fatty acid values (oleic acid) obtained for both oils when exposed to light and darkness respectively throughout the period of study (2 months) were 0.585% and 0.490% for almond and 0.585% and 0.260% for frytol. Similarly, the mean peroxide values were 25.670 and 19.15meq/Kg for almond and 15.115 and 12.95meq/Kg. There were no detections for Salmonella in both oil samples. However, there were detections for fungi in both oils with mean counts of 1.4 x 103cfu/ml for almond and 1.3 x 103cfu/ml for frytol. The mean mesophilic counts for almond and frytol were 4.0 x 103cfu/ml and 4.8 x 103cfu/ml respectively. The physicochemical properties of the almond seed oil indicated that it is edible, drying and suggested its suitability for industrial purposes as well as the nutritional potentials of the nut, which could serve as an alternative food ingredient for unsaturated vegetable oil. Keywords: Physicochemical parameters, almond nut oil, frytol, shelf life, microbial loa

    Analysis of the transcriptome of the infective stage of the beet cyst nematode, H. schachtii

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    The beet cyst nematode, Heterodera schachtii, is a major root pest that significantly impacts the yield of sugar beet, brassicas and related species. There has been limited molecular characterisation of this important plant pathogen: to identify target genes for its control the transcriptome of the pre-parasitic J2 stage of H. schachtii was sequenced using Roche GS FLX. Ninety seven percent of reads (i.e., 387,668) with an average PHRED score > 22 were assembled with CAP3 and CLC Genomics Workbench into 37,345 and 47,263 contigs, respectively. The transcripts were annotated by comparing with gene and genomic sequences of other nematodes and annotated proteins on public databases. The annotated transcripts were much more similar to sequences of Heterodera glycines than to those of Globodera pallida and root knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.). Analysis of these transcripts showed that a subset of 2,918 transcripts was common to free-living and plant parasitic nematodes suggesting that this subset is involved in general nematode metabolism and development. A set of 148 contigs and 183 singletons encoding putative homologues of effectors previously characterised for plant parasitic nematodes were also identified: these are known to be important for parasitism of host plants during migration through tissues or feeding from cells or are thought to be involved in evasion or modulation of host defences. In addition, the presence of sequences from a nematode virus is suggested. The sequencing and annotation of this transcriptome significantly adds to the genetic data available for H. schachtii, and identifies genes primed to undertake required roles in the critical pre-parasitic and early post-parasitic J2 stages. These data provide new information for identifying potential gene targets for future protection of susceptible crops against H. schachtii

    Prevalence of parasitic infections on cultured Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) In Bong County, Liberia

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    This study investigated the prevalence rate, relative abundance and mean intensity of par­asites infecting cultured Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus L. in three fish farms, Gbarnga, Warta and CARI in Bong County, Liberia. Organs from thirty fish samples were exam­ined from September 2016 to February 2017, along with water quality parameters. Results showed the occurrence of seven parasites including protozoans, monogeneans, digeneans, cestodes, hirudineans, nematodes and crustaceans which were organ specific in terms of infection. The prevalence of the parasites varied seasonally, with the highest numbers oc­curring in November-January. The low prevalence rate, relative abundance and mean in­tensity of the parasites showed no threat to fish farmers in Liberia. All the water quality parameters were at desirable levels for the culture of the fish except nitrite, which was beyond the threshold for sustainable fish culture. It is therefore concluded that although parasitic infections in the three farms in the Bong County were low, best farm management practices are essential

    A Machine Learning Approach for Micro-Credit Scoring

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    © 2021 by the authors. In micro-lending markets, lack of recorded credit history is a significant impediment to assessing individual borrowers’ creditworthiness and therefore deciding fair interest rates. This research compares various machine learning algorithms on real micro-lending data to test their efficacy at classifying borrowers into various credit categories. We demonstrate that off-the-shelf multi-class classifiers such as random forest algorithms can perform this task very well, using readily available data about customers (such as age, occupation, and location). This presents inexpensive and reliable means to micro-lending institutions around the developing world with which to assess creditworthiness in the absence of credit history or central credit databases

    Evaluating the impact of the community-based health planning and services initiative on uptake of skilled birth care in Ghana

