694 research outputs found

    An Analysis of the Impact of Social Media Marketing on Individuals’ Attitudes and Perceptions at NOVA Community College

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    Social media has become prominent in the 21st century. Companies are persistently looking for ways to utilize this new platform within their marketing strategies to increase business growth. Since social media is a networking and communication platform, it is important for companies to create a voice to humanize the business and maintain foot traffic. Although there are studies on how to use social media marketing within a business, there is minimal corroboration available of how social media marketing activities influence a consumer’s buying behavior. This study investigated the effects of social media on consumer attitudes of social media marketing and purchasing behavior from the perspective of Northern Virginia (NOVA) Community College students. A survey that inquired about the perceptions toward social media marketing were given to 20 participants from Northern Virginia (NOVA) Community College. Responses to the survey showed that 95% of the participants use social media platforms on a daily basis. The most used social media platforms are Facebook and Snapchat with 22.7% of participants having an account in these platforms, and 70% of participants indicating using more than 3 social media platforms. The results showed that 55% of the respondents say that online visibility would affect their purchase. The most important factor for a business using social media was customer engagement and the least important factor was the timing of posts. The survey also revealed that only 55% of the respondents post about products or services a business. However, 95% of the respondents believe that a business will receive better results when it comes to customer loyalty and profits if social media is integrated into marketing and 75% of the respondents believe that social media is the best way to reach a business’s targeted audience. The results also suggest that people are more likely to share and experience they have had with a business rather than sharing sales or promotions a business is offering. According to the results from this study, purchasing behavior is more likely to have a positive effect for a business when using social media platforms for marketing strategies. This conclusion emphasizes the importance of social media marketing for a positive increase in brand loyalty, brand recognition, and foot traffic

    Organic Apple Production in Washington State: An Input-Output Analysis

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    This paper provides an Input-Output (I/O) based economic impact analysis for organic apple production in Washington State. The intent is to compare the economic “ripple” effect of organic production with conventional production. The analysis is presented in two scenarios: first we compare the economic impact of organic versus conventional apple production for a l demand increase of one million US$ as measured in sales. The second analysis looks at the economic impact of organic and conventional apple production in terms of given unit of land (405 hectares of production). Both state-wide output (sales) and employment (jobs) impacts are estimated under each scenario. Results are presented in terms of direct, indirect, and induced economic impact. Organic apple production was more labor intensive than conventional production. While, the organic apple sector used less intermediate inputs per unit of output than conventional production it also produced higher returns to labor and capital. As a result, the indirect economic effect was lower for the organic sector than the conventional sector, but the induced economic effect was higher for organic. Given the organic price premium, the economic impact (direct, indirect and induced) was larger for organic apple production than conventional apple production.conventional and organic apple production, multiplier effects, output, and employment effects, IMPLAN

    Investigating the immunomodulatory potential of metals present in Sudbury Particulate Matter (SPaM)

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    The incidence of allergic disease has risen dramatically over the last century. This increase cannot simply be attributed to genetics, and so environmental contributions to allergic disease must be considered. Airborne particulate matter is recognized as a contributing factor in the initiation and exacerbation of allergic respiratory diseases due to its ability to act as an adjuvant and irritant. Particulate matter is heterogeneous in composition, and different components contribute to its adjuvant effects, including metals. This thesis investigates whether metals contained in Sudbury Particulate Matter (SPaM) are potential immunomodulators. We investigated the ability of metals in SPaM to influence inflammation both in vivo and in vitro. We demonstrate that the metals are able to alter the inflammatory profile after physiologically relevant exposure levels, suggesting that some of the metals present in SPaM are immunomodulatory in nature and may influence allergic disease. Key WordsMaster of Science (MSc) in Biolog

    Molecular Docking Studies : Activity of Natural Compounds as SAR-CoV-2 Inhibitors in Papain-like protease (PL pro)

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    SARS-CoV-2 is a respiratory virus often referred to as COVID-19.   The challenge of finding SARS-CoV-2 antivirals also attracted many researchers, one of which was by utilizing natural compounds. The purpose of this study was to analyze the potential activity of herbal plants in Indonesia as anti-COVID-19, specifically tasked with inhibiting the target protein, PLpro using the in-silico method. This research is an insilico approach with molecular docking studies. Docking simulation in this study was used to analyze the activity of natural herbal plant compounds against the target protein, namely PLpro. In addition, the docking method is also able to examine the interaction of compounds contained in plants with target receptors seen from a computational-based visual approach. So, the results obtained in this study are that when viewed from the value of the gibbs energy produced, the compound that has the best activity to inhibit the PLpro target protein (SARS CoV-2) is Luteolin. The Gibbs energy generated in the Luteolin docking simulation is -7.3 kcal/mol. The Gibbs energy value produced by the Luteolin ligand is the most negative or the smallest value of the 14 tested ligands. This means that the bond formed between the Papain-like protease (PLpro) protein and the Luteolin ligand is the most stable among the others. In addition to the Luteonin compound, there are also several compounds that have quite good potential when viewed from the amount of gibbs energy owned, namely Mangostin, quercetin compounds and Myricetin compounds with gibbs energy values of -7.1 kcal / mol, -7.0 kcal / mol and -7.0 kcal / mol. Based on these results, it can be concluded that several compounds from typical Indonesian plants such as Luteolin compounds (Compounds found in Celery plants (Apium graveolens)), Mangostin compounds (Compounds found in Mangosteen plants (Garcinia mangostana)), Quercetin compounds (Compounds found in Citrus plants (Citrus aurantium)) and Myricetin compounds (Compounds found in Clove plants (Syzygium aromaticum)) have the potential to be developed as anti-COVID-19

    Education in Emotional Intelligence: An Arts Therapies Based Method

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    By age 11, children are expected to have developed healthy, appropriate, and controlled emotional and social literacy. They should have learned basic social norms, the ability to regulate their emotions, and a strong sense of empathy. These lessons in emotional intelligence prepare children for the roles they will play in adolescence and adulthood. Unfortunately, due to the shift in social interactions from in-person to virtual, children’s emotional intelligence might be at a risk of decline. Fortunately, studies support that the expressive arts therapies can improve interpersonal and intrapersonal skills and behaviors. This thesis aims to develop and implement a method to facilitate emotional intelligence in school-age children. Specifically, it showcases the potential of the expressive arts therapies used in the method. To test the hypothesis that expressive arts therapy can facilitate emotional intelligence in school-age children, a 15-week online expressive arts therapy experiential was implemented to eight children from an outpatient mental health clinic. In the virtual setting, children participated in fifteen activities based on four expressive arts therapy modalities. Each child’s ability to perceive, understand, and regulate emotions in the self and in the other was assessed using the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT) before and after the 15-week long experiential. The results showed what was hypothesized: emotional intelligence in school-age children. These results suggest new ways to improve the facilitation of emotional intelligence in children. On this basis, the use of the expressive arts therapies should be considered when furthering and promoting emotional intelligence