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    Background: the Community-based Health Planning and Services (CHPS) initiative is a major government policy to improve maternal and child health and accelerate progress in the reduction of maternal mortality in Ghana. However, strategic intelligence on the impact of the initiative is lacking, given the persistent ?problems of patchy geographical access to care for rural women. This study investigates the impact of proximity to CHPS on facilitating uptake of skilled ?birth care in rural areas.Methods and findings: data from the ?2003 and 2008 Demographic and Health Survey, ? on 4,349 births from 463 rural communities were linked to georeferenced data on health facilities, CHPS and topographic data on national road-networks. Distance to nearest health facility and CHPS was computed using the closest facility functionality in ArcGIS 10.1. Multilevel logistic regression was used to examine the effect of proximity to health facilities and CHPS on use of skilled care at birth, adjusting for relevant predictors and clustering within ?communities.? The results show that a substantial proportion of births continue to occur in communities more than 8 km from both ?health facilities and CHPS. Increases in uptake of skilled birth care are more pronounced where both health ?facilities and CHPS compounds are within 8 km, but not in communities within 8 km of CHPS but lack access to health facilities. Where both health facilities and CHPS are within 8 km, the odds of skilled ?birth care is 16% higher than ?where there is only a health facility within 8km. Conclusion: where CHPS compounds are set up near health facilities, there is improved access to care, demonstrating the facilitatory role of CHPS in stimulating access to better care at birth, in areas where health facilities are accessible. <br/

    Within-host microevolution of Streptococcus pneumoniae is rapid and adaptive during natural colonisation

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    Genomic evolution, transmission and pathogenesis of Streptococcus pneumoniae, an opportunistic human-adapted pathogen, is driven principally by nasopharyngeal carriage. However, little is known about genomic changes during natural colonisation. Here, we use whole-genome sequencing to investigate within-host microevolution of naturally carried pneumococci in ninety-eight infants intensively sampled sequentially from birth until twelve months in a high-carriage African setting. We show that neutral evolution and nucleotide substitution rates up to forty-fold faster than observed over longer timescales in S. pneumoniae and other bacteria drives high within-host pneumococcal genetic diversity. Highly divergent co-existing strain variants emerge during colonisation episodes through real-time intra-host homologous recombination while the rest are co-transmitted or acquired independently during multiple colonisation episodes. Genic and intergenic parallel evolution occur particularly in antibiotic resistance, immune evasion and epithelial adhesion genes. Our findings suggest that within-host microevolution is rapid and adaptive during natural colonisation

    Enabling trade in Gene-Edited produce in Asia and Australasia: The developing regulatory landscape and future perspectives

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    Genome- or gene-editing (abbreviated here as ‘GEd’) presents great opportunities for crop improvement. This is especially so for the countries in the Asia-Pacific region, which is home to more than half of the world’s growing population. A brief description of the science of gene-editing is provided with examples of GEd products. For the benefits of GEd technologies to be realized, international policy and regulatory environments must be clarified, otherwise non-tariff trade barriers will result. The status of regulations that relate to GEd crop products in Asian countries and Australasia are described, together with relevant definitions and responsible regulatory bodies. The regulatory landscape is changing rapidly: in some countries, the regulations are clear, in others they are developing, and some countries have yet to develop appropriate policies. There is clearly a need for the harmonization or alignment of GEd regulations in the region: this will promote the path-to-market and enable the benefits of GEd technologies to reach the end-users

    Carriage Dynamics of Pneumococcal Serotypes in Naturally Colonized Infants in a Rural African Setting During the First Year of Life

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    Streptococcus pneumoniae (the pneumococcus) carriage precedes invasive disease and influences population-wide strain dynamics, but limited data exist on temporal carriage patterns of serotypes due to the prohibitive costs of longitudinal studies. Here, we report carriage prevalence, clearance and acquisition rates of pneumococcal serotypes sampled from newborn infants bi-weekly from weeks 1 to 27, and then bi-monthly from weeks 35 to 52 in the Gambia. We used sweep latex agglutination and whole genome sequencing to serotype the isolates. We show rapid pneumococcal acquisition with nearly 31% of the infants colonized by the end of first week after birth and quickly exceeding 95% after 2 months. Co-colonization with multiple serotypes was consistently observed in over 40% of the infants at each sampling point during the first year of life. Overall, the mean acquisition time and carriage duration regardless of serotype was 38 and 24 days, respectively, but varied considerably between serotypes comparable to observations from other regions. Our data will inform disease prevention and control measures including providing baseline data for parameterising infectious disease mathematical models including those assessing the impact of clinical interventions such as pneumococcal conjugate vaccines

    Epidemiology of Chlamydia Bacteria Infections -A Review

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    Abstract: In this paper we study the Chlamydia Bacteria Infections. The authors especially try to find the effect of these bacteria infections in human beings. We reviewed the existing models and outlined what Chlamydia causes
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