    Le contrôle sur l’Internet

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    Cette recherche porte sur la notion de contrôle qui s’opère sur l’Internet grâce aux outils de l’information et de la communication. Dans une première approche à mon sujet, j’ai essayé de définir les concepts information et communication puis, j’ai retracé le cadre théorique de leurs évolutions; ceci dans le but de (1) montrer l’ambiguïté qui tourne autour de leurs définitions, (2) créer un lien entre ces deux termes et le contrôle. Après une brève description théorique, la complexité du concept de contrôle est mise en relief. Pour- ce- faire, je prends principalement appui sur les travaux de Wiener puis de Michel Foucault, sans toutefois les embrasser totalement. L’objectif de cette approche de travail est de me permettre de cerner et de regrouper les différentes formes de contrôle sur le net en deux catégories, suivant le modèle établi par Michel Foucault dans son ouvrage Surveiller et Punir. Mes deux axes sont: (1) le contrôle - mécanisme, (2) le contrôle - blocus. Enfin, je m’intéresse à l’influence que ces différentes formes de contrôle peuvent avoir sur la construction de notre individualité. Comme point de départ, j’analyse la notion d’individu chez M. Foucault et ensuite, j’explore les concepts d’intériorité versus extériorité. Ces deux concepts recoupent en partie la notion d’individu –construction social - chez Michel Foucault et permettent de poser des questions fondamentales sur les possibilités du sujet d’échapper au contrôle des nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la communication. Quelques éléments de réponse ainsi que des reformulations sont proposés en guise de conclusion.The thesis focuses on the concept of control as it functions on the Internet and pertains to the tools of information and communication. In a first approach to my subject, I define the concepts of information and communication and outline the theoretical framework of their evolution. The aims of this section are: (1) to study the ambiguity of their definitions, and (2) to make the link between these terms and control. After a brief theoretical description, the complexity of the concept of control is explored, primarily through the work of Nobert Wiener. The aim of this discussion is allow the various forms of control functioning through the Internet to be identified and classified into two categories adapted from Michel Foucault’s “Discipline and Punish.” The two categories developed are: (1) control- mechanism (2) control-block. Finally, the influence that these various forms of control have on the construction of our individuality is examined. As a starting point, I discuss the notion of the individual as understood by Foucault, followed by and exploration of the concepts of the socially constructed self, and enable fundamental questions to be posed about possibilities of escape from the control mechanisms enabled by new information and communication technologies. Some answers to these questions and reformulations of key concepts are proposed in conclusion


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    The paper examines limited resource farmers' perceptions of the usefulness of selected sources of risk management information. The rationale is to understand the information needs of this group of farmers and to customize outreach programs to address their needs.Risk and Uncertainty,

    Commercialisation des institutions de microfinance et dérive de mission : sont-elles les deux faces d’une même pièce ?

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    Objectif : cet article vise Ă  examiner les dimensions de la commercialisation du secteur des IMF qui conduisent Ă  la dĂ©rive de mission de base de la micro finance.MĂ©thode : pour atteindre cet objectif, les tests de corrĂ©lation sont utilisĂ©s ainsi que la mĂ©thode logit sur panel. Les estimations sont faites sur un Ă©chantillon de 1466 IMF extrait du MIX sur la pĂ©riode 2007-2014.RĂ©sultats : les rĂ©sultats ne montrent aucun lien entre la commercialisation et la dĂ©rive de mission sur le marchĂ© global des IMF (AmĂ©rique, Asie,  Europe, Afrique). Ce type de dĂ©rive ne s’observe qu’au Moyen-Orient qui ne reprĂ©sente que 3% de l’échantillon.OriginalitĂ©/ Pertinence : par rapport aux Ă©tudes antĂ©rieures, cet article ambitionne de proposer aux agences de notations des IMF, un autre  regard sur la PauvretĂ©. Comme phĂ©nomène multifacettes, son Ă©radication nĂ©cessite des approches d’inclusion financières durables. Celles-ci ne  s’auraient se rĂ©aliser dans notre contexte Ă  travers les apports en subvention dont prĂ©conisent les welfaristes.   English title: The Commercialization of microfinance institutions and mission drift: are they sides of the same coin?   Objective: This article aims to examine the dimensions of commercialization of the MFI sector that lead to core mission drift in microfinance. Method: to achieve this objective, correlation tests are used as well as the logit panel method. The estimates are made on a sample of 1466 MFIs  extracted from MIX over the period 2007-2014. Results: the results show no link between Commercialization and mission drift in global MFI markets (America, Asia, Europe, Africa). This type of  drift is only observed in the Middle East, which represents only 3% of the sample. Originality/relevance: compared to previous studies, this article aims to offer MFI rating agencies another look at poverty. As a multifaceted  phenomenon, its eradication requires sustainable financial inclusion approaches. These could not have been achieved in our context through the  grant contributions advocated by welfarists. &nbsp

    Approvisionnement En Eau De Consommation Et Récurrence Des Maladies Hydriques Dans La Commune De Bangangté (Ouest-Cameroun)

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    Approvisionner les ménages camerounais des grandes agglomérations et des villes moyennes en eau potable est une préoccupation constante des pouvoirs publics. Malgré l’implication des acteurs dans l’amélioration de l’accès à l’eau potable, le problème d’eau dans la Commune de Bangangté est très épineux et constitue un risque sanitaire. Le but de cette recherche est de montrer le lien qui existe entre la qualité de l’eau consommée et la récurrence des maladies hydriques dans cette commune. Les enquêtes ont été effectuées auprès de 339 chefs de ménage tirés de manière aléatoire dans 4 villages de la commune : Bangangté, Bangoua, Bamena, Batchingou. Les informations sur les maladies hydriques recueillies par l’enquête-ménage ont été complétées par les données compilées des registres de consultation des différentes formations sanitaires et les analyses physico-chimiques et bactériologiques de 12 échantillons d’eau prélevés. Il ressort de cette étude que les eaux de sources et de bornes-fontaines les plus fréquemment consommées sont contaminées par les Escherichia coli, les streptocoques fécaux et les salmonelles qui rendent les populations vulnérables aux maladies telles que la typhoïde (57%), l’amibiase (47,2%) et les diarrhées (45,5%). La réduction de ces maladies nécessite une gestion préventive des risques à la source de captage et une éducation des populations sur les méthodes de potabilisation de l’eau. Providing Cameroonian households in big cities and medium-sized cities with drinking water is a constant concern of the public authorities. Despite the involvement of stakeholders in improving access to drinking water, the water problem in the Bangangté municipality is very difficult and constitutes a health risk. This study aims to show the link between the quality of water consumed and the recurrence of water diseases in this municipality. The surveys were carried out with 339 heads of household drawn at random in 4 villages of the municipality: Bangangté, Bangoua, Bamena, Batchingou. The information on water-borne diseases collected by the household survey was supplemented by the data collected in the consultation register of the various health facilities and the physico-chemical and bacteriological analyzes of 12 taken water samples. This study shows that the most frequently consumed springs water and standpipes are contaminated with Escherichia coli, faecal streptococci and salmonella, which makes populations vulnerable to diseases such as typhoid (57%), amoebiasis (47.2%) and diarrhea (45.5%). The reduction of these diseases requires preventive management of the risk at the source of catchment and an education of the populations on the methods of water purification

    Oil Price Shocks and Variations in Macroeconomic Variables in Nigeria

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    The study was an evaluation of the impact of oil price fluctuations on specific macroeconomic variables in Nigeria for the period, 1981-2017. This was examined to establish the innovations oil price will caused on some selected macroeconomic variables such as government revenue, government expenditure, money supply, inflation, real gross domestic product and unemployment. Using results from impulse responses and variance decompositions from a VAR, the result showed that oil price fluctuations largely accounted for the variations in six out of seven macroeconomic variables namely government revenue (GREV), government expenditure (GEXP), money supply (MS2), real gross domestic product (RGDP) and unemployment (UEMP) while its impact on inflation (INF) was found to be insignificant thus, providing evidence that oil price is not inflationary in an open economy such as Nigeria. The result of the impulse response function (IRF) also revealed that aside from inflation which had a negative response to oil shock, all other six variables such as government revenue, government expenditure, money supply, real gross domestic product and unemployment had a positive significant response to oil shock throughout the 10th quarters.From the empirical investigation, it can be concluded that a combination of fiscal and monetary policies could provide effective instruments for the stabilization of the economy after an oil shock. DOI: 10.7176/JETP/9-5-01 Publication date:June 30th 201
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